Birth of A Nation’s Box Office Flop and The Unrepentant Pettiness of Black Feminists.


American Daydream Machine
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
I’ve decided to write this because I felt that it was much more conducive to do than a social media rant.

It’s Sunday, October 9th, 2016 7:02 pm and I just want to start this by saying that at this point, I’m over social media, and I’m over the cyber mafia known as “Black Feminism”.

I‘m to the point where if I even see another black woman with “feminist” in her bio, I assume that she’s petty and that I should not associate with her publicly or privately.

If you haven’t seen/read the news already, Birth of A Nation has flopped in the box office and we have black feminism, which is just fancy cyber vernacular for “I hate black men because I always choose the wrong types of black men to entertain” and their male minions to thank.

This is pretty unfortunate to say, as a woman, especially in the world we live in where there is much negative stigma attached to being a black woman and being a black woman myself.

When I first was introduced to black feminism as teenager and through social media, I was expecting sisterhood, I’m not sure what kind, but that’s what I was expecting. To my disappointment,“black feminism” was mostly a degree “toting” (pun intended), shea butter product selling, “cis-hetero” black men loathing, gay black man loving, promiscuity endorsing, white man dating, shade throwing, mention mobbing mafia, that occasionally makes great points concerning the mistreatment and the overall conditions of black women that they refer to as “misogynoir”.

If I hadn’t of witnessed this for years prior, I’d just may have been on the Nate Parker hate bandwagon but I did so I’m not and no, this is not saying he’s not guilty.



Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
If we are to celebrate any heterosexual black man’s success on social media he must be “CB4 blackity black” but not so much he’s considered Hotep, he must also be married to a black woman, even if you’ve posted on social media about “getting a Caucasian John when Jerome doesn’t work out to avoid stress, poverty and headache”, he must also be a simp, a male feminist, in proud support of black transgendered women, encourage prostitution, now formally known as sex work and move to the beat of the perverse Black Feminist drum.


Perfect characterization of Black feminists on the Internet!


Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
Am I defending Nate Parker? Some will say yes, but I’d say no. What I’m trying to convey here is the dangers of social media when you’re black, productive and visible in general and how our communal general consensus is solely based upon likability.

The moment you’re disliked as a black person in the social media era, you’re as good as dead. We tend do everything in our power to tear down the most capable within our race and then we cry and protest for justice because after the best, creative and brightest have been condemned, mobbed against or assassinated we’re left with the weakest links, a bunch of people who may just have gotten a degree but their real life skills are usually limited to writing gossip articles, shade filled social media rants, holding aimless protests and shea butter lip balm making, these are not real world skills and none of these has ever or is going to push any culture forward.

Black social media is like one big high school.

nikkas are mostly stuck in a teenage mindset.

Which is why I say nikkas need to take breaks from social media from time to time.
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