What Putin told the UN: the US and allies are to blame in Mideast


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Who cares?

My country matters to me more than what other countries want as long as I live there.

Nations make grand gestures and move in ways that generally benefit the residents through increased opportunity and international leverage. Get in where you fit in.

Fact is, I don't want more russian influence in that area at all costs.

So your whole point is "We can do what we want because we're us, they can't do the same because they're not us". You seem honest enough to admit it. Point is, it's not only Russia doing shady stuff out there. Plus, let's not forget who created the whole Middle-East mess in the first place. The West has accomplished NOTHING in the ME since forever, I fail to see why everybody is acting like Russia who just got involved now is the main issue.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
So your whole point is "We can do what we want because we're us, they can't do the same because they're not us". You seem honest enough to admit it. Point is, it's not only Russia doing shady stuff out there. Plus, let's not forget who created the whole Middle-East mess in the first place. The West has accomplished NOTHING in the ME since forever, I fail to see why everybody is acting like Russia who just got involved now is the main issue.
Fam, you're not going to win any points by recounting the last 100 years of ME policy just to make yourself sound more enlighetened and aware. Its stuff we all know.

But in every past action, there are present decisions to be made. You can't predict the future.

What is plainly obvious right now is that Russia is at their strongest since the fall of the USSR and they are currently pushing us to a point where we have to abandon all this friendly shyt and push back as much as possible to prevent things from falling into their hands.

We need those nations to depend on the USA, not Russia. You DO NOT want to live in a world that does not point towards the USA. You haven't even considered the far reaching implications of such a world.

This isn't just about dikk waving...this affects everything from global markets to fukking culture.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Fam, you're not going to win any points by recounting the last 100 years of ME policy just to make yourself sound more enlighetened and aware. Its stuff we all know.

But in every past action, there are present decisions to be made. You can't predict the future.

What is plainly obvious right now is that Russia is at their strongest since the fall of the USSR and they are currently pushing us to a point where we have to abandon all this friendly shyt and push back as much as possible to prevent things from falling into their hands.

We need those nations to depend on the USA, not Russia. You DO NOT want to live in a world that does not point towards the USA. You haven't even considered the far reaching implications of such a world.

This isn't just about dikk waving...this affects everything from global markets to fukking culture.

Ok, you're agenda is plainly obvious too breh breh. Carry on :obama:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Ok, you're agenda is plainly obvious too breh breh. Carry on :obama:
Man look. Pay attention to what @¢apitali$t Migraine says. He gets it. Completely.

This is about preserving your ability to enjoy Hulu at work and eat kale chips in front front of your free porn and slushies.

This America is not perfect...but its damn good and in order to preserve that, we have to minimize any and all direct threats to people who are directly opposed to allowing us to continue to do so even so slightly as to limit our access to markets to sell shyt to, or places to get resources from.

It ALL matters.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Russia’s War For Assad
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By Kyle Orton (@KyleWOrton) on September 30, 2015

Russia began airstrikes in Syria today, ostensibly to combat the Islamic State (I.S.). In reality the strikes first hit U.S.-supported moderate rebels and the campaign is intended to buttress the dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad.

Russia’s upper house of parliament “voted” to approve an air operation against I.S. in Syria this morning. The operation, which allegedly won’t include ground forces, though there are 2,400 of them in Syria, began with Russian airstrikes in Zaafarana and Talbiseh in Homs Province, and Ltamenah, Hama, where there are no I.S. targets.

Zaafarana is said by oppositionists to have been struck with thermobaric weapons with at least three civilian casualties, including children, and the Talbiseh strike is said to have killed up to fifty civilians. According to the Local Coordination Committees, Russia actually hit a total of five towns in Homs—the other three being Rastan, Makarmia, and Ghanto—which killed at least thirty-six people, including five children. The Ltamenah strike hit the headquarters of Tajamu al-A’aza, a U.S.-vetted moderate rebel group that has receive TOW anti-tank missiles.

It is notable that Russia chose not to attack Jaysh al-Fatah (JAF) as its first non-I.S. target. JAF includes Jabhat an-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda. It doesn’t matter that JAF has no transnationalist ambitions and that al-Qaeda is only one part among many; this is an argument for Syria wonks. Politically, it would be extremely difficult in the West to condemn Russia for attacking JAF. But Russia went straight for Free Syrian Army (FSA)-branded, American-supported, nationalist rebels. One explanation is that the FSA-branded rebels pose more of a threat to Assad than is usually recognized. Another explanation, not mutually exclusive with the former, is that Vladimir Putin does not want to give the U.S. any fig leaf: Putin intends to humiliate the United States and leave no room for doubt that this is a Russian victory at America’s expense.

