Trump polling at only 1 Percent with black voters. Makes you wonder about the coli

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
The top 3 were extreme racists, u idiot. VonDoom sonned the fukk out you.
what the fukk does that have to do with anything I posted? You think there's a negative correlation between holding racist beliefs and success of a presidential administration? What, stand up guy Jimmy Carter was a better President than FDR? :mjlol:

Let's take a look at that bottom 3 of that list, shall we? Millard Fillmore signed the Fugitive Slave Act. James Monroe owned 75 slaves. Grover Cleveland once said "blacks are imbued by nature with a grievous amount of ignorance, a sad amount of viciousness, and a tremendous amount of laziness and thriftlessness." Yeah, I don't think any of those guys will be getting posthumous NAACP awards. nikka, there have been like 2 presidents who weren't extreme racists :mjlol:

And who the fukk is VonDoom? :what:

Go to bed breh :camby:
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CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
Don't start lying again, you white fakkit, you admitted you were white in this thread: White Boys Enter | Page 2 | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli

You have some nerve pretending you're black after we have receipts on what you really are.

In Maine, Trump takes aim at Somali refugees - The Boston Globe

And then Trump dwelled on an issue that’s close to home for Mainers: Somali refugees.

That's yall proof?:gladbron::skip: please keep posting this ground breaking evidence :shaq:

Deutsche Bank

Some Of My Partners Dope Fiends Ha
Nov 15, 2015
Hookers & Blow
:sas2: @Deutsche Bank dropping some jewels in here...but you "enlightened" liberals Negros aint listening...better brush up on your spanish

yall better get some" armas de fuego,mucho de plata y grano"...just in case the future ends up looking like a cross between mad max and desparado
You can't tell nikkas shyt, same as it ever was. Just like in the First 48 thread where I showed that FBI statistics were erroneously lumping Hispanics with whites and making it look like whites were committing more crime.

You had willfully ignorant negroes bizarrely repeating that whites commit more crime, as if repeating the same dead wrong assertion will make it true. Eventually you have to just walk away from nikkas like that, there's no hope.

And this is why I say Democrats can't do basic math. They can't analyze basic data and understand the interconnectedness of the economy, and how that is what influences human behaviors and attitudes.

They cannot grasp causality when it deviates from their accepted reality, which means in Darwinian terms, cognitive dissonance renders them unable to utilize pattern recognition to adapt and survive. They are unfit for the game of life, which is why most of them constantly vote for free shyt, cause they're incapable of competing.

Deutsche Bank

Some Of My Partners Dope Fiends Ha
Nov 15, 2015
Hookers & Blow
:russell: find a new gimmick buddy, your shyt is played out.
*guffaw* Sure, because anything that refutes your far left bullshyt is a "gimmick" or the result of an "alias" lol. Especially when you're the butthurt idiot always chiming in
on my gospel.

Here's a gimmick for your simple ass, and your little Bolshevik jerkoff homeboys who dap you:

If the 'chicken in every pot' programs and pensions are already woefully underfunded to the point of imminent insolvency, while federal tax revenue is already at all-time highs, and state tax increases are driving out businesses and residents, how do you figure you are then going to place two or three chickens in every pot while increasing the number of pots as well, aka dramatically expand entitlements while granting amnesty to immigrants?

Unless you are going to collapse the system to reduce the standard of living to Haiti/Venezuela style and end up becoming the victims of mass executions during an inevitable revolt *chuckle*



All Star
Jul 3, 2014
College Park by way of East Bmore
:sas2: @Deutsche Bank dropping some jewels in here...but you "enlightened" liberals Negros aint listening...better brush up on your spanish

yall better get some" armas de fuego,mucho de plata y grano"...just in case the future ends up looking like a cross between mad max and desparado
If you are black and not a liberal/progressive then you are a c00n, point blank. I did not say liberal=Dem or conservative=Repub. The ideology of progressive thinking is one all non whites should embrace. If you are a black conservative , you are an uber c00n. What does being a conservative really mean?? c00ns will give you the same fiscal conservative, strong defense talking point. What it really means is keeping your black ass in line. Small wonder some of the most vile racists in this country's history were aligned with the party that espoused a conservative way of thinking. Repubs now and Dems before the early 60's.
Aug 2, 2016
Clinton is an actual racist, go look at the picture of her kissing a KLAN MEMBER

People are so blinded by their irrational hatred for Donald when he's never done anything near as damning. I wonder why the media won't bring up that picture :jbhmm:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Keep on pretending like Trump's 50-year history of racism against the Black community isn't public knowledge, Trumpset. :troll:

shyt, even a majority of the black vote going to Hillary would be understandable, but 99% :dahell:? Those are some North Korean election numbers :heh:. No demographic should be that beholden to one party, especially one as diverse and numerous as African-Americans. Gays, Hispanics, the poor, the rich, the educated, the uneducated, women, the young, the old, etc. None of them are voting for one party in those numbers. Something stinks here :scusthov:.

