The Black Tax: The Cost of Being Black In America


All Star
Nov 7, 2014
The white people who count aren't under any illusions about why things are the way they are. It's the reason they - again, the whites who count - are the caretakers of the system that was created to give white people the advantages they have today. And no amount of lecturing or guilt-tripping or article/book writing is going to make them alter their system to make it more "fair."

Lectures like that are for people who need to hear something to feel better. It's like masturbating. Feels good but nothing comes out of it. It's good information, I listened to the whole thing, but it's nothing more than theoretical conversation, which we've had plenty of for decades now while our position in this country has continued to stay stagnant and may have even gotten worse.

And for all that, the dude giving the lecture still says he lives in a white community - and the way he stressed it makes it sound like an ulta-white community - and has put his children in the hands of white teachers and his tax dollars toward the continued uplift of the white community he lives in.
Gonna have to disagree. I think the point behind this lecture and the dialogue thy follows it is the flow of information. There’s a lot of black people who honestly don’t know this.

After black people are exposed to this, chances are they’ll start thinking about action steps to follow

I don’t think anyone can hear this info, and knowingly go back to the same bullshyt. You gonna want to do something. That’s where we put our heads together and come up with an action plan