New Evidence Of Bill Cosby’s Innocence? Peep These Videos


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
he said if you're not gonna march and get outraged when black ppl shoot down black children, then you shouldn't do it when cops do it

I agree with that.

If we're gonna march for black children that get shot down, then let's march for black ppl that get shot down, regardless of who shot them

What does black criminal behavior have to do with innocent unarmed Citizens being murdered by the police?

Because some nikka I never met kills someone in Chicago I should turn a blind eye to Tamir Rice bejng gunned down?

Y'all are literally using Fox News talking points to defend this nikka.
Apr 3, 2014
What does black criminal behavior have to do with innocent unarmed Citizens being murdered by the police?

Because some nikka I never met kills someone in Chicago I should turn a blind eye to Tamir Rice bejng gunned down?

Y'all are literally using Fox News talking points to defend this nikka.

so you knew Tamir Rice? :usure:

as far as repeating Fox talking points.... I don't know about all that, but you ever heard the saying, "a broken clock is right twice a day"


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
so you knew Tamir Rice? :usure:

as far as repeating Fox talking points.... I don't know about all that, but you ever heard the saying, "a broken clock is right twice a day"

No I don't know Tamir Rice, but even if I did it wouldn't make a difference.

Again, what does black criminal behavior have to do with unarmed, innocent citizens being killed by the cops and the cops getting away with murder?

And neither fox news nor bill Cosby is right. That argument is only used as a deflection when it comes to us being brutalized by the police.

If a white cop pulls you out your car in broad daylight, executes you in front of a bunch of witnesses and the murder is caught on tape, then never face prosecution, should black people be quiet because a bunch of nikkas got shot in Oakland?


All Star
Jun 6, 2012
Anyone with sense don't need to see or hear that shyt. It makes no sense if you have sense and lived in America in the 80's. The first positive rendition we have on TV is the Cosby Show. It was all new. America just started getting comfortable with black folks in diff roles. Not just Pimp, Prostitute, Drug Dealer etc..........They wasn't gonna let that show live with these allegations back then. Period. There is No America where a black man is too powerful for jail etc.....The system is built for all of that. You not gonna have a bunch of CAC women talking about a black man raped them in the 70's IN THIS COUNTRY and they were scared to go to the police. So scared they went BACK out with him AFTER the supposed rapes. Shiit only someone born in 1992 could swallow this "America isn't that bad as far as racism and bigotry so the 80's and 70's could NOT have been that bad." Yeah wake the fukk up.

No conviction but Awards are being taken and the Cosby Show is off the air?

But Charlie Sheen Show and 7th Heaven are still on syndication?

My new shyt is asking people who feel Cosby is guilty to SPECIFY which woman they believe. They can't say all of them because so many have been proven flimsy and flat out liars. So ask. Which Woman's testimony Without Proof do you believe? Cut out all the "you're defending a rapist" shyt. WHO exactly Was Raped?
Apr 3, 2014
No I don't know Tamir Rice, but even if I did it wouldn't make a difference.

Again, what does black criminal behavior have to do with unarmed, innocent citizens being killed by the cops and the cops getting away with murder?

And neither fox news nor bill Cosby is right. That argument is only used as a deflection when it comes to us being brutalized by the police.

If a white cop pulls you out your car in broad daylight, executes you in front of a bunch of witnesses and the murder is caught on tape, then never face prosecution, should black people be quiet because a bunch of nikkas got shot in Oakland?

dude I never said black ppl should "be quiet" and thats not what Cosby was saying either

What he said was, if you're not going to march when black ppl kill black ppl, then don't march when white ppl kill black ppl

The point is: EVERYBODY NEEDS TO STOP KILLING BLACK PPL, whether it's black ppl doing it or white ppl doing it

if you dont understand that, it's cause you don't want to understand
Apr 3, 2014
Anyone with sense don't need to see or hear that shyt. It makes no sense if you have sense and lived in America in the 80's. The first positive rendition we have on TV is the Cosby Show. It was all new. America just started getting comfortable with black folks in diff roles. Not just Pimp, Prostitute, Drug Dealer etc..........They wasn't gonna let that show live with these allegations back then. Period. There is No America where a black man is too powerful for jail etc.....The system is built for all of that. You not gonna have a bunch of CAC women talking about a black man raped them in the 70's IN THIS COUNTRY and they were scared to go to the police. So scared they went BACK out with him AFTER the supposed rapes. Shiit only someone born in 1992 could swallow this "America isn't that bad as far as racism and bigotry so the 80's and 70's could NOT have been that bad." Yeah wake the fukk up.

No conviction but Awards are being taken and the Cosby Show is off the air?

But Charlie Sheen Show and 7th Heaven are still on syndication?

My new shyt is asking people who feel Cosby is guilty to SPECIFY which woman they believe. They can't say all of them because so many have been proven flimsy and flat out liars. So ask. Which Woman's testimony Without Proof do you believe? Cut out all the "you're defending a rapist" shyt. WHO exactly Was Raped?

the bolded words is key breh

TV has dumbed ppl down, and hardly anyone has sense nowadays

and the folks born after 1992 are all over 18 now, and they have free access to the internet, and they're the ones who push stuff on social media and they're so ignorant that they believe this mess

I also agree with you about asking which specific woman they believe he raped. I actually did that to somebody yesterday, and he tried to tell me "the black ones"

I had to let him know that the black ones never said Cosby raped them. They claim he grabbed their breast or touched their hair, or something like that, and that's not rape

dude got silent after that

Black Sinatra

Raised Glass to the Squandered Potentials..
May 14, 2013
Which should be more of our concern
Our inner conflict or the the conflict that comes from outside of us?

Cosby believes the inner
I cant sht on him for thinking that

But i will shyt on someone condeming the brother cuz a bunch of poorly corroborated sob stories from some cacs are being told to convict him with suuuuper convenient timing


Extremely underated post. I try to preach this mindset, but cats don't get it. Too quick to condemn our own, with no ability to understand.