It's time for successful nikkas to be classist. Stop trying to preach to complacent nikkas.


Jul 30, 2015
It's time to accept that there is indeed a class/cultural divide in the "black community". No, we do not all have the same mindset. There are the complacent, unambitious nikkas who don't want much out of life, and the intelligent, ambitious who want as much as possible.

For example, complacent nikkas are financially illiterate and don't care. Some even brag about it. "I don't care about that:russ: yolo, i just wanna stunt!" They think swag > investing

When people say you need to focus on assets (something that can either make you money, facilitate your business, or increase in value), these nikkas say, "Nah when i get off my shift at Popeyes, i just wanna play FIFA" You are a loser ass nikka.

Complacent nikkas just want to argue, that's why they should be ignored. They don't want to own things or build a portfolio. They just want to argue semantics and be contrarian about everything. There are many like this in TLR. IT cats really need to stop trying to preach to those nikkas, i know you're trying to help, but they probably don't even know how to open an brokerage account, you think they can learn how to code? :gucci:

They are 1-starring this post right now, but they are dumb to realize that 1-star ratings/negs are an online thing and do not affect us in real life. Nobody cares about imaginary ratings/negs except loser nikkas with no assets or business acumen in real life. You nikkas care more about "stars" and "negs" than your credit score.

Ignorant, no-goal having, complacent nikkas aren't my "brothers". There's no "brotherhood" there.

Many nikkas on here are 30-40 years old but get mad if you tell them that they should be a manager or something by now (yeah "everybody can't be a boss" but why aren't you nikkas managers?). If you've been working at Wal Mart or Burger King some shyt since you were a teenager and you aren't even a manager, you are an aimless complacent nikka. You're 30 still in the same position as you were when you were 18, and you don't have shyt going on outside of that job. Ambitious, goal-oriented nikkas are investing, starting businesses and buying property. If you had spent money wisely instead of fighting against logic, then you would have more than some Jordans, Charger and studio apartment. They'll get mad and want to argue, but when you log off here, you gotta live that loser ass life, not me.

Ambitious black people, continue investing and managing our investments, properties, and businesses. Loser nikkas can call us they want, but they can't call us broke:win: . Only dumb, lazy nikkas will get offended by this post because it's only directed to them

Remember, logical men always triumph over weak, emotional, loser men:yeshrug:

King Jae

Oct 2, 2014
on one hand u absolutely right...on the other nagas use that I got bread bullshyt to not be questioned like they above reproach.....and usually come across on some " how dare u question me" shyt...u got paper great..if ur a shytty human being however...its a piss poor band aid that ppl will see thru eventually...only ppl that should be blinded by bread is women and small children...if u a grown man enamored with money...ur prirorities aint right...personally I hate money...but I know I need it for survival...

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
Man. Thats real shyt man.

You cant teach ambition.

And you shouldn't feel guilty for being ambitious....

I used to feel awkward being the young nikka with money while all my older cousins are broke and bumming in their 30s.

Now I dont give a fukk..... I worked for everything I have and I'm proud of it.


Jan 7, 2013
on one hand u absolutely right...on the other nagas use that I got bread bullshyt to not be questioned like they above reproach.....and usually come across on some " how dare u question me" shyt...u got paper great..if ur a shytty human being however...its a piss poor band aid that ppl will see thru eventually...only ppl that should be blinded by bread is women and small children...if u a grown man enamored with money...ur prirorities aint right...personally I hate money...but I know I need it for survival...

The level of ridicule and attacks you deal with on the comeup hardens you you'll naturally get defensive
( at first ) but once you realize you don't need the approval of those haven't been through the
gauntlet of repeated failure, suicidal thoughts, failed relationships and other sacrifices .... You'll seize to give f*ck

I like what money can do ... as in buy time and free one to do as they wish

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
The level of ridicule and attacks you deal with on the comeup hardens you you'll naturally get defensive
( at first ) but once you realize you don't need the approval of those haven't been through the
gauntlet of repeated failure, suicidal thoughts, failed relationships and other sacrifices .... You'll seize to give f*ck

I like what money can do ... as in buy time and free one to do as they wish

Top 10 Coli post ever.


King Jae

Oct 2, 2014
The level of ridicule and attacks you deal with on the comeup hardens you you'll naturally get defensive
( at first ) but once you realize you don't need the approval of those haven't been through the
gauntlet of repeated failure, suicidal thoughts, failed relationships and other sacrifices .... You'll seize to give f*ck

I like what money can do ... as in buy time and free one to do as they wish
that's kind of where im at now....really don't give a fukk bout nothing but a bag...still hate money tho..cuz it gives clowns a pass for their fukk shyt...ppl will excuse it in hopes to get crumbs....


Mar 4, 2015
I dapped your post and agree with your sentiment...but I think the "YOLO I just want to stunt" crowd is still ambitious. They just haven't been taught and or steered in the right direction.

People gravitate toward a street life (in some cases) because they see jewels, money, cars, women clothes as an achievement. The same way you or I might look at land ownership, a high credit score, a ROTH IRA, etc. as achievement.

Instead of being "Classist" we need to figure out a way to shift what our people find attractive from a young age. We need to bombard young kids with the idea that they can achieve in fields OTHER THAN entertainment and we need to get them into position where they start to feel wins in their early academic career.

In the end, I understand we should ignore a lot of people who aren't on the same wave as us, but we also need to make sure we are changing the minds of those who are still impressionable. :manny:


Mar 11, 2015
Giving nikkas a little bit of money really is the first step to c00nism,see it happen time and time again:francis:

Hopefully nobody daps this nonsense rhetoric.

Its obvious some of you are ambitious about making money,but not ambitious about teaching your people and seeing them succeed. If that is the case then you should just stay out of the realm of "preaching" in the first place. The problem here is some of you need to also realize your own strengths and weakness. Don't let this thread fool you people,I'm willing to bet these men were black elitist after the first few 100+ page books they read.Some black people get some knowledge and bring it back to black people,and want to be treated like they are god or Moses,and develop a bitterness when it doesn't work that way. Black people gain success, get a pat on the head from cacs,and begin to repeat the pull yourself up by the bootstraps rhetoric like they forgot all the hurdles.

This is the purest form of european arrogance:martin:. You had to have patience to become a succesful black man in America,if you can't be patient with your people than stay out of that,if thats all its going to take to make you begin to resent some of your people.

I'm not what would be considered succesful at all,but I still tell black people about all the things you are saying. And its not hard to open a brokerage account and its free in many cases. Hopefully successful people can remain patient with late bloomers,30+ is a great time to start to teach as late 20's+30's is when many black men begin to self reflect. Most important thing is that we start to drill it into our kids and youth early on,so that they aren't having to learn all of this late in life. Its very defeating to realize you are behind though I never scoffed at knowledge,I was just young and thought my way was better,and you see nikkas in the streets giving the same advice on another level of how to make money. No need to pile onto our brothers and sisters for not knowing better YET,keep drilling,it feels good when you see some of them finally get it:wow:

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
to be honest it's not the so called "lazy poor brothas" that are problem. Its the ones like in OP who get a little money and start looking down on them.
When you get some money and power its YOU that are in the postion to effect real change in the community, not them. You need to start thinking what you can do to help them not the other way around.