a few things about Mobb Deep vs Tru Life

Harry B

May 20, 2012
lol @ this random shyt.

Pac got murked in 96
But he was also shot in 94
And he shot someone in 93

ehm, what else do you want to know that you already know.

The way you broke it down too, like Prodigy reading from his :duck: book

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
You're bugging if you believe that. I believe he was only signed during that time period because Hov was deflecting the Cam beef onto him.

Dude is actually garbage and it was comical to hear him downtalking NYers jocking LA gang culture when he was rocking boo-ya trybe braids and bandanas at one point.

Insincere clown. :manny:

I came in here to defend my statement tooth and nail then realized I couldn't remember none of his songs:russ:......but his interviews and goon hand:blessed:

[ame=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mfk9oZDx17A]Sex Cameras and Hiphop Tru-life and Keturah - YouTube[/ame]



May 5, 2012
Uptown, Downtown, Switzerland
speaking of Tru Life, think i still got these joints on the ipod from his New New York mixtape;

[ame=http://youtu.be/da59C6yHwtQ]Tru Life - Song Cry Freestyle/22 2's - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://youtu.be/vYymHjxelYI]Tru Life- 42nd Street ~Music Video~ - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://youtu.be/LauupNoXrHU]Tru Life - It's Like A Cycle - YouTube[/ame]

he always had a good rap voice to me but his interviews were always better than his music.


May 5, 2012
Uptown, Downtown, Switzerland
Something serious happened, both camps been mad quiet. Tru Life stopped talking about them while Havoc would throw subs (buncha lines about dudes being cloud killers/shooting in the air)

And Prodigy not saying one word about it in his book was funny too.

lol @ dj muggs snitching, few seconds later he‘s on some ‘no, nothing happen though‘ , looking crazy uncomfortable

he prolly just moved on..he did the same with the Cam incident "plead the 5th" or some shyt and shouted him out :laugh: only so long a guy could talk about the same shyt when hes trying to be known for more than a goon with a deep crew that aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.

Lol@rza being the richest man in the room, but noone robbing him.

RZA was there ?
thought it was GZA that was there since he was making an album with Muggs

You're bugging if you believe that. I believe he was only signed during that time period because Hov was deflecting the Cam beef onto him.

Tru Life's beef was with Jim...Cam was just extra because he threw shots at Jay and Tru was just being a good soldier.. if Cam didn't send JR Writer at Tru Life and say they used to call him "little Jim" he prolly wouldn't have got his eye blackened... shyt, according to Jojo Capone, he and Cam was supposed to be doing business and Jim ain't like it... prolly part of the reason for tension in Dipset.

my dude Cam got his eye swollen and beefed with 50 because of Jim Jones and they weren't even getting along at the time.



Jun 11, 2012
Something serious happened, both camps been mad quiet. Tru Life stopped talking about them while Havoc would throw subs (buncha lines about dudes being cloud killers/shooting in the air)

And Prodigy not saying one word about it in his book was funny too.

lol @ dj muggs snitching, few seconds later he‘s on some ‘no, nothing happen though‘ , looking crazy uncomfortable

heard a rumor that someone in tru life's camp got touched over that shyt. you didn't hear that from me though.


Jun 21, 2012
1. Prodigy was never concerned about dude which is why he took Tru's money for the feature and gave him a recycled verse and never gave him another verse despite Tru's requests.

2. Havoc had no idea who Tru Life was when they asked him about it in the Beef DVD. He didn't know or care about his situation with P.

3. Mobb Deep were not in the studio when Tru Life came through to rob them. It was their friends "Infamous Mobb".

4. Prodigy has never been touched by Tru Life or his crew.

5. Tru Life is a peon in the big scheme of things. It's fukked up that P took his money and gave him a recycled verse but he's not some super tough guy who pumps fear in people's hearts. There's dudes in Mobb Deep's own crew that are more official and more feared than dude.

