quick question for my hoopers...

are you as nice as you were back in the day?

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Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
do you play ball the same way you did when you were younger?

I played the 2 in high school and got MVP my senior year averaging around 18 a game :jawalrus:, got on the news once and in the newspaper a coupe times(it was a small school) but I've really only played sporadically as an adult :francis:

anyways, back in the day(as much as it shames me to say it) I was somewhat of a chucker :heh:
I was 6' and I'd say I was mostly a slasher. I was real good at getting to the buckets through traffic, I was good at the stop and pop in the midrange, and I was known as a three point shooter. I had NO left hand up until the summer before my senior year but the summer before I went to courts all through the city and would just practice driving left all day long; by myself, in a game, it didn't matter. I was quick and able to get by most defenders and I had a little hops so I could elevate and shoot over defenders.

but then father time caught up to me :flabbynsick:
I would play here and there when I was in the military but as I got older hooping became less of a priority, but I still loved the game.

I lived in Europe for a lil bit in my early thirties and managed to get on with a C division semi-pro team in Scandanavia, and I had a lot of time to hoop again so I was at the courts every day in the summer. I was still a slasher, but I had reached my final adult height of 6'2 so I found myself in the post a lot more frequently than I was used to, but I was pretty good at guarding guys bigger than me cuz I still had a little hops and even though I was thin(think KD's build) I was stronger than I looked because I had a lot of lean muscle. I still slashed and was able to get by guys but nowhere near the frequency and ease I was able to do it before. The area I was living in had a bunch of dudes from eastern europe, latvia and places like that. and there was this one kid, 19 maybe, that is one of the quickest motherfukkers I ever played against. AND he had a J. he cooked the shyt outta me brehs :sadcam: I was getting buckets on him too tho :ufdup:
there's actually a lot of ballers over there tho, there was this one mixed breh who you could tell grew up watching all the And 1 tapes because he had a pretty ill handle.

but now I'm in my late thirties :beli:
now when I play I don't be crossing nobody up anymore, I just post people up and back em down and either do a fade way over my right or left shoulder. sometimes a hook :ld:
jumper is nowhere near as wet as it used to be :mjcry:
I'm out there winded as shyt, my man getting wild buckets on me if we're running full court cuz I'm too tired to keep up :skip:
sorry for the long exposition :hubie:

but now I'm just sitting here and wondering how I went from prime Rip Hamilton to a washed KG :why:

this happen to anybody else as they got older or am I the only one :patrice:

I still have pride tho, I'm playing in a league out here and I went to CoachUp and found a breh who played D1 ball and had a 9 year career in Europe and I start working out with him this weekend so I can get my handles and J back :blessed:

best 60 bucks an hour I'll ever spend :wow:

TLDR: fellow flabby heads do you still have the same skillset and physical attributes as you did in your younger years as a hooper, and if not what kind of adjustments have you made over the years and how has your game changed? :jbhmm:

I was at the barber the other day and there was a breh in his late 30s who plays in Argentina and somebody asked him how he's been able to play for so long. breh said that at the higher levels you think the game more. it's not as much about your physical attributes like strength, quickness, and reflexes but understanding ANGLES. that was an eye opener :ehh: the most I'll do is sag off dudes who got more bunnies and are quicker than me and make em make the jump shot :yeshrug: I also defend according to their dominant hand and I try and funnel everything to the baseline


Jun 14, 2018
I wish I was as aggressive in HS as I am now. Coulda gotten free school somewhere :wow: plus I didn’t expand to the 3 pt line til sr yr. Now I got the strap :dame:

I went from the 3 to the 4/5, back to the 3, and eventually ended at the 2.

All in all, I’m more skilled and confident, but lost a step and conditioning from not getting ran ragged everyday anymore. I’m still pretty young tho and got serious about getting back in the gym the last couple yrs.