The U.S. was informed about these strikes ahead of time through the Embassy in Baghdad, though Moscow claimed that I.S. was the only target. Russia had asked the U.S. to “avoid Syrian airspace,” i.e. get out and leave Russia in sole control of Syria’s airspace. The U.S. has apparently refused that request but will continue to “deconflict,” which is to say not get in Russia’s way. The U.S. opened this “deconfliction” channel with the Russians yesterday. The ostensible aim is to avoid mid-air collisions and other miscues, but this all looks on the ground like coordination against the revolution, and not unreasonably. Now the U.S. will be sharing airspace with both Assad’s and Russia’s air force, which the U.S. could easily deter (and ground) if it wanted to.

None of this is surprising. Russia has long referred to all opposition to Assad as “terrorist,” and using the language of the War on Terror has supplied weaponry, fuel, specialist intelligence capacity, and diplomatic support to Assad’s murder machine in the hopes of keeping the regime in place and defeating the insurgency.

The Obama administration effectively outsourced its Syria policy to Putin when it stepped down from the chemical weapons red line two years ago, and has meanwhile consolidated détente with Iran through the nuclear deal. It was not an accident that Qassem Suleimani, the commander of Iran’s Quds Force, went to Moscow immediately after the nuclear accord was signed in July. It was at that time that Suleimani agreed to deploy hundreds more Revolutionary Guardsmen in Syria and Putin began preparations for this direct intervention, which started in late August.

President Obama wanted to draw down U.S. resources from the Middle East and his idea was to replace American hegemony with a concert system where the great powers would have balance; in reality an enemy coalition has taken advantage of his drawing back to impose its own hegemony, and to draw into a closer alliance specifically designed to counter American influence and interests.

The signing of the intelligence sharing agreement between Russia, Iran, Assad’s regime, and the Iraqi government on September 27 was another event for which not-shocked faces were needed. Assad’s regime has been reliant on Iran, notably the National Defence Forces, constructed and commanded by Iran, and the (largely Iraqi) foreign Shi’a jihadists, since the end of 2012, and Baghdad is also reliant on these Iranian proxy Shi’a militias for its security. In other words, this was an accord between Iran and Russia, which began direct collaboration on intelligence matters last autumn.

The arguments that Putin will help stabilize the situation by fighting I.S. or that Obama has cunningly let Putin walk into a quagmire are notable only because people are still making them. A Russian military colony on the doorstep of a NATO member (Turkey) and a major NATO ally (Israel) that puts Iranian weapons shipments to Hizballah under the protection of its air defence systems and props up a regime that’s murdered 300,000 people and displaced eleven million more hardly seems like a recipe for stability. Some European politicians seem to have bought the idea that Putin can help stop the refugee flow, which is exactly wrong: those refugees are caused not by I.S. but by the Assad/Iran regime that Russia is supporting.

Moreover, even for those who believe I.S. and not Assad/Iran are the main problem in Syria, Russia—like Iran and Assad—has no real interest in defeating I.S., at least not yet. Russia, Iran, and Assad waged a massive media campaign from the start of the uprising to portray the revolution as a terrorist insurrection against which Assad was the only bulwark; they then worked tirelessly to make terrorists the only alternative to Assad by empowering the extremists within the insurgency. While Russia is bombing the moderate rebels, Russia’s intelligence services are sending fighters to I.S. from the Caucasus. Thus the Russian efforts to portray themselves as the guardian of the minorities, especially the Christians of the Levant—the Russian Orthodox Church declared Russia’s intervention a “holy war” earlier today, echoes of the religious themesthat have accompanied the aggression in Ukraine—ring hollow.

Russia does not want to “fix” Syria, merely to ensure that Assad does not fall and to demonstrate that Putin, and not America, is the go-to man in Syria, which has much wider implications since Syria is the centre of the contest for regional order.

Putin wants the restoration of Russia’s great power status. Central to this is the effective destruction of NATO. To get there, Putin needs to establish that the West cannot constrain him and needs an international anti-Western coalition. To gain allies for this anti-NATO, Putin needs an alternative vision, and he has it: Moscow will never bother a regime about human rights and when the Kremlin backs an ally they actually mean it. In Syria, this has all come together: now Putin can use force in the Middle East—from which Moscow was expelled in the 1970s—at will, and unlike the U.S. with, say, Hosni Mubarak, Putin has gone to the mat for Assad. Other autocrats will be tempted.

None of this was inevitable, but nor was it accidental. This isn’t a result of negligence but of the conscious reorientation of policy by President Obama, which has undermined American allies and alliances, while strengthening adversaries and opening the chance for them to work together against the West. There was no reason for it to come to this, but reversing it is now going to be extremely difficult. A Russian outpost on the Mediterranean cannot be uprooted overnight, and Russia is positioned to reap the harvest of Obama’s failed foreign policy for years to come.


Jul 24, 2013
It doesn't matter man.

Its the fact that Russia is out here trying to pinch US interests off.

You realize Turkey is right there, right? They almost didn't let russian ships through the Bosphrous Straits during the whole Crimea take-over. We're probably going to put those missiles back there too.

Russia is leaning on all the ex-soviet states right now enough that Poland and the Nordics are feeling tense.

shyt is not just some game out here. There are giant chess pieces being moved right now and you can't just sit aside and let one superpower do something under the guise of "humanity"...cause last I checked, Putin wasn't out here shytting on Europe or helping to import immigrants himself.

You HAVE to read between the lines.

Which is what the U.S. does all the time. I ain't for EITHER the U.S. OR Russia or any one force dominate global affairs at the expense of other nations.


Good Vibrations
Jun 29, 2014
This is about preserving your ability to enjoy Hulu at work and eat kale chips in front front of your free porn and slushies.
look how hollow a patriots/shills ambitions of a good country is, you will never understand better when you slurp on the guys delivering you the bottom of the barrel. Your whole argument is a super reach. Free porn and kale chips is not a suitable substitute for fukking up the world to anyone with a conscience.

If we are in this pivotal driving seat you pray we keep hold of, then perhaps we should take the lead in ethical geopolitical policies. No ones gonna bomb on america and risk a nuclear war if we act with decency, but A LOT of countries may have to consider that possibility with our current method of infiltrating, spying, strong arming, false pretenses and world domination.

Your scenario is continue to strangle the fukk outta everyone and slaughter them if they fight back.

What if the US cant risk fighting back? What if they've tried to suppress one too many nations of free willed opposition?

You're advocating pure unethical fukkery which will lead to nations attacking from a fight or flight pov. WE CANT TURN THE REST OF THE WORLD INTO CORNERED ANIMALS! Thats the main thing thats gonna cause REAL opposition.

The reason we push this pirate policy has little or nothing to do with money. Its all power. World power wasnt meant to be the sole right of one nation. Thats the most suicidal policy possible.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
International breaking news and headlines - France 24

Ash Carter speaking live from Washington

Russia just slaughtered a bunch of women and children in air strikes.
look how hollow a patriots/shills ambitions of a good country is, you will never understand better when you slurp on the guys delivering you the bottom of the barrel. Your whole argument is a super reach. Free porn and kale chips is not a suitable substitute for fukking up the world to anyone with a conscience.

If we are in this pivotal driving seat you pray we keep hold of, then perhaps we should take the lead in ethical geopolitical policies. No ones gonna bomb on america and risk a nuclear war if we act with decency, but A LOT of countries may have to consider that possibility with our current method of infiltrating, spying, strong arming, false pretenses and world domination.

Your scenario is continue to strangle the fukk outta everyone and slaughter them if they fight back.

What if the US cant risk fighting back? What if they've tried to suppress one too many nations of free willed opposition?

You're advocating pure unethical fukkery which will lead to nations attacking from a fight or flight pov. WE CANT TURN THE REST OF THE WORLD INTO CORNERED ANIMALS! Thats the main thing thats gonna cause REAL opposition.

The reason we push this pirate policy has little or nothing to do with money. Its all power. World power wasnt meant to be the sole right of one nation. Thats the most suicidal policy possible.

Pay attention @merkundalised

You think the USA is brutal and violent?

Russia bombs anything that moves. Russia doesn't know WTF collateral damage is. You saw what Russia did to the Caucasus. You saw what Russia did to Georgia. You saw how they treated Afghanistan.

