
  1. SheWantTheD

    My Game Doesn't Match My Looks

    Most dudes on my looks level (ain't tryna brag just calling a spade a spade) most likely got a body count of 40 by their early 20s. Women just gravitate to them based off their looks and it starts from a young age ie early teens. I think I got a decent mouthpiece. I can talk to people from all...
  2. SheWantTheD

    If You've Been Dating A Chick For 2 Months

    Ain't still haven't smashed, is she getting dikk elsewhere? :mjpls:
  3. SheWantTheD

    Is It Rape If You Are Both Intoxicated?

    And no signs were made by either persons indicating that they didn't want sex to happen or wanted the sex to stop? :jbhmm: Seems like society is faulting only men when it comes to sex while intoxicated, and claiming it as rape... all the while completely absolving the woman in the situation.
  4. -----

    Neely Fuller's Weekly broadcast 2017

  5. SheWantTheD

    Ladies, How Does It Feel To Go From A Big Penis To A Small One? And Vice Versa (Serious)

    I'm not a woman so I'm not familiar with the vagina and how it can expand, shrink and adjust to a sexual partner's penis size. So, if you go from a big penis to a smaller one, does it feel like you have no walls pertaining to the guy with the smaller penis? And does the opposite happen for...
  6. Jimi Swagger

    Gay Marriage Is Fueling Research On Lab-Grown GMO Babies

    Full article here... Researchers from Harvard and Brown universities warn that in the future scientists may be able to create embryos from skin cells. As the UK Daily Mail reported, “The technique could allow women whose fertility has been wiped out by cancer drugs or radiotherapy to have...
  7. SheWantTheD

    Why Do I Gotta Pay For Something You Gave Away For Free?

    If a woman is having sex with men who has never spent money or time on them outside of sex, why should another man put in work, pay for dates, put in time and effort for something another man got for free? :mjpls:
  8. SheWantTheD

    Chicks You Smash Vs. Chicks You Cuff?

    What's the difference between the two? :jbhmm: Based on your personal experiences, what made a chick jump off material or relationship material?
  9. C

    Obsession With Female Sexual History

    Why are so many dudes on her worried about a female's previous sexual history? I mean it's nikkas on here who giving up on marriage in their early 20's because they're worried the woman they will marry might have enjoyed fukking someone before she met them lol. I found out something a few years...
  10. Pdiddy


  11. Pdiddy

    Dude Caught fukking in the Next Room!

  12. SirReginald

    Porn Is SO EVIL Man (It Has LITERALLY Destroyed MARRIAGES & LIVES)

    Porn has done so much damage to us men it's not funny. Listen, I first encountered it like other young men at 13 :snoop: I don't watch nowadays, but there was a point when I did. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, but it WARPS your mind :snoop: Meaning, it will make you view women as...
  13. SheWantTheD

    Do You Need To Have Sex With Someone Before Y'all Become A Couple/Exclusive?

    At what point during the dating stage do you tell yourself consciously or subconsciously that "I want to be in a relationship with this person"? Do y'all need to have sex before this happens or no? The question is personal to each person, I'm not asking if that's the "rule". I've heard people...
  14. SheWantTheD

    Ladies, What Do You In Preparation For Having Sex With A Man For The First Time?

    We already know brehs be doing pushups and crunches right before they know it's gonna go down so they look bigger. Y'all ladies drinking them weight loss teas, starving y'alls selves or what? Let's say you been talking to some dude for weeks and you telling yourself you gonna give him some...
  15. GoldCoastSaint

    Ladies how often are you having sex?

    The brehs on here are constantly complaining and blaming when it comes to their sexless lives. But what about y'all?? Are you getting it like you want, when you want, and by who you want? Or are you celibate and waiting? Or are you handling things yourself and would like to keep it that way...
  16. SheWantTheD

    What Sex Positions You Do With Ya Significant Other?

    What sex positions have you done with your sexual partners present and past? I think there's a big misconception that most people are doing some porn shyt in the bedroom, doing all types of freaky positions and shyt. I legit think most people do the same 1-3 positions.. missionary and the...
  17. SheWantTheD

    When She Wants The D But Ain't Direct About It Unappreciation Thread

    Be inexperienced brehs.. Chick you dating texting you late at night but yo ass sleeping. And you sitting there wondering like "Why is this chick sending me smiley faces at 12? :heh:".
  18. R

    Is paying for sex ever justified?

    What if your too short or ugly to get p*ssy for free:lupe:?
  19. Uitomy

    Sex has me some what conflicted, am I conditioned? Or im just thinking too much?

    So, Im no player by any means, but like once or twice a year I get down and dirty :yeshrug:. Seems fine right, well, I'm starting to notice something about myself every time i commit to intercourse. Seems like every' time I do it with someone, its just really, really intense and its so much so...
  20. OVORay78

    Craziest sexual experiences you ever HAD?(SaladTossed)

    One time one of my side pieces ate my ass with full on tongue action, it wasn't so bad. Not the best but weird yet aight. What's the craziest thing you've done?