Axelrod: Obama was irritated by Romney's concession call; implied he won because of black voters


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
So what if he won because of the black vote? :dwillhuh:What's there for Obama offended about?
And aren't black people like... less than 15% of the population? And actual black VOTERS are probably even less than that. So even if he did get every-single-vote from blacks he'd still need a great amount of support from other ethnicities to mount up to the 51% he ended up with.
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Jun 6, 2013
Uh huh, Romney obviously hadn't had time to look at the demographics in more detail... I remember that election very well, for several reasons. Firstly, on demographics, yes Barack Obama did get the overwhelming majority of Black votes, both male and female, however, White males disproportionately voted for Mitt,and many who had voted back in 2008 for Obama , decided to switch to Mitt. No if you want to blame demographics, Mitt needs to look in the direction of white females, as there was little change there,Obama almost completely kept what he got back in 2008.

There are two in my opinion bigger reasons for Romneys loss.

1 Palin and mcain for all the faults of that campaign, got the conservative vote out, but in actual fact,far more of the republican base, stayed at home because they were not happy with Mit and Ryan t,because they didn't trust his conservative instincts and there was the whole romney care thing also they didn't trust him on immigration either ... . If you can't carry your base you are done.

2 secondly. the long drawn out primary process and newt gingrich. It seemed to go on for ever, and because the republican base were not happy with Mitt, who was always seen by the media and the republican establishment as the inevitable candidate, almost all the other candidates had their turn leading. For months mitt was being battered in the debates having to fight his corner, and he had to face Newt, Newt's ideal environment is debates, and he spent his time taking mitt apart in those debates. Not only that, when the primary process became newt vs mitt, it got very nasty and newt threw the entire kitchen sink at mitt. In the end mitt won,but the only reason why he beat newt gingrich, was not because he was the better candidate indeed newt satisfied the conservative instincts of the base, and also seemed far less wooden than mitt , it was because mitt out spent him... and had support from the media, who apart from fox turned on him the minute he became the republican candiate. The beatings by gingrich left a lasting effect on romney, indeed some of what gingrich brought up the Obama campaign used themselves.

Mitt, was a weak candidate, who almost got beaten by a fat serial cheater (that didn't stop newt getting the conservative christian vote despite it so much did they loathe mitt) , with a huge amount of skeletons in his closet and political enemies , So how on earth did he think he would beat an incumbent president? ,


May 14, 2012
Obama lost the white vote 60-39 overall, but most of those losses were concentrated in the South. He lost white southerners by comical margins (he got 9% in Mississippi, 11% in Alabama, 10% in Louisiana, etc). Even "Massachusetts Liberal" John Kerry performed better with these cacs :dry:
However, he mostly tied or beat Romney among whites outside the South (especially white women). That's how he won lily-white states like Iowa, Maine, Oregon, Minnesota, Washington, Wisconsin, Vermont, MA, NH, etc).

He basically made white southerners irrelevant... That's why they were so full of rage that night :pachaha:
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
So what if he won because of the black vote? :dwillhuh:What's there for Obama offended about?
And aren't black people like... less than 15% of the population? Even if he did get every-single-vote from blacks he'd still need a great amount of support from other ethnicities to mount up to the 51% he ended up with.

That's the point. He won by getting a strong plurality of a diverse group of voters, unlike Romney who only got mostly older white primarily southern and primarily small/medium-sized locale voters.

But Romney seemed to suggest he won because of the 13% of voters who are black, if Axelrod's account is true. It just goes along with the right wing narrative for the past 50 years of scapegoating black people for all their problems.
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Land, water, wherever.
Dec 10, 2014
the fact is most white people voted for Romney and he still lost easily
that ether will never die

First of all, elections are rigged and the general person's vote means nothing.

Secondly, if it were real, Obama would've needed A LOT of white votes. You on drugs holmes?
May 15, 2012
First of all, elections are rigged and the general person's vote means nothing.

Secondly, if it were real, Obama would've needed A LOT of white votes. You on drugs holmes?

please go away, you are obviously retarded

whole post is about Romney made Obama won because of the black vote

the outrage on fox news and all other other outlets had more to do with the fact for the first time the majority of white people wanted something in this country and did not get it

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
So what if he won because of the black vote? :dwillhuh:What's there for Obama offended about?
And aren't black people like... less than 15% of the population? And actual black VOTERS are probably even less than that. So even if he did get every-single-vote from blacks he'd still need a great amount of support from other ethnicities to mount up to the 51% he ended up with.
It trivializes the win. There's a constant undercurrent of racism. Notice how conservatives always try to claim "real America" didn't elect Obama, "real Americans" don't support immigration, etc. We're seeing a confused and battered white majority realize they'll be a minority soon, and they can't deal with it.

Just a few months ago they did the same thing to De Blasio. A bunch of articles were written about how white NYers were turned off by him and how it was a problem. Nevermind black and Hispanic NYers fully support him. Black and brown views don't matter to these people.

Romney basically has spent the last few years arguing he won the election since white people voted for him. I fully understand why Obama caught feelings.


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
It trivializes the win. There's a constant undercurrent of racism. Notice how conservatives always try to claim "real America" didn't elect Obama, "real Americans" don't support immigration, etc. We're seeing a confused and battered white majority realize they'll be a minority soon, and they can't deal with it.

Just a few months ago they did the same thing to De Blasio. A bunch of articles were written about how white NYers were turned off by him and how it was a problem. Nevermind black and Hispanic NYers fully support him. Black and brown views don't matter to these people.

Romney basically has spent the last few years arguing he won the election since white people voted for him. I fully understand why Obama caught feelings.
Who gives a fukk.
  • Did Obama win? ✓
  • Is Obama in the oval office? ✓
  • Is FoxNews still mad? ✓
Thats the problem with black people sometimes. Count your blessings. fukk THEIR opinions. What MATTERED at the time was to get the win. Win at all cost is the English/Anglo saxon way which has been inherited by Americans and by default black americans.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Who gives a fukk.
  • Did Obama win? ✓
  • Is Obama in the oval office? ✓
  • Is FoxNews still mad? ✓
Thats the problem with black people sometimes. Count your blessings. fukk THEIR opinions. What MATTERED at the time was to get the win. Win at all cost is the English/Anglo saxon way which has been inherited by Americans and by default black americans.
I understand your view, I just disagree because the white=America view is a major reason why the last few years have been so ugly. A black president has made them go insane. I can understand why Obama was upset to see that Romney was more than willing to tap into that. And truth be told as a Mormon he probably holds ugly views on black people anyway.

I don't like McCain but it's clear he refused to fight Obama on racial grounds. Yet his VP and surrogates did. I can respect McCain. I have no respect for Romney. There were stories about Obama really disliking Romney and I see why. Listen to his comments on poor people. It's clear he has a problem...

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
I understand your view, I just disagree because the white=America view is a major reason why the last few years have been so ugly. A black president has made them go insane. I can understand why Obama was upset to see that Romney was more than willing to tap into that. And truth be told as a Mormon he probably holds ugly views on black people anyway.

I don't like McCain but it's clear he refused to fight Obama on racial grounds. Yet his VP and surrogates did. I can respect McCain. I have no respect for Romney. There were stories about Obama really disliking Romney and I see why. Listen to his comments on poor people. It's clear he has a problem...


May 6, 2012
How is tha

Everybody's wealth went down after the financial meltdown of 2008. We lost 5 million jobs the next year due to the great recession. There's not a single person who can argue any president could have fixed things between 2008-2009. The economy is finally picking up again and wages are slowly rising, which is a problem.

Blaming Obama for the woes of black people is disingenuous. And I think it's pretty easy to see why black people stick by Obama: they still feel he has their back, right or wrong. Black support of Obama has increased due to the extreme hatred white conservatives continue to show him. That's really what it boils down to. "He may not be the best guy, but he's OUR guy."

What policy could fix wages right now? It's going to be a gradual process. Luckily economic confidence and demand are increasing, which is why the economy is doing well now; nearly 300k jobs added last month. I don't want to hear hand wringing about corporate taxes: anyone with an ounce of financial education knows that the vast majority of US corporations don't pay close to 35%. The problems we have are pretty straight forward:

-Aging population; baby boomer generation beginning to retire
-Rising student debt. Young people are putting so much money into paying back loans that it's not going back into the economy
-Lack of skilled workers. There are millions of job openings right now that can't be filled due to a lack of qualified people
-Crumbling infrastructure. Many construction jobs are on hold or pending due to the refusal to address old bridges, roads, etc.

You know why America is fukked short term? Because we're stuck with a republican House thanks to gerrymandering, meaning the next democrat president won't be able to address much of anything. It's a slow decline that is so easily preventable. The deficit is shrinking under Obama yet these cacs want to pretend like we have no money - but then want to spend that money we allegedly don't have in order to fight wars.

Yall thought Obama had it bad, and he does. But wait until President Hillary gets up in there and has to deal with sexist cacs trying their hardest to ruin her.

I am just basing my argument on the Financial Times article that I posted above. The Financial Times is a prominent financial newspaper and according to them black wealth has fallen more under Obama than any other president since than the depression. If that is true, why are black people who support Obama voting against their own economic interests?

In my opinion, Democrats have done a good job at getting their base of low information voters worked up over frivolous, often false claims. For black people, a lot of these false claims involve race. For example, Democrats have convinced many black people that Republicans are trying to stop them from voting. And then you have MSNBC and left wing blogs inventing racism out of thin air (like the Romney story in this thread) by claiming Republicans are talking in secret code language and dog whistles that only liberals can properly decipher. The more you get voters to focus on nonsense like that the less they will focus on the disastrous effects of the Democrats' policies. Keeping black people poor and dependent upon government ensures that they are then dependent on the Democrat party.

Thankfully the American people woke up in 2014 and rejected the scare tactics and fear mongering coming from Democrats in a landslide. Unless you believe that Republicans somehow gerrymandered the Senate.