You didn't even read the article. Clinton is only getting 91% of the Black vote. It's just that Trump is only getting 1% because he is ACTIVELY GOING AFTER WHITE SUPREMACISTS AS HIS BASE. The other 8% of the Black community is looking at other candidates or saying, "none of the above".

Seriously, can you provide a logical reason why black people's are against Trump more than any other demographic in the United States, including the Hispanics and women he supposedly insulted directly? Does that make sense to you?

Because more than any other demographic in this nation, Black people have intimate knowledge of what the full-blown racist White Supremacists of the South are capable of when they get political power? A lot of Hispanics ignore the racist narrative as a less important issue than the other stuff, a lot of women just do whatever the men in their life say is the right thing to do (and know that even if Trump doesn't like women, he'll still prop up the White men they're married to). But 99% of the Black community knows that the kind of White Supremacists that Trump has been going after at the core of his base will throw away EVERYTHING else in order to hold onto White Supremacy. That's how you get Mississippi.

The one candidate in my lifetime from either party to propose systemic shifts to the US economic system that are designed to alleviate the chronic underemployment of the black community, and he gets 1% :mjlol:

You couldn't make this stuff up :heh:

You can't be that stupid. :ohhh:

No, seriously, no one is that stupid. :sadcam:

There are brothers in here who can see Trump has receipts of hating on the Black community his entire life, of having billions of dollars yet not doing shyt for the Black community his entire life, of purposely trying to attract the White Supremacist vote harder than any president in our lifetimes while throwing the Black vote in the trash....and you believe that this man is going to make an economic policy DESIGNED to alleviate chronic unemployment in the Black community???

No one is really that stupid. :dead::dead::dead:

Oh by the way, you know the 12 million people illegally residing in the country that are competing with you for your jobs and lowering your wages? Yeah, we're gonna legalize them." :heh:

I ain't voting for Clinton and don't think her shyt will help the Black community, but she's not actively propping up the White Supremacists either. And if those 12 million people are already competing with the Black community and lowering wages, then won't legalizing them remove a competitive advantage and lead to the raising of wages? Half the reason they depress wages is because employers know they can screw them over as much as they want and they won't raise a peep or risk getting deported....illegal immigrants depress wages more than legalized ones do. :manny:

I love watching Trump supporters use shyt like this to shame people for not choosing to vote their way. I mean, you're voting for Trump and the goddamn regressive republican party.

In their warped logic built up on far-right and white supremacist internet sites, they think that Malcolm would be up there campaigning alongside the White Southerners for their boy. :pachaha:

y'all keep trotting out this line like it's supposed to be some silver bullet. Warren Buffett is constantly railing against US tax code allowing him to pay less than his secretary, but do you consider what he's saying invalid because he's still abiding by the fukked up system? There is no successful businessperson in the United States that would forego legally obtainable profits because it's "good for the public".

I love it when Republicans in one conversation claim that businessmen have absolutely no moral bounds and will do ANYTHING to screw over the public in order to make their own profits. :skip:

Then, in another thread, they'll tell us why deregulation is a good thing and corporations can police themselves. :pachaha:

There is no doubt Trump is a huge narcissist, but I think if Trump ever gets in the white house his narcissism would make him want to actually go down as a great president. Continuing the corporate rape of the country wouldn't do anything to further that goal. It's not like he launched his campaign as a get rich quick scheme, he was already wealthy beforehand and was one of the most famous businessmen in the world. If more money was his goal he'd have continued to do the Apprentice, not run the most divisive campaign in modern political history. If he loses, his businesses are totally shot. His brand is now toxic as hell. He seems to have lost most of his friendships and connections over this campaign.

First off, you're assuming that he would even be capable of making a great president. EVERY indication I've seen shows that he doesn't know anything about any of the issues, makes decisions on a whim, has a terrible attention span that keeps him from thinking about any particular problem in depth, trusts in bad people to run his crap as long as they kiss his ass, has a hell of a temper and is vengeful on anyone who he feels disrespects him, and cares about his own bank account more than anything else.

Oh, hell yeah, that'll make a great president. :snoop:

But he's amazing at PR and marketing though! :beli:

His brand was already toxic as hell. There wasn't a single bank the USA that would finance him after he pulled off 6 bankruptcies and had literally thousands of lawsuits against him for failing to pay workers and debts. The only reason why he even stayed propped up was due to financing from Putin's people in Russia. You've read that thread, right?

