Do most males treat sexual harrassment from women as a non issue ?

Jan 24, 2016
I’ve seen this happen at my own workplace. :ld:

Yeah, a lot of this is perception based on how she feels about the side saying it, but it’s generally best to avoid commenting on the appearance of your coworkers. A dude I used to work with commented with a “you look nice today” at my supervisor, and she was pretty much like :scust:

A woman can do the same to a dude and it really isn’t a big deal. I’ve never been flat out sexually harassed in a threatening way, but I’ve definitely had coworkers do things like grab my arm playfully or put their hand on my shoulder, and I know for sure that there are dudes here who would get lit up for doing the same to a female coworker.

someone cringing at a single statement of "you look nice today" is not the same as filing a sexual harassment claim based on it. the later would never amount to anything other than putting you on notice that those statements are unwanted. if it continues after that, then yeah that's harrassment


The Black King You Love To Hate
Jun 8, 2015
The Universe
Document it and pull her to the side and let her know not to do that again.

O³ (O cubed)

No more PAWGs, PLEASE??!!!??
Mar 8, 2017
Hackney, London
show me a case where a single comment of "you look nice today" was considered sexual harrassment :mjlol:

yall be coming up with the scariest scenarios
Happened at my workplace when I was working at the post office. Dude said to a female colleague that she looked nice. Next day he was called in the office by the manager for sexual harassment.

Luckily he just got a warning.


May 2, 2012
I think the rules are different as most men would smash whoever at a given time.

I remember coming out of college and working with middle aged asians and latinas. These women were wild :banderas::banderas:

It started with them being curious if all black men got big dikks :steviej: then i would get molested on a daily basis :noah:
Looking back in was inappropriate af, but :bryan: I enjoyed the groping and the attention and they would also cook for a brother :whew::whew:

but if the roles were reversed, I would be in prison :pachaha:
Jan 24, 2016
Happened at my workplace when I was working at the post office. Dude said to a female colleague that she looked nice. Next day he was called in the office by the manager for sexual harassment.

Luckily he just got a warning.

that's my whole point. it's not sexual harassment unless it continues after you know it's unwanted. a single "you look nice today" isn't sexual harassment. keep doing it after you know it's unwanted then yeah it's harassment. that's on you at that point

its not the statement in and of itself, its the fact that you do it after they told you stop.
someone could call my phone to say "Hi" and the statement itself is not harrasment, but if i tell you dont call me and you continue to do it then that's harrassment
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Jul 8, 2014
Its not cool when its from old ugly fat hoes but its cool from hoes you wanna fukk.

Its the same with women, it aint sexual harassment for a nikka she finds attractive and wanna fukk. On the other hand if she you dont then you automatically considered creepy to her. :russ:


Dec 2, 2015

For the most part, men welcome attention from women, but I also think it depends on the woman’s level of attraction.

As for your case, let me ask you this..

If you were to pinch your lady co-workers ass, do you think she would welcome it or do you think she would report you to HR or management?

I think the above question is something you should ask her or if you think you would be safe from losing your job, then call her bluff and tell her something to the affect if she likes your ass so much, then why don’t you two link up and get something poppin??!

For me, I ain’t trippin if a woman throws in a compliment or innuendo, but I will admit that my level of comfort or tolerance depends on how attractive the woman is because if the woman was unattractive and especially if she was lookin manly or a suspected transsexual person, then I would definitely be HIGHLY offended..

In all, if a saw that a woman kept touching me and saying certain things, then I may hit her up to see what’s up? If she acts brand new, then I would politely ask her to fall back with the touching and lite suggestive talk. Either she is with it or not and if not then she may need to keep her hands to herself.

I don’t know about telling on folks, but there may be rare exceptions..


May 2, 2012
If you’re going to confront her CYA and document the entire interaction. Shiiieeet i would use 2 diff cameras. Just to be safe.

shyt happens at the work place if you really think about it you spend most of your time there. I learned my lesson 8 years ago. Lost a high paying job for fukking around in the office. But I bounced back. It was this young biddi a legit dime who was on my dikk and I caved in.

It was all good, she knew about my girl and everything and she had a man who is rich and tricks on her. But she told one of her work friends and the mf got jealous and dimed me out. A man snitching like that. I guess he fell in love with shorty cause he got her the job and used to buy her lunch everyday. And I was wilding smashing it raw in the server room.


All Star
May 11, 2012
that's my whole point. it's not sexual harassment unless it continues after you know it's unwanted. a single "you look nice today" isn't sexual harassment. keep doing it after you know it's unwanted then yeah it's harassment. that's on you at that point

its not the statement in and of itself, its the fact that you do it after they told you stop.
someone could call my phone to say "Hi" and the statement itself is not harrasment, but if i tell you dont call me and you continue to do it then that's harrassment
I actually agree with you for the most part. however the tendency for even an accusation of harassment to stain a person's reputation is what leads many to seem so fearful
May 11, 2012
Man I'm going through some shyt like this at work right now.Chick's not a supervisor or anything like that.