Can he say that about Lake tho :pachaha:

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All Star
May 9, 2012
its not so much the gangsta aspect cause yeah I agree with Sam Prodigy wouldnt have done shiit if he was there, its more like why was it a big deal like why should I care as a "fan"? Like this was the only reason anybody knew Tru Life.

And hell yeah Jay only signed Tru to throw in front of Cam. I mean if anything Tru should be pissed at Jay for signing him to basically be a doilder.

Danny Up

Jun 9, 2012
Taken from another forum

What up, I just need to talk about Tru-Life for a minute, because I know alot about this guy (I'm not sticking up for him or anything), I just wanna put out some true info, and let everyone know the goods and bads about this dude.

First off, you should know that back in 2000, he was signed to 2 record labels. He was signed to Dreamworks, and Loud. He and his group Ghetto Inmates were signed to Loud, while he was signed to Dreamworks solo.

Now some of you may not believe me here, especially you Dipset fans, but back in 2000 Tru-Life was extremely skilled, he could flow, he had the best beats, and his voice was unique, so unique that he was like another Eminem. If you want proof, I have most of his old recordings that went to waste. Now why did they go to waste you ask, because of poor decision making. He lost both of his deals and all his great work went to waste. We all know how he got screwed over on Loud, the whole Mobb Deep thing. They recorded "When Your A Thug" together, and Prodigy used his verse on a song called "Never Goin' Back" (and we will never know why, because Prodigy refuses to talk about it). Tru-Life got kicked off Loud because of the studio-raid they did on Mobb Deep's crew. And if you wanna know who they stripped naked and robbed, it was Alchemist, Malik The Hitler, and Infamous Mobb.

And now, how Tru-Life got dropped from Dreamworks... It's a very similar situation to what he's in right now with Roc La Familia... Dreamworks was a dead record label owned by Steven Speilberg and was only able to release a few of their artists (and the few that did release were not rappers). Basically, Dreamworks didn't really give a **** about Tru-Life and the few other rappers on the label. They put in all their time and work to the rock and pop stars until the label just died.

So from 2001 to 2004, Tru-Life stays underground and just makes a few guest appearences, until he finally gets signed to Roc La Familia. The only problem is, his career with Roc La Familia is going in the same direction as Dreamworks, so once again, he will be screwed.

Tru-Life needs to make better choices or he will never blow up, but because of the state hip-hop is in right now, it seems like the only thing people wanna hear is Dirty-South dance music, Dipset, and G-Unit.

But, the old recordings that Tru-Life left behind from his Dreamworks and Loud days are definatly worth listening. Contact me if you wanna hear.

Danny Up

Jun 9, 2012
Mobb Deep has gone to war to good and bad results with the best of them. When the West Coast began firing shots at the East on record, the Mobb was among the first ones to grab their verbal guns and fire back, as they licked off countless shots at Left Coast figures like the late Tupac Shakur. At the height of Jay-Z’s career, they jousted, and some might argue, directed their entire “Infamy” album at the self-proclaimed god MC. But there have always been a fair share of Mobb Deep critics who’ve claimed their tough talk is just a façade, and that they’re act too gangsta for their own good.

Now, they face an even greater task, as Littles, their once QB comrade and manager, has waged an all out lyrical street war against Mobb Deep. Littles charges that the duo has exercised poor business practices and overall disloyalty to their QB affiliates like Big Noyd, Bars and Hooks, and Infamous Mobb. To punctuate his point, Littles has released “What’s Beef: F**k Prodigy,” a mixtape that’s bubbling in the streets, reaffirms that Mobb has split and he blasts his former brethren like never before. Let the beef cook:

AllHipHop.com: A lot of people know you’ve been associated with Mobb Deep for a long time. You’ve been on their albums, they’ve been on yours. You’ve put out their DVDs. You’ve managed them. Is there an exact reason for this beef with Mobb Deep or is it just a buildup of things?

