And you wonder why women don't report their rapists

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
If I'm reading that black rapist story right, That's an error in processing on the police part.

This case the judge just refused to sentence this CAC.

Different types of failures

It wasn't an "error in processing", the police straight up failed to test tens of thousands of rape kits cause they didn't prioritize rape cases. It wasn't like they didn't know the kits were there, they were getting burdened by the mad space that tens of thousands of untested rape kits were taking up. Do you think that if they gave a shyt about rape, they would really just "forget" that they hadn't pursued damn near every fukking rape case that was coming to their table?

Yes the failures are happening at different levels of the system, but it's still the same failure all the way through the system. The same way the system benefits cops at every level, the same way the system benefits rich white people at every level, the system benefits men who commit sex crimes against women at every level.

#1. The police don't take the accusations seriously
#2. The police don't pursue the case
#3. The prosecutors decide not to press charges or don't pursue the case aggressively
#4 . The judge decides not to punish the convicted

Sometimes the case dies in step #1 and sometimes the case dies in step #4, but regardless of when it dies it dies.

If rapists aren't going to jail 98% of the time that a rape is reported, then this is MUCH bigger than just a black/white issue.

I don't mean to derail the thread but if 98% of rapists go free then WTFFFFF are feminists fighting for??????? :what:

I assume they're fighting for that not to be the case anymore. What do you think they're fighting for? :dahell:


Biracial a little bit
May 10, 2012
Don't forget the alleged attraction of the victim factors into whether both males and females believe her, the female judges in Italy decided the victim of a rape was too ugly for it to have been done to her. Yikes

Tarana Burke a rape victim and founder of #metoo is frequently lampooned on this very site every time she's a topic.


May 27, 2012
It wasn't an "error in processing", the police straight up failed to test tens of thousands of rape kits cause they didn't prioritize rape cases. It wasn't like they didn't know the kits were there, they were getting burdened by the mad space that tens of thousands of untested rape kits were taking up. Do you think that if they gave a shyt about rape, they would really just "forget" that they hadn't pursued damn near every fukking rape case that was coming to their table?

Yes the failures are happening at different levels of the system, but it's still the same failure all the way through the system. The same way the system benefits cops at every level, the same way the system benefits rich white people at every level, the system benefits men who commit sex crimes against women at every level.

#1. The police don't take the accusations seriously
#2. The police don't pursue the case
#3. The prosecutors decide not to press charges or don't pursue the case aggressively
#4 . The judge decides not to punish the convicted

Sometimes the case dies in step #1 and sometimes the case dies in step #4, but regardless of when it dies it dies.

If rapists aren't going to jail 98% of the time that a rape is reported, then this is MUCH bigger than just a black/white issue.

I assume they're fighting for that not to be the case anymore. What do you think they're fighting for? :dahell:

:francis:i guess just seeing it get to step 4 and the judge fukkin it up looks different cuz it's close to the finish line but an L is an L regardless of when it comes:francis:

He's Indian, you aren't mentally built to handle the depravity implied behind that comment:hubie:


All Star
May 11, 2012
It's probably more than 98% if you count rape in the military.

But 98% in the civilian space is completely insaneeee... and 13% of those victims commit suicide.

  • 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9
  • 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.10
  • 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.11
  • 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.11
  • Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.12
Integrity in the military isn't always practiced

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Don't forget the alleged attraction of the victim, the female judges in Italy decided the victim of a raoe was too ugly for it to have been done to her.

Tarana Burke a rape victim and founder of #metoo is frequently lampooned on this very site every time she's a topic.


The # of excuses I've heard on this site is wild.

"If he's famous or attractive then it wasn't rape."
"If she was ever interested in him then it wasn't rape."
"If she was too intimidated to physically resist because she thought he could beat/kill her, it wasn't rape."
"If she ever interacted with him socially again, it wasn't rape."

There were brehs in here who said they would never believe a rape charge unless there were witnesses. :snoop:


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
I assume they're fighting for that not to be the case anymore. What do you think they're fighting for? :dahell:
More facade-like shyt.

Things like gender-equality, probably more women in high positions career-wise, sexism, gender stereotypes, etc....

Thousands of women rallied against Trump 3 years ago, remember that?
People I know from work who travel alot were telling me their flights were full of feminists flying to the protest.
Those women came from all over the country, they invested money just to fly to a protest against Trump.

The biggest feminist rally in decades was all about ONE MAN!


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
Breh, that's 98% that don't go to jail is out of REPORTED rapes. If you claim they only report Black men, that means 98% of Black men who get reported for rape are getting off.

