Booksnrain Guide To Dealing With White Supremacy Talking Points


Jul 24, 2015

Thank you for your response to my asking you to do this for us. Many of us stumble and fumble when intellectually challenging racism. I know I have done so in the past. This guideline will hopefully help a lot of us when we go toe to toe with White Supremacists in our everyday lives. Thank you again.

It’s hard to operationalize it. It depends on what type of non-Blk you dealing with.

The Denier/Isolationists-“This was just an isolated incident.” “Most whites aren’t like that!” “Our systems aren’t racist!”
These are the whites who literally have seen a history of 400 years of oppression of Blks but still don’t want to admit to any wrongdoing.
  • Solutions: Fact check them to oblivion. Statistics on racism, discrimination, school-to-prison pipeline, racism in healthcare industry. And then let them know that denying this pattern of systemic oppression indicates cowardice or stupidity.

The Adjacent White- Non-whites who adopt white supremacist talking points against blacks to try and align themselves with white success.
“Me no blk papi!” “Model minority!”
  • Solution: Bring up their ethnicities conflicts with whites in the past and directly call out their attempts to ingratiate themselves with white supremacists as what it is: trying to use the blk struggle to set themselves apart as better and different. Point out that whites don’t care and will call them gooks, wetbacks, ect once they’ve done white supremacists dirty work for them.

The Victim-“Blacks will tear this country apart if they don’t get under control! What about the businesses being looted!” “All Lives Matter” “The white male is being attacked!”
  • Solution: This is easy. Just point out that the denial of the harmful effects of racism is what got us here. Also satire is great too because white victims is such a laughable position. It’s easy to make them look fukking absurd.

The Aint I An “Ally“- “I’m protesting and writing very firm messages on social media, but some blks still seem ANGRY at me! I’m ur ally! What else do you want from me?!”
These fake wokers want to be thanked and worshiped for doing shyt they should be doing anyway.
  • Solution: Acknowledge the effort but remind them its only a small beginning. List other ways to demonstrate support like voting, turning away from racists, boycotting racist businesses, ect. Also let them know blks have the right to be suspicious because symbolic solidarity hasn’t always equated to real change in the past. Our trust has to be earned through tireless action against the evil that plagues our community.

The Conservative- These are secretly my favorite b/c it’s so easy to point to how racist conservative “values” have literally fukked up the country and actually cost more in the long run.
  • Solutions: I have entire posts linking “conservative” fiscal policies to economic decimation in the community. Or just point out to how it’s led to HUGE wealth disparities, roll back of civil rights, environmental issues in poor and blk communities and huge costs to taxpayer dollars. The list goes on and on and on.

The Joker-“Why are the blacks so sensitive? It’s just jokes! I gotta walk around on eggshells around them.”
These types want to hide their racism behind the guise of joking.
  • Solution: Call them on their bullshyt. Tell them they are actually uncomfortable around blks and use offensive jokes to reduce their own anxiety and racial relations. Let them know that whites do this but are also highly sensitive and unable to take racial jokes about themselves such as looking like lipless monkeys, always stealing from others, fukking animals and children...ect, aging like spoiled milk, having to put their dikks in bear traps to get off b/c they suck at fukking...ect.

The Kanye Westerners-“I mean some blks get it! Even Kanye West agrees with me!”
These whites rely on the presence of self-haters in our community to justify their own racism.
  • Solution: Tell them what a self-hater is and the psychology behind it. Then point out hundreds of thousands of others who do support and acknowledge the reality of racism as a social evil.

The Black Racists-“Something something, bootstraps” “PAWG!” “Zaddy!” “ What about blk-on-Blk crime!” “I don’t wanna live in Blk neighborhoods!”
  • Solution: Treat them like white people b:c at this point they are white.

The Co-Opters-“Yeah Blk lives matter! Trans rights! LGBTQ! BOSNIAN CONFLICT!”
These types want to piggyback off the blk struggle to leverage our fight for their own interests.
  • Solutions: Let them know that we have nothing against any of groups, but we want to focus on our issues b/c in the past our struggle was obscured for the interests of others.

All of these are the small fries. I deal with the final bosses everyday:
White Racists in Higher Education

:wow: They come prepared with regression models, revisionist histories, all types of shyt because they are the gatekeepers and researchers of the racist ideas that undergird our system.
They are the reason my research skills stay sharp. I’ll pull a study out of my ass from nowhere. Dismantling stats, questioning sample sizes, you have to bust those a$$holes down to the white meat. But bottom line is, you aren’t going to change them. When I debate anybody, it’s for ME and the sweet satisfaction I get from hearing truth put into words and watching dummies falter in the face of it. If you do it, don’t do it for them. Do it for yourself.:ahh:

And sometimes you can reach a breaking point with them and that’s ALWAYS fun to watch.:salute:Have fun and be safe. I’ve lost jobs and gotten blacklisted for speaking truth to power was worth it...:wow:


Feb 12, 2015

Thank you for your response to my asking you to do this for us. Many of us stumble and fumble when intellectually challenging racism. I know I have done so in the past. This guideline will hopefully help a lot of us when we go toe to toe with White Supremacists in our everyday lives. Thank you again.

LMAO!:russ::laff:I didn’t know you were gonna make it a whole thread!
No worries! Hope it helps. I be goin thru it in higher ed.


Feb 12, 2015
Yeah I could not let this great post be overlooked in that huge thread. This way someone can look it up when they need it. I would rep but it wouldn’t let me. :wow:
Sounds good! People employ a lot of fallacies, excuses and mental tactics to try and dismiss and deny racism. You gotta cut STRAIGHT thru the bullshyt.


Feb 12, 2015
The sista told no damn lies...:blessed:

shyt need to be stickied immediately...:wow:
You know what’s funny to me? I’ve never encountered one of the standard garden variety “nigg*r bytch” racists.

Instead it’s always been the types who think they slick. shyt is irritating b/c u have to dismantle so many layers of lies b4 u get to the real: u dislike me cuz I’m different.


Feb 12, 2015
Honestly u a fool to even try to explain racism to cacs

They know exactly wtf it is

U look stupid engaging troll devils
It’s the petty in me. It just feels so good when they turn red and walk off angry.

Or when you confront them with the enormity of their bullshyt so meticulously that they have that mental breakdown.

You can see them caving under that guilt. And they’ll either decide to double down and become the monster their ancestors were or admit to being complicit in white supremacy and do something about it.

When you go beyond talking about the actions, but start diggin into the psychology behind it. How scared and insecure white males are around black men. How obsessed they are with blk male genitalia which points to their own insecurities about their masculinity. How white women want to be black women while maintaining their privilege. When u start digging into the lies about blks in the media and how stupid whites have been to allow the elite in their race to use them to hate us with promises of superiority even tho poor whites are suffering and voting against their own interests...

When you see them visibly uncomfortable and the stuttering and “w-well” comes out and they can’t refute it...
im still trying to work on my petty.:wow: