New Evidence Of Bill Cosby’s Innocence? Peep These Videos

Apr 3, 2014
New Evidence Of Bill Cosby’s Innocence? Peep These Videos

Bill Cosby has been tried and convicted in the media and court of public opinion. Now, with an actual case pending, the 78-year old activist/entertainer faces 10 years in jail. Still, many questions loom and Cosby has many supporters.

Some of these theories, details and possibilities have been completely ignored and Bill Cosby has been castigated through the media. A new video says that Cosby is the most despised person in the “kangaroo court of public opinion.” Check it out.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Jewel Allison, the writer of the recent Washington Post op-ed regarding Bill Cosby, changed her story on a Detroit television and radio broadcast Wednesday.

Allison was a guest on "A Scriptural Discussion with the Son of Man", which airs on Detroit's 88.1 FM WHPR & Comcast 91.

New Nation of Islam leader, the Son of Man, asked her many hard-hitting questions that exposed many of the discrepancies in her accusations against Bill Cosby.

When he asked her if Bill Cosby raped her, Allison admitted that he did not.

Jewel Allison completely changes her story:

The Son of Man went on to ask Allison why she didn't get a toxicology report:

The Son of Man & Jewel Allison discuss what Cosby allegations mean to black community:

The Son of Man questions Jewel Allison on her and other Cosby accusers' lack of evidence:

The Son of Man and Jewel Allison discuss rape and racism:

The full broadcast is here:

Cosby Accuser Kristina Ruehli's interview with CNN:

Watch how her story changes when she talks to the Son of Man:

Discussion with Gloria Allred: Why is Gloria Allred going after Bill Cosby and not Hugh Hefner on Playboy Mansion allegations:

Full discussion here (it starts at the 52:44 mark)

Janice dikkinson tells the rest of her fellow white women accusers that "we are the stronger race" :mjpls:

Janice dikkinson: "We are the stronger race."

Those were her words during her December 5th appearance on MSNBC's Ronan Farrow Daily.

This was the same interview where Janice dikkinson displayed her rowdy and rude personality to the world by launching obscenities at both Dr. Bill Cosby and his attorney, Martin Singer (she flipped two birds to Attorney Singer).

We now know that this isn't about anything but racism.


Her behavior on Ronan Farrow Daily speaks to the type of person she is. Janice dikkinson has a reputation for always speaking her mind.

But she wants us to believe that she was "afraid" to report being drugged and raped by a black man in 1982 because he was "too powerful". What a farce!!!

Well that seems to be the recurring theme in many of the allegations that were re-launched against Dr. Cosby within the past several weeks. Apparently, to let them tell it, they all decided to keep their silence at the time these so-called assaults happened. Most of them say: "He was so powerful so I didn't say anything." "I was afraid of him and so I decided to keep it a secret."

But what many of the news pundits and cable television shows fail to take into account is the time period through which many of these so-called "rapes" took place.

The earliest accusation against Dr. Cosby took place in the 1960's. In the 1960's, black men in America had no more power in relationship to white people than they have today. If we have so much power, why are all of these open murders committed against our people by those who supposedly are law enforcement people? And nothing is done about it.

Even to this day, white women speak out boldly against black men that are accused of crimes, so much so that there have been many cases throughout the years of white women (and men) committing crimes, and to cover themselves they finger an innocent black man as the perpetrator because they know how often those who oversee the American justice system have portrayed black men as inherent criminals.

For instance:

A Woman's False Accusations Pains Many Blacks
excerpt from article: "As racial hoaxes go, the lies Susan Smith told in Union, S.C., about a black man stealing her two children were not novel or new, but they shot around the world anyway as the gospel truth spoken by a grieving mother. Now, with the news that Mrs. Smith has confessed to killing her own offspring comes a different kind of grief -- a weary, when-will-it-ever-end sadness. "I guess she figured if she said a black man did it people would believe her no matter what kind of story she came up with," said Tyrone Mason, a 38-year-old tennis coach in Chicago. "That's what hurts. As long as it's allegedly a black man involved, America will fall for anything."

Bonnie Sweeten, mother who faked kidnapping to go to Disney World, sentenced to 8 years
excerpt from article: "In 2009 Sweeten spurred an intensive search by federal and local authorities by making a fake 911 call to say she and her 9-year-old daughter had been kidnapped by two black men in a truck. Authorities say that in reality, Sweeten had taken her daughter to Disney World in Florida."

Young Republican who claimed Obama supporter carved letter 'B' on her face during robbery made the story up, police say
excerpt from article: "Todd initially told investigators she was attempting to use a bank branch ATM on Wednesday night when a 6-foot-4 black man approached her from behind, put a knife blade to her throat and demanded money. She told police she handed the assailant $60 and walked away. Todd, who is white, told investigators she suspected the man then noticed a John McCain sticker on her car. She said the man punched her in the back of the head, knocked her to the ground and scratched a backward letter 'B' into her face with a dull knife. The 20-year-old college student from Texas admitted that the story was false, including the claim that the 'B' stood for 'Barack,' said Maurita Bryant, the assistant chief of the police department's investigations division in Pittsburg."

Officer arrested after allegedly making up story of being ambushed, stabbed
excerpt from article: "Officer Christopher Russo claimed he was ambushed and stabbed, but police said it was all a lie. Officer Russo said the two suspects sounded like black males though he didn’t get a good look. But after McDonough police spent hours investigating the crime scene, things didn't add up."

These are just a few of the many similar stories of black men being accused of committing crimes that they were not guilty of.

So why would a white woman in the 1960's be afraid to go to the police if a black man truly raped her?

The simple truth is: She wouldn't.

White women know their power in this country; and if they had forgotten it, Janice dikkinson was all too willing to remind them during her MSNBC appearance.

When Ronan Farrow asked Ms. dikkinson if she had a message for the other accusers, her response was: "We are the stronger race."

Stronger race?

Here is the exact quote:

MSNBC'S RONAN FARROW: "[Attorney] Singer specifically said of you that your claims were outlandish, that they were false. Those are words he used. What's your response to Marty Singer, again Cosby's lawyer?"

Janice dikkinson flips two birds (puts two middle fingers up)

RONAN FARROW: "Mm-hmm. I think that speaks volumes."

JANICE dikkINSON: "I want Marty Singer - What if someone raped your wife, Marty? You've got daughters, Marty. What if Bill Cosby came and robbed their innocence, Marty? How you like me now, Marty? That's what I say. And I say to you, Bill Cosby, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're one sick [expletive] puppy. You're a dog."

RONAN FARROW: "What's your message to any of these women coming forward against this very powerful legal team and this very powerful man in Hollywood?"


Those were her exact words. Why didn't Ronan Farrow question Ms. dikkinson on the meaning behind that statement? Because he had already said that her "flipping the bird" spoke volumes.

Why haven't the cable news pundits and the "experts" replayed her comment and discussed what her motivations were for making such a statement?

This makes them all look complicit in this.

Is it because they are all interested in conducting this high-tech lynching of Bill Cosby?

They have knowingly allowed their airwaves to be used to spread innuendo, rumors, gossip and complete falsehoods.

Then they all turn to Dr. Cosby and they repeat over and over: "If he doesn't come out and defend himself, then he must be guilty."

So in other words, the Constitution can be thrown away and public opinion takes its place.

In this country, the burden of proof is not on the accused. The burden of proof is on the accuser; and so far, none of these women have produced any proof that their stories are true. They only have said that he drugged and raped them. Where is the proof? And judgments in the court system are supposed to be based solely on facts. The way that it generally works is that with your mouth, you accuse the person; and then you present facts to support your accusations. Where are the facts?

None of these women have thus far produced a clinical or toxicology report that drugs were used on them. None of them have shown thus far any DNA evidence that they had sexual relations with the man.

In fact, it's quite the opposite. Most of the accusers even admit that they never saw any drugs.

Well then, why is CNN, MSNBC and other mainstream media sources allowing these women to come on television and present unfounded accusations as true facts?

Because as the Son of Man (leader and teacher of the New Nation of Islam) pointed out, this is about racism.

The Son of Man stated that black men have been wrongly accused of rape by white women in this country for centuries. The Son of Man also proclaimed that we who stand for justice must come together and tell the media: "No, we are not going to stand by idly and let you 'lynch' Dr. Bill Cosby and defame his character."

Click here to listen to the Son of Man's comments in full.

The Son of Man speaks to Bill Cosby's lawyer Monique Pressley

New Evidence Of Bill Cosby’s Innocence? Peep These Videos



Real O.G.
Dec 1, 2012
New Evidence Of Bill Cosby’s Innocence? Peep These Videos

Bill Cosby has been tried and convicted in the media and court of public opinion. Now, with an actual case pending, the 78-year old activist/entertainer faces 10 years in jail. Still, many questions loom and Cosby has many supporters.

Some of these theories, details and possibilities have been completely ignored and Bill Cosby has been castigated through the media. A new video says that Cosby is the most despised person in the “kangaroo court of public opinion.” Check it out.

cacs and c00ns can't deny blatant truth, so they're tryna ignore it and hope it goes away :banderas:

A1 posting homie :salute: