
  1. Fresh

    why are some people afraid of clowns ?

    I know people in my personal life that are scared of clowns, and I've heard tons of other people are afraid clowns...why is that ? :jbhmm: are any Coli brehs afraid of clowns or know people that are ? the only clown that ever scared me was Pennywise from the original tv movie It as a kid...
  2. JackRoss


    You wanted to see shyt crumble now you mad over 600. Now you want the economy back. Fraud ass nikkas. ADOS ain't shyt. You wanted it to fail until it touch your pockets. I thought yall wanted to see it burn to the ground. Now yall agree with whites on helping the economy. I been hoodwinked. I...
  3. Black Panther

    Anyone Claiming ADOS That Doesn't Have Plans for the Diaspora After Getting Rep's Ain't About Sh*t

    And I'm standing on it. :bpunimpressed: nikkas hopping in on a hashtag without having a plan for truly fostering Black unity. :stopitslime: If you have the gall to see foreign/non-ADOS Blacks suffering under white supremacy and say "hold your own nuts", you're an absolute clown. Change my...
  4. -----

    What goes on in Virginia???

    I haven't connected with many people from VA in a while. Please tell me does VA produce the mount of clown that represents them on the Coli? Please tell me ratios are off here. You got Judge Joe gorilla a Bama that looks like the black Captain Caveman. With a diarrhea barrage of dumb...
  5. SirReginald

    Jesse Jackson BEGS President Obama To PARDON Hillary Clinton (I Say, "LOCK HER AZZ UP")

    DISGRACEFUL, but Jesse has been a mole for decades :snoop: One time, I thought he was down for the common man :mjcry:
  6. A

    Clown slices up man's hand at an ATM. [Fake]

    Welp.. :huhldup:
  7. B

    Besides the ever-growing population of f*ckboys, is anybody else's city have this issue with clowns?

    FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) A bus driver with Fort Wayne Community Schools called police Thursday morning after a person dressed in a full clown costume approached as many as 11 students at a bus stop and scared them. A Fort Wayne police car sits near a bus stop at the corner of Oxford and Winter...
  8. My Name Is My Naaame

    He Ignore me when im sitting in the house but blowing me up when I move around

    Why is that yall???why cant he show me a little itty bitty attention when im in the house waiting on him.not even a wyd text or non-existent.but when i leave he blowing my shyt up asking"where da fukk u at" Wtf is this backwards ass mindset.i dont understand.i went to my mama house...