They mow EVERYTHING down. They don't have political pressures back home to keep them in check. They don't have liberals at home to cry foul.

Russia does NOT play the same human rights games and standards.


Aug 12, 2015


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Which is what the U.S. does all the time. I ain't for EITHER the U.S. OR Russia or any one force dominate global affairs at the expense of other nations.
I don't give a fukk. Its US or them. The USA does this shyt way better and with far less loss of life or destruction.

Thats what you don't understand or pay attention to.

Other nations don't live up to our standards or quality of action.

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
Man look. Pay attention to what @¢apitali$t Migraine says. He gets it. Completely.

This is about preserving your ability to enjoy Hulu at work and eat kale chips in front front of your free porn and slushies.

This America is not perfect...but its damn good and in order to preserve that, we have to minimize any and all direct threats to people who are directly opposed to allowing us to continue to do so even so slightly as to limit our access to markets to sell shyt to, or places to get resources from.

It ALL matters.
Like I had said yesterday when I was high on cocaine, they been brainwashed by leftist nitwits. I've even seen idiots on here parroting that bullshyt that progressives spew talk sum, "Oh u just defend the wealthy corporatocracy because u plan on one day being wealthy." That's the whole point of living in America, u motherfukking nimrod. Who tf strives to be broke?

The wack progressive shytheads who put the nitwits out there to propagate this paradoxical nonsense are RICH AS fukk THEY DAMN SELVES. Mfers are telling u to stay mediocre while they enrich themselves and grab everything that ain't nailed down, promising u a bullshyt hand out in exchange for ur vote. Charlie Rangel old ass owned villas in the Dominican Republic and wasn't even paying goddamn taxes. These faux intellectuals are applying 3rd World leftist ideology to the 1st World all for universal health care and erasure of student loan debt.

Then they REALLY start guzzling Kool Aid and wanna whine about atrocities. Man, the crimes against its citizens that the govt has perpetrated in the 20th n 21st Century don't even fukking begin to compare to the shyt these other countries u spoiled brats are rooting for have done. Jesus, look at how the wack ass citizens of these countries are living NOW. U lil nikkas would slit ur wrists sitting in a carbon monoxide-filled garage in soaking wet clothes hugging a plugged in toaster if u had to live like those a$$holes. And the "democratically elected" leaders of these countries are saying shyt u wanna hear?

Man, @Napoleon, dudes just do not understand how the economy works, the necessary evils and the hypocrisy required to make a superpower function. There are winners and losers and all of them are interconnected because one is dependent upon the other. nikkas in here bringing up the Indians. nikka, there were natives on every continent and in every country and if they couldn't progressively get with the program, they had to be liquidated, because it's all about power. I don't live in a tee pee by a campfire so frankly, it's all good.

nikka, I live in reality. I don't buy bullshyt dreams of equality and fairness knowing damn well this is a world of differently-abled individuals with varying contributions to a political and economic system. U pick any interest u cats have, whether it be music, politics, finances, education, art, sports, anything. U pick 20 ppl at random to sit in a room n brainstorm about ur interest with u in a knowledgeable manner and the ones who could give a rat's ass and can't positively contribute to the conversation, ur gonna wanna launch that fakkit into space cuz he's useless for the task at hand.

When everyone takes a break to go to the table for that second round of free pie n punch, u gon walk up to that fool n tell him, "Ay, bro, I appreciate u showing up but u don't know wtf u talking about n apparently u don't know a damn thing about what this meeting's about. We think you'd be more comfortable at the 'fukkboys txtn about smashin chicks n smokin loud n playing X Box while owing small fortunes in child support' meeting down at the end of the hall by the garbage cans. Nah, they ain't got pie n punch but they got cheese puffs n tap water for u. Aight, bro, 'preciate it."


Aug 12, 2015
I don't give a fukk. Its US or them. The USA does this shyt way better and with far less loss of life or destruction.

Thats what you don't understand or pay attention to.

Other nations don't live up to our standards or quality of action.
you have been entirely way too brainwashed by propaganda

the USA:
- tortures people
- spies on its own people and allies
- uses drone strikes like old people use the bathroom
- sets up military bases where ever they please
- don't have to report any real statistics because when you have the biggest military, whose going to oppose you?

chill with the "america can do no wrong" nonsense