Littles: It’s a buildup of things for themselves going through problems, but there’s an exact reason for me. And the exact reason for me is basically knowing someone for 20 years and then at the end of the day, getting a 2way from someone wanting to go their own direction. Not wanting to be a part of a group is one thing, but not wanting to be part of a company that’s already up and running is another thing. Basically, Prodigy wanted out all the way after I’ve done nothing but sacrifice my life and time and energy for the longest dealing with this Infamous Records thing.

AllHipHop.com: What was the driving force behind Prodigy wanting to end the company?

Littles: I think the driving force behind him wanting to end the company was him wanting to do what he’s doing with Alchemist. Prodigy probably had a million things, but I’ve learned that he’s the type of person that will have good intentions in the beginning, but when things seem to hard or they don’t work right, he’ll just give up. Prodigy has been getting his chain taken for years, he’s been getting beat up and herbed for years. He’ll promise you something and then give you a wrong number or change his number, or just never answer you back until one day you run into him. And that’s what happened on the side of Nas Central Park stage. Someone just happened to run into him after a year of trying to get in contact with him for something they had already started on. And the brush-in began. And what did Littles do? He jumped in the middle, deaded the brush-in, caused myself to have my friends and their friends shooting at each other in the projects, going to war over someone who doesn’t know what loyalty is. It’s proven that they don’t know what loyalty is, because look where Noyd is- he’s in the projects hurting, on the train. Look where Bars & Hooks are- they’re in the projects hurting, sitting on a bench. Infamous Mobb is the same way. And for years the mindset has been, ‘One more Mobb Deep album, when this blow up, then we’ll focus on everyone else’s album.’ That s**t has been like that album after album, the same talk. That’s where the black couch comes into play. In every studio there’s a black couch. That’s where all the flunkies sit and wait for their career to come to them, and I just refuse to be a part of that black couch.

AllHipHop.com: Would you say you have some issues with Alchemist that sort of conflict with your relationship with Prodigy?

Littles: Actually, I didn’t have anything with Alchemist. What happened was that Alchemist got smacked up and got his chain taken by someone who was affiliated with all of us, and I was guilty by association and they wanted to know why I didn’t stop it. The whole thing is, Alchemist is a grown man. He’s defenseless to me. But what happens is that he put himself in a situation of selling beats and re-selling beats, and getting a bad name for himself around the camp. He’s the same dude who plugged Tru Life into what studio Mobb Deep records in, and had Tru Life come in there and strip all of Mobb Deep’s friends, beat everybody up with guns, blew a shotgun off in the studio. They weren’t wrong for how they felt because Prodigy did a song with them for a lot of money and then re-spit his verse on a mixtape, but it shows you that no matter how defenseless you are, you can still be harmful. By Alchemist letting Tru Life know what studio Mobb Deep was in - he was there and they didn’t touch him. I would watch money transfers and you see Mobb Deep do six or seven songs for him on his album for free, and then you get an invoice from him for double digits and big points, I’m thinking something’s wrong here because things are conflicting here. But at the end of the day, it was just Alchemist and Prodigy breaking money up. The smartest thing that Alchemist has ever done is stay away from the shadows of that pen and paperwork with them. I actually respect his hustle.

Allhiphop: What did P say on the 2way you mentioned?

Littles: [Reading the 2way message] From Prodigy, on October 29th, 2004, 12:07 PM:
You’re going to have to excuse me for not responding right away, I’m still upset over what nikkas did to Alchemist, and trust, I’m more upset with myself than anybody else for even being a part of this Mobb Deep **** still, when I had the opportunity to do my own thing when we got off of Loud. When you saw Al around us, the only reason he was there was because of me. He is my producer/dj. I brought him in. Maybe you didn’t know it, but me and him are a team, and I ****s with dun. [At press time Prodigy was unavailable for comment or to verify the validity of this message.]

