Everything Is Backwards.... You Are Backwards


May 10, 2015
The world, particularly, our country is the epitome of evil. But we know this, right?
I'm a history lover and I enjoy juxtaposing our time to former eras. The world has always decayed downwards but when you put everything into perspective, the reality can be very depressing. Heed my words, brethren.

C.R.E.A.M - Real nikkas know what that means. The love of money is the essence of all evil.

In America, our food is so overly processed that by the time it hits the shelves, it has little to no nutritional value. Even our "healthy foods" such as fruits and vegetables have been so genetically modified that they don't even resemble their true forms anymore. Everything seems to have carcinogens. It's ridiculous. Today, if you want to be 100% healthy, it will cost you. To have a completely organic diet, I mean juices, water, food - it's not cheap. I know from experience. My wife and I tried vegan. We tried organic only. My nikka we were dropping upwards of $350 in one shopping trip. We went to Whole Foods out in BHam for some light grocery shopping. I kid you not, we had 9 items in our basket. It came to $109. All natural/organic broke my wallet. The PTB - powers that be - understand that if you're gonna live long, healthy and free outside of the system, its not gonna be easy and you better be willing to spend; unless you have your own farm.

Thousands of years back, mankind only ate from the Earth. We had no advanced sciences or technologies. We grew our own plants, grains, wheat. We hunted/raised our own animals and only ate meat for special occasions or out of necessity. When I see depictions of that time, I do not see fat people. I don't see fat Africans. When I study history, I realize that the prevalence of fat people did not become noticeable to me until I see ancient Roman art. This is a time where humanity really took over indulgence to the next level in my opinion of course, but I digress. Next time you're grocery shopping, check out the ingredients. Even the most simplest of foods, check them out. Read the label and see how many of the ingredients you recognize or can pronounce. "Yeah lemme get that box of pasta" *Reads label* "Hold up, wtf is Thiamine Mononitrate"?

Come on brah. Remember what I said earlier, if you're gonna live healthy and free, its going to cost you.
If I go to the hospital cause I have a slight unrecognizable cough or something simple, that will cost me a few hundred bucks. Come on breh. Okay I get it. Lets talk about how these pharmaceutical companies make more money from dying people than they do from healthy people. I work at CVS, a pharmacy. Only recently did we stop selling tobacco products. Places like Walgreens still sell tobacco products. You serious? This is how the world works. Look no further than Walgreens. We're going to be the hub of your cancer medication but we will also sell you cigarettes. Thats like a church that also promotes premarital sex. How you gon be a pharmacy AND sell tobacco? Its because they don't care. Its all about your money. I understand they don't control what you do with your life but that's no excuse.
I'm not naive. I know there are cures for virtually every disease on Earth. I'm Christian, obviously. I know God wouldn't create a world that would descend into madness without providing a cure/answer. There is an answer/cure for EVERYTHING. The Earth supplies everything we need. The cure for these illnesses lie in the plants and herbs of the Earth. The PTB know this but they keep that info hidden. The average Joe and Jane of America don't know this.

I'll get straight to the point. The genesis of everything we know had to have come from somewhere. The Egyptians? No, older. Sumerians? Close but older. Atlantis, Lemuria? Now we're talking. I'll never believe anything the white man tells me ESPECIALLY when it comes to history. Their institutions and Universities specialize in many things, LIES and DECEPTION being at the forefront of those specializations. Our ancient forefathers had the answer. Despite their religious promiscuity, they had something our world will never have again, the truth. I believe that the peoples who built the pyramids around the world were the apex of humanity. They had a fantastic balance of knowledge that encompassed science, math, magic, astronomy and self. Thats just me though. We have been fed lies all of our lives. This is why we struggle. Black people yes, but also the world. The perverted knowledge of the Romans is what led us here. Their cuisines, their practices, their rituals, their religions, their everything. It has found its climax in America more than anywhere else on the planet. That is why America, for all of her splendor and worth, is the most vile and evil country this world has seen since who? Rome of course. And before Rome, Babylon. America eclipses them all.
Egypt, had something that could change the world. I believe stories like the Black Panther and Wakanda is based in some fact. An African empire separated from the rest of the world but powerful enough to influence it. An empire doused with culture, art and sciences that could stand the test of time. Sound familiar? Egypt is the last know African relic we have. I believe Atlantis and Lemuria existed and what they learned/invented found its explosion in Egypt. You ever wonder why there is a science for studying Egypt called Egyptology but there is no other science fore studying other cultures. Where is Romanology? Where is Vikingology? Grecianology?
They don't exist because they have no relevancy. No one cares. But everyone is so eager to get to Egypt and study study study. Makes you wonder why? Makes you wonder why Africa as a continent is so dominated by Europeans and they have such a tight choke hold on it. Even Asians have grabbed hold of a piece of Africa. Thats the 3 major human groups. Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasoid in ascending order of course. All are fighting to take control of Africa even today. The history of OUR people shaped this world. It was stolen and perverted and used for evil. Now, small strands of the knowledge is kept from the general public and used for profit by the elite. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but there is some truth to a majority of all of them.

Shout out to the Matrix. 9/11 was an inside job duh. JFK was killed by hired hitmen. The shooter hid in the sewage drain on the right side sidewalk. MLKJr was essentially marked for death when he planned to march to Washington and ask for reparation money. Nipsey was killed by a sensitive street nikka, not the government. MJ was killed for speaking out against the music industry and Sony.
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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Preacher said:
The world, particularly, our country is the epitome of evil. But we know this, right?

Ahh, the results of a Leftist/Liberal education..........:mjlol:

Not even close. I guess you've never been out of this country? Take a trip to North Korea and say anything negative about it's leader, for instance.​

Post the results when/if you get back.

We'll wait.



May 10, 2015
Ahh, the results of a Leftist/Liberal education..........:mjlol:

Not even close. I guess you've never been out of this country? Take a trip to North Korea and say anything negative about it's leader, for instance.​

Post the results when/if you get back.

We'll wait.

I will call out evil no matter where I go. Truth is truth


Nov 18, 2016
Ahh, the results of a Leftist/Liberal education..........:mjlol:

Not even close. I guess you've never been out of this country? Take a trip to North Korea and say anything negative about it's leader, for instance.​

Post the results when/if you get back.

We'll wait.


They'll snuff you out here in america too if you say the wrong shyt...

covert and overt has a very very thin line between them..

King Khufu

Jan 1, 2018
At Ur Mama's Bando
Nonsense. I can talk shyt about any and everyone in America and not a goddamned thing will happen.


Oh wait so you mean to tell me, movies like extreme justice are just fantasies?
My nikka you tripping.
Read the Fred Hampton murder and tell me, if that wasn't a planned hit.
nikka you know the Freemasons are the owners of government, cops, and entertainers. You don't think they dont monopolize their strongholds by snuffing their own out 4 exposing them? Yeah they do, so if they do it to their own then you know they do it to people who whistleblow that ain't affiliated.