I just gave an example of a Black man who was reported for violent rape almost a dozen times and the police didn't even bother investigating any of them. If 98% of people reported for rape are getting off, and Black men are especially likely to be reported for rape, then the vast majority of black men reported for rape are getting off too.

Y'all trying to deflect from the issue of rapes in our justice system cause you don't want to admit there's a larger problem.
That’s actually false. The larger problem is racism within the reporting and legal proceedings related to black men accused of sexual assault.

And you’re misrepresenting what I said. I never said 98% of men men accused of rape are black, I said they were overrepresented and more likely to be accused or rape compared to their white counterparts.

  • In most states, Black men were vastly overrepresented among the population of civilly committed persons. Based on data from 13 states with reliable data, Black men faced a rate of SVP detention more than twice that of White men: 7.72 per 100,000 Black residents as compared with 3.11 per 100,000 White residents aged sixteen or older.
So much so for the “vast majority of black men reported for rape” are getting off.

And again, you’re being very devious in stating that 98% of men reported for rape would be black.

I simply stated that black men are more likely to be reported and convicted of rape. Seems the concept of relativity is foreign to you.

Great use of cherry picking one specific example to nullify the actual statistics.

Civil Commitment of People Convicted of Sex Offenses in the United States



All Star
May 11, 2012
That’s actually false. The larger problem is racism within the reporting and legal proceedings related to black men accused of sexual assault.

And you’re misrepresenting what I said. I never said 98% of men men accused of rape are black, I said they were overrepresented and more likely to be accused or rape compared to their white counterparts.

So much so for the “vast majority of black men reported for rape” are getting off.

And again, you’re being very devious in stating that 98% of men reported for rape would be black.

I simply stated that black men are more likely to be reported and convicted of rape. Seems the concept of relativity is foreign to you.

Great use of cherry picking one specific example to nullify the actual statistics.

Civil Commitment of People Convicted of Sex Offenses in the United States
I don't think he ever stated that 98% were black. He only suggested that if black men were more reported that the possibility follows that most of them are not convicted. Seems to me a more proper counterpoint would be to show statistics as to the actual conviction rates of black accused rapists


May 28, 2012
Christopher Belter: No prison time for man who pleaded guilty to rape and sexual assault of four teenage girls - CNN

He raped/sexually assaulted four different teenage girls.

Convicted of 3rd-degree rape, 1st-degree attempted sexual abuse, and two counts of second-degree sexual abuse in a plea deal. Sentenced to probation, violated the terms of probation....and all he got sentenced to was more probation.

And you wonder why girls don't want to go through all the trouble and shame of reporting the rape, undergoing an invasive rape examination with some doctor poking around her genitals, having to repeat the whole encounter to police who may not even give a fukk or openly challenge her story while she's giving it, potentially have to testify the same shyt in front of an entire courtroom, have the most vulnerable moment of your life get turned into public knowledge for mass consumption, get called a whore/slut/liar by a bunch of people and even "I'm sure she's telling the truth but a girl who got raped is damaged goods" like entire threads here on The Coli get made......only to have the motherfukker walk in the end anyway.

98% of reported rapes never result in any time served in jail. :francis:

An Epidemic of Disbelief

He needs to be killed asap

Stick a bat up his ass

Then off him in front of his mom and pops then pissed on

The judge needs to die too.

How the fukk can you defend a a rapist?
  • Dap
Reactions: jeh

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
That shill posts whatever his handlers tell him to. He must've fallen behind on his quota.

What is even the point of posting this dumbass shyt? Like, is the desire to deflect that important to you that you would make up this bullshyt?

There are many possible explanations for this disturbing pattern, but the simplest is probably the most powerful: the perils of cross-racial identification. One of the oldest and most consistent findings of systematic studies of eyewitness identification is that white Americans are much more likely to mistake one black person for another than to mistakenly identify members of their own race.
Racism and the combination of racism/anti-poor bullshyt in police and the courts are the BIGGEST issues in our justice system. That is true and always been true, and I've devoted a ton of time writing on that here and elsewhere and put my work in in real life as well.

And I DEFINITELY think black men get unfairly hemmed up for sexual assault and rape more often than white men do. That is a big fukking issue and it's one that's affected the life of one of my closest friends.

But the fact that those are big fukking issues doesn't mean they're the only issue. Just look at your own #'s.

As of the end of 2014, 22% of American prisoners convicted of sexual assault were black, 44% were white and 19% Hispanic.

