What Putin told the UN: the US and allies are to blame in Mideast

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
alternative media is chiming in on the u.n. speech

It’s Official! Obama Lost the Chess Game With Putin

It's Official! Obama Lost the Chess Game With Putin - Patriot Rising

Posted September 29, 2015 3:22 pm by PatriotRising

Hark! Hearest thou yonder sound? It is the sound of the United States government becoming OBSOLETE in the Middle East! Check out the news. See that? Now IRAQ is going to cooperate with Russia, Syria, and Iran to defeat ISIS over in Syria. HA HA HA! How do ya like THEM apples, Obama!? Hey, you can’t say I didn’t warn you. I said this could happen last week right here on Lew Rockwell when I said “Iraq might just join the party, too”.

First, Putin went to the UN and rightfully gave the United States a good, swift kick in the keester it has needed for a long time now in regards to this whole “Let’s arm the Syrian moderates!” shindig: “Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life,” Putin said. “I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?” Uncle Sam is still rubbing his sore keester from that truth-spanking.

So, now we know Russia, Iran, and Syria are all cooperating and now we also know Iraq HAS, in fact, joined the party! Gosh, and the poor United States now feels left out. Aww…Uncle Sammy wasn’t invited to the party? Now Obama and Kerry have been scrambling, trying to talk to Iran about Syria and Yemen. Iran probably feels like Kerry is trying to invite himself to the soiree and use the old “Iran invited me!” shtick to crash the party. Now here goes Obama saying, “Oh, um, well, we want to cooperate with Russia! Seriously! But, Assad still needs to go, you guys!” Yeah, still trying to save face after all this time, even though there’s egg all over it. Give it up, clowns. You just got outflanked. You lost this chess game for keeps.

U.S. has NOTHING to show for its efforts with Ye Olde Syrian Moderates that were going to get rid of ISIS and Assad both. A $500 million Pentagon program was supposed to train and equip more than 5,000 fighters, so they said. But what did SecDef Ash Carter tell us? A year later, they had FIFTY guys at the most! Then two weeks ago, it was admitted there were only five left AND their leader defected to al-Qaida and took all the weapons with him. Wow, great work guys! Did they give two weeks notice to HR, or was it just a shock to you? That was a swell use of $500 million American taxpayer dollars! And how come none of those airstrikes ever bore fruit? The Iranians pulled off successful airstrikes using cobbled-together F-4 Phantoms older than some Americans’ grand-dads! Probably because the U.S. airstrikes were dropping bombs on empty desert to look busy. “Hey you guys, look busy! Drop bombs on something!” “What should we bomb, sir?” “How should I know?! I’m going golfing with the president! Now get busy!”

Of course Obama is still sticking to this failed policy of trying to topple Assad even after Putin has thoroughly humiliated him in this chess game. Obama is whining over Assad STILL! You’d think Assad picked on Obama in high school or something! It’s like Obama is sitting there looking at all his chess pieces that got captured by Putin and saying, “Hey! No fair! Do over! I wasn’t looking when you put my king into check there!” Pssst! Hey Obama! Ya might wanna quit while, well, not while you’re ahead, because you’re not. But quit before it gets worse and maybe other countries join Russia because they see the U.S. is incompetent at best and dangerously foolish at worst. As in: Plays with fire kind of dangerously foolish. Iraq was “our guy” and now they just said they found a better deal with Russia. So underneath all of that probably lies a secret—for right now—military alliance between Russia, Iran, Syria, and Iraq. You can be sure the Saudis are already sweating not bullets, but ballistic missiles, as I said in my previous article.

Ahhh…the sweet smell of the fall of the American empire! It smells like…hilarity. For all of thinking it knew best, it sure fell for that one, eyes wide open. Last week, Obama was confident he’d control the talks and make it about Ukraine. Putin said no. It’ll be about Syria. And how! The U.S. just became obsolete in the Middle East. And, what, the Saudis are still our guys? So what! They’re in the hotseat with the rest of the Muslim world over that Hajj stampede. They’re getting sued in international court by Iran. Not to mention lots of people in the Middle East are rather angry about Saudi imperialism in Yemen. The rest of the Arab Gulf States will probably be watching close to see who they want to back in the future. I doubt it will be the United States and Saudi Arabia. The vacuum of people leaving that room will cause whirlwinds all over that region.

So, hey Obama, there’s your legacy! Please, stop whining. You lost a chess match with Putin. That’s what you get for listening to people in the Pentagon who thought it was a tiddlywinks tournament. Say, anyone up for a game of chess? The United States government sure wasn’t.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Putin Wins: US Suspends Syrian Rebel Training Program
September 29, 2015 By Stuart Hooper

Game over.

Watch a video of this report here:

Just hours after the incredible speech delivered by Russian President Putin at the United Nations General Assembly, the US has quietly announced that it will be suspending its program of training allegedly ‘moderate’ rebels in Syria to fight against the Assad regime.

Colonel Steve Warren told Foreign Policy that US forces were now looking to ‘re-evaluate’ their efforts, which the news outlet calls a ‘humiliating setback‘.

While the US will continue to support those rebels it has already trained and deployed, it will no longer deploy new fighters.

Russia called the US move of arming and training rebels in Syria ‘social engineering‘, with Putin being the only world leader to publicly take a stand against Western actions.

Things are looking up for the Syrian army. (Photo Credit: Elizabeth Arrott)

Yesterday, Putin called for the West to respect the ‘valiant’ efforts of Assad’s government and the Syrian army in their fight against terrorism. Therefore, this move can easily be understood as the single biggest development in the on-going crisis in Syria, as it removes support from forces seeking to destroy Assad – a clear victory for Putin.

This cessation of support for forces fighting against Assad will strengthen the Syrian fight against ISIS. Perhaps, if that support was instead used in coalition with Russia’s own efforts in the region, ISIS would be gone in almost no time at all.

READ MORE ON THE SYRIAN CRISIS: 21st Century Wire Syria Files
Putin Wins: US Suspends Syrian Rebel Training Program



All Star
Mar 10, 2013
Then learn to profit off Zionist bankers, mfer. At least in Murica u got that chance. If u got a brain, use it. U ain't gotta sit n complain like our other rap brothers because u got enough intelligence to know the rules of the game. In Murica, u pay in cash, elsewhere, u pay in blood.

Ain't nobody bout to hand u shyt, n they damn sure ain't gon make it easy for u, so that means u gotta have more discipline n knowledge n determination than they got. U mfers lazy as fukk, to the point of delusion. nikka, this is America in 2015. The cream rises to the top and to the victor goes the spoils. The more unqualified crackers get a job cuz they crackers, the more I make that fukkboy look stupid and I come up like a fat rat.

U lock the front door, I'm coming in the back. U lock the back, I'm bout to climb thru the window. U slam the window, I'm bout to tunnel thru the basement n walk right up and into the kitchen n fix me a grilled cheese n kick my feet up on ur coffee table.

Cuz I got skills, skills that ur dumb ass was stupid enough to teach me at ur schools that u thought I wasn't paying attention at while attending. Surprise, motherfukker, I soaked all that game up. Don't hand me shyt, I'll get it myself then sell it right back to u at a profit n stash my shyt in a Zionist bank n stack that interest n open a whole buncha stores selling shyt Crackers Retardedly Taught Me Thinking I Was Just Another Dumb nikka.

:dwillhuh: y ur rep aint higher.

All your posts in this thread been pure:russ: :whew: :wow:

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Pentagon's top Russia official resigns
By Austin Wright and Philip Ewing

09/29/15 02:20 PM EDT

The Pentagon’s top official overseeing military relations with Russia and Ukraine is resigning amid the ongoing debate within the Obama administration over how to respond to Russian moves in Ukraine and Syria.

Evelyn Farkas, deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, is leaving her post at the end of next month after five years with the Defense Department, a senior defense official confirmed to POLITICO.

“She has advised three secretaries of defense on Russia policy, providing steady counsel on how the U.S. should respond to Russia's aggressive actions and has been deeply involved in securing $244 million in support for Ukraine,” the official said. “In addition, Evelyn has brought fresh thinking to Southeast Europe policies — supporting Montenegro's interest in joining NATO, expanding defense cooperation with Georgia, and increasing multilateral cooperation with the three Caucasus nations.”

Another senior defense official said the administration would likely have a hard time finding a replacement.

"There are not a lot of Europe experts in this administration who have a long record of accomplishment," the official said. "There's no doubt this leaves the Pentagon weaker in terms of its policy-making on European issues."

Farkas had no comment Tuesday.

Her departure comes at a sensitive time for the administration as President Barack Obama’s national security team is divided over how to respond to Ukraine’s pleas for more advanced weapons to help battle Moscow-backed rebels and Russia’s military deployments in Syria.

On one side are those who are open to providing lethal aid to Ukraine, including Obama’s own secretary of Defense, Ash Carter. On the other side are doves including Obama himself, who want to support Ukraine with non-lethal equipment but who fear that arming Ukraine against Russia might prompt an escalation that could bring the long-simmering crisis to a boil.

So far, the president has constrained the U.S. response, opting to provide vehicles, counter-mortar radars, body armor and other such equipment — but not the anti-tank missiles or other weapons Ukraine really wants.

Farkas is a veteran defense policy hand, having served as a senior adviser to the U.S. European Command, executive director of a congressionally mandated commission on proliferation and a professional staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

As assistant secretary of defense, she traveled widely as part of the ongoing international standoff with Russia over Ukraine. All along, however, Russia has been a deep point of contention between the White House and the Pentagon.

Obama pushed out his previous defense secretary, Chuck Hagel, after he urged a stronger American response to Russia’s aggression. Hagel also questioned the president’s strategy for arming so-called moderate Syrian fighters against the Islamic State, a program that has since all but imploded in an embarrassment for the administration.

Further complicating matters — and uniting those two crises — are Russia’s recent military deployments in Syria, which include some 32 combat aircraft along with attack helicopters, armored vehicles and many troops.

Obama met with Russian President Vladimir Putin Monday on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York to learn more about Russia’s intentions in Syria. Obama has asked for answers from his national security team about Russia, but the limits he has placed on potential U.S. action might mean they don’t have many new options to recommend.

In testimony last year before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Farkas took a hard line on Russia, saying the country’s actions “stand as an affront to the international order that we and our allies have worked to build since the end of the Cold War.”

"Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea, followed by blatant and unconcealed efforts to destabilize eastern and southern Ukraine, signifies a paradigm shift for our relations with Russia,” she said in prepared testimony. “As the crisis deepens, our European allies and partners will look to the United States to demonstrate resolve and to reinforce solidarity across the continent.”

Read more: Pentagon's top Russia official resigns


All Star
Mar 10, 2013
fukk it, I done had me a drink or two or five n had a couple lines a half hour ago n I got a hooker coming over. As for my nikka Sauce, I leave u with this advice:

Geopolitics = As an African American male, nobody gives a fukk about me. Not even my brothers in Africa, they think I'm weak n spoiled n willfully ignorant. Okay. But here's the glitch, only in America are the crackers who got they feet on everyone's neck, including Africa's, naïve enough to teach me EVERYTHING THEY KNOW.

They have set up a system that operates on talent rather than bloodlines. I live in the most powerful country on the face of the earth, in the history of this planet. And these motherfukkers have let me see how the sausage is made and how to profit from and commercialize the goddamn sausage. These idiots have now put this information in the public domain, aka, the internet. shyt that used to cost hunnets of thousands of dollars to learn, is now free. How to capitalize on people, places, and things. How to exploit govt. How to apply feast, famine, booms, recessions, wars, peace, rebellions, sickness, health, all calamity and all prosperity, to personally benefit.

I can apply a platform developed by crackers who hate me to my own community and get everything said crackers have. And more. fukk a complaining n whining n bullshytting. Let the dumb nikkas do that. I'ma go for mine cuz I want more. I want everything. And I will defend this system cuz it's gon be the gun I use to stick up the place n make these vile mfers strip. While weak nikkas cry about getting washed away, I'ma ride this wave.

:win: :salute:


None of the above '16
Jan 14, 2015
:mjlol:These posters actually think we're trying to stop ISIS, or do anything in the ME except destabilize it to keep them from helping to destroy the American economy. Only thing we give a fukk about in that region is keeping the petrodollar going, and if that means turning everything from Aleppo to Karachi to a ruin we will, cause the second we slip and let the dollar start losing it's going to be Moscow 1991 in this bytch.

:mjlol:These posters thinking that Putin cares about Syria, or that any of the big nations in the region care at all, except as a way to justify their own chess moves in the region.

People talking about Putin's the only one playing chess in the region, there's actually about 6 dudes all playing chess with Syria/Iraq/ME as the board, all with different strategies, objectives and ideas about how they're going to "win" the game. People talking about how Putin "won". Congratulations, you just aligned yourself with a guy who uses chemical weapons on his own muslim populace, when you run a country with a large muslim population that already engaged in terrorist activities once, and a long, porous border with muslim countries who's main economic activity is smuggling. What's the end game for Putin? Assad controlling the whole country?

Okay, now you got the Syrian Kurds coming for you, because that was their best chance to get an independent nation going and Assad's got to stomp them out to take the whole country, and Turkey and Iran would love to funnel that hate your way. Or you've got to deal with the now armed anti-Assadites inside the country who always hate Assad and now have nothing to lose. Or Muslim terrorists who just got a big reminder of how the USSR treated them when they were in Afghanistan.

Only way to win the ME game is not to play. China's looking at us all and laughing their asses off.

Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
Russia is out here putting forth solutions to the conflict and a way to turn back ISIS, one of the most reactionary and barbaric forces in recent history, and no one is giving due credit :mjpls:

Funny how the U.S. was perfectly okay with propping up anti-communist dictators during the Cold War :mjpls: Apparently ISIS isn't evil enough for supporting Assad to be "justified" in the eyes of the U.S. govt :mjpls:

While the U.S. bytches about Assad, Saudi Arabia is out here beheading and crucifying teenagers.

the same Assad who used chemical weapons on his own people? that's why he can't be considered part of the solution here. it's a line they won't cross.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
:mjlol:These posters actually think we're trying to stop ISIS, or do anything in the ME except destabilize it to keep them from helping to destroy the American economy. Only thing we give a fukk about in that region is keeping the petrodollar going, and if that means turning everything from Aleppo to Karachi to a ruin we will, cause the second we slip and let the dollar start losing it's going to be Moscow 1991 in this bytch.

:mjlol:These posters thinking that Putin cares about Syria, or that any of the big nations in the region care at all, except as a way to justify their own chess moves in the region.

People talking about Putin's the only one playing chess in the region, there's actually about 6 dudes all playing chess with Syria/Iraq/ME as the board, all with different strategies, objectives and ideas about how they're going to "win" the game. People talking about how Putin "won". Congratulations, you just aligned yourself with a guy who uses chemical weapons on his own muslim populace, when you run a country with a large muslim population that already engaged in terrorist activities once, and a long, porous border with muslim countries who's main economic activity is smuggling. What's the end game for Putin? Assad controlling the whole country?

Okay, now you got the Syrian Kurds coming for you, because that was their best chance to get an independent nation going and Assad's got to stomp them out to take the whole country, and Turkey and Iran would love to funnel that hate your way. Or you've got to deal with the now armed anti-Assadites inside the country who always hate Assad and now have nothing to lose. Or Muslim terrorists who just got a big reminder of how the USSR treated them when they were in Afghanistan.

Only way to win the ME game is not to play. China's looking at us all and laughing their asses off.

China got their own populaton to worry about especially terrorist attacks all these Muslim organizations are connected throughout Asia and Russia. China has to jump in. America is actually in the driver seat as their proxies are succeeding it what was the goal. Now you have foreign countries Russia and China bringing ships and planes over to fight a war over fragmented terrorist organizations lol with no end in sight.

Putin is a dikkhead and trying to calm down the terrorists activity there but he has Chechynza in its backyard. America won brehs.

So its a win to willingly send your army to fight someone else's civil war? :jbhmm:

What is the ruble worth now? :russell:

Exactly Russia grasping for straws don't be surprise if Chechynza start acting up. Saudi Arabia already threaten Putin about Syria a year ago regarding this.


All Star
May 28, 2012
Yeah, the same way we look out for number one, cats gotta remember other countries look out for number one as well. Another thing that my hippity hop loving Berkeley Dyke Minded rap brothers forget on here, is to look at both countries and decide who u would rather see with their dikk out drunk at the company christmas party.

Murica is fukked up, but it's fukked up in the way that the Patriots locker room is fukked up. We as WR's might be telling Tom Brady to shut the fukk up n draw the play with ur ball deflatin ass, but we ain't bout to go on Jim Rome and have that pow wow. To the rest of the league, we the goddamn champions, and nobody, but nobody is gonna fukk with us. We'll rig the whole goddamn league, commissioner's office, Players Association, staff record label n motherfukking crews to maintain that. Cuz what's the alternative, u want the wack ass Texans as the dynasty champion boss hogs?

That's what Russia is, the wack ass Texans, gettin up talk sum bullshyt at the UN tryna hold mfers accountable. Russia can't even keep they own shyt straight. These a$$holes still whackin out political opposition in the streets like it's the 1930's, nikka u can't do that shyt no more. Mfers got the Instagrahams and the Twitters, nikka, WE CAN SEE U. U can't rule the populace with an iron fist anymore; u gotta use a handjob with scented lotion.

Mfers got too much freedom of speech and assembly here. nikkas is so used to shyt being fair that they gettin on soapboxes wantin to help nukularly-armed psychos like the Russians have a fair shot at the head seat at the roundtable. Mfer, u open that door for DJ Vlad, u gotta live with him bringin all his Chinese and Iranian friends with him to the house party. This ain't a soccer game at a fat camp, everyone DOES NOT get a trophy. U lil nikkas are only able to have a bleeding heart cuz Vlad, Xi, n Rouhani ain't been able to bust a cap in it. Yet.



Talk No Jutsu
Sep 30, 2014
:mjlol:These posters actually think we're trying to stop ISIS, or do anything in the ME except destabilize it to keep them from helping to destroy the American economy. Only thing we give a fukk about in that region is keeping the petrodollar going, and if that means turning everything from Aleppo to Karachi to a ruin we will, cause the second we slip and let the dollar start losing it's going to be Moscow 1991 in this bytch.

:mjlol:These posters thinking that Putin cares about Syria, or that any of the big nations in the region care at all, except as a way to justify their own chess moves in the region.

People talking about Putin's the only one playing chess in the region, there's actually about 6 dudes all playing chess with Syria/Iraq/ME as the board, all with different strategies, objectives and ideas about how they're going to "win" the game. People talking about how Putin "won". Congratulations, you just aligned yourself with a guy who uses chemical weapons on his own muslim populace, when you run a country with a large muslim population that already engaged in terrorist activities once, and a long, porous border with muslim countries who's main economic activity is smuggling. What's the end game for Putin? Assad controlling the whole country?

Okay, now you got the Syrian Kurds coming for you, because that was their best chance to get an independent nation going and Assad's got to stomp them out to take the whole country, and Turkey and Iran would love to funnel that hate your way. Or you've got to deal with the now armed anti-Assadites inside the country who always hate Assad and now have nothing to lose. Or Muslim terrorists who just got a big reminder of how the USSR treated them when they were in Afghanistan.

Only way to win the ME game is not to play. China's looking at us all and laughing their asses off.

ah, the benefits of over relying on another countries non-renewable resources.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Brehs out here using the same argument that religious people use against atheism, on some "Oh but atheism isn't perfect either", as to deflect any criticism.

To make it clear : no one seriously thinks Russia is a "good" country. "Good" countries don't exist. Putin isn't a "good" leader : those don't exist either.

What is also clear is that the US and its allies are, due to their very position of dominance, much more responsible of the bs going on in IR. It's really not hard to understand why.

Bomb Iraq, dismantle the Army, destroy all kinds of infrastructure, kill/imprison/torture "suspects", support Saudi Arabia no matter what in its war by proxies for regional dominance, destroy Lybia and create a civil war there, etc.

What is also clear is that damn near everyone is involved in Syria now. Why is it an issue when Russia steps in?


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
The amount of bs and conspiracy riddled crap the people on here spew. If you were smart enough you could argue with facts but that'd require you have a couple of brain cells to rub together.