Drink More Water Brehs


Someday, We'll All Be Free
Mar 17, 2022
The Abyss
It really is the cheatcode. And you don't have to overdo it. I do not drink 8 glasses of water a day. I get about 4 to 5 bottles. That's it. I work in a fast paced environment so I get the majority of my intake at work. The benefits are crazy. My skin game is :wow:

I can choose to pig out one week and eat a lot of junk and sweets and my skin won't suffer with pimples and breakouts. Wife loves rubbing my face. She put me on sugar scrubs and exfoliating too so my shyt is next level.

My bowels are regulated. I go to the bathroom regularly because the water keeps shyt (dont ask me how) moving. My urine is an immaculate light color and odorless.

My sex game is top tier even as a chronic masturbater and porn connoisseur. My shyt is healthy and strong. I can get a nut off to Caramel Kitten and still supply my wife that night.

Even working a 48 hour week, I don't feel the fatigue all that bad. I still get sleepy early on but my body is not in pain or discomfort. I have energy to play with my sons.

I was training a young guy this week and we were small talking. He told me he was 19 and asked how old I was. As is customary with new people I train, I asked him to guess. Youngblood thought I was 22-24. :wow:
They all think I'm in my early 20s.
I'm in my early 30s. Black don't crack. Especially when you put effort into taking care of yourself. My moms told me the other day if I were to shave my face, I'd look like a teenager.

My weight doesnt fluctuate either. I have a steady low carb/low sugar diet. But I alternate it. During the work week, I go heavy on proteins. But on weekends, I get my carbs and sugars in. I'm 5'9 167. Before I made water my primary drink and changed my diet, i was 190lbs back in 2020 :picard:

I don't work out at all. I'm thinking about starting though. Just maintaining my diet through consistent water intake, keeps the weight off. Try it brehs.
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Someday, We'll All Be Free
Mar 17, 2022
The Abyss
Its the only thing i drink for like 10 years now aside from alcohol occasionally

Water and Seltzer water
My wife and I found this carbonated water/no sugar brand called ICE. It's amazing. So even when I'm not drinking water, I'm drinking carbonated/no sugar version of it. Other than that, I'll drink Simply Lemonade. That's about it.


Dec 4, 2016
I realized today that the two main reasons that I (and potentially many other ppl) don't drink water is that it becomes way less appealing once the water goes from cold to room temperature. The second reason is that every time you finish a cup of water, your healthy decision resets and you have to go to the fridge and make the healthy choice all over again.

That's why a large hydro flask is such a great purchase. It stays cool for the entire day and you instead of deciding to make a healthy choice at the fridge six or seven times in a day, you only make it twice in a day. It starts to take more effort to go to the fridge and grab a soda than to just keep drinking the cold water in front of you šŸš°