Once I knee is back right again so I can squat/DL again, imma make it a goal to be the best I ever been by the Fall

Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
I wish I was as aggressive in HS as I am now. Coulda gotten free school somewhere :wow: plus I didn’t expand to the 3 pt line til sr yr. Now I got the strap :dame:

I went from the 3 to the 4/5, back to the 3, and eventually ended at the 2.

All in all, I’m more skilled and confident, but lost a step and conditioning from not getting ran ragged everyday anymore. I’m still pretty young tho and got serious about getting back in the gym the last couple yrs.

Once I knee is back right again so I can squat/DL again, imma make it a goal to be the best I ever been by the Fall
do you have rec leagues around your way or you just do pick up games?

rec leagues are the closest you'll get to your glory days, they're fun tho :ehh:

the worst is when there's always that one nikka hacking the shyt out of everybody who thinks he's pat bev :hhh:

Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
Played in high school and some aau. I’m prolly trash now. Haven’t touched a basketball in about a year
why haven't you played? too busy adulting or you just got other shyt going on in your life.

I stopped for a hot minute because I took up boxing, which is fun. but I figure this summer I'm gonna do something I really enjoy, which is basketball. been playing ever since I was a kid and as washed as I am now, there's something special about getting on the court and all that muscle memory kicks in


May 1, 2012
My game changed all the way. I used to play PG and was that annoying as dude that would play full court D. Loved pushing the ball and running and if needed had a nice post game. Could turn over either shoulder, hook shots with either hand, up and unders. As I got older I still run a decent amount but get most of my baskets off smart cutting. I ain't got the energy to be fighting in the post.

My biggest problem as I got older is I get too competitive and go too hard and end up fukking myself up. My last two game injuries happened the same way. Started off saying I'm getting a quick run in as a workout. The first time was going against a younger dude. He got a couple of baskets and started talking shyt. So I decided I'm about to take down low and put him to work. I was killing that boy but then went too hard after a rebound and fell and cracked a verterbrae in my back.

The second game same thing. I had just finished a leg workout and was about to go home and some people asked if I want to run. I played and was going easy. Playing against some youngsters. They was giving us that work. I couldn't handle losing and start flying around like Draymond on D. We came back and won and was close to winning the next game. As I blocked a shot came down on somebody's ankle and fractured my shyt.

Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
My game changed all the way. I used to play PG and was that annoying as dude that would play full court D. Loved pushing the ball and running and if needed had a nice post game. Could turn over either shoulder, hook shots with either hand, up and unders. As I got older I still run a decent amount but get most of my baskets off smart cutting. I ain't got the energy to be fighting in the post.

My biggest problem as I got older is I get too competitive and go too hard and end up fukking myself up. My last two game injuries happened the same way. Started off saying I'm getting a quick run in as a workout. The first time was going against a younger dude. He got a couple of baskets and started talking shyt. So I decided I'm about to take down low and put him to work. I was killing that boy but then went too hard after a rebound and fell and cracked a verterbrae in my back.

The second game same thing. I had just finished a leg workout and was about to go home and some people asked if I want to run. I played and was going easy. Playing against some youngsters. They was giving us that work. I couldn't handle losing and start flying around like Draymond on D. We came back and won and was close to winning the next game. As I blocked a shot came down on somebody's ankle and fractured my shyt.

damn breh :picard:

you planning on going back to hoop or nah?

Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
Picked up ball late (at 17/18 years old, I used to player football/soccer). I'm 26 right now and I'm at my best. I play twice a week, once competitively (it's amateur) and the other recreationally.
excuse my skepticism but if you started that late how good are you :patrice:

unless you're mad tall I can imagine getting such a late start can be a hindrance against more experienced players. what position do you play normally?


Jun 14, 2018
do you have rec leagues around your way or you just do pick up games?

rec leagues are the closest you'll get to your glory days, they're fun tho :ehh:

the worst is when there's always that one nikka hacking the shyt out of everybody who thinks he's pat bev :hhh:

Both :mjgrin: usually do 3 leagues a yr and pickup ball twice a wk.

I usually only run into that overly hacking shyt at the hood spots, or against the tryhard cacs