
  1. R

    Hawaii offers scholarship to Titan Lacaden, fifth-grade QB An 11-year-old quarterback was offered a scholarship by the University of Hawaii on Saturday. Titan Lacaden, a fifth grader from Kapolei, Hawaii, took to Twitter to share...
  2. damehikesmall


  3. damehikelarge


  4. Dig

    Browns Left Tackle Joe Thomas, 32, Already Experiencing Memory Loss

    Play football brehs Browns' Thomas: Already seeing memory loss Cleveland Browns Pro Bowl left tackle Joe Thomas, 32, is experiencing memory loss, he said in an interview released Wednesday. Thomas could not say, though, whether playing in the NFL has caused the problem. "I definitely expect...
  5. Jimi Swagger

    Chargers may return to San Diego

    Chargers may return to San a soccer team Landon Donovan, U.S. Soccer’s all-time goal leader, has joined an ownership group attempting to bring MLS to San Diego. After the San Diego Chargers announced that they are moving to Los Angeles (to play in a soccer stadium), there’s room...
  6. Milk

    Serbian football exec tells racially abused player 'go back to Brazil and show your dark fingers'

    Slammed: Jelena Polic blasted Partizan player Everton Luiz after he was abused by FK Rad fans Facebook/Jelena Polic The vice-president of a shamed Serbian football club whose fans hurled racist abuse at a black player said he should “go back to Brazil and show your dark fingers to them”. In an...
  7. BlackAchilles

    Spin: For a quick verdict in thick/fat debates, I propose the Roster Test

    Inspired by the thread in which nikkas discussed 200+ lb IG personality Tabria Majors' remarks on dating in LA... There seems to be a bit of controversy over the line between "thick" and "fat" To better determine the line when a rough judgment is needed, I say pull up the roster of your...
  8. Conscious Pilot

    Wasn't a Great Homecoming in LA but at least we aint Fishing anymore**Rams 2017 Thread**

    Knew a sophomore slump was gonna hit Gurley and Gofful not looking like the one. Wish we couldve got Shanahan or Mcdaniels but we'll see what the youngbul can do. And to think our first going to the titans 5th overall could've nabbed Mike Williams.. With Mcvay and the Falcons QB coach as our OC...
  9. R

    Internet roasts 'Vegas Dave' after $5 million Super Bowl loss

    Internet roasts 'Vegas Dave' after $5 million Super Bowl loss
  10. BlackAchilles

    This was the WOAT NFL season

    Can't remember a time when I've enjoyed football this little :hhh:
  11. BlackAchilles

    Lowkey Ted Washington is a defensive GOAT

    Dude pretty much created/set the standard for the modern run stuffer/3-4 NT He didn't get a lot of press cause he didn't get a ton of sacks and has a more quiet personality, but he consistently was an essential contributor to some great defenses in different places, most notably during the Pats...
  12. Exit9NJturnpike

    2017 New York Giants Offseason Thread

    2016-17 was a good season in a lot of aspects. The D got completely turned around, the O :hhh: Reese worked magic last off-season and he's going to have to duplicate that this off-season if we want to compete for the NFC East. Macadoo should continue to learn and improve. But we all know what...
  13. ATearInMyEye

    Whose the Best Caucasian WR of all time?

    Steve Largent right?
  14. Ruck

    A Man named Ice vs A Man on fire: Green Bay @ Atlanta 2017 NFC Title Game

    made this thread to spite of avxl :umad: packers 38 falcons 30
  15. Kane

    Bo Jackson - "If I knew back then what I know now, I would have never played football"

  16. concise

    FIFA set to expand World Cup to 48 teams

    FIFA to expand World Cup to 48 teams in 2026 Sixteen groups of 3. Top two advance to knockout round of 32, so the no increase in the amount of games it would take to win the Cup (seven). :leon: Just in time for the return of USA as host. :win: USA #TitleLock2026. :mjpls:
  17. SirReginald

    How Do Football & Basketball Players Go Broke?

    I read it in an article. I'm not dissing anyone, but how does it happen. Take JaMarcus Russell for instance. He had a 30+ million guaranteed contract :francis: It's been rumors that he wants back in because his cash is drying up (hasn't played a game for 7 and a half years now). I'm...
  18. SirReginald

    I Would NEVER Let My Son Play HS Or Professional Football (Not Worth It)

    Yep, I'm backpedaling :manny: I told my father this two days ago. Listen, I was on my way to be on the HS football team in the 9th grade :manny: I was fat then, but that could have turned into muscle. So, every Monday and Wednesday we had weight training :jawalrus: It was good, but I soon...
  19. Pdiddy

    Ass & Titties Football League

  20. Geek Nasty

    This illegal formation bullshyt has to STOP...TODAY!

    This bullshyt of receivers covering up tight ends then letting them run downfield for "amazing" Gronk TDs is pissing me off. Browns just had EVERYBODY on the line of scrimmage and ran a TE down the seam with TWO WRs covering him :mjlol: Patriots been eating off this BS now I guess everyone is...