Who created this lie that white people like dark skin better than black men?


Tia Mowry Bandwagon
Oct 29, 2014
The Dirty South
I never said one can't complain of colorism; I said that black peoplehood comes first. Complaining about colorism and trying to use those complaints to undermine black people is like complaining about a modest-but-improving alliance and trying to undermine a war effort on that account. History and the status quo speaks for why black female strength is important. Strong black women have helped steward blacks to survival amongst the death of many other peoples. Virtually ever group in the Americas are dead b/c of the cac. But blacks live on. Weak women the Native women are dead and gone. If the black way didn't work, we would be too.The fact blacks thrive while others die off is testament enough of what a help strong femalehood is. So yes, things should continue as before, with adjustments to improve quality of life. This is what the majority of black people--whom aren't American--are doing anyway. You, on the other hand, would have us go the way of others, and pay for it. History, reality, damn your ill thought process yet you persist like a blind man walking into a volcano. Delusional at the last.

Black female treatment is subjective and has no bearing on black peoplehood besides. Women herald black people and black men do the same, then all the better. No man or woman should complain for shouldering his people, nor call himself a "mule" for doing so, or claim his group a "burden". This is just code for abdicating responsibility and trying to justify anti-blackness (words of a c00n). It's still 1901 in that there is still some way to go for blacks. So the march continues.

Black men are targeted like Native men were targeted. When black men are dead, blacks are dead in the same way. So in truest and cleanest fact, c00n, every black male victim is important for the same reasons I just mentioned. The non-blacks target black men precisely because they know black men's importance. This does not mean black females are less important, merely that both are important.

If the Natives had banded together and held the the damn Aztec empire against the Spanairds, they would perhaps be alive today. Instead the aforementioned happened and where are they now? They abdicated their responsibilities or never knew those things as they fought amongst themselves. The cac won by keeping to his word and his responsibilities. You way is their way. Go that way in peace but don't try to advocate it, c00n.

So you have no issue with colorism then. Let me be frank: there is no real colorism in black societies as most blacks are around the same brown-to-black hue with similar facial range. Colorism begins to rear its head when blacks intermix with non-black races. Hence the black features' begin to twist, turn and diverge, causing division and mistrust. In other words, IR relationship drive division amongst blacks. In virtually every mixed society, blacks are at the bottom. It is only in their own societies--that of Africa and the black Carribean--that dark skins rule anything. So if you are against colorism, then you should be against swirling. It doesn't matter what light skins say either.
Yea there is no such thing as a person being anti colorism, but pro-swirl. If you're pro-swirl you are more colorstruck than black men like Young Berg @WHIPPEDCream


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Yea there is no such thing as a person being anti colorism, but pro-swirl. If you're pro-swirl you are more colorstruck than black men like Young Berg @WHIPPEDCream

This bytch is a walkin contradiction. She either realizes it and doesn't care, in which case she's a fraud anti-colorism militant c00n. Or she doesn't realize it, in which case she's an idiot. :russ:


Tia Mowry Bandwagon
Oct 29, 2014
The Dirty South
This bytch is a walkin contradiction. She either realizes it and doesn't care, in which case she's a fraud anti-colorism militant c00n. Or she doesn't realize it, in which case she's an idiot. :russ:
Dark skin girls like that are hypocrites they just want that bi-racial baby to live vicariously through. I went to Highschool with one. A nikka on the football team played her for some redbone chick mixed with white and Latino. Yet, she stayed bitter at ALL black men because of it. A lot of black dudes simped her all the time, but she ignored them because she was "Down with the swirl. And done with nikkas." The bytch tried white dudes, but they didn't want her so she went to Mexicans. She got pregnant by one, but the dude left 6 months in the pregnancy cause Mexican men believe in preserving their culture. The Mexican dude's family won't claim the baby and call her all kinds of Mayates and shyt. Because she is so dark the baby cannot pass for Mexican so the family was like "No Bueno."

Now she's in college trying to date black men while her mom takes care of the baby, but they all dip on her once they see she's a single mother with a mixed baby. That obviously gives the signal off that she was a Bedwench that got her wake up call and just makes the black dudes go :scust:

You have been warned @WHIPPEDCream :mjpls:


♔Evil Queen.
Jun 8, 2012
The Seven Five
I never said one can't complain of colorism; I said that black peoplehood comes first. Complaining about colorism and trying to use those complaints to undermine black people is like complaining about a modest-but-improving alliance and trying to undermine a war effort on that account. History and the status quo speaks for why black female strength is important. Strong black women have helped steward blacks to survival amongst the death of many other peoples. Virtually ever group in the Americas are dead b/c of the cac. But blacks live on. Weak women the Native women are dead and gone. If the black way didn't work, we would be too.The fact blacks thrive while others die off is testament enough of what a help strong femalehood is. So yes, things should continue as before, with adjustments to improve quality of life. This is what the majority of black people--whom aren't American--are doing anyway. You, on the other hand, would have us go the way of others, and pay for it. History, reality, damn your ill thought process yet you persist like a blind man walking into a volcano. Delusional at the last.

