
  1. 88m3

    “There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his prophet.”

    She Thought She’d Married a Rich Chinese Farmer. She Hadn’t. :patrice:
  2. MischievousMonkey

    Video: How wigs are made in China

  3. loyola llothta

    The U.S. Ultimatum on Huawei Is Backfiring :UPDATE: Google banning Huawei from Android updates and

    19 May 2019 The U.S. Ultimatum on Huawei Is Backfiring By Andrew Korybko The U.S. is putting pressure on its many partners across the world to follow its lead and ban Huawei from their national telecommunications networks, with the Trump Administration channeling the Bush one in the aftermath...
  4. DrBanneker

    China to lose/kill 130 million pigs due to African swine flu; pork prices soar

    You will soon see huge jumps in the price of pork at the market given African swine flu has jumped to China (via Europe and Central Asia) and is expected to kill 1/3 of all their pigs -- 130 million in total. This is not just a supply issue but also a huge medical risk if it jumps to humans...
  5. loyola llothta

    Even France Was Force To Lean Back: Macron rolled out the red carpet for the Chinese Leader(B$ Deal)

    China and Macron’s U-Turn by Peter Koenig / April 1st, 2019 Less than a week ago, President Macron was lambasting Italy for signing agreements with China in the context of their New Silk Road, alias President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), in the same breath he was criticizing...
  6. loyola llothta

    China's Huawei Reportedly Preparing To Sue US Government Over Spying Hysteria

    Huawei Reportedly Preparing To Sue US Government Over Spying Hysteria Huawei is preparing to sue the United States government over a defense bill that would further dissuade domestic companies from doing business with the company. The bill is the latest move in an ongoing effort to encourage...
  7. S

    China just created brain-enhanced babies

    China’s CRISPR twins might have had their brains inadvertently enhanced
  8. kayslay

    Do you guys watch Wode Maya?

    []Wode Maya is Ghanaian Youtuber that travels the continent of Africa making videos about the different cultures and countries. He also speaks fluent Chinese and went to College in China.
  9. S

    Tiananmen Square started as anti-African protest?

    I really don't know why nap doesn't post these in the proper forums. ----------------------------------
  10. 88m3

    China’s Gulag for Muslims

    China’s Gulag for Muslims In modern-day “re-education” prisons, Beijing is forcing ethnic Uighurs to forsake their religion. Why don’t Muslim governments rise up in anger? Mustafa Akyol One of the darkest episodes of the 20th century was the gulag — the Soviet system of forced labor camps...
  11. loyola llothta

    China aint with the lil homie shyt: Warn the U.S. and CA to Free Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng or measures

    China Outraged at Arrest of Huawei CFO, Warns It Will “Take All Measures” So much for a trade war truce between China and the US, or a stock market Christmas rally for that matter. Shortly after the news hit that Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng — also deputy chairwoman and the daughter of Huawei’s...
  12. ill

    China to make fentanyl a controlled substance after G20 talks

    China agrees to make fentanyl a controlled substance after talks with US at G20 summit - CNNPolitics China has agreed to reclassify fentanyl as a "controlled substance," in what the White House is calling a "wonderful humanitarian gesture" after the much-anticipated talks Saturday between US...
  13. Q

    venom is at 822M worldwide now

    China has helped Venom become an $822 million box office success The future is here, box offices will be dictated by the foreign market. Get ready for an Asian James Bond. :lolbron:
  14. S

    13 Chinese police stations open in South Africa

    Not only do you get authentic chinese food, but law enforcement as well. How in the Holy Hoohah is China building 13 police stations in South Africa??????? :mindblown:
  15. FAH1223

    If the U.S. Doesn’t Control Corporate Power, China Will

    If the U.S. Doesn’t Control Corporate Power, China Will Laissez-faire economics has left firms bending the knee to Beijing. BY MATT STOLLER | OCTOBER 11, 2018, 12:32 PM Employees work on the assembly line at a Foxconn plant in Shenzhen, China, on May 26, 2010. China is a parts supplier for many...
  16. S

    So the fruits of Chinese help are starting to show in Africa

    Word on the street is that Zambia deported PLO Lumumba. Govt Deports Prof PLO Lumumba BREAKING: Prof PLO Lumumba Deported From Zambia; Blocked At The Airport, Was To Give Speech on China Africa Trade Zambia opposition protests against PLO Lumumba's deportation So has the good times...
  17. S

    So the fruits of Chinese help are starting to show in Africa

    Word on the street is that Zambia deported PLO Lumumba. Govt Deports Prof PLO Lumumba BREAKING: Prof PLO Lumumba Deported From Zambia; Blocked At The Airport, Was To Give Speech on China Africa Trade Zambia opposition protests against PLO Lumumba's deportation So has the good times...