Are Brehs Who Date Outside Their Race, But Still Contribute To The AA Community STILL "SELLOUTS"?

Are They Sellouts?

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King of Creampies

Hop in. You coming too!
Feb 18, 2017
Wild Hunt
Well I have to say my piece as I understand the POV from those on the forum that say. Keep in mind I am a black male so I will be speaking from that mindset.

Black people split into two camps...
You can't be interracial dating and pro-black.:hhh:

and those who say..

You can date interracial and be pro black...:francis:

When it comes to black people especially black men we are always judged by extraordinary circumstances...we are never able to sit in the middle of any opinion about us and usually that opinion will be on the most negative end of the spectrum.:martin:

Black men are told we are worthless by SOME our own females most of the time but yet when we marry or date out then we are told we shouldn't do so but how can you be wanted when you are always rejected? I know there are some major disagreements with this but being a 39 year old black man soon I was told my dark skin by my own was not needed or wanted MANY times....but just a few rejections from your own females will bust any man down and turn him to date outside...We have been there in some fashion..:sadcam:

Black men are constantly being asked to get back inside and stay inside but when we are different than what is on TV then it's a problem...ESPECIALLY dating. :stopitslime:

Nothing is ever ever ever easy for us...and we can't be asked to SIT on our hands or smash a Square Peg in a Round Hole to produce results.:francis:

I am not dating black women at this time...or any woman for that matter but I can't speak negatively about my people if I am not dating them BUT it doesn't mean my opinions are any less valid for BLACK UNITY and staying c00n FREE.:whew:

This forum won't be around in 10 years...and nobody here will be able to pull up a thread to quote you on your dating choices. In 10 years the landscape will be radically different in terms of dating and always radically different as black men aren't the Gold Standard/Default Choice for dating.

In the end the choices you make are entirely on your own. :myman::umad:

There are white men/women that will rock with a black man/woman and hold it down but there are quite a few examples of that when it goes haywire....

Want to lay up with someone who posts on st0rmfr0nt but loves black women? That is on you..:ufdup:

Want to lay up with someone who calls you the N-Word but loves black men? That is on you..:ufdup:

But don't come back crying foul when this shyt happens. NOT SAYING ALL IR Marriges end up here at all but god damn we see some prime examples of what I mentioned if you are trying to be on some Black Men/Black Women ain't shyt so I will date outside...know what you are getting into before you plot.

When I see a black family I smile wide especially when I get that nod because I know that brother and sister are doing it right and a deep part of me wishes I could be them but my situation and experiences are too different to want to commit to that. :salute::salute:

When I see a biracial family with a black man I nod because I will always show love.:ehh:

When I see a black female with a white man MOST do go out of the way to act like you aren't even there or will give you a cold look as if to say "I UPGRADED":umad:Even my own sister and brother who have biracial kids/families have this attitude as well which is why I cut contact with them...but I can't have any kids so my situation is different. :yeshrug:

Would I have biracial kids? No. :lupe:

Would I marry a non-black or black woman? No as I have too much wealth to loose being married again.:birdman: Seriously...No :duck:here.

Would I build/co-habitate with a non black woman? Yes! :russell:

Would I build/co-habitate with a black woman? Yes!:russell:

The only time I would honestly ever get married if it was Tiffany Haddish or actress Michael Hyatt who played Brianna Barksdale. (I am dead serious)

However no malice is in my heart as I will still defend my people when that call comes....even if they choose to marry and breed outside the race:ufdup:In the end of all things it's the warmth and camaraderie I have with my own people.

It is what it is. :youngsabo:

Feel free to Neg me if you need be but it's simply my opinion.
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Feb 21, 2015
c00n: A black person who dates out because they don't find other blacks attractive.
Sellout: A black person that finds other blacks attractive, but dates out because they view it as a status marker or come up.
Neither: A black person who finds their own race attractive (or any race for that matter) but coincidently fell in love with someone who is not black.

This is irrespective of whether you contribute or not to the black community. 70% of black folks don't even contribute to the community or rather engage in behavior that is contrary to community building so this shouldn't even be a factor.
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George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
:jbhmm: By this logic, it would be better for the black men who marry out to not help the black community at all.

And there lies the irony of it all. The same folks on here catching feelings over someone dating or marrying out, wouldn't turn down any financial or otherwise assistance from that same so called race traitor.


Feb 21, 2015
You can donate all you want but you still actively decreasing the black population ao yea u sellin out :childplease:

Not being funny, but what is the genetic definition of "being black." Because most AA are genetically mixed raced at varying degrees? If you say a person has to have a larger portion of African blood, many biracials are not genetically 50/50. They can have a racial split of 60/40 or 45/55 which depends on the genes they inherited from their respective parents. If "being black" is more a cultural thing, then should it matter that a person has 15% more European blood than you (average AA is only 75%-80% African) if they retain an AA world view? This idea of African purity in the U.S. is non-existent.

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
You can donate all you want but you still actively decreasing the black population ao yea u sellin out :childplease:

Let me ask you a question. Are Black people who decide to not have children at all just as guilty of decreasing the Black population as those those that procreate outside of their race?