Question for Black Biden supporters. (Not a pro Trump or pro Biden thread)

Sex Luthor

I'm like kryptonite to these thots
Feb 20, 2017
Edit: Basically I'm trying to see how other people feel about non-black people that legit, 100% support the same issues you do.

Here's why I ask.

I was at work talking to a customer (white woman) about the election. She said she voted for Biden and her reasons were legit to me. At the same time she's white and I dont trust her.

I know it was a lot of white people out there for BLM protest but most were there for social media.

My question is how do yall feel towards non-black people that voted for Biden for the same reasons as you? Do you feel like they're on your side as far as stopping discrimination or is it still fukk em even though they're willing to fight for our equality?
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Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
If they voted for Biden they have their reasons. The general sense is that people are tired of a failed businessman running the country into the ground. He doesn't know what he's doing and never has. At least with Biden you're getting a guy who can listen to an expert instead of arguing with him live on television. You get a guy who actually can pretend to know what he's talking about, and a guy who has actually been around a president for more than just photo ops. He has inside knowledge and experience on how this shyt works. At the VERY LEAST, this guy won't de-fund investigations into white domestic terrorist groups while these nazis kill both black AND white people.

The bar is so low at this point that anyone with more than 2 years of actual real world political or military experience is better than Trump. That coworker was probably trying to appeal to your racial sensibilities as a lot of white people do when they don't know how to relate to black people in terms of mutual interests and don't want to develop a reputation as a racist in the workplace.

Sex Luthor

I'm like kryptonite to these thots
Feb 20, 2017
Politicians pander and everyone and their grand mammy got their own agenda. You can never fully trust a politician. Even if you like them
This has nothing to do with politicians.

You obviously didn't read it. How do you comment on something you didn't read?

Sex Luthor

I'm like kryptonite to these thots
Feb 20, 2017
If they voted for Biden they have their reasons. The general sense is that people are tired of a failed businessman running the country into the ground. He doesn't know what he's doing and never has. At least with Biden you're getting a guy who can listen to an expert instead of arguing with him live on television. You get a guy who actually can pretend to know what he's talking about, and a guy who has actually been around a president for more than just photo ops. He has inside knowledge and experience on how this shyt works. At the VERY LEAST, this guy won't defend investigations into white domestic terrorist groups while these nazis kill both black AND white people.

The bar is so low at this point that anyone with more than 2 years of actual real world political or military experience is better than Trump. That coworker was probably trying to appeal to your racial sensibilities as a lot of white people do when they don't know how to relate to black people in terms of mutual interests and don't want to develop a reputation as a racist in the workplace.
Wasn't a co-worker. Some random white lady. She gave me the info about why she voted biden. I didnt ask. She has no reason to lie.


♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
This has nothing to do with politicians.
You're questioning the reasons why other people would vote for a politician. So how does this have nothing to do with politicians. You obviously didn't understand my point
Apr 3, 2014
My question is how do yall feel towards non-black people that voted for Biden for the same reasons as you? Do you feel like they're on your side as far as stopping discrimination or is it still fukk em?

I talked about this before on here but I was raised... in a very militant household. I was literally raised to see all white ppl as my enemy. I was taught our history in this country as soon as I could understand what those words meant. I read the book "100 years of lynchings" when I was 5 years old.

With that being said, I came to find out years later that not all white ppl are my enemy. I mean, I still don't trust them. I dont have any white friends. The most I would say I have is white associates.

But I must admit... i have run across some white ppl that truly hate what their ppl did and still do to us and I have come to appreciate them.

And my mind was blown this past summer to see all those white ppl out there marching for George Floyd. Literally had me like :ohhh:

It was amazing. I saw where some white ppl got beat by police, some lost an eye from rubber bullets fired by police. Some got killed.

And that further goes to show me that not every white person necessarily has an ax to grind against us.

I do still believe that all white ppl are racist on some level. How could they not be? They have been literally indoctrinated to be racist against us.

Some are less racist than others tho.

And some of them seem like they want to help us and I appreciate them for that. One of my clients in Beverly Hills is white and she hates Trump.

And the week before last, right before election, I asked her a question not even expecting her to be honest with me because most white ppl try to gaslight us into not believing that racism is real. They want us to think it's all in our heads.

So I point blank asked her, and my intention was to just make her uncomfortable as she tried to come up with an answer... i asked her "why do all these white ppl support Trump? Is it because of racism?"

I expected her to start juelzing. So I internally had the :mjlol: after I asked the question.

To my shock and surprise, she told me, "Of course it's because of racism. Why else would they support him?"

Again I had the :ohhh: because I'm not used to white ppl being honest on these topics.

So anyway said all that to say... there are some white ppl that I have gained an appreciation for

Sex Luthor

I'm like kryptonite to these thots
Feb 20, 2017
covid humbled everyone just like 9/11..

And just like 9/11, when shyt goes back to "normal", it'll be back to "normal".
Do yall read or just have talking points already copy and pasted ready to go? Nobody asked you about none of that shyt you're talking breh

I asked how do you feel about cacs that voted for Biden for the same reasons you did.

Sex Luthor

I'm like kryptonite to these thots
Feb 20, 2017
You're questioning the reasons why other people would vote for a politician. So how does this have nothing to do with politicians. You obviously didn't understand my point
No I'm not questioning that at all.

Im asking HOW DO YOU FEEL towards cacs that voted for biden for the same reasons you did.

This means do you feel like they're still the enemy or an alliance fighting for out rights as black people. Aint shyt about politicians


Jun 13, 2019
Everyone's has got their own interests and agenda.

If a White person didn't vote for Trump and voted for Biden you best believe they either despise Trump or feel like a vote for Biden was in their best interests.

Most White folks don't give a shyt about things that don't affect them which includes but is not limited to racism. That is why many on the other side of the aisle have no problem supporting Trump.

The aforementioned is the reason many could vote for him despite him saying so many despicable things. I'm not going to say every Trump voter is racist, but what I will say is they have no problem being complicit to racism and the mistreatment of people that aren't like them under the guise of self interests.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Wasn't a co-worker. Some random white lady. She gave me the info about why she voted biden. I didnt ask. She has no reason to lie.
Saw you were at work and misread. My bad. Point still stands that it's common for white people to give unsolicited opinions around black people, and common for them to inject race into the topic in an effort to say "I'm not racist". Contrary to popular belief, a lot of white people actually do know that they're assumed to be racist.

Since I was young I've learned to assume that white people are racist until proven otherwise. How can they NOT be? they're raised to think the founders of America were great, slavery was a long time ago and not really that bad and not even the reason for the civil war. They're raised on media that shows more black people as threats than allies, they're told by their racist Jim crow era parents and grand parents that america was better back in their day. They've been fed a steady news diet of black criminality, and reality shows that feature black dysfunction. They are shown movies at least once a year that feature black people as maids, slaves, or other servants who suffer nobly.

They are conditioned from birth to assume that we are either threats to their safety, or passive servants they can treat however they like. They bristle more at the idea of being called a racist, than the racist actions they exhibit. To them, racism is a matter of etiquette and manners, not part of their culture. Objectively speaking, White american culture is racist. It's part of the reason why when immigrants come over, in an attempt to blend in they imitate the racism of white people. That's what they've(correctly) assessed as white american culture. Dislike of black people is so deeply woven into the culture and history, that they don't even recognize their racism and that's why you get statements like "anti-racist is just code for anti-white!" and "I'm tired of being made to feel guilty for being a white man!".

If you're a black man, you should treat white people with the assumption that they do not actually see themselves as equal to you. That doesn't mean every white person is actively trying to oppress, it just means they have an implicit sense that they're better than you. They think they deserve more than you do, and deserve to be treated better than you do. Most of them will never acknowledge their conditioning and the cultural messages they grew up with and its racist tones so they drift around in blissful, willful ignorance. It doesn't matter to me if a white person says "hey man black lives DO matter" if there's no followup which includes introspection into the roots of how they came to that conclusion.

There are white people who GENUINELY have deprogrammed themselves and have developed a moral compass and code, but I'm more likely to trust a black person who has experienced the same anti black racism that I have over a white person who may or may not ACTUALLY understand it. It's one thing to read about and talk to people about racism, and it's another thing to experience it. I'm not mad at white people who will put money to black causes or vote for a black agenda. It's the right thing to do, and I'm more likely to feel comfortable around them, but the people I'm most comfortable with is black people who aren't delusional about race.