
  1. Apex

    "Live show on 4/20" - Anthem presents: LIVE Impact Wrestling (04/20/17)

    I'm going to give impact a chance. Let's see what fukkery they have planned for this live show.
  2. KingBeez

    Who is your favorite seller in all of wrestling?

    If you can't choose one, then what is your favorite time a move was sold perfectly? These are my top 3: HM:
  3. MushroomX

    Fastlane Pick'em 2017

    ========= PPV CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES Plus Top 5 Non-Title Users get shots at TSC Mania 2017
  4. MushroomX

    Is it safe to say Samoa Joe is Oddjob status for Triple H at this point?

    Wearing those customs suits yet always displeased as fukk. Lumbering around Putting out hits for HHH All he would need is a Bowler hat
  5. MushroomX

    CAW Template #21: Phil Collins, jobs to Ultimate Warrior

    :mjgrin: Ultimate Warrior shook as fukk.
  6. Jim Cornette

    Jim Cornette

  7. JerseyBoy23

    Did That Charlotte/Bayley Promo Show How The E Really Feels About People Who Grew Up As Fans?

    I rewatched that Bayley/Charlotte promo last week and it got me to thinking about that question. Whenever someone is a lifelong fan but has no wrestling family ties or real sports ties, WWE uses it against that person. Now we can say they use it for heat or try to make sure that person isn't a...
  8. MushroomX

    WWE TLC Pick'em 2016

    Here are the Scheduled Championship matches for you #TSC TSC World Heavyweight Championship @Riley Escobar (C) vs @JQ Legend TSC US Heavyweight Championship @LastManStanding (C) vs. @BrehWyatt TSC Television Championship @Riley Escobar (C) vs. @The Rainmaker TSC Cruiserweight Championship...
  9. King Ka$h

    The finest woman in wrestling...PERIOD!

    Hello Coli brehs and brehettes :blessed: I see a lot of beautiful women being posted in this forum,but I just wanna know...who's the baddest? I'm inviting all of you to share your opinions in this judge-free thread and let everyone know who the baddest chick to ever grace the squared circle from...
  10. MushroomX

    Opinion: Goldberg's WALMART Test

    While its Cool how Goldberg is appearing more around wrestling once again, I don't think he will get much of a reaction too fit Vince's liking. Goldberg for the most part was around Wrestling for 3-4 years, which is a lot of time sure but he never stayed around wrestling to make appearances...
  11. SirReginald

    Chris Benoit Would Have Been In The HOF Right About Now

    Man, if he didn't do what he did (I know it was trauma) dude would've been in the HOF and a NXT trainer gig. I know he wanted to start his own wrestling school:mjcry: That shyt hurt my soul. I remember that night like it was yesterday. Yeah, I still watch his matches from time to time.
  12. JerseyBoy23

    TSC Wrestling Podcast Discussion Thread (Inspired By David Shoemaker's Podcast > Cheap Heat)

    When Shoemaker first left, I wasn't sure who would end up being the "Jannetty" podcast but 3 months later and I have to say The Masked Man Show has surpassed Cheap Heat. He also has an advantage because he actually watches the product and indies which gives him an advantage. The one thing...
  13. MushroomX

    TSC Struggleground 2016 Pick'em

    Alright, #TSC its time to predict the times for Battleground Card Subject to Change with Singles Matches added
  14. The Amerikkkan Idol

    Where Do You Have "The New Day" All-Time?

    I mean in terms of tag teams/factions? I hated them as the faces that Vince McMahon intended them to be. Loved them as the heels they developed into. Got a little annoyed by their overexposure and the weirdness they got into about 6 mos ago, but since that point, I personally think they may...
  15. Remote

    2016 Olympics in Rio

    There are a lot of sports and story lines to follow at the Olympics this summer. 100 Meters with Usain Bolt. Michael Phelps' last swim. American gymnastics team. The USA basketball team. One of the less-discussed sports is wrestling. It's not very big in the USA. But keep an eye out for Jordan...
  16. MushroomX

    @WOAHMYGOODNESS, you've entered the 4th QTR my breh

    http://www.thecoli.com/threads/i-believe-cena-is-turning-heel-within-the-next-365-days.338386/#post-14356996 @WOAHMYGOODNESS, my breh, still think Cena is going to Heel it up? :leostare:
  17. Kidd Dibiase

    NJPW: Wrestling Dontaku 2016

    Correct me if i'm wrong but its on tonight/tomorrow morning at 5AM EST
  18. GreenGrass

    If you were Vince McMahon, what changes would you make to the WWE Universe

    This is a free for all topic. If you were the president of the WWE, what changes would you do? Hire new set of wrestlers? extend the air time? invest in other leagues so you can have a "competition" with each other? Try out new story lines? air wrestling on a different network? bring back the...
  19. JerseyBoy23

    If WCW Won Would You Be Watching Nitro Every Week (Or Wrestling At All)?

    After analyzing Nitro and RAW's ratings in 2001, I noticed that Nitro still had a loyal 2.0.+ base that never budged. After WCW's demise, Vince never managed to get those WCW fans to tune in and I'm guessing they just left wrestling all together. With that in mind, would you still be watching...
  20. MushroomX

    CM Punk better hit the Octagon soon, Dr. Z Pak looking for HULK Money & Trial Set

    411MANIA | WWE News: CM Punk/Chris Amann Trial gets Start Date, Stock Down, More :leostare: After Hogan swiped GAWKER, Punk better get his ass in the cage with his Tae-Bo-Ho Jiujitsu and CM90X, because Lawyers ain't cheap. Last time I heard he is well off, but he ain't that well off, so time...