Why haven't liberals and the American media apologized for the "hands up don't shoot" lie???


Apr 16, 2013
More liberal media lies and paid actors and doctored film :damn:

Lol at the solution the mods come up with is ignoring the troll rather than eliminating him from entering whatever thread he pleases to spout racism. His obsession with black people is baffling considering his lackey @Mephistopheles says he's been up to this for damn near a decade.

You know you are really far gone when every day you make it a point to interact with people you hate. We need some psych papers on this phenomenon.

Mods will probably just give him his own section.


May 6, 2012
Lol at the solution the mods come up with is ignoring the troll rather than eliminating him from entering whatever thread he pleases to spout racism. His obsession with black people is baffling considering his lackey @Mephistopheles says he's been up to this for damn near a decade.

You know you are really far gone when every day you make it a point to interact with people you hate. We need some psych papers on this phenomenon.

I will ask you the same question that idiots like @mrken12 and @Melbournelad continue to dodge: where exactly is the racism and hatred? How is it racist to acknowledge the results of the Department of Justice's investigation into the Michael Brown shooting? I understand that finding out the truth about the shooting makes you upset, but banning me as a poster is not going to change any of the facts.

The Coli definition of trolling: stating facts that liberals don't want to hear.


May 6, 2012
Well I stand corrected. Jonathan Capehart, a liberal columnist and MSNBC punditor, has come forward and apologized for being wrong about Michael Brown. You have to give this guy a ton of credit because how many people in the media ever call attention to their mistakes?


Jonathan Capehart: ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Was Built on a Lie,’ I Was Wrong
by Andrew Desiderio | 8:08 pm, March 16th, 2015


On Monday, Washington Post liberal columnist Jonathan Capehart joined an ever-growing chorus of pundits who are embracing the Justice Department’s most recent claims that, based on “credible” evidence, Michael Brown did not have his hands up in a mode of surrender when former Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson fatally shot him.
Earlier this month, after the DOJ cleared Wilson of civil rights violations in connection with Brown’s death, many on the right began pointing to a specific part in the DOJ report that says the claim Brown had his hands up before Wilson shot him was “inconsistent with the physical evidence” and “not credible.”

In a Monday Post column titled, “Hands up, don’t shoot was built on a lie,” Capehart did what few commentators have done: write an entire column admitting they were wrong.

In those early hours and early days, there was more unknown than known. But this month, the Justice Department released two must-read investigations connected to the killing of Brown that filled in blanks, corrected the record and brought sunlight to dark places by revealing ugly practices that institutionalized racism and hardship. They have also forced me to deal with two uncomfortable truths: Brown never surrendered with his hands up, and Wilson was justified in shooting Brown.
Capehart went on to say that Brown is an “inappropriate symbol” for the unstable relationship between African-Americans and law enforcement, as well as for police “militarization” against protesters. The DOJ report, he
wrote, “made me ill.”

“Through exhaustive interviews with witnesses, cross-checking their statements with previous statements to authorities and the media, ballistics, DNA evidence and results from three autopsies, the Justice Department was able to present a credible and troubling picture of what happened on Canfield Drive,” Capehart wrote. “More credible than the grand jury decision to not indict Wilson. The transcript of his grand jury testimony read like so much hand-holding by the prosecution.”
He also acknowledged another DoJ report which found that Ferguson police officers sent racist emails and disproportionately targeted African-Americans for traffic stops and other misdemeanors, and said the outcome of the Brown shooting investigation should not “diminish the importance of the real issues unearthed in Ferguson by Brown’s death,” which are being exemplified by the “Black Lives Matter” movement.

Then came Capehart’s admission of fault:

Now that black lives matter to everyone, it is imperative that we continue marching for and giving voice to those killed in racially charged incidents at the hands of police and others. But we must never allow ourselves to march under the banner of a false narrative on behalf of someone who would otherwise offend our sense of right and wrong. And when we discover that we have, we must acknowledge it, admit our error and keep on marching. That’s what I’ve done here.