Just one of my coworkers.She's the hottest chick at work.Toned thickness with the mocha skin tone.

I mean, her skin tone has a soft glow.It's golden.Small waist, wide hips.Not quite bbw status.Her body type's

similar to Nia Long.Anyway, there was always tension between us, but we just never acted on it.She started

dating another one of our co workers.Dude seemed paid.Drives a benz to work & all that.He was always a quiet

dude.Like spooky quiet.To the point where everybody was shocked to find out she was dating him.Breh's half black,

half Japanese...But acts 100% Japanese if you catch my drift:mjpls:....But back to the dilemma...I guess breh must've

read the body language between me & her and didn't like the vibe he was getting.Just last week, I was having a conversation

with her, and out of nowhere she goes "He told me I couldn't talk to you anymore:beli:" I was like "cool:hubie:" and

left it as that.A few days later, she walks by me on the way to the bathroom and goes "When he told me I couldn't talk to you

anymore, It only made me more attracted to you.I've been thinking about you ever since.I even had a dream we kissed!" and

she just got instantly aggressive after that.She even text me while she was in the bathroom! "What you doing after work?"

Followed by a pic of her in what looked like some type of night wear.It wasn't lingerie.Small tight shorts and a sports bra

looking thing.Now I'm in the valley of decision.Part of me wasn't shocked by how aggressive she was.We always had a

good rapport.Problem was, she wasn't as hot when I first met her.She was fukkable, but then she just all of a sudden blossomed

into womanhood quite nicely.Initially, she wore braces & was more of a plain jane.Dudes still noticed her because she was thick.

Within a year, like I said, the braces came out, she started hitting the gym, switched her hairstyle, and even got a few tats.You'd

be surprised how a few small changes can take a girl from a 7 to a 9 over night.Half Japanese breh snatched her up during the

transformation, and probably felt like he was winning:win:....But so yeah, she text me while she was in the bathroom.Walks

back past me with the biggest, mischievous grin ever.Later that night when I clocking out, I get another text from her "Hold on wait!"

and she comes running up behind me.She's basically telling me she wants to fukk, but at the same time, she's leaving the ball in my

court because she has a boyfriend:comeon:.."You're going to have to be the aggressor" she tells me.Even tho she was already being the

aggressor:pachaha:.So we get to her car & she starts giving me the googly eyes.At this point, I'm starting to think the dream she had

about us kissing made her delusional enough to think I'm her soul mate or some shyt.I mean, the tension was thick at that moment.I'm

feeling my blood start to flow south.I don't want to violate the next man, but the lust was creeping up in me.She had on some black yoga

pants to.Form fitting like a muthafukka.I look around the parking lot and told her, "Let's just get in the car".Didn't go all the way, but I made

her dream come true(kissed) and finger banged her while she rubbed my dikk in the car.To my credit, I didn't go all the way, tho:mjgrin:

I thought about breh and working with this chick, and pulled back.....That and I didn't have a condom on me:mjgrin:...But seriously,

I've been fighting off taking it all the way with her the last couple of days.She keeps telling me "I'm not going to say anything.That would

just make me look like a ho".....:comeon:....Even when I was finger banging, she was catching feelings "I don't know what I'm going to do

now.I have to make a choice:noah:"...Hinting at me becoming her new man. "Everybody at work always told me you and I would make

a good couple.They would always aske me 'Why aren't you with Moosemouth?!':noah: "...And I ain't even put the dikk on her yet.I think

it would be wise not to
Jan 24, 2016
I actually agree with you for the most part. however the tendency for even an accusation of harassment to stain a person's reputation is what leads many to seem so fearful

i mean, what i said is common sense and people must not have comprehended it, because they are coming up with rumors and what they heard happened at work.

I asked for a "case" where a single instance of "you look nice to day" was considered sexual harassment. a "case" as in a legally valid termination, or a successful lawsuit or a criminal complaint. not what you heard happened to one of your work buddies who probably telling half truths or talking about what some random company person did in HR. things done by HR aren't always legally correct anyway.

but like you said, if you do end up having sexual harassment stain on your reputation from one SINGLE instance of saying "you look nice today", you'd probably have a viable defamation claim. notice i said a "single instance".... if you are that guy that's been ogling the big booty girl at work and telling your coworkers what you wanna do to her, then finally got the nerve up to say "you look nice today" with the :shaq: face.... you may wanna just take the warning and go about your business lol