Are Today’s Men Scared of p*ssy?

Are dudes afraid of the p*ssy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • No

    Votes: 21 61.8%

  • Total voters

Kid McNamara

'97 Mike Bibby
Jan 24, 2013
Freshman Year
Women have a need to be chosen over other women, it’s a validation that she does something unique and is more special than the next bytch. To be chosen second, to be settled for, or be a back-up plan can rattle the confidence of any woman because most see male approval as the highest achievement. One basic bytch told me, “We all got degrees, we can all get money, but can these hoes pull nikkas as fine as the ones I pull, fukk no!” She sounds like a fool, but she’s an honest fool because many females refuse to admit that it’s male attraction that fuel them more than money. Men don’t give a fukk about being special nor do they mind being settled for. The ends justify the means. You can look at Biggie Smalls and say he would never have gotten Faith if he were still doing hand to hands on the block. You can look at Arthur Miller and say that he would have never gotten Marilyn Monroe to bust it open if he didn’t have the potential to make her an even bigger star. Men shrug at the journey to p*ssy or the mindset of the girl they end up fukking, because in the end, no matter the reason for that success, they got what they wanted. No man should give a fukk about being a girl’s type, meeting her imaginary list of Must-Haves, or if she was aiming for anothernikka when she walked in the room. The proof is in the results, and regardless of if she wouldn’t have chosen you first, you ended up with her. That’s called victory.

I want to talk to the fellastoday because I see a lot of these new dudes picking up female traits. Everywhere I go women tell me, “Boys act worse than girls these days,” and they are right. When that mugshot of felon Jeremy Meeks went viral dudes were hurt. It had nothing to do with him being a criminal; it was about women showing attention to other nikkason their walls and timelines. We’re men, not women, why the fukk would we be threatened by another man’s looks? I didn’t grow up in the era of being jealous of nikkas with blue eyes; I grew up in the era where you paid attention to the looks of women you want, not other men. Many cats are growing up without fathers, without big brothers, and they’re so soft that they don’t know how to react to lack of attention or rejection. I’m from a generation where it was cool for a girl to say “no,” because you just go after the next one until you get a yes. Real nikkas don’t take it personal, they don’t sulk, they don’t slander women, and they don’t try to force the issue. These new nikkas should be out getting summer time p*ssy or trying to find an ambitious girl they can build with… instead, they’re on the internet photoshoppinganother nikka to look gay. Tell me that ain’t the epitome of being more bytch than a bytch.

Seeing women sell themselves short because they have no self-esteem irritates me, but it also irks me that these young dudes are struggling to be men because they feel as if they aren’t Chris Brown enough for the thots on internet. Jealousy is the 2ndweakest emotion behind fear, and I think it’s time that I put you young brothers back on the, “I can have any woman I want” track because how can a Spartan Queen ever find a King in a world full of p*ssy ass men.

Height Doesn’t Really Matter
I like when women praise tall dudes, just off the strength of being tall, it’s revenge for all the nikkas that gas up girls whose only positive is a big ass. Girls don’t want to hear about some Buttaface being bae because of adonk, and dudes don’t want to hear about some 6’4” dude who can’t even hoop being put on a pedestal. Now that we’re all even, let’s be honest. Some girls thirst for tall nikkas, but it’s not a deal breaker in the way social media makes it out to be. It’s a want not a need, and if I had a dime for every time a girl emailed me the line, “…I usually only mess with tallguys but there’s something about him” we could go bail out their blue eyed crime lord today. I often tell women with no ass or small bootiesthat they can’t take shyt talking Black Men at face value because a pretty face will have his face wherever you tell him to put it. Fellas, stop being bitter about dumb shyt as if these girls really follow the 6 foot rule. The only thing girls break quicker than their height requirement is their no carb diet. Ignore. That. shyt! If you look good, talk right, and act better, you will Kevin Hart that p*ssy, and that same Bird that was like, “I need Kobe tall,” changes her tune to, “Girl, tall nikkas ain’t even all that, I need that dikk thrown from a low center of gravity.” It’s all bullshyt; people don’t know what they are truly attracted to until they are put to the test. So, instead of being mad that your woman crush is praising these Kevin Nash nikkas, worry about being the best in the world at what you do. Perfect your spit game, your approach, and go get what you came for.

Women Upgrade Looks Based On Affection
I read some OK Cupid poll that said that women find 80% of men unattractive. I can buy that because all dudes are funny looking, who besides Prince is actually default pretty? Ask awoman her facial trait demands, and then try to go find a man that meets those qualities—you can’t even name celebrities that can match most of those standards. So if that poll is true, why is the human race still reproducing in record numbers? Because women settle! Statistics don’t take into account what a girl wants versus what she will take. The appearance bar is high, but females don’t mind lowering it if a man has other attributes that make her warm inside. I know a girl who got married to this Vince Herbert looking dude, and I told her he was a real cool guy and I see why she married him. Her insecurity wouldn’t let her take the personality compliment; she felt a need to say, “I like big teddy bears, that’s always been my type.” I could have said, bytch you used to suck my homie’s dikk cusyou said he looked like your boo Omarion, don’t front, but I didn’t. Some women will make their current mate match up with what their type is after the fact, it’s nothing more than revisionist upgrading to make it seem as if she didn’t settle. The moment you win the affection of a woman, your wide ears, your hooknose, your misshapen head, or any funny looking feature grows on her, and you become better looking than the first time she laid eyes on you. I wrote about men experiencing the same “personality makes her prettier” transformation in Solving Single. This is not fake, it’s not being delusional, it’s human nature to see past the flaws of those you like and focus on their strong points.

Most of you guys reading this have been rejected online. You try to DM a chick who doesn’t write back, you Tinder badchicks, and never get liked back. I’m sure that makes you feel a certain way, but you have to look beyond the internet. I said it before, and I’ll keep saying it, women are much pickier online than in public due to the sheer number of thirst buckets responding to their best picture. Out in public those same “I woke up like this” girls may still be pretty, but the majority won’t garner the same attention as their online profile. fukkinboxing my G, walk up and talk to a girl, make her laugh, get her number, and take her out. That same girl online would have ignored your advances, but in real life she’s not being bombarded with dikk, so you got a shot. Of course, there will always be top shelf girls who are picky and should be meticulous because they can do better than your ass, but the other 90% will entertain you even if it’s due to boredom. Once you get a foot in, you can use your swag to kick the door open. A month later, she’s the one calling you because the time you’ve spent has made you appear more appealing than she initially thought you were. Again, don’t be like those IG clowns that hate on a guy like Sheneka Adam’s boyfriend because they want what he has and think they look better than him. You can get a lady just as good looking if you worry about what you bring to the table as opposed to what another man did to get his dime.

Broke nikkas Get More p*ssy than Rich nikkas
We are living in the golden age of female independence. Those women that are 25-35 have come of age in a world where the nuclear family has crumbled. The father that was supposed to take care of the mother, he may have not been around or he may not have had a pot to piss in. For those women they knew that the only way to get the things they want was to work for it. Modern American women are the hardest working creatures on the planet, because they don’t expect to be taken care of the same way women who grew up in the 50’s did. That’s a positive thing, but being hardworking and educated doesn’t equate to being smarter than dikk. dikk may not have Bachelors from a University but he has a Masters when it comes to manipulating lonely women. I hear, “I never meet men on my financial level,” more than I hear, “LeBron will never be Jordan.” There are thousands of women that will admit that they will never meet a man with money, and they are okay with that because they have low expectations and zero romantic confidence. A lot is made of the Hoes that win, but financially independent women could pull the same type of paid men as the gold diggers, in a non-user way. However, females with their own shyt often feel guilty about being shallow, as if they are going to get a gold star for ignoring the guy in the Benz and choosing the guy with the Bus pass. Lowering standards sucks for women, but it puts men who are struggling on equal footing with men who have money.

As a man growing up in today’s world you may feel like a loser because you aren’t making a lot of money per hour, you never finished college, or some imaginary white Free Mason is holding you back. To see Fabolous step out in the all-white Rolls Royce or listen to Drake rap about living in a house so big he has to use a walkie-talkie just to get a beverage, will make you feel like you lost at life. I’m not going to get into a “nikkado better” sermon about money, but let’s assume you don’t even have 2k in the bank and are out of work or living paycheck to paycheck. You can still have the girl of your dreams. Money should never be the reason you don’t ask for a number or why you break up with a girl you love. So many women are heartbroken because men vanish from their lives, not because they were bad girlfriends, but because the male is ashamed of his financial situation. Being a man means that you should be able to look out for those you love, but choosing that pride over a good woman won’t improve your fortunes.

