Unpopular opinion: The Democratic Party is becoming the party for the rich


Jan 12, 2017
i don't sit around blaming immigrants for problems. but i'm not going to listen to the same exact politicians complaining about the housing shortage, tell us we need to import millions of immigrants. they can eat a dikk :dead:
But there are politicians who want to give housing to homeless people. Is that something you would want to do? Is there any actual solutions for housing you would like to be implemented?


Aug 26, 2015
I mean you're not wrong. Well thought out but the democratic party has to compete with multiple interests. So yes part of the democratic party is out of touch. You also have the working class democrats and certain groups that align with certain class issues. Not to mentioned the democrats tend to champion gender equality.

But yes the limousine liberals are definitely out of touch and talk down to the rest of the party.

I think, while trump is a billionaire, he seems accessible to the working class whites he speaks to. So while he's "elite" he's seen as one of them, which I can't say liberal elites can resonate with working class liberals because they just don't have anything in common
Oct 22, 2017
I literally see legislation from Democrats that help low income people and the middle class, but for some reason the "both sides" crew ignore them. :jbhmm:
besides his action on school loans, which primarily assists middle to upper middle class white professionals, i can’t think of anything biden has done to assuage the economic hardship of the 1%.



Jul 25, 2018
by rich I mean the middle class and above

Growing up from my perspective and what I was told the Republican Party was for rich ppl
While democrats cared about the every day regular person

But even as someone who leans left I can predict this tide changing

Rich ppl/middle class are usually stereotyped as snobbish, want their way and out of touch with reality

I hate to say it but a lot of left leaning ppl and politicians fit that description now

Look at how out of touch the Democratic Party is with so many Americans. They’re out of touch when it comes to immigration isssues, trans in the bathroom issues , and especially gentrification(they’re the ones doing it not conservatives)

Now take a look at how the republicans are trying to rebrand themselves as the party for the ppl. It’s not even a race thing anymore. A lot of working class ppl are starting to lean conservative and fall for conservative propaganda simply because they address more issues affecting the every day person ESPECIALLY ppl in border states.

I know most you nikkas are so feminine and emotional you will run in here to call me a c00n(even tho I vote democrat) and disagree(without putting any thought into it )

You're not a c00n, just another inept main character syndrome having reactionary person that thinks your personal, childish bigotry is what's "in touch" with Americans.

Democrats are so out of touch which is why theyve been kicking Republicans ass in every election since 2018, even in red states and districts. How many times do we have to remind yall of this? Yall go on these screeds about how "dumb" and "out of touch" Democrats are just because they protect gay rights and don't care to turn "immigrations" into sensationalized racist political stunts, and then ignore election results like your personal opinion is more valid.

Americans don't care about gay sex, transsexuals, or immigrant hype like coli niccas. They care about protecting their own rights and privileges which the totally in-touch geniuses of the Republican party and their Supreme Court are on a visible effort to systematically eradicate and send us back to the 60s. No one is looking at the Republicans as the party that is taking on every day issues and in touch with Americans right now. They're the party of Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, fascism, state control, extremism, abd bigotry. And that's why Americans are turning away from them, not Democrats. Guess the whole country is feminine and emotional huh coli peeps?

And rich people are so, so eager to fund, vote for, fund, support the party that wants to raise their taxes and give that money to social programs for poor people, cancel student loan debt, bring regulations to their businesses in order to address climate change, racism, and exploitation. Because only snobby elites support gay rights and liberalism. Sure. You're so in touch with politics and reality.

the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal
Women should have been the LAST dikk takers to receive a hugh push for full rights.

Gays and transformers have basically ruined the Democrat Party's legitimacy in the eyes of many Americans.

Fudgepacker and dikkchopper's rights are simply NOT more important than basically 99% of the other issues we got going on in America

They have the audacity to equate LGBT rights to the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s! :mjtf:

I'm not even homophobic, but they piss me off when it comes to their entitlement.


Jul 25, 2018
democrats are the party of hollywood (i.e. multinational corporations and the banks managing this culture of consumerism), cosmopolitan values, and intersectional inclusiveness that’s overwhelmingly focused on LGBTQ. And, anyone who isn’t aligned with that is viewed as antiquated, outmoded, and dusty.

republicans are the party of white identity, but the fact that they now openly conflate white nationalism with patriotism is appealing to many americans - including some black people - who believe that they will at least look to strengthen the borders and bolster the fortunes of “real americans” who’ve been left behind by the neoliberal restructuring of society that accelerated under clinton.


So you basically admit that both sides are not the same and black people who find some appeal in the Republican party over immigrants--ie you and the rest of the "both sides" "fba" whatever the fukk clique--are being punked into white supremacist agendas by people who ain't even trying to do anything about it. Glad we making progress here skippy.

How many times do we have to remind yall a border control bill is being held up in Congress by Republicans not Democrats?

But you know, a lot of what yall are saying in this thread is very telling. It's almost like some of yall hate Democrats omly because you associate them with intellectualism and "free thought", not in spite of that. Like yall are just emotional and resistant to facts, change, and progress because it contradicts your narrow minded bigotry and ignorance. So yall have grown to latch onto an anti-intellectual movement, Trump, Republicans, conservatism, that makes you feel comfortable.

Dude admits Republicans are just for white people and white grievances but still speaks romantically of how appealing to "real Americans" the party is compared to those hoity toity liberals. Yall embrace being dumb and ignorant. That's why yall hate liberals so much.
Oct 22, 2017
So you basically admit that both sides are not the same and black people who find some appeal in the Republican party over immigrants--ie you and the rest of the "both sides" "fba" whatever the fukk clique--are being punked into white supremacist agendas by people who ain't even trying to do anything about it. Glad we making progress here skippy.

How many times do we have to remind yall a border control bill is being held up in Congress by Republicans not Democrats?

But you know, a lot of what yall are saying in this thread is very telling. It's almost like some of yall hate Democrats omly because you associate them with intellectualism and "free thought", not in spite of that. Like yall are just emotional and resistant to facts, change, and progress because it contradicts your narrow minded bigotry and ignorance. So yall have grown to latch onto an anti-intellectual movement, Trump, Republicans, conservatism, that makes you feel comfortable.

Dude admits Republicans are just for white people and white grievances but still speaks romantically of how appealing to "real Americans" the party is compared to those hoity toity liberals. Yall embrace being dumb and ignorant. That's why yall hate liberals so much.
when did i ever speak romantically of republicans? i offered one of many reasons there is a diverse cross section of support for trump.

you speak like a white boy.



Oct 8, 2014
They’re out of touch when it comes to immigration isssues, trans in the bathroom issues , and especially gentrification

A lot of working class ppl are starting to lean conservative and fall for conservative propaganda simply because they address more issues affecting the every day person
If you have immigration rates and trans people as an everyday issue… you probably ain’t dealing with real shyt about survival. Those two issues don’t affect anybody except those who are more worried about what they see on TV than how they’re gonna make rent every month.

When it comes to gentrification… i guarantee the majority of businesses buying up blocks are voting for and benefiting from republican policies that favor business.

Unless there is something the Republican Party has proposed to deal with gentrification. Please respond with a link if they do have a plan.


Jul 25, 2018
There's no debates anymore. The Democratic party is gonna tell you how to feel and if you don't believe in everything the party is pushing it's because "you're ignorant and how can people be so stupid I wish you would all die you xenophobe racist"

It's agitated me cause I got the right to my opinion, just because I disagree with certain policies the Democrats endorse such as open borders or gay issues online immediately and I mean immediately devolves into name calling first response

It's exactly how stuck up snobbish rich people act, it's childish and has no place in a democracy. The divide in this country is only gonna get deeper because there is no convo, calling people names is not gonna change their opinion.

If you're going around telling people shyt like Democrats want open borders when a bill to address that is being held by the Republicans, then yes, that's why people call you ignorant, and stupid. Because you actually are an ignorant person. you don't even know what you're talking about, repeating what some white supremacist opportunists tell you, and then your black ass goes around calling yourself an intellectual free thinker defiant of someone telling you how to fell when you clearly don't even follow or understand government, and you are no resistant to following along with beliefs that are ignorant and not even true. Yeah, I'm calling you an idiot.


Jul 25, 2018
i don't sit around blaming immigrants for problems. but i'm not going to listen to the same exact politicians complaining about the housing shortage, tell us we need to import millions of immigrants. they can eat a dikk :dead:

Your obsession with immigrants on every issues is amazing. Them Republicans really got you sucking em off right with their fearmongering huh?

Tell Republicans you think are such geniuses to pass the border controll bill they are holding up in progress. Until then you don't give a fukk about "teh bOrdEr" beyond pushing cac propaganda about "out of touch Democrats" and you need to shut the fukk up with your retarded political takes.


Nov 22, 2016
If you're going around telling people shyt like Democrats want open borders when a bill to address that is being held by the Republicans, then yes, that's why people call you ignorant, and stupid. Because you actually are an ignorant person. you don't even know what you're talking about, repeating what some white supremacist opportunists tell you, and then your black ass goes around calling yourself an intellectual free thinker defiant of someone telling you how to fell when you clearly don't even follow or understand government, and you are no resistant to following along with beliefs that are ignorant and not even true. Yeah, I'm calling you an idiot.
Here we go :snoop:

None of what u said makes sense you never discussed politics with me so you don't my views or why I believe the way the I do

You just invented an argument inside of your head based on the latest trending talking points, accused of me of being the opposition, and proceeded to cuss me out

You sir are the true idiot

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Your obsession with immigrants on every issues is amazing. Them Republicans really got you sucking em off right with their fearmongering huh?

Tell Republicans you think are such geniuses to pass the border controll bill they are holding up in progress. Until then you don't give a fukk about "teh bOrdEr" beyond pushing cac propaganda about "out of touch Democrats" and you need to shut the fukk up with your retarded political takes.
:russell: hey caitlyn jenner, welcome to to the ignore list


Jul 25, 2018
Dems are controlled opposition imo :yeshrug: nothing they've been doing is sensible if they're truly trying to build a coalition and capture the most voters. They just alienate a lot of people by prioritizing illegals and war funding (even a lot of conservatives against funding other countries wars) while claiming to be the party of the people, but not actually doing anything they claimed for the people.

I think it goes deeper into a full blown infiltration and corruption of the Left across the world though.

The Democrats.

Have dominated.

Every election.

Since 2020.

They're not dumb. They're not ineffective. They know how to appeal to voters. Their policies are working. This morning is gonna be another consecutive record of positive job reports. Trump is a national embarrasment. The Republicans yall romanticize as being in touch with regular people worships a crude fascist narcisstic billionaire for President like he is the patron saint of their beliefs, when they're not taking away the RIGHTS of everyday people. Which is why they're the ones who are out of touch with Americans and getting their ass kicked.

I cannot believe how much BLACK MEN have been indoctrinated into shallow redneck right wing political thought and think theyre being courageous. Jesus christ. More obsessed with immigration than your own civil rights. It's damn pathetic. Thank God most Americans don't think like you and don't see these fascist Republicans abolishing diversity rights, women's rights, black rights and all rights in general as "in touch with the working class"

This is the most dumbass thread ever and it'll be Plat. Probably thanks to me hitting back at your morons.


Jul 25, 2018
Yeah the party of the rich lmao

  • Increased size of unemployment checks during pandemic
  • Child tax credit
  • Student loan forgiveness
  • Medical debt forgiveness
  • Free lunch
  • Reduced cost of insulin for seniors

The whole fight between liberals and conservatives; Democrats and Republicans. Essentially come down to just three things core things. 1) how we tax 2) how we spend 3) how we legislative.

Democrats tax the rich, Republicans untax the rich. Democrats want to put government spending towards social programs, safety nets, social security, medicare and shyt that puts working people first. Republicans want to put government spending towards nothing except military, cops, and corporations. Democrats want legislation that expands personal freedom and civil rights. Republicans want legislation that controls and decides civil rights, if not disregards them, based on what white people prefer.

Both sides are not the same, not effectively or philosophically, and the way some people here can be so critical of Democrats, to the point of delusionally calling them the pro-rich party, but so badly wanna push this romantic vision of fukking Republicans as the party or the every day American is just nuts. Are yall nikkas watching Fox News and listening to country albums nowadays? Do yall want to be noticed and loved by people working against you that bad? Cowards.