Android now at 85% market share. EU Commission investigating monopoly.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
No that wouldn't be dope. That would lead to a bunch of inferior products. You know how many shytty android devices are floating around? A blind retard could make a phone and throw android on it, sullying google's name. Apple keeps their shyt tight so they can monitor what goes out with their name on it.

If apple did that they would lose most of their appeal. It's an OS that works. It's dependable. Consistent. Quality through and through. You can't say that for every, if any, android device. More people have android devices because there's more cheap, shytty options. You want an iPhone you gotta drop loot because quality costs.
If Android phones were as cheap and terrible as you claim, they wouldn't have 80% of the market. Plus you can get an Iphone in any price range... $200, $100, free, w/e depending on the carrier. iOS is more stable and nicer visually but Android's flexibility and accessibility wins out for most people. :disgustya: @ paying $200 for $30 worth of flash memory...

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
If Android phones were as cheap and terrible as you claim, they wouldn't have 80% of the market. Plus you can get an Iphone in any price range... $200, $100, free, w/e depending on the carrier. iOS is more stable and nicer visually but Android's flexibility and accessibility wins out for most people. :disgustya: @ paying $200 for $30 worth of flash memory...

You're wrong. First, I never said all androids are cheap and I never used the word terrible. But are they cheaper in cost and build compared to iPhone? Absolutely. And that would certainly add to the market share.

Would you argue that a Kia is better than a Ferrari? They have more of the market share.

Cheaper options means more potential customers. That's why apple put out that 5c, to catch people who weren't willing/able to shell out for the 5s.

I don't buy the reasons most people give for buying any platform over another. It's usually all BS. Virtually anything that can be done on one can be done on the other if you know what you're doing. Most people don't know shyt about phones. How many android users are installing custom roms or rooting? Probably the same percentage of iPhone users who jailbreak. Very few. Those aren't the reasons MOST people go with one or the other.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
You're wrong. First, I never said all androids are cheap and I never used the word terrible. But are they cheaper in cost and build compared to iPhone? Absolutely. And that would certainly add to the market share.

Would you argue that a Kia is better than a Ferrari? They have more of the market share.

Cheaper options means more potential customers. That's why apple put out that 5c, to catch people who weren't willing/able to shell out for the 5s.

I don't buy the reasons most people give for buying any platform over another. It's usually all BS. Virtually anything that can be done on one can be done on the other if you know what you're doing. Most people don't know shyt about phones. How many android users are installing custom roms or rooting? Probably the same percentage of iPhone users who jailbreak. Very few. Those aren't the reasons MOST people go with one or the other.
U go to any carrier, the 5s is $199 w/a contract... just like the S5 :dahell: Whens the last time u saw a new Ferrari for the price of a new Kia? Its more like a Kia vs a Volkswagen.

Plus u look at sales, one individual Android model won't beat an Iphone in sales, but if u put all the Androids on the Iphone's level together and they def still beat it. So even on a level playing field Android still wins... the whole "cheap shyt" thing still doesn't apply.

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
U go to any carrier, the 5s is $199 w/a contract... just like the S5 :dahell: Whens the last time u saw a new Ferrari for the price of a new Kia? Its more like a Kia vs a Volkswagen.

Plus u look at sales, one individual Android model won't beat an Iphone in sales, but if u put all the Androids on the Iphone's level together and they def still beat it. So even on a level playing field Android still wins... the whole "cheap shyt" thing still doesn't apply.

Breh, this isn't referring to devices. This is referring to OS's. So you're right about individual android models but I thought that was already understood. iOS is only available on iPhones while android can be found on countless devices.

And while you can find an android that costs as much as an iPhone, you don't find that many iPhones as inexpensive as the cheapest android device. Not unless it's an older model. Every carrier probably has 1 free iPhone. And it's probably a 4 with 8GB. But they'll have 5 free androids. shyt that's 83% of the market right there. Not everyone is buying "flagship" androids. A lotta trash floating around out there with the lil robot logo. And those are the devices that allow android to dominate the market share. If we were comparing high end to high end I'm sure that 85% would come down a lot.


