RZA Responds To Social Media Attacks In OF Light Azealia Banks TMZ Interview, Update: Banks responds

King Jove

King Of †he Gawds
May 1, 2012
Before the night is over Azealia is insulting half the room she becomes loud and obnoxious.
There was nothing funny about her behavior. I felt a little embarrassed because she was my guest.
Still verbal abuse can be tolerated but when it goes physical...
Azealia threaten to cut a girl in the face with a glass, then actually grabs a glass and physically attacks for no logical reason.

yep, sounds like azaelia banks :russ:


All Star
Mar 18, 2014
RZA needs advisors, I could've told him "yo...this girl is nothing but a trainwreck" People that insult shyt constantly on twitter, you can't do business with them. That's a loose cannon. I bet you Banks loses her film role too. Hollywood isn't going to greenlight someone who says "fakkit" 10 times a minute in interviews. What the fukk? Who is RZA's manager? He gave her a starring role? NO ONE TOLD him that she did this!?!? She was already fukking dead. No Theater is going to distribute your film as soon as someone brings this up again. Ya done in Hollywood. You are a black female kramer.

When Olivares asked Banks to define the slur, she replied, "The word 'fakkitt' came to me from my mother. And it was never a thing about a guy being gay. It was always just a man who hates women. You can be gay or straight. You can be a straight fakkit… fakkits are men who want to bring women down, fukk with their heads, control them."

She then took issue with the bias she notices in white gay men:

"I definitely think a lot of the time with the 'white gay media' – especially with female artists – in order for you to seem successful or seem feminine you have to desire their approval. I feel like a lot of times gay men can be way more misogynistic than even straight men. Even how they come to you picking at your hair, telling you you're fat, telling you all this other shyt. Telling you how to be a woman. What the fukk do you know about being a woman?"

"You called me a bytch, I'll call you a fakkit," she later added. "What's the difference?

Banks, who is bisexual, doesn't think she's being homophobic:

"To be homophobic would imply that I'm, like, 'I can't sit next to a gay man cuz Imma catch the gay, but I already caught the gay. I feel like when I use the word 'fakkit,' it comes from, like, a feminist point of view, not a homophobic point of view. It's really just kinda like you feel attacked as a woman."

On the other side of things, that Banks (Different Banks not the crazy one) & Steels is dope shyt. Finally RZA got a rock connect with Paul Banks that was more than just one off collab. :banderas: