Let's Be Reality: Islam Is A Problem.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
so did we literally just push these arabs off the land and give it to the jews?

absolutely disgusting :scusthov: fukk israel


Jun 8, 2012
pretty sure our military has caught more random bodies overseas than any random terror attack in the states
Thats a dumb statement in regards to THIS thread. Any war, where you're dropping bombs and using big weapons. regulars will get hit in the crossfire. It's the realities of war.

there is no way shape or form where you can explain away intentionally lighting up people that dont even know they are at war. now some will say but the crazees told them already. ok fine. so why are the crazees lighting up everyone muslim or not? doesnt make sense. no matter how you slice it. this aint war. its crazy people doing what crazy people do.


Jun 8, 2012
so did we literally just push these arabs off the land and give it to the jews?

absolutely disgusting :scusthov: fukk israel
go further back in history and you will realize the beef started way before we gave them israel...BACK. you dont have to ride with the jews to understand that. it was theres, then the muslims, then there's again. this is why that fight will never end. both parties believe its their holy land. aint nothing changing that opinion.


Jun 8, 2012
and then you if you want to go further with the who's land is it. look at what this dude says. i cant confirm or not. i'm not sitting on a quran to find out if thats the case or not.

'Even the Koran Claims Israel Belongs to the Jews'

'Even the Koran Claims Israel Belongs to the Jews'
Middle East expert discusses new book with Arutz Sheva that proves Islam's claims to Israel are false - even by their own standards.
Middle Eastern affairs professor Nissim Dana spoke to Arutz Sheva Monday about his upcoming book, To Whom Does This Land Belong?: New Insights into the Koran, and revealed that Islam absolutely does not have a claim to the Land of Israel - even by its own standards.

The Professor explained that the new book, published by the Bialik Institute and Ariel University, reveals several more insights into the Koran that remain unknown to the average Muslim and even some Muslim religious leaders.

Dana noted that top Islamic figures, such as Sheikh Yusuf Al Qaradawi, have embarked on a fierce campaign to separate the Jewish people from their rightful homeland and claim that Muslims have a sacred right to the Land of Israel.

However, Professor Dana noted, Al Qaradawi's efforts defy the Koran itself. Israel is mentioned eight times, according to the Professor, and there is not a single mention that it belongs to Arabs or Muslims. "Whenever there is a reference to the Land of Israel and to whom it belongs, the Koran points to the Jewish people," Professor Dana explained.

Dana pointed to Koran 7:7, where G-d Himself bequeaths the Land of Israel to the Jews, as a nation who thought themselves weak, and blesses them with goodness. The "weakness," according to Dana, is a reference to the Torah's incident with the Spies in Bamidbar (Numbers), where Israel's representatives hesitate to go into the land out of fear.

As for the argument that the Land of Israel was originally intended for the Jews, but G-d switched allegiances to Islam, Dana notes that there is no source in the Koran for such a statement. He adds a source in the fifth chapter of the Islamic holy text whereby Mohammed says on his deathbed that returning to the Land of Israel is impossible in and of itself, because G-d placed in Moses's mouth the declaration that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people.

He backs up his argument with proof from one of the greatest and well-known commentators on the Koran who sought to determine where Israel's borders are for the Jewish people on the basis of the Koran and determined that, according to Islam, the Jewish people are privy to land between the Nile and the Euphrates.

Dana noted that his book took over ten years to write and was compiled with the help of Arabic-speaking students who knew the language and its sources well. Most Muslims do not have deep knowledge of the Koran itself, he noted, and thus their beliefs about the Jewish people and the Land of Israel are dependent mostly on their leaders.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Was there a radical Islamist problem 60 years ago? 50? 40? No.

The problem is not within Islam, there are complex geo-political issues at work and religion is a tool used to stir emotions as a call to war. Manipulative leaders use religion to radicalise and gather support for their own political agenda.

Religion itself is neither positive or negative, it's a very personal thing and the fact that different people interpret text differently we can have politicians use that to convey support for a cause. Religion is not really the problem, people are the problem. If there was no religion, people would interpret something else negatively in order to provide legitimacy for their beliefs for example Lenin's manipulation of Marx's theory.

Do you think Muslims in general just hate the west because of ideological reasons alone? :dahell:

Or does their hate stem from illegal invasions, wars and plundering of resources as well as support for the unwavering support for Israel and their oppressive occupation of Palestine?

Saying Islam is the problem is a very simple and lazy perspective that just furthers the "us vs them" narrative of being at war with weird strange sand people who hate the west because of our superior lifestyle and freedom
Treaty of Tripoli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :francis:


The World Is My Country, To Do Good Is My Religion
Dec 15, 2013
Some good points but the thing is 50-60 years ago most Muslim countries were under the fist of European colonialism, before that it was the Ottoman Empire and before that it was different Islamic empires

the "peaceful" period you are referring to is just the "peace" of colonization, before colonization radical islam wasn't a world wide problem because it was confined in an unconnected pre modern world, but people that lived near Islam, would have considered "radical Islam" a problem

If you had lived in one of the many peoples and nations that were swallowed up by Islamic armies you would have considered Islam a problem

So what I am saying is that Islam has always been violent and it has always been a problem

The only counter argument is that the same things apply to Christianity

Good point, the world has gotten smaller and it's much easier for people and ideology to spread. The "peace" I'm talking about is relative because there's always going to be violence in the world,

but the Islamic world was much more stable prior to Western intervention and was the beacon of knowledge throughout the dark ages. Under the Ottoman Empire and after the European divisions which imposed arbitrary borders and destabilised the region aswell as involving them in the Cold War we saw the seeds of the turmoil that would come to fruition today.

What I'm referring to is the fact that there will always be people who manipulate religious doctrines for selfish reasons and from a purely logical perspective NO religion promotes violence against other. The problem lies with people and their interpretations not religion, I mean the guy who killed John Lennon justified it by reading the Catcher in the Rye.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Argue if you must, but don't LIE.

The Quran literally condones a lot of his behavior.

The believers know this.

Its the same reason moderate christians suck at following the bible.
Don't fukking quote or @ me bro Im not discussing this with you anymore.

Drip Bayless

Jun 1, 2014
Some good points but the thing is 50-60 years ago most Muslim countries were under the fist of European colonialism, before that it was the Ottoman Empire and before that it was different Islamic empires

the "peaceful" period you are referring to is just the "peace" of colonization, before colonization radical islam wasn't a world wide problem because it was confined in an unconnected pre modern world, but people that lived near Islam, would have considered "radical Islam" a problem

If you had lived in one of the many peoples and nations that were swallowed up by Islamic armies you would have considered Islam a problem

So what I am saying is that Islam has always been violent and it has always been a problem

The only counter argument is that the same things apply to Christianity
This is one of the crucial things the same people condemning Islam will happily ignore. If you had never met a Christian or a Muslim, and read the Old Testament and Medinan surahs, you'd look up at the end like:why::snoop:, baffled that the texts people have dedicated so much of their lives to, condones and preaches violence, misogyny, and slavery:mjpls:
Christianity and Islam are both dogmatically fukked up, but Christians are given freedom of interpretation regardless of a track record that shows they have more in common with the Christians of the Old Testament.