35F freaks out because men desire to date younger women

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
This popping up a day after the Amber Rose/CJ Stroud stuff is interesting. As long as there is no professional power dynamic at play - for instance a boss dating his younger secretary, or a doctor dating a med student whom he may be able to give a job one day - there's nothing wrong with this. Would I date a 21 year old if I was nearly 40? No but I'd fukk one. There is nothing morally wrong about it and this is one sided topic. Nobody cares when it's an older woman with a younger man, even when it's an obvious case of taking advantage of someone for money (Amber Rose). I think the real issue is that older women remember what it's like to be 18-24, to have older men in their thrall, to have the option to date a successful older guy if they want...and the idea of competing against those girls at 30+ years old angers them. Anything that (might) negatively impacts their ability to settle down and marry is a threat.

I also am tired of the nonstop self infantilization of women. A 23 year old women is a grown adult. Not to mention that even older women play around with this stuff. You're 28 years old talking about "I'm just a baby/I'm just a girl" to get out of responsibilities or explain mistakes? fukkouttahere lmao.

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Shroom gummies, liquor and destiny
May 24, 2022
“and these men are just taking advantage of someone that’s young and doesn’t have enough life experience to make informed decisions. I won’t even go into grooming etc. because that’s another rant in it’s own”

How can you groom a fully grown woman? :dahell:
I agree with ya breh. What goes down between consenting adults is :hubie:

But....i will say as a protector it may be legal/fair game but woe betide the bruh who comes near anyone under my wing with ill intent :demonic: :ufdup:

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
Lot of women want to play the late game, but don't realize there's new players entering the game every day.

A 38 year old doctor isn't just dating young women, he's dating dimes. There was a small group of guys in med school I knew right out of college, those dudes were pulling women who looked like damned models.
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Black Mamba

Mar 11, 2022

Shawty freaking out men her age are choosing younger women :mjlol:
She got hurt bad by her ex :manny:
Boyfriend of 5 years just gone!

Hi all, this is my first post so please excuse any errors. Last night I found out that my bf of 5 years has been cheating on me with a woman 10 years younger than him. It’s been going on for 6 months. When I confronted him about it, he said it was a terrible mistake and said he will do whatever it takes to gain back my trust. Said the same this morning. Then cut to later in the afternoon, calls me and says it’s over nothing to save and hangs up. Ended a 5 year relationship in 40 second phone call. He’s also blocked me so I can’t text him.

I’m in shock because I loved this man very deeply and we were going to get married soon. He went ring shopping with me while he was already cheating on me. Just feeling super numb right now and no clue how to move forward from this. We had planned a whole future and now its all gone.

Can I get some advice please on how to cope? I apologize for the long post but I desperately need some support. Thank you all!

How did I dig this up? I was tryna see how she looked


Mar 11, 2022
Women are excellent manipulators.

She's mad because she feels insulted that men prefer women younger than her so she gaslights the man by calling the interaction creepy.

Failing to realize she's infantalizing grown female adults.

Women really be saying anything to assuage their ego.

Far more egotistical then men.
It’s not that she’s infantilizing younger women per sè, because I’m sure she feels the same way about younger men.

She just never got the memo that men and women view age differently and men who are prepared to have families put more of a focus on other things besides our education/finances.

No one gamed her up.

Which is why some chicks get the message that they have to by a man’s side building and hoping that things work out (:whoa::whoa: absolutely nothing wrong with that), while her doctor friend is eyeing younger women and not giving a damn that they weren’t there by his side while he was on the come up.:umad:

Like I’ve said before- a lot of people didn’t tell millennial women what the game is. So you get older and realize yes, it’s good to have an education and money as a safety net, but that isn’t the deciding factor for a man who truly has it together.

Better find her a 43YO and keep it pushing.


Mar 10, 2017
The Bay
if you operate under the assumption that getting older = getting worse, then you see a man wanting a young woman as 'taking advantage of her', because you're under the presumption that, by being older, he is an inferior product that he is duplicitously manipulating her into wanting.

Speaks more to her psyche than anything. She, being older than her male friend, sees herself as less desirable and lesser-than, so someone her age shouldn't be aiming 'higher' by dating younger, they should be settling like her. If she was under the impression that aging has made her better, then she wouldn't have this mindset. But she knows aging has made her worse and wants everyone else to operate under the same mentality.

Personally, me now > me 10 years ago in just about all meaningful ways. I can't mesh with someone who thinks that current me would be the downgrade purely off the age difference. Probably explains why she in the state she is. Hit dogs holler and she read 'I don't want older women' when it was never said and she's reacting like she's hurt from things she made up in her head to hear :yeshrug:
Jul 24, 2018
Cats gotta learn to weaponize/profit from these insecurities.

There's a multi-billion dollar industry in skin care.

Who spends the most?

35+ broads.

The more you can tap into a pathology of a group of people, the more you can profit.

And with said money, you can assuage your own pathologies...
I've already invested in cat food. LOL. I'm now making 7 figures a year. LOL


Mar 11, 2022
if you operate under the assumption that getting older = getting worse, then you see a man wanting a young woman as 'taking advantage of her', because you're under the presumption that, by being older, he is an inferior product that he is duplicitously manipulating her into wanting.

Speaks more to her psyche than anything. She, being older than her male friend, sees herself as less desirable and lesser-than, so someone her age shouldn't be aiming 'higher' by dating younger, they should be settling like her. If she was under the impression that aging has made her better, then she wouldn't have this mindset. But she knows aging has made her worse and wants everyone else to operate under the same mentality.

Personally, me now > me 10 years ago in just about all meaningful ways. I can't mesh with someone who thinks that current me would be the downgrade purely off the age difference. Probably explains why she in the state she is. Hit dogs holler and she read 'I don't want older women' when it was never said and she's reacting like she's hurt from things she made up in her head to hear :yeshrug:
That’s how society views women and she never got the memo. It’s not about the man being inferior because he’s older. It’s about realizing that it matters less for men, but women are considered better when younger. Now, you don’t have to internalize that, but she has to do the work to get there.

That being said, if the older guy was a bum then obviously it’d be a mess, but because these are accomplished men who aren’t necessarily looking for women who are as accomplished as them, but valuing other qualities, she’s confused.

I mentioned on here before that my family tried that with me until I realized the women who married into my family are less educated and chilling as stay home wives :deadrose: I was like “hoooooooold TF up. This ain’t going the way y’all said it goes” lmao
Jul 24, 2018
Women are excellent manipulators.

She's mad because she feels insulted that men prefer women younger than her so she gaslights the man by calling the interaction creepy.

Failing to realize she's infantalizing grown female adults.

Women really be saying anything to assuage their ego.

Far more egotistical then men.
At the bolded parts - Cue the attacks:
"WhO HuRt YoU?"
"Ya MaMa bLaCk."


Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch
Hating ass bĩtch is damn near convulsing because dudes her age don’t want to put up with the headache, ball busting, high twat mileage, horror stories and visible decay from someone 35+

Color me surprised and gag me with a spoon :comeon:

Could it be that these dudes like the SAME energy in their 30s that they liked in their 20s and find it increasingly difficult to locate with chicks in their age demo?

What these ladies don’t realize is that new pvssy will always win.

And no amount of belly aching, whining and shaming in the form of saying a dude is “cradle robbing” will stop it. Because when she was 24 the world was her oyster.

She just feels some kinda way because her time is up and the there’s literally 2 gen’s of younger (and above age) chicks who will run the score up on her ass.

Do not hate the player or the game because the house ALWAYS wins you bǐtch, you.
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