May 1, 2012
Android isn't technically open source.
please, elaborate? last i checked the source code is still free to license...

which is clearly the reason they are in this position. remember too android is only about a year behind iOS (availability). we're talking open source for 6 years vs proprietary for 7. this isn't really news. the most impressive thing about it is how apple manages to consistently weather the assault

and for the windows phone wise cracks, win phone 8 hasn't even been available for 2 years yet. not saying they will go either way but all the hate is way premature...

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Breh, this isn't referring to devices.
:dahell: Then whyd you spend a paragraph talking about them?

This is referring to OS's. So you're right about individual android models but I thought that was already understood. iOS is only available on iPhones while android can be found on countless devices.
How is that a knock on Android? Obviously the same OS will run better on a better device..... but devices are designed around the OS, not the other way around, so Android running on some cheap burner phone in India has no effect on how it runs on a Galaxy S5 :yeshrug:

And while you can find an android that costs as much as an iPhone, you don't find that many iPhones as inexpensive as the cheapest android device. Not unless it's an older model. Every carrier probably has 1 free iPhone. And it's probably a 4 with 8GB. But they'll have 5 free androids. shyt that's 83% of the market right there. Not everyone is buying "flagship" androids. A lotta trash floating around out there with the lil robot logo. And those are the devices that allow android to dominate the market share. If we were comparing high end to high end I'm sure that 85% would come down a lot.
If you level the playing field (i.e. pick an Android phone with specs comparable to an Iphone), they are the same price. And in any case, you haven't explained why the Iphone's expense/exclusivity in and of itself is a virtue. I.e. how is an Iphone that does everything say, a Galaxy S5 does, a better phone because it costs more? That would be like if Ferrari was trying to sell Kias for Ferrari prices, and then claiming the price in and of itself made the cars better....

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
:dahell: Then whyd you spend a paragraph talking about them?

I didn't. I've been talking about OS's the whole time.

How is that a knock on Android? Obviously the same OS will run better on a better device..... but devices are designed around the OS, not the other way around, so Android running on some cheap burner phone in India has no effect on how it runs on a Galaxy S5 :yeshrug:

That was never intended to knock android. I think you're confused.

If you level the playing field (i.e. pick an Android phone with specs comparable to an Iphone), they are the same price. And in any case, you haven't explained why the Iphone's expense/exclusivity in and of itself is a virtue. I.e. how is an Iphone that does everything say, a Galaxy S5 does, a better phone because it costs more? That would be like if Ferrari was trying to sell Kias for Ferrari prices, and then claiming the price in and of itself made the cars better....

When did I ever say any phone was better than the other? I'm simply explaining the numbers. Take your fanboy glasses off and understand the conversation you volunteered to participate in.


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
I think some don't understand about a monopoly. There's all kinds of things that can be manipulated to get a product to that point. Especially when you have a big backer. I've long thought they were eventually get the beats from the EU. The US won't do anything but try to break them up at some point.


Jul 22, 2014
This data isn't surprising. Considering how many phones run android. But for those that say that android is in the lead cuz of all those phones, what is the data for android itself? Like what percentage is Samsung, htc, lg, nexus? What are the flagship phones? Galaxy 5, htc 1, Google nexus. How are those sales compared to the newest iphone? The galaxy always sells good. Last 2 android os are on about 75% of their phones so it's not all crappy phones that are running up the market share. It's just that every company is different and innovative with how they design their phones and create the os. I only use galaxy but I think the other manufacturers create android to look different for their specific phones. This is like Microsoft vs apple on computers. Apple just had Mac while Microsoft was licensing to hp, dell, lenovo, sony, etc.


Apr 30, 2012
please, elaborate? last i checked the source code is still free to license...

which is clearly the reason they are in this position. remember too android is only about a year behind iOS (availability). we're talking open source for 6 years vs proprietary for 7. this isn't really news. the most impressive thing about it is how apple manages to consistently weather the assault

and for the windows phone wise cracks, win phone 8 hasn't even been available for 2 years yet. not saying they will go either way but all the hate is way premature...
AOSP is open but the Google apps are proprietary. You can use the OS without them but most handsets are gonna include them.