Anyone ever have a vivid dream about love?


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012

I had a dream the other night that I was riding on a camel with my wife towards the pyramids in Egypt. I woke up unable to recall her face, but her skin was a deep, golden brown - I guess a mix between honey and bronze - and her hair was dark, thick, and kinky curly. We were halted by the tour guide, got off the camel, held hands, and walked towards the pyramids smiling. I remember her smile too; it was like the sun had melted into the shape of teeth and just happened to align perfectly with her gums: radiant, warm, bask-worthy, incredible.

Then my dumbass woke up, and we all know about those type of dreams where everything is perfect and serene, only to have reality snatch it from you just when you feel you’re about to be pleasantly lost in there forever. I wanted to go back to sleep for another few hours just to see her again and say wuddup to King Tut, Nefertiti and them, but it wasn’t meant to be. I did spend that morning listening to lovey dovey, simp-like records though….on some brown skin Drake shyt. The ambiance stimulated my mind to create a metaphorical analysis of who I imagined that dream wife was using genres of music and the ingredients of what I’d want in a woman. I figured I’d be a Love Nerd and share....

There will be a soulful Gospel in her prayers, a vibrant and seductive Deep House in her swagger, a diverse iPod shuffle in her fashion, eclectic movie soundtracks in her interests, conscious and meaningful Hip Hop in her culture, a proud black Neo Soul in her compassion, Pop in her versatility, smooth yet complicated Jazz in her intellect, superhero movie scores in our conversations, Salsa and Reggae in our arguments, Heavy Metal in her fierceness, and Drum n’ Bass with the occasional R&B interlude when we fukk.

My soulmate. I don’t know who, where, how, what, or when she is, but I love her already. Very much so, in fact. I look forward to giving her and our family the world in due time, but I’m not going to think about it anymore. When it happens, it happens. God willing, my heart is fully healed from the trauma of the past by then…and I can get over my disdain for camels, because that part of the dream is sounding all kinds of unrealistic right about now. I don’t rock with the camels like that on any level. I'm camelphobic.

Anyways, any of you brehs and brehettes ever have one of those sweet dreams? If so, share!