Do women realize how venomous their tongue is?

Skip b

May 5, 2012
It's good that you realized that. Like you have to respect yourself and look after your own interests, bc obviously she didn't care except for getting paid.

awwww.. i'm sorry for when u were homeless and then having to deal with this , but I mean if she is up and leaving, just out the blue- even being bipolar, that's still a lack of consideration for your feelings. Like you just said, that's emotional too, can't let it get to the point where she's being emotionally abusive. That just creates more setbacks for you. At some point, you need to protect yourself.. I know it may sound harsh, but maybe that's a consequence or a push in the right direction so you can have some clarity and figure out things for yourself- peace of mind eventually.
Yeah I prayed for a out; shame I had to hurt her to come to this end game ;I really wasn't cheating; but appearances mean everything.....:manny:

Appreciates the insight:salute:


The Picasso of the Ghetto
Aug 30, 2015
South Central Los Angeles
"Remember when you said you were with your boys last month???:jbhmm:"


"Well...I just found an out-of-state gas receipt that says otherwise..:usure:"
Facts :deadmanny::deadmanny:


Feb 17, 2017
No lie.. that would have pissed me the f off (in the past), "oh, so you just gonna sit there and not say anything" "you don't give a shyt about my feelings, huh?". then I would have purposely had my little tantrum stomping around, talking under my breath.. lol... But that's when I was young and didn't know any better than to just react. Now, that I'm older and more experienced, if there's an argument, we both just chill out, leave each other alone until we calm down or I'll say, I don't want to talk right now, until I get my head together. Pile-ons make things worse. leads to more resentment.
When it comes to women fussing at me, I'm like Floyd Mayweather in the ring. I refuse to engage.


Nov 5, 2015
What are some examples of what she says? What started the argument? Not trying to get in your business but sometimes our responses to a situation or argument depends on how bad the the cause of the argument is. Does she say really mean, emasculating things? I had a man say something really disrespectful to me in the past about something that he knew that I was really, really sensitive about and I, admittedly, went the fuk off, no filter and broke up soon after that. But if it's a tone throughout the course of the relationship, where the arguments are repeatedly real negative, or emasculating, or she's purposely firing shots with the goal to hurt you.. it's a lack of respect somewhere. The fact that you said she 'ethers' you.. yall just may not be compatible or you let your guard down enough to the point where she knows what buttons to push bc there's no consequences for it.

I disagree, in a relationship, why should you not be able to let your guard down? What the point of a relationship.

If your with someone arguments will happen, but how you argue within boundaries, staying on topic of the issue to at hand.

A Relationship requires , trust, respect, and the ability to be vulnerable without fear of retaliation.
Even when you argue all these should be kept in mind.

If I'm upset with someone, I'm going to attack them soley based on the issue, and I may bring up similar issues from the past to show a pattern.
But I would never use something someone told me in private and use it against them. It's classless, it can cause irreparable damage to the relationship, also a lack of intellect to make your point without hitting below the belt.

Also when you say no consequence, that's the whole problem with women in a relationship, they can consistently fire below the belt, and because there a women there is no consequence, when guys use "fighting words" against other guys, their is usually a fight that follows it, when it comes to women you just have to take it, and they know it.


Nov 5, 2015
Where yall actually dating - how long did you know her before she said that? That's just a selfish, materialistic woman.. she must not have anything else going on if that's her sole purpose; to only fukk dudes that have money. That means, if you were to get with her, the first time you don't give up $$$, she's not fukking with you bc she's in it for the wrong reasons or she'll be on the next with bigger pockets. She's not that deep.. that's a pass.

so rebounding from that woman, made u pick up a girl you don't normally mess with? that's out of frustration, probably.
"guess what my baby momma strolls through the door,after being MIA 3 weeks" :deadmanny::merchant: whuttt?? so the first time she just up and left without warning, then she returns with no warning. sup with your bm? smh. No advance notice or nothing? what happened (if you feel like saying)... details :feedme:



The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I disagree, in a relationship, why should you not be able to let your guard down? What the point of a relationship.

If your with someone arguments will happen, but how you argue within boundaries, staying on topic of the issue to at hand.

A Relationship requires , trust, respect, and the ability to be vulnerable without fear of retaliation.
Even when you argue all these should be kept in mind.

If I'm upset with someone, I'm going to attack them soley based on the issue, and I may bring up similar issues from the past to show a pattern.
But I would never use something someone told me in private and use it against them. It's classless, it can cause irreparable damage to the relationship, also a lack of intellect to make your point without hitting below the belt.

Respect and agree with what you're saying but all of that is based on a perfect world in a perfect society where all people respect each other, all of the time and actually live by those relationship ideals with no conflict. I tend to look at relationships from my experiences and from a realistic perspective. Most people are selfish, they will mistake kindness for weakness and use you for whatever reasons they see fit. Unfortunately, I have seen many relationships and marriages break apart and the reasons leading up to that.

There are people that front and you think that you know what they're about but as time goes by, you start to realize who they really are. And even though, you want to think that person has your best interest, people don't find out or make decisions until its too late. No one goes into a committed relationship thinking.. oh I plan to break up with this person or I plan to cheat, disrespect them.. it's usually a breakdown of things over time, arguments build up, etc, etc. Like an example, I told an ex about something personal that I never told anyone else, thinking that he would be supportive (which he was at first). But then later on, he used the exact same thing against me bc he saw that was his leverage. So why would I go into another relationship revealing that info; I would be a fool to trust anyone with that until I knew for sure. I used to be that way.. eyes wide open, happy, etc.. with what I thought were simple relationship terms. But after times of dealing with people, in general (not just relationships) that aren't shyt or didn't care about my thoughts, I learned how to approach things a lot practically and smarter. Everybody doesnt deserve what I have to offer. Now I'm not automatically going to think that whoever I'm with is bad dude, or put past emotional baggage onto that person, but I'm going into it more prepared for the different outcomes.