So the starting # is that just 2% of reported rapes result in a man being incarcerated.

I definitely agree with the guy who said that Black men are disproportionately accused of rape, though I don't know what the #'s are. But according to your #'s, 22% of those men incarcerated for rape are black. That's a large % of the men convicted, but it's just a tiny % of rape accusations. If 22% of the 2% who get imprisoned are Black - then you still have just 0.4% of overall rape accusations resulting in a Black man going to prison. That means only two possibilities - either Black men are rarely accused of rape, or the vast majority of Black men accused of rape aren't going to prison just like the vast majority of White men accused of rape aren't going to prison. It's possible that 99% of white men accused of rape don't go to jail and just 96% of black men accused of rape don't go to jail, I don't doubt for a moment that white men are getting away with it more than black men are and black men are going to prison unjustly more than white men are, but overall the truth is that the vast majority of men ain't going to prison for rape no matter what the skin color.

I hate I have to talk about this shyt this way cause it's a long-ass fukking deflection off the main issue. But the truth is, right here on this site, most of the time a black woman's rape accusation is made the majority of commenters are in there trying to deflect, accuse her of lying, or saying any other sort of bullshyt to excuse what happened. Most of the time, MOST of the folk who comment on rape cases here are more skeptical than supportive, and are more likely to complain fake rape accusations than they are to complain about rapists not getting charged/convicted. And the Black women in OUR communities are the ones that suffer from that.

For those who think otherwise, just take a look at the comments in this thread and look at whose comments the Black women have dapped up.

Black men getting hemmed up on false accusations is a serious fukking problem. But men in general getting away with rape is a serious fukking problem too. And it's a problem in our community as well. People literally upset that I posted about a white man getting away with rape shows you how far posters here want to deflect from this being a real issue.

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
I'm sorry but I don't believe the stats. You mean if I rape a woman I have a 98% chance of getting away with it? As in walking away willy nilly?:comeon:

It's just far, far from believable

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
What is even the point of posting this dumbass shyt? Like, is the desire to deflect that important to you that you would make up this bullshyt?

Racism and the combination of racism/anti-poor bullshyt in police and the courts are the BIGGEST issues in our justice system. That is true and always been true, and I've devoted a ton of time writing on that here and elsewhere and put my work in in real life as well.

And I DEFINITELY think black men get unfairly hemmed up for sexual assault and rape more often than white men do. That is a big fukking issue and it's one that's affected the life of one of my closest friends.

But the fact that those are big fukking issues doesn't mean they're the only issue. Just look at your own #'s.

So the starting # is that just 2% of reported rapes result in a man being incarcerated.

I definitely agree with the guy who said that Black men are disproportionately accused of rape, though I don't know what the #'s are. But according to your #'s, 22% of those men incarcerated for rape are black. That's a large % of the men convicted, but it's just a tiny % of rape accusations. If 22% of the 2% who get imprisoned are Black - then you still have just 0.4% of overall rape accusations resulting in a Black man going to prison. That means only two possibilities - either Black men are rarely accused of rape, or the vast majority of Black men accused of rape aren't going to prison just like the vast majority of White men accused of rape aren't going to prison. It's possible that 99% of white men accused of rape don't go to jail and just 96% of black men accused of rape don't go to jail, I don't doubt for a moment that white men are getting away with it more than black men are and black men are going to prison unjustly more than white men are, but overall the truth is that the vast majority of men ain't going to prison for rape no matter what the skin color.

I hate I have to talk about this shyt this way cause it's a long-ass fukking deflection off the main issue. But the truth is, right here on this site, most of the time a black woman's rape accusation is made the majority of commenters are in there trying to deflect, accuse her of lying, or saying any other sort of bullshyt to excuse what happened. Most of the time, MOST of the folk who comment on rape cases here are more skeptical than supportive, and are more likely to complain fake rape accusations than they are to complain about rapists not getting charged/convicted. And the Black women in OUR communities are the ones that suffer from that.

For those who think otherwise, just take a look at the comments in this thread and look at whose comments the Black women have dapped up.

Black men getting hemmed up on false accusations is a serious fukking problem. But men in general getting away with rape is a serious fukking problem too. And it's a problem in our community as well. People literally upset that I posted about a white man getting away with rape shows you how far posters here want to deflect from this being a real issue.

Nikka didn't you just post some lame farewell message saying that you were leaving, because thecoli has made you more angry in real life and changed you into a different person

This nikka @Rhakim getting into online arguments and getting mad and taking it out on his wife and family lol

I'm tired