I’ma stop there. We were all supposed to be a team. When I took off from doing my DVDs to handle their business, I’m the one who sent them around the world. It was their contacts, because for years I traveled with them and stayed in contact with people. They sit down to do radio and then leave. They don’t even know the deejay’s name that they’re dealing. They’re so busy trying to get back to the hotel and jump ******* off. I’m getting numbers, setting up events trying to get money and breaking bread with people. I’m thinking of being a millionaire while they’re trapped in the lifestyles of thousandaires.
AllHipHop.com: How do you stand right now with Havoc?

Littles: It’s whatever. He’s just living on the strength of Killa Black. That was my partner who killed himself. And the reason why he killed himself was because of them. Havoc used to steal my work and Killa’s work. We used to pay for their sneakers and timbs back in the day, before they even came out with the first album. And what happens is, they start moving all around the world, and they leave Killa back in the projects f***ed up and bleeding. And he winds up murdering himself. On the strength of that being his brother, I’m not even f***ing with him. He’s a part of the struggle and leaving n***as behind. Don’t get it twisted. But I’m not gonna focus on him, because Prodigy is the one who sent me that email. Havoc wanted to have dinner with me. I actually quit and wanted to let them know I wanted to do my own thing. I wished them the best. I’m hitting Prodigy trying to see if we could go out to dinner, and then a week later he hits me back with that silly s**t, so that just sparked me off.

AllHipHop.com: At the end of the day, do you feel like they hold you responsible for the Alchemist situation?

Littles: At the end of the day, I don’t care if they hold me responsible. Alchemist has to hold himself responsible. When someone came to him and said they had someone who wanted to do a track for ten grand, and then the next morning you get up and go through someone else to do it, and cut off that original person, you create that situation for yourself. What do I have to save Alchemist for? He’s a grown man. If you can tell someone the studio that you’re people are in so they can get robbed, then you can hold yourself down. They’re to be held responsible. I wish them two the best, and I hope that everything I’m doing brings them back together. And I hope they see the s**t they’re doing to people around them. You can’t be in the game for 15 years and not have any other businesses set up. They’re not ready to be businessmen and entrepreneurs, they’re still artists living in a fantasy world because neither of them n****s are from the curb. He’s walking around with his face screwed up, 110 pounds. I’m walking around happy every day. Why? Because I spent five years of my life for 23 hours a day caged in a cell. I was shot at the age of 13. I’m from the f***ing ghetto. I don’t have no friends. All my friends are dead, locked up, or strung out on f***ing drugs. I’m a survivor.

AllHipHop.com: You have “What’s Beef: F**k Prodigy” out in the streets right now. What’s the reaction been so far?

Littles: I pressed ten thousand, they’re flying. Big Mike took five, I took five. I did the interview on Kay Slay. I’m getting the word out. I’m trying to change things. I’m not trying to battle these dudes and win over their fans, because Mobb Deep’s album sales are declining. They’ve lost fans. This album is not even going gold. It’s not like these are platinum artists and I can reveal them and blow up. Look, he went back and got Craig Mack to get on a song with him, so now he’s calling Infamous Mobb and them.

AllHipHop.com: Where do you see this whole situation going in the future?

Littles: They’ve tasted too much stardom, so to now sell 300 thousand records, they’re not eating at all. They’re either gonna go one of two ways. They’re gonna think Littles is right, and start putting other dudes on, and start eating off of them, which they’re supposed to do. Or, they’re just going to be the legendary group who used to be Mobb Deep. One or the other.

AllHipHop.com: So what’s in store for Littles and Best of the Block?

Littles: Right now, we’ve got Top Gunna, Bandanna, and a new artist from Memphis that I’m about to sign. And I’ve got a few different label situations and joint venture situations on the table. And I’m gonna continue with the CD’s and DVD’s. I don’t need a thousand mothaf***as from Queensbridge on my record to sell. You’re gonna buy my record because you want to hear the truth, and want to get some good tips from someone who’s out there hustling and getting s**t done. Or you can go f**k with someone who doesn’t really live it and don’t give a f**k about their community. Me and Ron Artest are the only people from QB that give back to the community. I wish Mobb Deep the best, and I pray they read this and realize they can’t do s**t without each other. A friend is someone who is there for you when you’re down and up, bottom line.


Come Home With Me
May 2, 2012
a BRONX Slum by I-87 NORTH
Taken from another forum

What up, I just need to talk about Tru-Life for a minute, because I know alot about this guy (I'm not sticking up for him or anything), I just wanna put out some true info, and let everyone know the goods and bads about this dude.

First off, you should know that back in 2000, he was signed to 2 record labels. He was signed to Dreamworks, and Loud. He and his group Ghetto Inmates were signed to Loud, while he was signed to Dreamworks solo.

Now some of you may not believe me here, especially you Dipset fans, but back in 2000 Tru-Life was extremely skilled, he could flow, he had the best beats, and his voice was unique, so unique that he was like another Eminem. If you want proof, I have most of his old recordings that went to waste. Now why did they go to waste you ask, because of poor decision making. He lost both of his deals and all his great work went to waste. We all know how he got screwed over on Loud, the whole Mobb Deep thing. They recorded "When Your A Thug" together, and Prodigy used his verse on a song called "Never Goin' Back" (and we will never know why, because Prodigy refuses to talk about it). Tru-Life got kicked off Loud because of the studio-raid they did on Mobb Deep's crew. And if you wanna know who they stripped naked and robbed, it was Alchemist, Malik The Hitler, and Infamous Mobb.

And now, how Tru-Life got dropped from Dreamworks... It's a very similar situation to what he's in right now with Roc La Familia... Dreamworks was a dead record label owned by Steven Speilberg and was only able to release a few of their artists (and the few that did release were not rappers). Basically, Dreamworks didn't really give a **** about Tru-Life and the few other rappers on the label. They put in all their time and work to the rock and pop stars until the label just died.

So from 2001 to 2004, Tru-Life stays underground and just makes a few guest appearences, until he finally gets signed to Roc La Familia. The only problem is, his career with Roc La Familia is going in the same direction as Dreamworks, so once again, he will be screwed.

Tru-Life needs to make better choices or he will never blow up, but because of the state hip-hop is in right now, it seems like the only thing people wanna hear is Dirty-South dance music, Dipset, and G-Unit.

But, the old recordings that Tru-Life left behind from his Dreamworks and Loud days are definatly worth listening. Contact me if you wanna hear.

upload em somewhere ill take a listen. tru life still ;locked up right? what that looking like? coming home soon or still got a long way to go?

and at the op : IS THAT YOU PRODIGY?! :umad:


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
As a fan of the Mobb, I just respect them dudes for the great music they made.

All this ignorant mess is extra. couldn't care less


I'll be seeing y'all neggas on the streets
May 22, 2013
Is that Horse? It must be i heard he husky
Breh, it was Al.

I thought as much just from the Beef DVD. Muggs was ALC's mentor, he was always taking Alchemist with him in sessions. This is how Al met the Mobb in the first place. The timing makes sense, he started working with them in '99 with "Murda Muzik".

But it was confirmed as Alchemist years back by a QB OG. Just some shyt that went down and everyone knew.

Alchemist also got ganked at the side of stage at Nas' Central Park show in 04, smacked and chain stolen.

This happened.

L. Deezy

May 25, 2012
Listen yall.. Hav dont even respect P.. his hands just tied cuz them two together is how they get paid..

Quit the Prodigy threads already..


Aug 1, 2012
Listen yall.. Hav dont even respect P.. his hands just tied cuz them two together is how they get paid..

Quit the Prodigy threads already..

Well Hav has to do the smart thing, all that beefing wasn't going to do anything for anybody. This joint is still fuego though