He doesn't even own hardly anything now except for some money-losing golf courses and that one club. The money he makes is primarily off of selling his brand name. And the people who buy shyt because of the Trump brand name are the same 40% idiots who are still supporting him right now and calling him a hero. He's fine with them.

Besides, Trump has directed 20% of his campaign spending towards his own businesses. He's eating off of this election. More proof that he'll always prioritize his own bank account over anything else he does.



Do you think Trump makes it out of the crowded Republican primary and gets 2 billion dollars of free media coverage with "No TPP!" alone? The Republican base didn't even know what TPP was before Trump. The bombastic performance that carried him through the primary needed an equally coarse rallying call. It's a sad indictment on the state of American society, but gutter controversy sells, and Trump would not be here if he didn't appeal to that.

Support Trump! It's not his fault he's sided with the White Supremacists, they're the only ones who ever would have voted for him! :francis:

This is one of your most pathetic :cape: for Trump yet, Hope. Extreme narcissists don't feel shame and have a cognitive distortion of reality in their minds that leads to the conclusion that they're always perfect.

If Trump has a shytty presidency, he'll still think he did a great job and everyone who thinks he didn't is wrong and he wouldn't give a fukk.


This is true.

Clinton is an actual racist, go look at the picture of her kissing a KLAN MEMBER

People are so blinded by their irrational hatred for Donald when he's never done anything near as damning. I wonder why the media won't bring up that picture

Why does every Trump supporter on here has a fake-European-sounding name? I mean, what's all this German and Italian stuff? Is this a thing with your people? :dwillhuh:

Wait a minute....they're not picking countries that have a documented history of hard-core racist totalitarian dictators, are they? :dame:

Are you unaware that Trump's own DAD was a klan member? :ohhh: He ain't never repudiated that, but is still trying to attract those same guys TODAY.

Yet your indictment of Clinton is that she happened to be in the same Senate as a guy who had been in the Klan in the 1940s and publicly repudiated it in the 1950s. :francis:
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King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
*cracks knuckles*
You didn't even read the article, moron. Clinton is only getting 91% of the Black vote. It's just that Trump is only getting 1% because he is ACTIVELY GOING AFTER WHITE SUPREMACISTS AS HIS BASE. The other 8% of the Black community is looking at other candidates or saying, "none of the above".
91% of the black vote going to Clinton is still despicable. :coffee:

Because more than any other demographic in this nation, Black people have intimate knowledge of what the full-blown racist White Supremacists of the South are capable of when they get political power? A lot of Hispanics ignore the racist narrative as a less important issue than the other stuff, a lot of women just do whatever the men in their life say is the right thing to do (and know that even if Trump doesn't like women, he'll still prop up the White men they're married to). But 99% of the Black community knows that the kind of White Supremacists that Trump has been going after at the core of his base will throw away EVERYTHING else in order to hold onto White Supremacy. That's how you get Mississippi.
:jbhmm: 400 years of the worst economic, social, educational and political abuse have somehow made the black community more keenly aware than any other demographic, you say? Get your Bagger Vance, magical negro bullshyt the fukk out of here. "The abuse made me stronger :skip:" . Come in here and look at the warped mind of a practitioner of plantation politics, everyone.
"Every demographic is lapping blacks in almost every metric, but we got the special sauce y'all :jawalrus: Them Hispanics and White women who are beating the shyt out of us in every economic and social metric are actually the dumb ones :skip:"

:mjlol:You been voting Democrat for 50 years, and you'll continue to be voting Democrat until they put you in the ground.

You can't be that stupid. :ohhh:

No, seriously, no one is that stupid. :sadcam:

There are brothers in here who can see Trump has receipts of hating on the Black community his entire life, of having billions of dollars yet not doing shyt for the Black community his entire life, of purposely trying to attract the White Supremacist vote harder than any president in our lifetimes while throwing the Black vote in the trash....and you believe that this man is going to make an economic policy DESIGNED to alleviate chronic unemployment in the Black community???

No one is really that stupid. :dead::dead::dead:


Get your head out of your fukking ass. People like you make me irrationally angry because the game is so fukking obvious yet you keep falling for it. Do you want to know why the black vote is a total fukking joke? Look in the mirror. You're the reason Democrats know all they have to do is come into the hood every 4 years and do a little dance and pat you on the head and you're charged up to get your Sinead "fight the real enemy" O'Connor on while they fukking laugh at you behind the doors of their corporate donor events. This nikka right here will be saying "But Trump was the racist!" while standing in the damn breadlines with no shoes on.

This is where I'd hit you with the African-American unemployment numbers cross referenced with the specific sectors where African-Americans are disproportionately trained for employment and ask you to connect the fukking dots to Trump's protectionist policies designed to bring back jobs to those sectors and get rid of the 12 million people disproportionately working in those sectors while residing in this country illegally...if I believed you were literate. But because you are illiterate, you say "We needs ta truss missa Hillary when she say da illegal immigrants competin wiv us are are freinds! :skip:"

No one is really that stupid? Brother, you are.

I ain't voting for Clinton and don't think her shyt will help the Black community, but she's not actively propping up the White Supremacists either. And if those 12 million people are already competing with the Black community and lowering wages, then won't legalizing them remove a competitive advantage and lead to the raising of wages? Half the reason they depress wages is because employers know they can screw them over as much as they want and they won't raise a peep or risk getting deported....illegal immigrants depress wages more than legalized ones do. :manny:

Hi, Democratic strategist here. Thanks for confirming you are a one dimensional voter who reacts like a stuck bull seeing a matadors cape when I flash the word "racist" in front of you. Boy, you made it really easy to pitch my bosses on ways to keep the black vote tight to the leash while simultaneously yanking on their tail. :thumbsup:

Legalizing those immigrants will raise wages...for the newly legal immigrants with the jobs. That would still be a missed opportunity to juice the employment numbers of chronically underemployed communities who are residing in this country legally. If your mom only gets $100 a month in food stamps and chooses to adopt 10 other kids, your ass is going hungry, and you have a right to be pissed.

I love it when Republicans in one conversation claim that businessmen have absolutely no moral bounds and will do ANYTHING to fukk over the public in order to make their own profits. :skip:

Then, in another thread, they'll tell us why deregulation is a good thing and corporations can police themselves. :pachaha:
Yeah I love that too.

First off, you're assuming that he would even be capable of making a great president. EVERY indication I've seen shows that he doesn't know shyt about any of the issues, makes decisions on a whim, has a for-shyt attention span that keeps him from thinking about any particular problem in depth, trusts in stupid people to run his crap as long as they kiss his ass, has a hell of a temper and is vengeful as shyt on anyone who he feels disrespects him, and cares about his own bank account more than anything else.
I'll take "Things people who get their political news exclusively from CNN and John Oliver youtube clips say" for 400, Alex.

His brand was already toxic as hell. There wasn't a single bank the USA that would finance him after he pulled off 6 bankruptcies and had literally thousands of lawsuits against him for failing to pay workers and debts. The only reason why he even stayed propped up was due to financing from Putin's people in Russia. You've read that thread, right?

He doesn't even own hardly anything now except for some money-losing golf courses and that one club. The money he makes is primarily off of selling his brand name. And the people who buy shyt because of the Trump brand name are the same 40% idiots who are still supporting him right now and calling him a hero. He's fine with them.

Besides, Trump has directed 20% of his campaign spending towards his own businesses. He's eating off of this election. More proof that he'll always prioritize his own bank account over anything else he does.

Before becoming President, the only thing Barack Obama had balanced was a checkbook. Funny how now Democrats demand candidates be titans of industry to be qualified. What happened to all that "Running America isn't the same as running a business :sadcam:" whining from 2012? Trump is eating off this election yet forgave a $50 million loan he gave to his own campaign. :heh:

I couldn't give less of a shyt about Trump's business acumen, because he's not running for Treasury Secretary.
Support Trump! It's not his fault he's sided with the White Supremacists, they're the only ones who ever would have voted for him! :francis:
"b-b-but if Trump is elected, all those piss poor racist hillbillies will be happy :sadcam:"

my nikka, real sound 12 years old right now. Is this how you vote?
hmm, which candidate is the increasingly irrelevant David Duke most likely to have a beer with



Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
Are you runaware that Trump's own DAD was a klan member? :ohhh: He ain't never repudiated that shyt, but is still trying to attract those same guys TODAY.

Yet your indictment of Clinton is that she happened to be in the same Senate as a guy who had been in the Klan in the 1940s and publicly repudiated it in the 1950s. :francis:


I hope Hillary and the DNC are paying you more than the $50/ day to regurgitate this debunked bullshyt....I sonned you up and down in your own thread about this and youre still posting lies

FACT..theres no record of Trumps father being a member and yes the KKK kept records ...second the KKK in NY was white immigrant protestant irish fighting the NY Anglo Dutch catholic establishment

Cac on Cac violence

:bryan: Thats what you call "proof of racism"...youre either an Idiot or a paid shill