Cable news hosts embracing the DOJ report to which Capehart refers have included, but are not limited to, Megyn Kelly and Sean Hannity of Fox News and Joe Scarborough of MSNBC. In particular, Kelly went after the media for perpetuating a “lie” brought forth by politicians and pundits who “attacked cops across this country based on the myth” that Brown was shot “while surrendering with his hands up.” Similarly, Hannity interviewed a Ferguson protester who did not seem to know that the DOJ report disproved the “hands up, don’t shoot” claim, while Scarborough and MSNBC colleague Lawrence O’Donnell got into it over that very same claim.
[Image via screengrab]


May 1, 2012
the whole getting shot, running away, then turning around and charging the cop who just shot him still is ridiculously hard to believe. it makes no fukking sense.

and the mods are right, although he is a tremendous piece of shyt, kingpin doesn't need to be banned. if you don't like what he has to say (and you know you won't as soon as you see his name), don't read the shyt. it's pretty simple. i've been on sohh/the coli for over 10 years and i haven't even so much as put someone on ignore, let alone whine to mods over some a$$hole poster. you aren't required to give him attention.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Is OP is trolling? Yes. But he's also absolutely correct. The media did get it wrong. Celebrities did get it wrong. And the fact that they were so swept up by the social justice narrative without closely scrutinizing the facts is extremely troubling.

Exactly what facts were the media and celebrities not "scrutinizing" close enough that has you so troubled?

The ferguson case was a fluid and moving story. Celebrities and journalists are not detectives with access to all the evidence --- they were responding to the info that was made available to them. Initially several eye witnesses came forward with similar accounts that brown was in a surrendering and non-threatening position when killed.

What animated the story was Ferguson's militarized force against protestors in the early going, which resembled troops in a middle east war, and which journalists were directly involved in. For the most part you had journalists soliciting the opinions of ferguson residents and protestors during this period, with the resulting narratives being how out of control the Ferguson PD was in general. Less about taking sides over Brown

Sure you can gloat over the fact that the some of the grandstanding gestures related to 'hands up dont shoot' werent in line with the facts, and as such Wilson was justified in killing an unarmed kid, but the flip side is that the DOJ findings proved that the local police consider blacks an underclass whom are deserving of harassment, constitutionally violating mistreatment, abuse, and to be seen as objects to bleed dry financially. I guess everyone wins here.


May 8, 2012
Exactly what facts were the media and celebrities not "scrutinizing" close enough that has you so troubled?

The ferguson case was a fluid and moving story. Celebrities and journalists are not detectives with access to all the evidence --- they were responding to the info that was made available to them. Initially several eye witnesses came forward with similar accounts that brown was in a surrendering and non-threatening position when killed.

What animated the story was Ferguson's militarized force against protestors in the early going, which resembled troops in a middle east war, and which journalists were directly involved in. For the most part you had journalists soliciting the opinions of ferguson residents and protestors during this period, with the resulting narratives being how out of control the Ferguson PD was in general. Less about taking sides over Brown

Sure you can gloat over the fact that the some of the grandstanding gestures related to 'hands up dont shoot' werent in line with the facts, and as such Wilson was justified in killing an unarmed kid, but the flip side is that the DOJ findings proved that the local police consider blacks an underclass whom are deserving of harassment, constitutionally violating mistreatment, abuse, and to be seen as objects to bleed dry financially. I guess everyone wins here.

None of that contradicts what I've been saying in this thread, so you just wasted your time typing it.

And no, it's not about the "grandstanding gestures" not being in line with the facts. It's the entire media narrative not being in line with the facts. If the situation was so fluid, they should have taken more pains to appear impartial, lest the fluidity prove their version of events wrong.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
None of that contradicts what I've been saying in this thread, so you just wasted your time typing it.

I guess we can just chalk up your "extremely troubling/social justice" inflammatory nonsense to some 'white male burden' reflex you just had to let out. My bad. I should have just left you alone. I just want people to make sure that these are human beings we're discussing and not objects.


May 8, 2012
I guess we can just chalk up your "extremely troubling/social justice" inflammatory nonsense to some 'white male burden' reflex you just had to let out. My bad. I should have just left you alone. I just want people to make sure that these are human beings we're discussing and not objects.

Yeah, because acknowledging the incorrect Brown narrative as a symptom of a media machine that regularly buys into politically motivated narratives is clearly just white man's burden. Never mind that pretty much everyone agrees the media here is broken. Nope. White man's burden. All the way.