10 Manhattan Stereotypes That Are Completely Accurate

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
You're just going to skip right past the beginning huh:

New York Smash Magazine

Originally published by Movoto.com

You told no lie. That's why I said over-privileged white chick in the beginning.

I'm not from Manhattan, so I have been living in Harlem for the past decade. And I lived in Washington Heights for one year.

An old head told me that but they call Morningside Heights and promote as that, was always Harlem back in the day. Especially back when the heroine craze had a hold of it in the seventies. You will see junkies oil on West 110th Street. Nobody was calling at Morningside Heights.

This is what white people do. They name it something else to disassociate with the real date of the natives. I hear they're giving silly names to certain parts of Brooklyn already.

I've been negged for Less. I can take that.

Only kind that can.

Very true. And don't forget foreign investors. Seen a lot around the city and they're just here to look after their property. And they only say hi to you when they're kids are selling chocolates for their private school.

Easy there. I used to make visits out to S.I. all the time. There are parts of Staten Island that actually remind me of the South. Where they are no sidewalks. none.

Now if you're talking about certain parts of Queens that are toward Belmont Race Track okay. You talking more the Long Island part. But Queens from Astoria all the way to Merrick Boulevard is nothing like certain parts of Staten Island. Nothing at all.

I hope you checked that motherfukker. Other than some rich Organic spot, a New York City kid that's been here for 3 years or 5 years can't tell me shyt.

I have never seen the show Friends in my life. I saw Seinfeld back in the day when it was popular for the first year.And
this article, while some of the things hold true as far as everyone hating New York and NYC not caring, seems to Echo the views of white people who are from the rich parts of the city. They see everyone else as other, or the help. Only when they need ethnic food or something like that.



ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
Easy there. I used to make visits out to S.I. all the time. There are parts of Staten Island that actually remind me of the South. Where they are no sidewalks. none

Now if you're talking about certain parts of Queens that are toward Belmont Race Track okay. You talking more the Long Island part. But Queens from Astoria all the way to Merrick Boulevard is nothing like certain parts of Staten Island. Nothing at all.

I mean how i see neighborhoods in queens that look like stat neighborhoods. Obv queens has more buildings and shyt but besides pockets of blocks in brooklyn, the only place i seen neighborhoods full of houses in nyc sides stat is queens. Prolly more towards LI tho sure.

As far as the south comparison i hinestly dont know where your talking about cause stat is so congested ive never even noticed what ya. saying. The place has changed a lot over the past 20 years tho. Everyone of those houses split into 3 apartments and we all get a 5x 10 area of yard lmao.i honestly have no idea what area of the island ya talking about where youd be in middle of nowhere. Place has 200k too many people already lol.

People call it cac central but take a ferry sometime youll see so many different races of people its crazy. South shore is still very new jersey ish and still italian but northshore is rapidly becoming just like any other boroughs.

I remember moving to jersey and all the complaining over having to drive 10 min to a grocery store n shyt. I remember taking my boy in jersey to the si mall and showing him the difference between nyc women and nj women going out. He thought i was bullshyttin, bytches in jersey in their pjs lookin like crackheads while these italian bytches be dressed up just to get iceys on a friday in the summer.

Dont shyt on my island friends. I miss it still to this day.

Retired Account

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2015
The Bronx

Im sure u can tell how many times some soft brooklyn hipster told me staten island sucks and that im not from new york even tho i cant go anywhere in the country without someone recognizing my accent the second i open my mouth.

Stat is the borough if u want a taste of jersey but still want that nyc feel n capable trans. Rent still affordable. Fine I-talian bytches ON DECK dressed to the 9s to get milk at the deli. Good eats. Deninos pizza.

fukk anyone in this thread shyttin on stat. We got beef and i gor @Big Mel on my side. U dont know bout us crazy island cacs who grew up seeing the mob everywhere. We puts in work.

fukk staten island:pacspit:
Yall are the only borough trump won:mjpls:

Tommy Fits

May 1, 2012
The person that wrote this obviously wasn't born here. What native new yorker would say can we just let the new york accent die already. When people think NY they may think manhattan but when they think new yorkers they think us in the other 4 boro's not some pompous c*nt that moved here after college and speaks proper English. I'm so tired of people like this telling us what a real new yorker is


All Star
Nov 30, 2015
Im from staten island

a. The other boroughs talk shyt but most of em never been there. When i hear people feom queens talk shyt i laugh cuz queens is more like staten island than it relizes.

B. Staten island isnt what it used to be. Its not cac central anymore, its baby brooklyn and kn 20-30 years itll be the same thing brooklyn was.

C. fukk anyone who shyts on the island. We dont need jersey or nyc we got eveeythkng we need right there. Its not a cesspool of crime nor is it HIPSTER central like manhattan and brooklyn have become.

D. Where you think all the nyers went to? Brooklyn moved to staten island

E. Wutang clan aint nuttin to fukk wit

I don't even wanna have the convo anymore. Your point A is dumb though
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Thierry Henry

All Star
Dec 18, 2015
Emirates Stadium
Born and raised in NYC and I have literally never seen or heard of the word "Manhattanitte" till this thread

And interesting how the article only considers the lower half of Manhattan to be Manhattan :mjpls:

Article said some slick shyt too:

"If you live in Greenwich you’re probably an NYU student who spends your precious spare time with the Columbia pre-med students in Morningside Heights. Just kidding, you would never hang out there."

Morningside Heights is the new name for Harlem, it's their way of "cleaning up" Harlem's image for gentrification purposes. Because despite how safe Harlem is now, many non blacks/Hispanics are terrified of the blackness associated with it.:mjpls:
supposedly Washington Heights is now being called Hudson Heights :hhh: :mindblown: