
May 7, 2012
Virtually every single thing you say there is wrong, and much of it was already disproven in the comment you replied to. So what is the point of continuing the conversation? You have to at least try to engage with the argument if you're going to pretend to care about making one.

I care as much about this argument as you probably cared about "immigration reform" before the orange man got in office.

You and the prostate stimulating couch surfing socialist can make shyt up in here in your echo chamber and high five each other all day but it doesn't change reality.

I'm convinced trump was elected and ran through the mud by the media just to make good ideas seem unpopular.

It's to the point where so called "leftists" are actively defending policies to enrich corporations. Who else benefits from unchecked illegal immigration?

And the same idiots will March and demand better conditions for workers in the same breath that they advocate for floods of illegal immigrants that stagnate Wages.

The same idiots that preach endlessly about stopping facism while fully supporting censorship and violence against their ideological opponents.

The same idiots who want to make government larger to solve the problems caused by government overstepping its boundaries.

It is what it is. You'll reply back with some smug comment that doesn't address anything. A few idiots like Kenny west will Dap it. And the bisexual deadbeat dad will reply without tagging me. And this will continue to be one of the least active forums on this board:yeshrug:


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
And the same idiots will March and demand better conditions for workers in the same breath that they advocate for floods of illegal immigrants that stagnate Wages.

The same idiots that preach endlessly about stopping facism while fully supporting censorship and violence against their ideological opponents.

The same idiots who want to make government larger to solve the problems caused by government overstepping its boundaries.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I'm convinced trump was elected and ran through the mud by the media just to make good ideas seem unpopular.

You realize that proposing such a ridiculous conspiracy doesn't just expose you as wrong, but casts doubt on your ability to think through any of these other issues either?

I mean, what do we do with that? You're laid out reams of assertions, most of which are factually wrong, but that one was just ridiculously silly. Would you propose it in any forum where you would hope to be taken seriously?

And the biggest reason this forum has less activity than a couple others is because it doesn't adhere to modern conventions for viral activity. Fake news travels nine times faster than real news, a joke meme or a dumb argument will generate 100x the traffic of a nuanced analysis...but do you want that traffic? Do you think that 95% of the activity in TLR or the Coliseum benefits the Black community in any way?

Someone just started a "how about we just post smileys with no words!" thread in TLR and in less than a week it's almost as long as the entire war with Iran thread. :stopitslime:

And if you think all these problems are caused by government, there are plenty of countries in the world without much government right now. Which one do you prefer? Or take states. Which small-government state would you say should be the favorite for Black folk at the moment?


May 7, 2012
You realize that proposing such a ridiculous conspiracy doesn't just expose you as wrong, but casts doubt on your ability to think through any of these other issues either?

I mean, what do we do with that? You're laid out reams of assertions, most of which are factually wrong, but that one was just ridiculously silly. Would you propose it in any forum where you would hope to be taken seriously?

And the biggest reason this forum has less activity than a couple others is because it doesn't adhere to modern conventions for viral activity. Fake news travels nine times faster than real news, a joke meme or a dumb argument will generate 100x the traffic of a nuanced analysis...but do you want that traffic? Do you think that 95% of the activity in TLR or the Coliseum benefits the Black community in any way?

Someone just started a "how about we just post smileys with no words!" thread in TLR and in less than a week it's almost as long as the entire war with Iran thread. :stopitslime:

And if you think all these problems are caused by government, there are plenty of countries in the world without much government right now. Which one do you prefer? Or take states. Which small-government state would you say should be the favorite for Black folk at the moment?

Lol claim I adhere to conspiracy, explains the falloff of this board with a conspiracy.

Its gotta be that the board is ToO InTeLlEcTuAl. It cant be the concentration of whiny, smug, obnoxious latte sipping socialists.

Yall dont even realize how your behavior is turning people against your cause.

And as far as the rest, it's not even worth arguing because you're like a religious zealot. Nothing I can say will get you to reexamine your beliefs and you've got a built in "devil" (Trump, alt right) to blame for anything you can't defend.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Note that he couldn't defend his positions or address any of my questions. Literally everything he said was just an ad hominen attack. Couldn't bring anything else to the table. And you wonder why he doesn't like HL.

Lol claim I adhere to conspiracy, explains the falloff of this board with a conspiracy.

Its gotta be that the board is ToO InTeLlEcTuAl. It cant be the concentration of whiny, smug, obnoxious latte sipping socialists.

Yall dont even realize how your behavior is turning people against your cause.

And as far as the rest, it's not even worth arguing because you're like a religious zealot. Nothing I can say will get you to reexamine your beliefs and you've got a built in "devil" (Trump, alt right) to blame for anything you can't defend.
a. What conspiracy did I use? It's somehow a "conspiracy" that people like pop culture, memes, and bullshyt more than well-reasoned discussion? :what: EVERYONE knows this. :pachaha:

If that's a "conspiracy", then who is in charge of orchestrating said conspiracy? Fool you don't even know what a conspiracy is. :camby:

b. I'm not a Democrat and where :dahell: do you get latte-sipping from? :gucci:

c. Trump and the alt-right are both new phenomena, they don't hold much explanatory power

d. Those of us who actually engage in debate here are aware of how we've re-examined our beliefs, like why I left the Democrat party 15 years ago and critiques of establishment democrats and neoliberals. Those who just spout the same talking points no matter who they are talking to or what they are talking about get left in the cold.

e. Higher Learning has 1.2+ million comments. Its traffic is fine. Traffic of a "no trolling" board like HL will never match pop boards, that's ALWAYS been true in all human societies and is even more so now in the social media era. Do you have a good example of a place where thinking people debate issues in a constructive, thought-provoking manner, without just adhering to a particular partisan agenda, and traffic outpaces pop culture sights and social media blabber?


May 7, 2012
Note that he couldn't defend his positions or address any of my questions. Literally everything he said was just an ad hominen attack. Couldn't bring anything else to the table. And you wonder why he doesn't like HL.

a. What conspiracy did I use? It's somehow a "conspiracy" that people like pop culture, memes, and bullshyt more than well-reasoned discussion? :what: EVERYONE knows this. :pachaha:

If that's a "conspiracy", then who is in charge of orchestrating said conspiracy? Fool you don't even know what a conspiracy is. :camby:

b. I'm not a Democrat and where :dahell: do you get latte-sipping from? :gucci:

c. Trump and the alt-right are both new phenomena, they don't hold much explanatory power

d. Those of us who actually engage in debate here are aware of how we've re-examined our beliefs, like why I left the Democrat party 15 years ago and critiques of establishment democrats and neoliberals. Those who just spout the same talking points no matter who they are talking to or what they are talking about get left in the cold.

e. Higher Learning has 1.2+ million comments. Its traffic is fine. Traffic of a "no trolling" board like HL will never match pop boards, that's ALWAYS been true in all human societies and is even more so now in the social media era. Do you have a good example of a place where thinking people debate issues in a constructive, thought-provoking manner, without just adhering to a particular partisan agenda, and traffic outpaces pop culture sights and social media blabber?

Man shut up. Half of those comments are Nap.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
It takes a special level of ignorance not to realize AOC's supporters are from the Progressive wing that doesn't mess with Biden, attacked Clinton for her support of that crime bill and continually cape for criminal justice reform.
The dude's hate for AOC has an astonishing effect on his ability to rationalize.

Talking to him just initiates a vicious cycle of him making up bullshyt or sheepishly promoting right wing conspiracy crap, you wasting a post correcting & debunking it and him ignoring the falseness of the bullshyt he wrote prior to plop a fresh batch in front of you from that port o potty he calls a mind.

Rinse and repeat until you realize you're better off just clowning some people

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
If you don't care about horrible things happening to children just because of those kids' paperwork or nationality, then you're not better than anyone who dehumanizes people for their skin color or any other reason. What's happening in those camps is fukked up.

At the very least read the first one but they all give a perspective

A Crime by Any Name

‘Nothing Prepares You for the Inhumanity of It’

An Astonishing Government Report on Conditions at the Border

What a Pediatrician Saw Inside a Border Patrol Warehouse

The Exceptional Cruelty of a No-Hugging Policy

First off, that's a dumbass talking point that doesn't even make sense. Climate change is a global issue, not an American one, and it's accepted even by scientists that work for petrochemical companies and even in nations where the populace has no say in anything. You're promoting a stupid conspiracy theory there.

Second, lots of the people complaining now also complained about Obama's immigration policy. But he didn't do it with open racism, he didn't do it with open malice, and he didn't preside over anything ilke the "same kind of camps."
Note that Napoleon dapped his post, and only Napoleon :scust:. He stays finding new ways to be the worst.


May 7, 2012
The dude's hate for AOC has an astonishing effect on his ability to rationalize.

Talking to him just initiates a vicious cycle of him making up bullshyt or sheepishly promoting right wing conspiracy crap, you wasting a post correcting & debunking it and him ignoring the falseness of the bullshyt he wrote prior to plop a fresh batch in front of you from that port o potty he calls a mind.

Rinse and repeat until you realize you're better off just clowning some people

You still haven't told me what guaranteeing a job for every American has to do with climate change.

You just posted some cringy ass game of thrones memes

That's another thing ya'll nikkas need to stop. Critisicm doesn't equal hatred. That's definitely feminine energy

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
:heh:i just re read this twice and realized your surly self took a shot at me. I just wanna know where you get socialist from, when I've made my critiques and gripes with Democratic Socialism and Authoritarian socialism very clear.

of course this company man thinks we should value the input of white supremacists and fascists over the lives of the people they wish to do harm via policies and other means.

as long as his basic curmudgeon 101 talking points get across, he's contempt.

next time, be a man and @ me.

I care as much about this argument as you probably cared about "immigration reform" before the orange man got in office.

You and the prostate stimulating couch surfing socialist can make shyt up in here in your echo chamber and high five each other all day but it doesn't change reality.

I'm convinced trump was elected and ran through the mud by the media just to make good ideas seem unpopular.

It's to the point where so called "leftists" are actively defending policies to enrich corporations. Who else benefits from unchecked illegal immigration?

And the same idiots will March and demand better conditions for workers in the same breath that they advocate for floods of illegal immigrants that stagnate Wages.

The same idiots that preach endlessly about stopping facism while fully supporting censorship and violence against their ideological opponents.

The same idiots who want to make government larger to solve the problems caused by government overstepping its boundaries.

It is what it is. You'll reply back with some smug comment that doesn't address anything. A few idiots like Kenny west will Dap it. And the bisexual deadbeat dad will reply without tagging me. And this will continue to be one of the least active forums on this board:yeshrug:


May 7, 2012
:heh:i just re read this twice and realized your surly self took a shot at me. I just wanna know where you get socialist from, when I've made my critiques and gripes with Democratic Socialism and Authoritarian socialism very clear.

of course this company man thinks we should value the input of white supremacists and fascists over the lives of the people they wish to do harm via policies and other means.

as long as his basic curmudgeon 101 talking points get across, he's contempt.

next time, be a man and @ me.

@Ya' Cousin Cleon

You talking about a phantom boogeyman.

It would be damn near impossible for someone to do more harm than the past 60 years of liberal policies have done to black people.

It's like people don't even understand the Streisand effect. I know why the people in charge are pro censorship. It strengthens the opposition and keeps a boogeyman for you to "fight" and maintain support. But for regular people to believe that bullshyt and let it influence their actions is ridiculous. Trump is Emmanuel Goldstein.


May 7, 2012
:mjlol:I just find it funny that you used latte as an insult as if you can't get those at gas stations and literally everywhere else. you have the grievances of a 45 year old white man. just out of touch.

I used latte as an insult not because of its cost. Hell even McDonald's sells them.

I said it because it's a bytch ass drink, like a children's version of coffee. And the men who drink them tend to be the types of men who like things in their butt
