HOH in Hispanic Culture: Latin America the Most Dangerous Place for a Woman?


All Star
Nov 30, 2015
It’s 12 women killed per day, one woman murdered every 2 hours throughout the whole region:francis:
...Not counting Brazil.

Femicide: the scourge that kills 12 women a day in Latin America

Univision independently gathered data from each country in Latin America also.

This ain’t just one source, these are multiple sources from outside the region and inside the region ( like univision):mjcry:

I’m not debating the underlying similarity, which is that most women’s deaths are within the domestic realm. That cannot be debated, but that is a fact everywhere. I am saying that there are nuances, not to just be explained so simply with “the victims are women and machismo is bad” (which it is, I’m not debating that). What I am saying is that there are nuances in the particular countries you outlined that come down to various things like race, and even women involved in crime, be it directly or indirectly e.g. gang culture (this can be charted in certain countries with the rate of which women are going to prison).

Feminism is gaining traction in particular South American countries, modernity etc. which should mean that the numbers should be charting in the other direction. But they’re not. Are we to believe that our generation is getting worse than those of our predecessors in terms of the way they treat women? Or are there other factors contributing to these occurrences that we are being blind to because of the general bias we have of what women are?

I am not negating the terrible specific deaths and crimes that have been outlined in this thread. But I could pull those from Jamaica, South Africa, India.

Serious topics deserve serious discourse


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
Mar 18, 2017
809 & 347
Jesus:picard: and his mother? :wtf:

Damn for nothing:mindblown:

She had a baby and she was still a baby herself that must have shocked the whole country

The boyfriend come from a wealthy family. Mom depised the victim and wanted her to abort the baby. The victim did not want to lose her baby. Mom hired a hitman to go after her. Her body was found chopped up, decapicated and with the fetus inside a suitcase.

Yea poor girl was still a baby. Babies having baby is a normal thing over there in that country.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
I’m not debating the underlying similarity, which is that most women’s deaths are within the domestic realm. That cannot be debated, but that is a fact everywhere. I am saying that there are nuances, not to just be explained so simply with “the victims are women and machismo is bad” (which it is, I’m not debating that). What I am saying is that there are nuances in the particular countries you outlined that come down to various things like race, and even women involved in crime, be it directly or indirectly e.g. gang culture (this can be charted in certain countries with the rate of which women are going to prison).

Feminism is gaining traction in particular South American countries, modernity etc. which should mean that the numbers should be charting in the other direction. But they’re not. Are we to believe that our generation is getting worse than those of our predecessors in terms of the way they treat women? Or are there other factors contributing to these occurrences that we are being blind to because of the general bias we have of what women are?

I am not negating the terrible specific deaths and crimes that have been outlined in this thread. But I could pull those from Jamaica, South Africa, India.

Serious topics deserve serious discourse
Wherever you pull stats from doesn’t change the fact that Latin America has become the most dangerous place for a woman.

Feminism is still a unfamiliar concept and the ”machista” culture that Is woven into every element of society in Latin America is very much correlated with the results of women dying in Latin America more than anywhere else on earth. Ofcourse this doesn’t mean that this isn’t a everywhere.

But the problem is extremely dangerous in Latin America. Simply saying “it happens all around the world” doesn’t do justice to the large, unreal scale of this problem in hispanic communities. It doesn’t do justice to the victims, it down plays the seriousness and severity of something (that as you mentioned) is getting worse, not better with laws and small grassroots feminism starting to raise awareness. There is a clear pushback towards women and their place in society in Latin America. Women are demanding not to be killed, and more are being killed as a result.

Most people outside of Latin America and Hispanic communities don’t even know this problem exists or even have any clue just how LARGE this femicide epidemic is. We are talking a Hispanic woman being killed every 2 hours. Since this thread has been made a woman in Latin America has been murdered for being a woman and not knowing her place in the machista society.

People are well aware of Middle Eastern society and the lack of perceived rights Middle Eastern women have, but are completely clueless about a even more dangerous, violent, oppressive machista culture that is statistically worse for women’s rights than the strictest Islamic laws.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
The boyfriend come from a wealthy family. Mom depised the victim and wanted her to abort the baby. The victim wanted to.
It said the mom was American now. If she wanted to abort the baby why kill her? I don’t get that, pay the child support or pay for the abortion. It’s a very Christian country so why this crazy lady take it to murder.

It’s kinda similar the the story about the little indigenous girl who got assaulted and murdered by this multi-millionaire peice of Shyte and then he tried to pay off the family of the poor girl, like his money would be worth more to them than their small daughters love and life:hhh:


All Star
Nov 30, 2015
Wherever you pull stats from doesn’t change the fact that Latin America has become the most dangerous place for a woman.

Feminism is still a unfamiliar concept and the ”machista” culture that Is woven into every element of society in Latin America is very much correlated with the results of women dying in Latin America more than anywhere else on earth. Ofcourse this doesn’t mean that this isn’t a everywhere.

But the problem is extremely dangerous in Latin America. Simply saying “it happens all around the world” doesn’t do justice to the large, unreal scale of this problem in hispanic communities. It doesn’t do justice to the victims, it down plays the seriousness and severity of something (that as you mentioned) is getting worse, not better with laws and small grassroots feminism starting to raise awareness. There is a clear pushback towards women and their place in society in Latin America. Women are demanding not to be killed, and more are being killed as a result.

Most people outside of Latin America and Hispanic communities don’t even know this problem exists or even have any clue just how LARGE this femicide epidemic is. We are talking a Hispanic woman being killed every 2 hours. Since this thread has been made a woman in Latin America has been murdered for being a woman and not knowing her place in the machista society.

People are well aware of Middle Eastern society and the lack of perceived rights Middle Eastern women have, but are completely clueless about a even more dangerous, violent, oppressive machista culture that is statistically worse for women’s rights than the strictest Islamic laws.

“Latin America” is not one place with one set of laws and one set of problems. These are various countries with various struggles and various strides being made to combat “femicide”. To say that MACHISMO is worse than the strictest Islamic laws is not only a gross exaggeration, but also a pernicious statement


Aug 9, 2017

Consistently, 7 of the 10 worst countries for violence against women have been found in Latin America.

( If you are wondering what are some other countries: Japan, Hong Kong, and South Korea These Are the Places With the World's Top Female Murder Rate)

The only thing surprising about this is that there are no Middle Eastern/Arabic countries in the top ten. Like legit befuddled about that :ohhh::dwillhuh:

Also really surprised that Japan practices this extreme form of HOH. I mean it's bad enough that their male population is viewed as a bunch of ultra weirdo non-masculine super nerds who have to resort to sex robots in order to get a nut from something other than their hands. But to also have this issue too? :huhldup::ufdup::scusthov::mindblown:
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Jesus Bhrist

All Star
Feb 22, 2017
Bu bu but black men are sexist, misogynistic, chauvinistic, & white men of the black community....black men objectify & oppress their women, black men hate black women....threads like this remind me that there is a war on black men, look at these horrific statistics & somehow black men are the face of misogyny & sexism, why isn't their more articles about this?


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
“Latin America” is not one place with one set of laws and one set of problems. These are various countries with various struggles and various strides being made to combat “femicide”. To say that MACHISMO is worse than the strictest Islamic laws is not only a gross exaggeration, but also a pernicious statement
Read the articles. They all cover the various struggles and strides. After they explain these factors, they then go on to give you the numbers.

It is not an exaggerated statement. Look at what Latin Americans are writing about this. Look at the various research for this problem. This is not an opinion piece, where you say “ well I think this or that” :francis:

Latin America is killing more women because they are women than the Middle East. I’m talking about murder numbers and assault numbers, not no “ you can’t go outside today” numbers of oppression.

12 women killed a day, 2 every hour. It is multiple factors and multiple similarities in the region. In Honduras you can go “well, some women are victims of cartel violence in Honduras” but in Paraguay where the number is 1 woman murdered every 4 hours, what do you say? Cartel again?

The machista culture is have a more negative end result on the survival of women than Islamic law is at the moment. People are talking Islamic law seriously as a threat the women, but seem to want to laugh off a machista culture that is woven into each Latin American country. The murders are more in number and more frequent than the Middle East!

It’s not an opinion.