Black female treatment is subjective and has no bearing on black peoplehood besides. Women herald black people and black men do the same, then all the better. No man or woman should complain for shouldering his people, nor call himself a "mule" for doing so, or claim his group a "burden". This is just code for abdicating responsibility and trying to justify anti-blackness (words of a c00n). It's still 1901 in that there is still some way to go for blacks. So the march continues.

Black men are targeted like Native men were targeted. When black men are dead, blacks are dead in the same way. So in truest and cleanest fact, c00n, every black male victim is important for the same reasons I just mentioned. The non-blacks target black men precisely because they know black men's importance. This does not mean black females are less important, merely that both are important.

If the Natives had banded together and held the the damn Aztec empire against the Spanairds, they would perhaps be alive today. Instead the aforementioned happened and where are they now? They abdicated their responsibilities or never knew those things as they fought amongst themselves. The cac won by keeping to his word and his responsibilities. You way is their way. Go that way in peace but don't try to advocate it, c00n.

So you have no issue with colorism then. Let me be frank: there is no real colorism in black societies as most blacks are around the same brown-to-black hue with similar facial range. Colorism begins to rear its head when blacks intermix with non-black races. Hence the black features' begin to twist, turn and diverge, causing division and mistrust. In other words, IR relationship drive division amongst blacks. In virtually every mixed society, blacks are at the bottom. It is only in their own societies--that of Africa and the black Carribean--that dark skins rule anything. So if you are against colorism, then you should be against swirling. It doesn't matter what light skins say either.

When you say black people comes first that translate to black men come first.It's been observed by many whether you want to wake up to it or not.Why do you think that one black woman wrote an article saying she will not march for Eric Garner?Black women get kidnapped,raped,murdered,etc out here everyday B, but no one gives a f*ck, including black people.& Don't you dare show me some lone thread about Renisha Mcbride as proof that black woman lives matter,I'm not here for the BS.& Once again, this so called "black female strength," is a problem.This idea that black women are not allowed to be human and feel REAL human feelings is not a good thing so please stop highlighting it as if it's something good.& All this "black way," things you're talking about is complete non sense and make you sounds like an idiot,so I'm not going to entertain it.

& YES,people should complain when they are carrying a community who sh*ts on them.:what: Black women go hard for black men any & all the time but it's not reciprocated & never will be. That "mule," quote is a very popular quote by Zora Neale Hurston for a reason.She been observed how black women get treated.

& I can't believe I'm daring to entertain your stupid ideology that lighter skin people are the problem.This is NOT true.The problem are people who sh*t on dark skin whilst uplifting light skin.By your your logic,an "ideal," black community would then therefore be one with out light skin. :what: There is colorism EVERYWHERE,among MANY ethnic cultures.DF?Now it's verified you're a dumb ass.Don't quote me again.


♔Evil Queen.
Jun 8, 2012
The Seven Five
Dark skin girls like that are hypocrites they just want that bi-racial baby to live vicariously through. I went to Highschool with one. A nikka on the football team played her for some redbone chick mixed with white and Latino. Yet, she stayed bitter at ALL black men because of it. A lot of black dudes simped her all the time, but she ignored them because she was "Down with the swirl. And done with nikkas." The bytch tried white dudes, but they didn't want her so she went to Mexicans. She got pregnant by one, but the dude left 6 months in the pregnancy cause Mexican men believe in preserving their culture. The Mexican dude's family won't claim the baby and call her all kinds of Mayates and shyt. Because she is so dark the baby cannot pass for Mexican so the family was like "No Bueno."

Now she's in college trying to date black men while her mom takes care of the baby, but they all dip on her once they see she's a single mother with a mixed baby. That obviously gives the signal off that she was a Bedwench that got her wake up call and just makes the black dudes go :scust:

You have been warned @WHIPPEDCream :mjpls:

:mjlol: @ This "cautionary tale."

This has nothing to do with me and relates to me in no type of way what so ever.I'm not a "bedwench," because I call out black men for what they do.You want me to be okay with how dark skin women are treated & I'm not going to be & nothing you say will ever make me be okay with it,period.

If I want a black boyfriend I'll get one & if I want a white boyfriend i'll get one,it depends on what I'm in the mood for.BELIEVE THAT.


Tia Mowry Bandwagon
Oct 29, 2014
The Dirty South
:mjlol: @ You trying to notion that black men appreciate dark skin.

Okay we can act brand new.We can act like black men don't sh*t on dark skin,kk.
Okay we can act brand new like white people aren't terrified of dark skin. Black men appreciate dark skin more than anyone else on the planet. FACT. Doesn't matter what your delusional mind thinks or says concerning that issue.

:mjlol: @ This "cautionary tale."

This has nothing to do with me and relates to me in no type of way what so ever.I'm not a "bedwench," because I call out black men for what they do.You want me to be okay with how dark skin women are treated & I'm not going to be & nothing you say will ever make me be okay with it,period.

If I want a black boyfriend I'll get one & if I want a white boyfriend i'll get one,it depends on what I'm in the mood for.BELIEVE THAT.
If you get a white man then you lose the right to speak on colorism.


