
  1. Busted_Toes

    I used to clown UK nikkas for drinking tea..

    Now i drink Tea, I'm way more productive :wow: People that drink tea are smarter? :lupe: Why do we clown nikkas for drinking tea when it is so beneficial? I'm drinking cinnamon tea and my brain fog is gone :wow: I already drink Matcha Tea, which puts me in the zone :whew: Going to...
  2. dontreadthis

    Do the UK bruvs have something with this one? (G4 Boyz - Local Scammer)

    type of music that makes you wanna crack a card innit :mjgrin:
  3. Busted_Toes

    All bytches are going to Hell according to scripture, Gossip is a SIN.

    Ephesians 4:29 – Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Exodus 23:1 – Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness. James...
  4. Yo Mama

    Weed Tea

    Does anyone here drink weed tea? Any tips, recipies, warnings? Smoking and baked goods are out of the question. I tried to smoke but it was not even remotely pleasurable. Im not a baked goods fan, plus am fighting the fat.
  5. SAINT

    Grime unappreciation thread

    These mates really sat in their flats and copied the bruvs from Chicago’s whole wave and somehow made it worse:dahell: The only good thing to come from it is mans not hot
  6. Arianne Martell

    Kevin Hart Copping Pleas After Cheating

  7. SmokyQuartz

    Jesus Exposed 100% proof

    :lawd::banderas::whoo::whew: Notes from the video for the lazy nikkas 1. Jesus represents the SUN 2. People in ancient times were afraid of the dark, so they looked at the Sun as they risen savior 3. Most ancient races worshiped the Sun or had some type of Sun God 4. In the cross of the Zodiac...
  8. Giselle

    Celebs Are On Your Favorite Message Board :dead: (Kardashians, Knowles + More)

    This is so crazy and is public info now, so I thought I'd share. The Kardashians are on lsa. They got a font arrested. It wasn't a longtime member, the person was only a member for less than a week. The person joined specifically to make those threads. The font came on there spilling tea. They...
  9. Sipping tea

    Sipping tea

  10. Kermit sipping tea

    Kermit sipping tea

  11. Mjpls tea

    Mjpls tea
