5G towers are being set on fire because of corona conspiracies

Mar 23, 2013
They’re being set on fire because 5G is a threat to the health of citizens. I know you idiots don’t like to read books and scientific articles so I’ll let y’all carry on

Yeah people need to do the research on 5G . If you care about you frequency and vibration as person you'll look into have this shyt effects you brain. Hell I cut my wifi off and put my phone on airplane mode when I'm ready to go to sleep ..and it help but it hard to explain if you haven't done your research.


Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
Yeah people need to do the research on 5G . If you care about you frequency and vibration as person you'll look into have this shyt effects you brain. Hell I cut my wifi off and put my phone on airplane mode when I'm ready to go to sleep ..and it help but it hard to explain if you haven't done your research.

:lupe: good idea

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
We already have what we need in terms of infrastructure for self-driving cars. N.e.e.d. The problems that remain to be solved are in the code, hardware and their interface.

This is how it works. No wifi required.


All you showed was Google AV system. The 5G infrastructure is still missing to take AVs to the level they need to be at. I agree that the problems that remain to be solved are in code, hardware, interface, and also the network. We can argue semantics on what processes are considered critical to driving and what is not. Multiple other car companies and AV companies understand that to ultimately do full self driving right you will need to have it connected to a fast low-latency network like 5G. Intel and Qualcomm would not be building 5G chips designed to be used with AVs if there was no major need.

( I interviewed at BMW research to work on this in 2018 - decided to take a different job. Up to 70K EUR BMW company car after the first year :takedat: )
Congrats on your achievement with BMW but you're still out of touch as far as where things are headed. Some critical driving systems will end up on the network. It just makes sense. Companies are eventually goin to offload some of those processes to other servers and/or between vehicles.

Critical driving systems will NOT be on the network. That would be like having a plane's auto-pilot on a network. You would not make a critical system dependent on a non-guaranteed point of failure (the network) when you do not have to.

Having a fully connected vehicle MAY make it safer BUT it is not required for the act of automated driving itself. Part of being fully connected will have nothing to do with act of driving itself - see entertainment, maintenance, security, tracking, diagnostics as per other IOT devices.

Cert gang don't @ me unless you demonstrate that current AV's don't fully work in terms of safe locomotion because they do not have wifi.
Yes some critical systems will end up on the network just like other industries have done in the past.

"You would not make a critical system dependent on a non-guaranteed point of failure (the network) when you do not have to. "

Do you know what landlines are? Landlines by nature were more reliable than VoIP. Copper lines in the ground. They can withstand power outages. Public Emergency systems and Hospitals have relied upon them for decades. But they're also much more expensive and costlier to keep up. Yet cities, states, countries are moving their 911 emergency system to the network. The entire world is moving to VoIP. Did they "have to"? No. Did we "have to" move to 3G or even 4G? Was it critical? Was it more efficient with increased benefits? Yes. Same thing will happen with other critical systems including those in AVs.


Nov 12, 2014
All you showed was Google AV system. The 5G infrastructure is still missing to take AVs to the level they need to be at. I agree that the problems that remain to be solved are in code, hardware, interface, and also the network. We can argue semantics on what processes are considered critical to driving and what is not. Multiple other car companies and AV companies understand that to ultimately do full self driving right you will need to have it connected to a fast low-latency network like 5G. Intel and Qualcomm would not be building 5G chips designed to be used with AVs if there was no major need.

Do you know what landlines are? Landlines by nature were more reliable than VoIP. Copper lines in the ground. They can withstand power outages. Public Emergency systems and Hospitals have relied upon them for decades. But they're also much more expensive and costlier to keep up. Yet cities, states, countries are moving their 911 emergency system to the network. The entire world is moving to VoIP. Did they "have to"? No. Did we "have to" move to 3G or even 4G? Was it critical? Was it more efficient with increased benefits? Yes. Same thing will happen with other critical systems including those in AVs.


You didn't even understand what I said.

I am done here.
Last edited:


Nov 12, 2014
Those GIMP slaps coming thick and fast

What did Google say to your face?

Take dat!! :hhh:


They know you like it :picard: .

Download the app SIMPs and GIMPs.

Don't complain when the police come to arrest ya bladclat :hhh: .


The terrifying reports that tell the truth about how lockdown ends - there will be NO return to normal: America’s top experts explain how the nation faces mass digital surveillance, testing on an unimaginable scale or recurring social distancing
  • Three reports from think tanks and academics lay out how lockdown ends
  • All agree that until a vaccine is available, US life will not be fully normal
  • Calls for national lockdown range from 14 days to as long as three months
  • Once lockdown ends, social distancing measures would relax but not disappear
  • Gatherings of a certain size would still be banned, and remote work encouraged
  • Two plans call for the construction of a vast digital surveillance system
  • Would track movements of all Americans to trace potential virus exposure
  • Plans call for daily testing capacity ranging from massive to impossible
The terrifying reports about how lockdown ends - there will be NO return to normal | Daily Mail Online


Your PHONE will warn you if you have been close to someone who has coronavirus thanks to new contact tracing tech being developed by Google and Apple
  • Apps to use Bluetooth signals to track phones the user comes into contact with
  • People will be alerted if they may have been exposed to someone with Covid-19
  • Implementation has raised concerns over potential breaches of people's privacy
  • Tech giants insist 'privacy, transparency, and consent are of utmost importance'
  • Learn more about how to help people impacted by COVID
Apple and Google to adapt phones for virus infection tracking | Daily Mail Online

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
The other "gotcha" is that Iran has no 5G and corona was still spreading like wild fire.

My biggest issue with these conspiracies is that its the uneducated bums that keep talking about this. Brehs haven't ever had to read science/medical journals, peer reviewed research papers, etc and write thesis/doctorates in their life and some how they're now radio frequency and virology experts after watching a few YouTube videos. It's really really annoying. Let's not even get started with the vaccine situation

My 2 biggest issues with 5G is that I barely get 4G in all parts of London and the privacy issues. But I'm not losing sleep over it

and reacting like a herd of morons but they are mad when they are being censored from the conspiracy media that's driving them insane.