♔Evil Queen.
Jun 8, 2012
The Seven Five
Okay we can act brand new like white people aren't terrified of dark skin. Black men appreciate dark skin more than anyone else on the planet. FACT. Doesn't matter what your delusional mind thinks or says concerning that issue.

You will say anything to erase the shame.No other race of man sh*ts on their women like black men do,FACT.

If you get a white man then you lose the right to speak on colorism.

I'm going to keep on speaking on it regardless of who I'm with.I am a dark skin woman myself. :what:


Feb 12, 2015
I'm convinced many of you don't know that many inter-racial relation ships IRL....

:stopitslime: I appreciate all beauty.

It's the same way with me...when it comes to guys that hit me up,I thought it would be majority black guys who hit me up on social media,but nope,I can honestly say it's 50/50 when it comes to the amount of white guys & black guys who hit me up.However in real life,it's mainly black dudes who approach me & when white men in real life do approach I don't know where they are trying to take things...like this one white dude literally just introduced himself to me and that was it.:heh:

They are not as bold as black men in my opinion.

Thats somewhat true...I approach black girls differently because most of the time i have no idea if they are into white guys (unless it's obvious ).....So i usually go slower/ take the whole "im just friendly talking to you" until i can tell if she is into me...but yea, there are a lot of white SIMPS out there lmao :mjlol:.


Tia Mowry Bandwagon
Oct 29, 2014
The Dirty South
You will say anything to erase the shame.No other race of man sh*ts on their women like black men do,FACT.

I'm going to keep on speaking on it regardless of who I'm with.I am a dark skin woman myself. :what:
1. You're just full of shyt now mam. White women created feminism for a reason. Arab and Muslim women have no rights in their countries and are raped ON SIGHT. You've been told this already.
That chick is lost. She suffers from the whole "If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to see it, does it make a sound?" disbelief. Thinks all white men adore their women. What a crock of shyt. She should hear how they call their women succubi. White men love their women so much that they denied them the right to vote for centuries; that they fight against equal pay; that they pay black men to fukk their wives

Oh, but because they don't call them nasty names in rap records, they're so angelic. The fukk outta here with that garbage.

2. No you won't speak out on colorism if you are with a cracka, or at least no one will take you serious. Complain about colorism, but date with the source of it :mindblown:


♔Evil Queen.
Jun 8, 2012
The Seven Five
I'm convinced many of you don't know that many inter-racial relation ships IRL....

Thats somewhat true...I approach black girls differently because most of the time i have no idea if they are into white guys (unless it's obvious ).....So i usually go slower/ take the whole "im just friendly talking to you" until i can tell if she is into me...but yea, there are a lot of white SIMPS out there lmao :mjlol:.

:lolbron: Well I think you should start taking chances & start to be a bit more bold.What is the worst that can happen?I remember having this conversation with my old room mate and she said the same thing.If you just remain super friendly,I'm going to assume you're just a friendly person.


Aug 12, 2012
This is why black men should not give a damn about black women like @WHIPPEDCream and @A Woman's Opinion opinions on colorism. She can justify thirsting after a light skinned dude by saying things like "Bone structure." She can say that with a straight face too. It's sad and pathetic, matter of fact it's damn insane.

But when black men bring up Beyoncé, Tia Mowry, or Candice Patton it's because we're colorstruck. No, it's because those three girls do not have a lot of bodies under their belt, are classy, and are not whores. Yea I get Beyoncé portrays herself as a whore in her music, but that's just music. She's just getting her money.

its like what i just said unless you sit down and think about aa list anyone male or female will take a while to think of very well known dark skin women....there are not alot of Estelles as the average brown skin women..they dont get this though...

we know the men in our community are flawed but its like everything has to always go back to Black men...if she forgets her W2 form when she is gonna get her taxes done she is gonna tell the tax preparer its because a Black man why she forgot

the type of true colorism im mentioning....if they see in public anyone whether a family member or complete stranger above the age of 30 saying something very nasty and messed up about their African skin or hair or saying something idiotic like they are acting like a "savage from Africa", they will cringe but nothing else....they will move on and maybe mention it to their girlfriend or homegirl in passing and then go on a full on topic about colorism that is a Black man saying Alicia keys looks beautiful :sas2:


♔Evil Queen.
Jun 8, 2012
The Seven Five
1. You're just full of shyt now mam. White women created feminism for a reason. Arab and Muslim women have no rights in their countries and are raped ON SIGHT. You've been told this already.

2. No you won't speak out on colorism if you are with a cracka, or at least no one will take you serious. Complain about colorism, but date with the source of it :mindblown:

Pointing out how others treat their women badly does not erase the fact that black men don't treat their women in the most favorable way.& I will always speak on colorism. :stopitslime: It's not like i'm out here exclusively dating "other," nor do I hold any race of men on a pedestal.
Jan 26, 2015
if i had to guess i would say the same liberal closet racist cacs whom like to push the white savior propaganda in Hollywood and colorblind post racial Amerikkka myth online.