You don’t have enough money to date the woman you want or to get into the type of relationship she deserves. That’s a weak ass excuse. If you have $40, then you can date seriously because there are way more ladies than hoes walking this earth, and they will not hold a cheap date against you. The thing you guys need to focus on is the effort. Give a woman your time, energy, and attention and they will appreciate that much more than a $200 dinner. It goes back to over listening to what women talk about and not paying attention to how they really live. A girl can sit and talk about how she needs five star everything and a man that drives a foreign whip no more than two years old, but I’m here to tell you that most of these sisters out here are far from shallow. Instagram “models” may seem unattainable, but thosehoes aren’t on hold for Chris Breezy, cus Breezy don’t want those broke bytches. The more money you have, the less trusting you become. As a broke dude, you don’t have to be selective, because even if shorty is a hoe, what’s the most she can get from you, an appetizer from Cheesecake Factory? Those foundation face weave wranglers y’all dudes thirst after as unattainable are merely community p*ssy that talk a good game in hopes some simp will trick on them. If you can open your mouth and speak clear English, then you have just as good a shot at landing her as any other man walking this earth, no matter what team he plays for or how light his eyes are. I’m not going to lie, I would rather a woman date at the highest level, but I’m a realist and I know that a person’s character isn’t defined by their bank account or car model. Be confident in yourself, no matter what your Wells Fargo reads. Money comes and goes, but your personality is what’s going to keep that woman in love. The next time you’re out, don’t be afraid to talk to the prettiest girl in the room because you live with your mother or you’re in-between jobs. Don’t let your temporary financial situation ruin a shot at real love. Women are understanding, Hoes are underhanded, so the fact that she’s willing to give you a shot knowing your financial situation proves that she’s an honest woman worth sacrificing your last $20 to show a good time. Stop running from Queens because you don’t have the money of a King. If anything thosehardworking women can help you, not take care of your broke ass, but help you get where you need to be.

Stop Being Afraid of p*ssy
Let’s review: Women are not as shallow as the internet bragging makes them out to be. You don’t need to be tall. You don’t need to be Trey Songz. You don’t even need to be thousandnair! So, what is your excuse for being jealous of the next man? What’s your excuse for getting mad when a girl RT’s someone she thinks is handsome? You’re a man, not a little girl, we don’t get bitter we get bytches! Being born a boy doesn’t come with instilled confidence, and just like the women that read this site, men too need a reminder of their greatness. That reminder will never come while your face is screwed up and your head is filled with negative thoughts. Stop listening to what the ratchets claim they want in a boo, stop being intimidated by the career women that make double what you make, and stop looking at hoes in tight clothes as if they are above your charm. fukk being bold behind the keyboard, prove you can be witty outside the IG comment section. fukk going to the strip clubs and paying to rub ass, prove you can pull that same size ass in the mall. Enough of this c00nery where you tweet about the girls you wouldn’t have sex with, get off your ass and go pull the girls you would have sex with or you’re a clown! No matter if you are looking for one night or trying to find a wife, you have to go hard at these women. New nikkas sit around and watch girls walk by, then talk to their homies about what they would do. I’m challenging you all to stop talking like chicks and start taking action like men! Tap a random girl on the shoulder this week and spark a conversation. Walk up to that chick at work that you catch staring at you on the low and get that number. There’s more to romance than sitting at home with five thirst apps open on your phone begging for nudes.

I know a lot of you guys won’t admit this, but you’re afraid of p*ssy. Not the physical task of thrusting inside a vagina, but the anxiety of talking to a girl that may not like you or falling for one that may game you. These fools say they’re emotionally unavailable, and women buy that shyt, some Basicas even get turned on. We both know that you’re not emotionally unavailable, you’re just trying to play off the fact that you’re afraid girls won’t like the real you the longer they get to know you! Men aren’t allowed to talk about being nervous; we have to pretend we don’t getbutterflies because we have to behave hard. Men can’t confess that they’re worried about liking a girl too much; we have to pretend as if we only want sex so we won’t get our feelings hurt if she doesn’t want more from us. “I’m not scared of them, I just don’t want to be called thirsty.” Go swallow bleach, you idiot. That’s like saying, I don’t want to go interview with Donald Trump for a position making seven figures a year because I don’t want to be called money hungry. They are women, you’re supposed to want them! All of this emotional fronting is see thru, and the reason why we live in a nation of simps is that today’s men are fake hard. True hardness comes from confidence, the ability to put it all on the line and go after what you want thennot give a fukk if you face a few setbacks. So what if she only wanted the dikk, so what if she stops liking you after the thrid date– you’ll get over it! The risk is always worth the reward, my nig! There is no better feeling than waking up next to the girl of your dreams and knowing she chose you. At that moment of victory it won’t matter where you fell on her Must-Have list, if she thinks you’re as fine as her man crush, or if she has ulterior motives, you proved that you can get what you want by being yourself, and from that day forward you will always know that the only true limits inlife and love are those you place on yourself.


Original Article: Are Today's Men Scared of p*ssy?


Mar 4, 2015


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue

Gloooory! We live in a new golden age of female sexual liberation, casual encounters are actually casual. Women are kicking MEN out after sex. nikkas are taking walks of shame and 4am in the morning and it bothers them:snoop:... This is a golden age! All hail the independantly reckless with the cootchie women of our generation.


Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
tl;dr :yawn:

Interesting title but get to the point man. :yawn: