My Wife Has to Work 6 Days This Week because of Privileged Cac Girl


Someday, We'll All Be Free
Mar 17, 2022
The Abyss
Listen man, my wife is a manager of a restaurant here and one of her shift managers got into a car accident earlier this week. She was not paying attention and hit a guy at a stop light. Totaled her car. Edit- She lied. Car wasn't totaled at all.

She missed her shift Friday and my wife granted her a day off Saturday to figure out her transportation situation. But she was told that she is expected to be at work today which is Sunday.

She was not injured at all, mind you. So last night she texted my wife talking bout she's mentally not ready to come back to work. So we're reading her sob story and my wife is like what should I say? So I'm like, she's not hurt, we understand and sympathize with her emotional distress, but at the end of the day, we all have a job to do regardless of how we feel. People come to work down and out all the time but they still have to pull their own weight and keep it moving. So she told her that. But this cac bytch was still crying and shyt tryna call out. So my wife had to call her and talk to her one on one. At the end of the call, my wife gave her a choice, show up for your shift or try to get one of the other managers to cover it.

The other managers have already been covering her shifts the last 3 days mind you. 2 of them said no and the other wouldn't even return her call. So she's expected to come to work.

An hour ago, the company District GM called my wife and said this bytches father contacted him trying to explain his daughter's emotional distress. This mf is a 22 year old grown ass woman. The District GM said he wasn't going to discuss the matter with the father because he employed his daughter and she needs to speak for herself.

So my wife is fuming hot because she has to go in today and cover her shift, rework the schedule AND cover her shifts this up coming week. Why? Because this privileged cac claimed depression and according to FMLA, an employee can take as much time as needed if it's due to mental health. You gotta be fukking kidding me.

This cac is a rich, privileged daddy's girl. It wasn't even a real accident, it was a fukking fender bender. nikka im pissed af because we had a night planned tonight and now I'm stuck with the got damn kids while she's at work. And she'll probably have to work 6 days next week to cover this bytches shifts.

I'm sorry but I'll never understand how any of yall mfs could ever want to marry/date a white woman, let alone fukk one. They get under my skin so fukking bad.
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Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
im sure ole girl is a entitled cac c*nt, but you and your wife was wrong for that one chief. You had no place telling that worker she was fine to work (despite her telling you that she wasnt) and then issuing a ultimatum.

Thats one of those thing in which you document the incident, let the smoke clear, and then sit the EE down and have a counseling session that you also document.

I sympathize for your wife too, i get it, but part of being in Leadership/MGMT is eating shyt when the troops cant and wont show up.


Someday, We'll All Be Free
Mar 17, 2022
The Abyss
im sure ole girl is a entitled cac c*nt, but you and your wife was wrong for that one chief. You had no place telling that worker she was fine to work (despite her telling you that she wasnt) and then issuing a ultimatum.
My nikka, she wasn't even in a real accident. She's not hurt. Nobody was hurt. The front of her car is messed up and that's it. It wasn't a serious accident at all.


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
im sure ole girl is a entitled cac c*nt, but you and your wife was wrong for that one chief. You had no place telling that worker she was fine to work (despite her telling you that she wasnt) and then issuing a ultimatum.
I agree who are we suppose to believe this nikka or the white girl?

I know who I'm siding with. :mjpls:

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
Listen man, my wife is a manager of a restaurant here and one of her shift managers got into a car accident earlier this week. She was not paying attention and hit a guy at a stop light. Totaled her car. She missed her shift Friday and my wife granted her a day off Saturday to figure out her transportation situation. But she was told that she is expected to be at work today which is Sunday.

She was not injured at all, mind you. So last night she texted my wife talking bout she's mentally not ready to come back to work. So we're reading her sob story and my wife is like what should I say? So I'm like, she's not hurt, we understand and sympathize with her emotional distress, but at the end of the day, we all have a job to do regardless of how we feel. People come to work down and out all the time but they still have to pull their own weight and keep it moving. So she told her that. But this cac bytch was still crying and shyt tryna call out. So my wife had to call her and talk to her one on one. At the end of the call, my wife gave her a choice, show up for your shift or try to get one of the other managers to cover it.

The other managers have already been covering her shifts the last 3 days mind you. 2 of them said no and the other wouldn't even return her call. So she's expected to come to work.

An hour ago, the company District GM called my wife and said this bytches father contacted him trying to explain his daughter's emotional distress. This mf is a 22 year old grown ass woman. The District GM said he wasn't going to discuss the matter with the father because he employed his daughter and she needs to speak for herself.

So my wife is fuming hot because she has to go in today and cover her shift, rework the schedule AND cover her shifts this up coming week. Why? Because this privileged cac claimed depression and according to FMLA, an employee can take as much time as needed if it's due to mental health. You gotta be fukking kidding me.

This cac is a rich, privileged daddy's girl. It wasn't even a real accident, it was a fukking fender bender. Yeah her car is totaled but she was speeding. nikka im pissed af because we had a night planned tonight and now I'm stuck with the got damn kids while she's at work. And she'll probably have to work 6 days next week to cover this bytches shifts.

I'm sorry but I'll never understand how any of yall mfs could ever want to marry/date a white woman, let alone fukk one. They get under my skin so fukking bad.

Is the girl a PAWG? :lupe:

Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
My nikka, she wasn't even in a real accident. She's not hurt. Nobody was hurt. The front of her car is messed up and that's it. It wasn't a serious accident at all.
Maybe physically it wasnt. But mentally who knows what the girl is going through?

Im playing devils advocate bruh. In 2022, you cannot go off and start saying "its not a big deal bring your ass to work" especially when someone is telling you that they ""mentally arent ready". Those are trigger words that few companies legal team are going to fight against.

If the girl is a problem that needs to go, All you can do is document, consult the attendanc/conduct policies and maybe even call HR to ensure legally you can document, reprimand or terminate with no legal recourse.

If you cant, understand that The girl played your wife this round, take the L and learn from it. :yeshrug:


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
im sure ole girl is a entitled cac c*nt, but you and your wife was wrong for that one chief. You had no place telling that worker she was fine to work (despite her telling you that she wasnt) and then issuing a ultimatum.

Thats one of those thing in which you document the incident, let the smoke clear, and then sit the EE down and have a counseling session that you also document.

I sympathize for your wife too, i get it, but part of being in Leadership/MGMT is eating shyt when the troops cant and wont show up.

I was about to say.. you nikkas don’t give personal days and days off?

I mean, bytch almost died :heh: . Yeah it’s her fault but c’mon


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
My nikka, she wasn't even in a real accident. She's not hurt. Nobody was hurt. The front of her car is messed up and that's it. It wasn't a serious accident at all.
Kinda not the point

If the car is totaled that means it’s totaled..

Did you and your wife really want her to walk to work and be mentally distracted or crying and shyt there?