Sneaky cacs tryna reinstitute indentured servitude...


Dec 2, 2015
I know a sista that started out babysitting for this cac family right.
A few months on the job they approach her and say that they've seen her struggling and they "GIVE" her a used car so she can get back and forth easier. Sista is elated that she can now drive instead of taking the bus everywhere.
A few months later they give her a HUGE raise saying that she's done great work and ask her to change jobs with them and come as their 12-hr shift nanny. She agrees and does the job well.
A few months later, they approach her and offer to move her into the guest house on the property...she can't believe her good fortune so she goes with it.
Pretty soon after that, they've got her on 24 hour duty and it's a problem for her to take care of her own children and her own life business.
Everywhere she goes she has to drag the snotty rude cac kids with her. When she gets back "home" she can't even enjoy anything....she has to clean cook and support the cac-house.
She has no life outside of supporting the cacs. Her children are suffering neglect and declining in school due to minimal involvement with their mother. If she tries to spend time with her own children the cacs threaten to fire her.
They straight have her living like a house negro slave!!!
She wants to leave but she knows if she does she has to give back the car and find someplace to live and she won't even have a she's stuck.

That is one way how they trick you into becoming their slave nowadays.
Don't fall for the dangling dollar...

Stay woke.

They don't have her doing anything.
She has chosen to be in that situation. She could say no to their offers, she is the one that chooses to neglect her children, she decides to take the job and not find other employment.
Now she can either stay in that situation until it runs its course, or she could use the pay and the home and invest in herself, educate herself, make connections with other families, and etc, so she can not be dependent on those people.
The choice is hers and there is nothing stopping her from leaving and starting anew.
What you have described isn't indentured servitude, its a preference for instant gratification over delayed gratification.