Best for Quarantine Anxiety? Fortnite, Paladins, Apex Legends or Warzone

Which Online Multiplayer Game is the Most Fun for Noobs?

  • Fortnite

  • Paladins

  • Apex Legends

  • Warzone

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Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
TLDR version:

Female friend bought a PS4 cause Quarantine and wants to find a game to play with friends online so that she doesn’t go crazy. Her last system was a PS2 and hasn’t played games in years so I threw out some suggestions. Which ones are the best? If you haven’t played any of the games on this poll, here’s an introduction:

Call of Duty Warzone vs Apex Legends

Why You Should Play Paladins in 2020

Fortnite Vs Apex Legends Vs PUBG

Long version:

I’ve played a lot of Fortnite and Paladins but only casually so I’m not great. I like them both though. Apex Legends and Warzone are new to me. I’ve only played one match of Apex Legends. Still not sure what to think but it seems interesting. Warzone is cool too but I’m also new at COD so I probably need to play more of the regular multiplayer first before I jump into that.

My family plays Fortnite, my coworkers and friends play Warzone. Not many people I know play Paladins, PUBG or Apex Legends. A friend recently bought a PS4. I told her to get Warframe cause that’s actually what I mainly play. But then I realize this game ain’t that fun. It’s so fukking grindy. I don’t even know why I’m still playing this shyt. I’ve spent way too much money on this shyt and this is a game I can’t even confidently suggest to a friend. That’s fukked up. So now I’m sitting here thinking like got damn did I just waste all that time and money on the wrong game?

Even though Warframe is touted as a multiplayer game that shyt feels more like a single player game to me. It has the best controls out of all the games mentioned in this thread. Plays like Devil May Cry and Destiny. However when it comes to multiplayer, even while being in a clan, most people don’t seem to care to show teamwork. I played Destiny 2 for the first time. I don’t know what the fukk is going on. It actually reminds me of my first time playing Warframe. I’m throwing both these games in the same boat, both convoluted and complicated as fukk. I can’t suggest either.

Out of all these games I’ve played PUBG seems to have a better community. Everyone is way friendlier. The maps are freaking huge. However the controls are weird as fukk. It’s not noob-friendly IMO.

Paladins is dope. I know it’s an Overwatch rip-off but the bytch is free which is what this thread’s about, free-to-play. However one game walking the tight-rope between everything is COD: Warzone, easily.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is the best package in gaming right now. As both a paid commercial game and a free multiplayer game in Warzone. While COD: Modern Warfare + Warzone is the best package, the free game Warzone is not the best game. Maybe its getting there.

Random but my female friends and coworkers seem to like Paladins a lot so that’s why it’s on the poll since the friend in question is female. I wish she bought a Nintendo Switch instead, got Zelda and be done with it because the whole point of her getting a gaming system was to help her not go crazy during quarantine and Zelda is the remedy.

That’s why I can’t suggest some of the other games I mentioned cause they’ll probably just make it worse. Grinding getting in the way of having fun can be stressful. Fortnite and Paladins is the least grindy.
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Negro Caesar

Jan 19, 2018
U can suggest fortnite because you have a basic idea of what to do

u can suggest warzone or apex and learn to pay together. shyt will be a lot more entertaining if y’all are near the same skill level on a game. If u were a vet at it, you would get annoyed with her constant dying

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
U can suggest fortnite because you have a basic idea of what to do

u can suggest warzone or apex and learn to pay together. shyt will be a lot more entertaining if y’all are near the same skill level on a game. If u were a vet at it, you would get annoyed with her constant dying
After I made the thread I thought about it and told her she should go ahead and download Fortnite first. However, I looked at the Call of Duty thread and read about Plunder. I never played that mode I'm gonna check it out. I told her go ahead download Warzone first due to plunder basically being about getting money and you start with weapons. To me, this seems less stressful because you don't have to look for weapons or have to worry about a shrinking circle. The only thing that matters is chasing paper. That's a goal everyone from all walks can understand.

I was only playing regular Warzone BR but now that I know bout Plunder I'mma go hard.

Warzone Mode Recon: Plunder


Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
Okay I just learned you can play the PvE campaign mode on PS4 version of Fortnite. I didn’t know that so I suggested her to download Fortnite first (again). I’ve only played Fortnite on Nintendo Switch and my iPad in the past so I forgot it had a campaign mode. shyt now even I wanna play it.