What Putin told the UN: the US and allies are to blame in Mideast

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
fukk it, I done had me a drink or two or five n had a couple lines a half hour ago n I got a hooker coming over. As for my nikka Sauce, I leave u with this advice:

Geopolitics = As an African American male, nobody gives a fukk about me. Not even my brothers in Africa, they think I'm weak n spoiled n willfully ignorant. Okay. But here's the glitch, only in America are the crackers who got they feet on everyone's neck, including Africa's, naïve enough to teach me EVERYTHING THEY KNOW.

They have set up a system that operates on talent rather than bloodlines. I live in the most powerful country on the face of the earth, in the history of this planet. And these motherfukkers have let me see how the sausage is made and how to profit from and commercialize the goddamn sausage. These idiots have now put this information in the public domain, aka, the internet. shyt that used to cost hunnets of thousands of dollars to learn, is now free. How to capitalize on people, places, and things. How to exploit govt. How to apply feast, famine, booms, recessions, wars, peace, rebellions, sickness, health, all calamity and all prosperity, to personally benefit.

I can apply a platform developed by crackers who hate me to my own community and get everything said crackers have. And more. fukk a complaining n whining n bullshytting. Let the dumb nikkas do that. I'ma go for mine cuz I want more. I want everything. And I will defend this system cuz it's gon be the gun I use to stick up the place n make these vile mfers strip. While weak nikkas cry about getting washed away, I'ma ride this wave.


You're minor, we're major
May 1, 2012
I don't :ehh:, he abused his power and didn't allow any elections in his country.

But Libya under him was a much more stable country than the U.S funded coup d'état of alleged terrorists.

Also the timing of Gaddafi's plans to introduce the gold dinar and his removal are not coincidences in my eyes when you look at the context of the U.S. And their history with oil in the Middle East

Gadhafi was a despotic ruler who mostly care about his own/fam welfare. He more or less maintained Libya as a stable country thanks to large revenues of oils (of which he stole the most :mjpls:) but shyt wasn't sweet at all there. His day was coming anyway considering how much enemies he's made there (especially the islamists). Libyans generally weren't as politically (or in general) educated as their north african neighbours and alot of jobs/professions there were hold by foreigners, rather than Libyans.

is that really NapoleoN???

Ha, nikka looks like a fukkin idiot in every thread

IDK, he just gave me a stick to beat him by mentionning bananas :heh:

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
fukk it, I done had me a drink or two or five n had a couple lines a half hour ago n I got a hooker coming over. As for my nikka Sauce, I leave u with this advice:

Geopolitics = As an African American male, nobody gives a fukk about me. Not even my brothers in Africa, they think I'm weak n spoiled n willfully ignorant. Okay. But here's the glitch, only in America are the crackers who got they feet on everyone's neck, including Africa's, naïve enough to teach me EVERYTHING THEY KNOW.

They have set up a system that operates on talent rather than bloodlines. I live in the most powerful country on the face of the earth, in the history of this planet. And these motherfukkers have let me see how the sausage is made and how to profit from and commercialize the goddamn sausage. These idiots have now put this information in the public domain, aka, the internet. shyt that used to cost hunnets of thousands of dollars to learn, is now free. How to capitalize on people, places, and things. How to exploit govt. How to apply feast, famine, booms, recessions, wars, peace, rebellions, sickness, health, all calamity and all prosperity, to personally benefit.

I can apply a platform developed by crackers who hate me to my own community and get everything said crackers have. And more. fukk a complaining n whining n bullshytting. Let the dumb nikkas do that. I'ma go for mine cuz I want more. I want everything. And I will defend this system cuz it's gon be the gun I use to stick up the place n make these vile mfers strip. While weak nikkas cry about getting washed away, I'ma ride this wave.

and the oppressed with clap your ignorant ass too when the time comes


The World Is My Country, To Do Good Is My Religion
Dec 15, 2013
fukk it, I done had me a drink or two or five n had a couple lines a half hour ago n I got a hooker coming over. As for my nikka Sauce, I leave u with this advice:

Geopolitics = As an African American male, nobody gives a fukk about me. Not even my brothers in Africa, they think I'm weak n spoiled n willfully ignorant. Okay. But here's the glitch, only in America are the crackers who got they feet on everyone's neck, including Africa's, naïve enough to teach me EVERYTHING THEY KNOW.

They have set up a system that operates on talent rather than bloodlines. I live in the most powerful country on the face of the earth, in the history of this planet. And these motherfukkers have let me see how the sausage is made and how to profit from and commercialize the goddamn sausage. These idiots have now put this information in the public domain, aka, the internet. shyt that used to cost hunnets of thousands of dollars to learn, is now free. How to capitalize on people, places, and things. How to exploit govt. How to apply feast, famine, booms, recessions, wars, peace, rebellions, sickness, health, all calamity and all prosperity, to personally benefit.

I can apply a platform developed by crackers who hate me to my own community and get everything said crackers have. And more. fukk a complaining n whining n bullshytting. Let the dumb nikkas do that. I'ma go for mine cuz I want more. I want everything. And I will defend this system cuz it's gon be the gun I use to stick up the place n make these vile mfers strip. While weak nikkas cry about getting washed away, I'ma ride this wave.

By all means exploit the system breh, and with the money you make empower your family and future generations. But you have to keep in mind the system is fundamentally fukked up, it encourages greed. :ufdup:

Don't worry though :mjpls: socialism is coming. It's inevitable

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Putin pushes to expand Syria alliance
Kathrin Hille in Moscow and Geoff Dyer in New York


Russian leader Vladimir Putin addresses the UN General Assembly on Monday

President Vladimir Putin has stepped up his push to forge a Russia-led anti-terror coalition in the Middle East, inviting other countries to join a co-ordination centre that will share intelligence between the Russian armed forces and Syria, Iran and Iraq.

Stepping up the pressure on the US, which has created its own international coalition to fight the Islamist militants of Isis, Mr Putin indicated that the new military co-ordination structures that are being put in place would become the core of a new anti-terror alliance.
Just hours after a meeting with US President Barack Obama on Monday, during which the two discussed the crisis in Syria but which left big disagreements, Mr Putin told Russian media that the centre, first revealed late last week, was “open to representatives of all countries that are interested in combating terrorism”, according to a transcript released by the Kremlin on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, Mr Putin’s spokesman said US military experts had rejected an invitation to join the centre. “Still, Putin is hopeful that new members will join these co-ordination mechanisms as need be,” Dmitry Peskov, Russia spokesman, said.

As Mr Putin was inviting other countries to join the Russian-led co-ordination centre, Mr Obama hosted a meeting on Tuesday of the US led anti-Isis coalition which he said now included 60 countries. He said three new countries had joined — Nigeria, Tunisia and Malaysia — with two dozen countries taking part in military operations.

US officials acknowledge that one risk in trying to work with Russia in Syria is it might make some of its Arab partners who are implacably opposed to the Assad regime less willing to participate in the US-led coalition.

A senior US official said that the impact of the Russian-led co-ordination centre was likely to be modest. Russia had already been sharing intelligence with Iran and Syria for years, the official said. Moreover, Russia had little to offer Iraq in terms of intelligence because it had few assets in the country.

A senior Russian military official said it was important to arm supporters of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, including government forces and the Kurdish militia.

Echoing Mr Putin’s call for a broad international coalition, General Yury Yakubov of the department of general inspectors at the defence ministry said “it is necessary to expand its membership and to build a structure for coordinating their actions in the Middle East”.

While Mr Putin’s comments appeared aimed at quashing fears that Russia might be expanding its military build-up from Syria to Iraq, Moscow is raising its challenge to Washington for a lead role in responding to the Syria crisis. In a speech to the UN General Assembly on Monday, Mr Putin had repeated his call for a broad international coalition but failed to provide any detailed plan. The Baghdad centre “does not imply a command centre and combat action headed by it”, he said.

Independent experts said it was close to impossible to imagine that Russia’s military could join the existing US-lead coalition against Isis.

“Especially given the state US-Russian relations are in at the moment, it is impossible that Russia would submit to US command,” said Vitaly Naumkin, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The meeting between Mr Obama and Mr Putin came as the Obama administration was trying to work out a plan to help anti-Isis fighters within Syria. Although the process was already under way before the Russian military build-up became apparent, a US official said that final decisions on the next military steps in Syria would depend in part on the conclusions that the administration drew from its discussions this week with Russia about its intentions.

The latest humiliation for the administration’s $500m programme to train and equip Syrian rebels came at the weekend when US Central Command admitted that the latest group of 70 soldiers to be sent into Syria had handed over a quarter of their arms to an al-Qaeda affiliate to secure passage. Just hours before, Centcom had said photos showing that the arms had been handed over were fakes.

The options that have been prepared by the Pentagon include a reconfiguration of the US training programme, so that the troops would work alongside other US-backed forces such as the Syrian Kurds, fulfilling specific roles such as calling in air strikes.

The administration has also been discussing sending arms directly to the Syrian Kurds, who have emerged in recent months as one of the most effective fighting forces — an option that would likely generate opposition from Turkey.

In an interview with CBS on Sunday, Mr Putin mocked the US train and equip programme. “The initial aim was to train 5,000 to 6,000 fighters, then 12,000, but it turns out that only 60 were trained and only four or five are actually fighting,” he said. “All the others simply ran away with their American weapons to Islamic State.”

The Obama administration announced on Tuesday that it was placing 30 individuals or groups linked to Isis on its terrorism sanctions list, including several Russians. A US official said that the administration had worked with Moscow on the designations.


JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
Russia is out here putting forth solutions to the conflict and a way to turn back ISIS, one of the most reactionary and barbaric forces in recent history, and no one is giving due credit :mjpls:

Funny how the U.S. was perfectly okay with propping up anti-communist dictators during the Cold War :mjpls: Apparently ISIS isn't evil enough for supporting Assad to be "justified" in the eyes of the U.S. govt :mjpls:

While the U.S. bytches about Assad, Saudi Arabia is out here beheading and crucifying teenagers.


All Star
Jun 12, 2014
St Louis & SD
Then learn to profit off Zionist bankers, mfer. At least in Murica u got that chance. If u got a brain, use it. U ain't gotta sit n complain like our other rap brothers because u got enough intelligence to know the rules of the game. In Murica, u pay in cash, elsewhere, u pay in blood.

Ain't nobody bout to hand u shyt, n they damn sure ain't gon make it easy for u, so that means u gotta have more discipline n knowledge n determination than they got. U mfers lazy as fukk, to the point of delusion. nikka, this is America in 2015. The cream rises to the top and to the victor goes the spoils. The more unqualified crackers get a job cuz they crackers, the more I make that fukkboy look stupid and I come up like a fat rat.

U lock the front door, I'm coming in the back. U lock the back, I'm bout to climb thru the window. U slam the window, I'm bout to tunnel thru the basement n walk right up and into the kitchen n fix me a grilled cheese n kick my feet up on ur coffee table.

Cuz I got skills, skills that ur dumb ass was stupid enough to teach me at ur schools that u thought I wasn't paying attention at while attending. Surprise, motherfukker, I soaked all that game up. Don't hand me shyt, I'll get it myself then sell it right back to u at a profit n stash my shyt in a Zionist bank n stack that interest n open a whole buncha stores selling shyt Crackers Retardedly Taught Me Thinking I Was Just Another Dumb nikka.
You talk funny to the point I be :patrice: but I be damned if this isn't one of many crack posts. Sheesh!!!!! :dame:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I don't think you understand how unequal this country truly is

Breh, don't bury your head in the sand and ignore the problems. That's truly whatabousim

nikka, we're talking GEOPOLITICS because Russia is leaning on parts of the world and complicating OUR interests.

fukking stand up for something!


