Update on Owens from the Meltz and some of my thoughts too...


Nov 13, 2013
Philly, Norfside
Last night on the Observer radio when they were going over the segment with Undertaker and Brock Lesnar brawling Dave made it a point to say that all the mid carders came out to help break up the brawl. Bryan asked "yeah but I saw Kevin Owens" to which Dave replied "yep that's exactly what they think of him and that was them (wwe management) showing theyre hand".

They basically think that he is going to be a mid carder and they don't think that he is a superstar. Dave pointed out that they made sure that everyone that they're protecting was not out there to break up the brawl so Roman,Dean,Wyatt, Seth, Cena, etc. The top tier talent.

On the previous Bryan and Vinny show the one after Battleground, Bryan said that as long as Kevin Owens is overweight this company will never get behind him and Vince McMahon is still running things. In the past they have gotten big guys over before like Yokozuna but times have changed and Vince no longer things like that no matter how entertaining or how good Kevin is.

Too long didn't read Dave doesn't have much faith in WWE getting behind Kevin Owens.

I only been back watching Wrestling since last year January, I saw CM Punk and was like :ohhh:, this guy is dope.

Cena actually made me stop watching wrestling with the rapper shyt. It just looked clownish to me.

So I haven't seen a lot of burials. When I would hear cats talk bad about the E, usually I'd just be like
"Nah man, Im not gonna doubt Vince." :francis:

But I realized, after a year and a half back watching it, this shyt is doomed and fukking retarded and Punk was right to quit. :yeshrug:

Kevin Owens is money every time he's on the screen. Honestly I wish he just stayed down in NXT. Wasn't even worth coming up for this nonsense.

When Cena put him in The STF at Battleground, I was like :ehh: "He'll prolly pass out on some Austin shyt, this is his big moment." :blessed:

When he tapped, you could tell he didn't want to. You could tell in his mind, because wrestler's have the same conversations as us. I have one friend that wrestled in NXT and another that's close friends with Seth Rollins. They really do talk just like us. You could see that he was thinking "fukk They Got Me Too..." just by the lightness of the taps, the body language was said it all, he went out Monday and tried to get his heat back in that 6 man. But you could see his heart wasn't in it and the magic was lost. :mjcry:

When I seen Cena come out to face Rollins, my heart dropped. I couldnt believe that shyt. I just couldnt believe it.:dwillhuh: shyt was like an episode of the Twilight Zone. I still cannot believe it honestly. I just keep rewatching it, cause it's like... Are you fukking serious!?!?!? It confirms everything I heard about this nikka being a politicking vampire. shyt blew my mind. I seriously was like yo, I cant watch this shyt no more. They playing us.


I dont know if yall watch The Twilight Zone, but Vince reminds me of Anthony from "It's A Good Life" too much power.

See ya'll next Monday:comeon:


Apr 30, 2012
shyt is worse than dying days WCW. Every single guy who got over since 2005 has been fed to him. I don't understand why people are still willing to work with him. Nobody except for maybe edge has worked with him and come out of it looking better.

That'd be silly. You're there to make money and hopefully become a star and the champ. If you refused to feud with Cena, unless you're someone like the Undertaker, you'd be shown the door real quick. I think all of these guys know their post-Cena career is going to be hurting but I'm sure they all go in with the attitude of "that won't happen to me, I'm going to show them I can carry this company".

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
That'd be silly. You're there to make money and hopefully become a star and the champ. If you refused to feud with Cena, unless you're someone like the Undertaker, you'd be shown the door real quick. I think all of these guys know their post-Cena career is going to be hurting but I'm sure they all go in with the attitude of "that won't happen to me, I'm going to show them I can carry this company".
Thing is a feud with him is done with no intent but give him your heat even if it buries you. At some point they have to realize that working with this guy is bad for your career. If more people refused to work with him because of this shyt maybe things would change a bit. I wouldn't worry about being shown the door given what we know about how Vince treats these guys. I mean punk was the hottest heel they had for a while on smack down and for about 18 months they had no plans for him at all. Dude was literally writing his own story lines because they didn't have anything for him. Why stay if they never plan to feature you as a top guy and only plan to feed you to cena? I don't want to be somewhere I won't get a real chance.
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Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Lol@too long....learn how to read...
According to Dave Meltzer, there are forces within WWE that expected to see Kevin Owens fail and want to see him fail to prove themselves right. Is it any surprise then that in such a toxic environment that Owens was scripted to tap out to John Cena last night at Battleground?

Just seven weeks ago, Kevin Owens looked on the verge of being the next big breakthrough WWE Superstar having shocked the world by cleanly defeating John Cena at Elimination Chamber and then trolling him afterwards by giving Cena some "veteran advice" that his time is up and KO's time is now.

Now, it looks like WWE is well on course to blowing Owens' momentum, just like Rusev's and many other hot acts before him, after scripting him to lose cleanly on three straight Network specials, including a humbling tapout loss to Cena at Battleground last night. How can WWE make such a glaringly obvious mistake in cooling off a performer who could have easily been a strong headliner for many months to come off the first Cena win in the space of just a few weeks?

Even though Dave Meltzer was "at a loss for words" over the shortsightedness of Owens losing at Battleground in that manner on his latest subscriber only radio show, he still could explain why it happened. Partially it was a panic move over Cena's merchandise selling at a noticeably slower pace immediately after his Elimination Chamber defeat, which explains why he got his win back over Owens so quickly at Money In The Bank. More disturbingly, Meltzer talked about Machiavellian forces within WWE that are salivating at the prospect of Owens failing and was helping to give him enough rope to hang himself with:

"To again explain this: there were two schools of thought on Kevin Owens from the start and the basic gist was that some people thought that he was going to make it and some people thought he wasn't going to make it, and those who thought he wasn't going to make it made sure that he got every opportunity to make it or else they would be wrong. You know what I mean? I shouldn't say they would be wrong, they wouldn't prove that they were right. So now whether he makes it or he doesn't make it, there is a game going on and we're in the middle of the game."

Although Meltzer protects the name of the devious party out to get Owens, it's not hard to join the dots together to know who he's talking about.

Last year, there were rumours that WWE's Executive Vice President of Television Production Kevin Dunn was using Vince McMahon's ear to bury recent NXT call ups like Adam Rose, Bo Dallas and Paige. Dunn's reputation is that he'll bury anyone who is a threat to his position, and it is believed that Paul "Triple H" Levesque and Stephanie McMahon would replace him as soon as they gain complete control of WWE. Thus, it wouldn't be surprising if Kevin Owens is caught in the crossfires in the constant political battle for Vince McMahon's affection between his son-in-law and his long-time confidante.

Homeboy Runny-Ray

From Around The Way
May 2, 2012
Classic Niccas
Thing is a feud with him is done with no intent but give him your heat even if it buries you. At some point they have to realize that working with this guy is bad for your career. If more people refused to work with him because of this shyt maybe things would change a bit. I wouldn't worry about being shown the door given what we know about how Vince treats these guys. I mean punk was the hottest heel they had for a while on smack down and for about 18 months they had no plans for him at all. Dude was literally writing his own story lines because they didn't have anything for him. Why stay if they never plan to feature you as a top guy and only plan to feed you to cena? I don't want to be somewhere I won't get a real chance.

the real solution is to sign somewhere else.

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
Yeah, I knew once I saw him tap out to Cena it was over. They are trying to keep their golden goose alive even at the cost of their own future.

We need to take out Kevin Dunn, brehs. Send a sniper to the next show.
Ratings and buzz are at an all time low. Basically nobody is given a chance to shine. The only faces over on a main event level are orton and cena and cena has been driving fans away for a decade. Multiple generations have been buried to prop this guy up smh.

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
the real solution is to sign somewhere else.
Outside sources need to convince people to either leave or not sign in the first place. They refuse to allow anyone to become a star so why be willing to work there? It's basically a dead end job with lousy pay and 0 chance for advancement.


Symbol Of Excellence
Apr 7, 2014
The lines between NXT and the main show are blurring for me. Is Owens in the main roster? Is he staying there? Going back to NXT? Or both? Are they just waiting on Sami to get better to send him back down or are they both coming up permanently?

So many questions.


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
Lol@too long....learn how to read...

So basically it's still the Dunn vs. Trips thing that has been reported on for as long as how long now? No surprises there then.

Outside sources need to convince people to either leave or not sign in the first place. They refuse to allow anyone to become a star so why be willing to work there? It's basically a dead end job with lousy pay and 0 chance for advancement.

It still pays better than the competition and for better or for worse, is still the biggest platform in wrestling.
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Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
So basically it's still the Dunn vs. Trips thing that has been reported on for as long as how long now? No surprises there then.

It still pays better than the competition and for better or for worse, is still the biggest platform in wrestling.
If you're in it for the money, then you're in the wrong industry