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Chalk it to the game? shyt was gonna "pop off?" Are you even listening to yourself?

First off, gtfoh with the Libya bullshyt. It is where it is now, in chaos, directly because of US/NATO strikes, and them leaving it for dead right after. Don't play dumb.

Too fukking bad. The UNITED NATIONS did those strikes. And on top of that, Libya now has their own fukking destiny. Stop blaming foreign governments everytime YOUR shyt gets fukked up. The US wasn't even going to step in until Qadaffi was talking reckless. We saw how that went.

Iraq cost this country billions, if not more, of money and hundreds of thousands of lives (if not more) both from the U.S. and Iraqi sides combined. Now Iraq is more unstable than its ever been. 10 years of U.S. forces there, all for what?
Geopolitical leverage. I didn't support going into Iraq, but get the fukk outta here with this shyt again. We ALREADY know they didn't want us there and they couldn't keep a cap on their own fukkery and called for our help. You can't keep blaming everything on the US 15 years later.

The problem with you and people like you, Napoleon, is that you think this shyt is a game and nothing more. That this is nothing more than some silly dikk slinging contest to show of who's the best in the block or some bullshyt. Meanwhile, here you are, pushing for policies and actions that are could directly harm the U.S. in the long term, a country you claim to care about.
Its a game, and the US is winning it.

Also funny that for someone who claims to be black, you easily brush of an action cosigned by the U.S. that has caused major strife, bloodshed and instability in a major region in Africa, and has been slowly trickling down to sub-Saharan Africa as well.
Thats terrible, but you know what? I don't live there. There are real problems with groups of people who need to be reminded how real power works and who has it. Not to mention African leaders have been exploiting their people and complicating their own success.

Let's be honest: all this shyt for you and people like you is not about the interest of the U.S. It's about stroking your ego. Wanting to be part of something "cool" and what not.
Rolling with winners isn't something you should be ashamed off.
You don't care about the welfare of Americans abroad, let alone the lives of countless others in the region that have been harmed or lost by previous actions and will be harmed or lost by another similar situation occurring in Syria. Stop fronting and quit the bullshyt breh.
Who said I don't care about Americans abroad? Hell, if you're some goofy aid worker and ANYONE kidnaps your ass, the US will expend every effort to kill anyone who touched you.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
fukk it, I done had me a drink or two or five n had a couple lines a half hour ago n I got a hooker coming over. As for my nikka Sauce, I leave u with this advice:

Geopolitics = As an African American male, nobody gives a fukk about me. Not even my brothers in Africa, they think I'm weak n spoiled n willfully ignorant. Okay. But here's the glitch, only in America are the crackers who got they feet on everyone's neck, including Africa's, naïve enough to teach me EVERYTHING THEY KNOW.

They have set up a system that operates on talent rather than bloodlines. I live in the most powerful country on the face of the earth, in the history of this planet. And these motherfukkers have let me see how the sausage is made and how to profit from and commercialize the goddamn sausage. These idiots have now put this information in the public domain, aka, the internet. shyt that used to cost hunnets of thousands of dollars to learn, is now free. How to capitalize on people, places, and things. How to exploit govt. How to apply feast, famine, booms, recessions, wars, peace, rebellions, sickness, health, all calamity and all prosperity, to personally benefit.

I can apply a platform developed by crackers who hate me to my own community and get everything said crackers have. And more. fukk a complaining n whining n bullshytting. Let the dumb nikkas do that. I'ma go for mine cuz I want more. I want everything. And I will defend this system cuz it's gon be the gun I use to stick up the place n make these vile mfers strip. While weak nikkas cry about getting washed away, I'ma ride this wave.