Black People in Nazi Germany *This is amazing*


Jun 26, 2013
I have researched the points made and they check out. I've been looking into Hitler and Nazi Germany alot recently. I will post my findings, depending on how this thread does


the only thing in the video that didnt check out is Hitlers privately shaking Jesse Owens hand

but heres a direct quote from Jesse Owens himself
"Hitler didn't snub me—it was [FDR] who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram."

Owens was cheered enthusiastically by 110,000 people in Berlin's Olympic Stadium and later ordinary Germans sought his autograph when they saw him in the streets. Owens was allowed to travel with and stay in the same hotels as whites, an irony at the time given that blacks in the United States were denied equal rights. After a New York ticker-tape parade in his honor, Owens had to ride the freight elevator to attend his own reception at the Waldorf-Astoria
Jesse Owens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the FDR quote is from - Triumph, a book about the 1936 Olympics by Jeremy Schaap

I got pretty decent knowledge of WWII. I'm pretty sure the Nazi's helped Arab nations become free of colonial rule notably Syria. It's duck of a waters back when you take the Namibian Genocide into account, but as we know. "The victors write the history books"


Jun 26, 2013
I know some of you wont be into books but check this out


Blacks were practically being worshiped in Pre-Nazi Germany.

White Germans were intrigued by Hans' hair and the color of his skin, he got mad pus*y back then.

In the states though, there was segregation, Jim Crow. In Germany there was none of this.

A lot of it has to do with worker movements and the belief in socialism and communism. The idea that workers of the world should unite, it was very much about all workers, regardless of race, so that had a healthy impact on race relations. Socialism and Communism have always benefited race relations and the treatment of minorities, as minorities and the working class have traditionally been near inseparable.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
.. I'm pretty sure the Nazi's helped Arab nations become free of colonial rule notably Syria. It's duck of a waters back when you take the Namibian Genocide into account, but as we know. "The victors write the history books"
I don't know what you mean by "help" Arab nations. The Nazi's wanted total world domination. They had allies, so to speak, with Italy, Japan, and Russia. The Nazi presence in Northern Africa was one of their steps to expand Germany's border.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
I know some of you wont be into books but check this out
Blacks were practically being worshiped in Pre-Nazi Germany.
"Pre", okay. During Nazi rule, I don't think so considering Hitler defined whites as the supreme race.


Jun 26, 2013
Hitler on sympathisizing with arabs:

… because we were jointly fighting the Jews. This led him to discuss Palestine and conditions there, and he then stated that he himself would not rest until the last Jew had left Germany. Kalid al Hud observed that the Prophet Mohammed … had acted the same way. He had driven the Jews out of Arabia ….

The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives, by Gilbert Achcar, (NY: Henry **** and Co.; 2009), pp. 125—126

One thing I find interesting about this here, is the Arabs under the command of Muhammad did run the jews out of Arabia, but they were the original black jews who then fled deep into africa

The late president of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser, stated on television 1952, "you (the Jews) will never be able to live here(Palestine(israel)) in peace, because you left here black but came back white. We cannot except you! "


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
Hitler on sympathisizing with arabs:

… because we were jointly fighting the Jews.
That makes sense. The Nazi military was spread thin across the Eastern front. Had they gone further into the Middle East and Africa, I'm sure Hitler would have turned on the Arab nations that helped him. Kind of like, thanks but laterz.


Jun 26, 2013
That makes sense. The Nazi military was spread thin across the Eastern front. Had they gone further into the Middle East and Africa, I'm sure Hitler would have turned on the Arab nations that helped him. Kind of like, thanks but laterz.

They did battle in the Middle East/ North Africa for control of the oil there which ultimately lost Germany the war.

look up the North African Campaign


May 3, 2012
I have researched the points made and they check out. I've been looking into Hitler and Nazi Germany alot recently. I will post my findings, depending on how this thread does

the only thing in the video that didnt check out is Hitlers privately shaking Jesse Owens hand

but heres a direct quote from Jesse Owens himself
Jesse Owens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the FDR quote is from - Triumph, a book about the 1936 Olympics by Jeremy Schaap

I got pretty decent knowledge of WWII. I'm pretty sure the Nazi's helped Arab nations become free of colonial rule notably Syria. It's duck of a waters back when you take the Namibian Genocide into account, but as we know. "The victors write the history books"

In regards to the Olympics, it was all a facade. The Nazi's took down the posted Nuremberg Laws as well, so as to not show the rest of the world what was really going down in Germany.

In regards to Jesse Owens staying with the white athletes, I would question whether thats a sign of Nazi acceptance. Hitler viewed all Americans with equal contempt; a nation that could never succeed because of all the "racial mixing".

I know some of you wont be into books but check this out


Blacks were practically being worshiped in Pre-Nazi Germany.

White Germans were intrigued by Hans' hair and the color of his skin, he got mad pus*y back then.

In the states though, there was segregation, Jim Crow. In Germany there was none of this.

A lot of it has to do with worker movements and the belief in socialism and communism. The idea that workers of the world should unite, it was very much about all workers, regardless of race, so that had a healthy impact on race relations. Socialism and Communism have always benefited race relations and the treatment of minorities, as minorities and the working class have traditionally been near inseparable.

To say blacks were worshiped in Pre-Nazi Germany is a wildly exaggerated generalization. Inter-war Germany was anything but politically unified. In some communist pockets blacks may have been treated well, however this is still post social-Darwinism Europe. The same Europe that saw the French occupy the Ruhr industrial district with black colonial troops to intentionally insult the Germans living there in 1919.

In 1919, there were between 25,000 and 40,000 French colonial soldiers based in the Rhineland.[4] Racist anxieties concerning the presence of Black soldiers in the French occupation army led to allegations of rape and other atrocities targeting the German civilian population and attributed mainly to Senegalese Tirailleurs.[5] The events resulted in a widespread campaign by the German right wing press that dubbed them as "The Black Shame" (Die schwarze Schande or Die schwarze Schmach) and were depicted as a form of French humiliation of the German nation.[6] Furthermore, some German women married African soldiers from the occupying forces, while others had children by them out of wedlock (hence the disparaging label "Rhineland b*stards")[7] and were considered to increase the public disgrace.[8] General Henry Tureman Allen reported to the US Secretary of State that "the wholesale atrocities by French negro Colonial troops alleged in the German press, such as the alleged abductions, followed by rape, mutilation, murder and concealment of the bodies of the victims are false and intended as political propaganda".[9]

In response to German failure to pay reparations under the Treaty of Versailles in 1923, France and Belgium occupied the industrial Ruhr area of Germany, the center of German coal and steel production, until 1925.

Occupation of the Rhineland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While the black population of Germany at the time of the Third Reich was small at 20,000 - 25,000 in a population of over 65 million,[8] the Nazis decided to take action against those in the Rhineland. They despised black culture, which they considered inferior, and even sought to prohibit "traditionally black" musical genres like jazz as being "corrupt negro music".[need quotation to verify] No official laws were enacted against the black population, or even against the children of mixed parentage, since they were the offspring of marriages and informal unions from before the Nuremberg laws of September 1935 which prohibited miscegenation. The law also deprived persons of mixed parentage their freedom to marry at all, or at least the spouse of their choice by banning future mixed marriages between Aryans and others. Instead, a group named "Commission Number 3" was created to resolve the problem of the "Rhineland b*stards" with the aim of preventing their further procreation in German society. Organized under Dr. Eugen Fischer of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, it was decided that the children would be sterilized under the 1933 Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring.[9]

Rhineland b*stard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, if we are to assume the communist regime's were accepting towards minorities, as you suggest, its worth considering that the communists lost in Germany in the early 30's to the exact opposite in the ultra-conservative Nazis.

I'm not even sure how you could say communist regimes are sympathetic to minorities when considering the USSR.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
They did battle in the Middle East/ North Africa for control of the oil there which ultimately lost Germany the war.

look up the North African Campaign

I already know. Erwin Rommel lead the combined Italian and Nazi forces.


May 3, 2012
They did battle in the Middle East/ North Africa for control of the oil there which ultimately lost Germany the war.

look up the North African Campaign

Germany lost the war on the Eastern Front. The Nazis were already retreating from Stalingrad when Operation Torch kicked off. Even still, the Nazis were able head off the Allied "soft underbelly" advance in Italy.


May 3, 2012
The fate of blacks in Nazi Germany | Germany | DW.DE | 10.01.2010

During the Third Reich, Germany had a small black community, yet relatively little is known about their life in the Nazi era. Deutsche Welle takes a look at survival strategies under Hitler's oppressive regime.

A sign saying that interaction between blacks and whites degrades the race

Between 20,000 - 25,000 blacks lived in Nazi Germany under Hitler's rule.When asked about blacks in the Third Reich, Germans are most likely to talk about the Afrika Schau. In his book, "Hitler's Black Victims," American University researcher, Dr. Clarence Lusane writes that the Africa Schau was a traveling show that began in 1936. The show's owners were Juliette Tipner, whose mother was from Liberia and her white husband, Adolph Hillerkus. The aim of their spectacle was to showcase African culture in Germany.

In 1940, the Afrika Schau was taken over by the SS and Joseph Goebbels who "were hoping that it would become useful not only for propaganda and ideological purposes but also as a way to gather all the blacks in the country under one tent," writes Lusane. For blacks who joined the Afrika Schau, it became a means of survival in Nazi Germany.

Duke University historian, Dr. Tina Campt, whose research deals with the African Diaspora in Germany said that "it was possible that blacks who were involved in it used it for purposes that were not the intention of those who organized it. So if the Afrika Schau dehumanized people, there were ways that blacks involved in it could use it as an opportunity to make money, as a site to connect to other black people," she told Deutsche Welle.

However, the show was unsuccessful and was shut down in 1941. Also, it could not gather all the blacks in the country under one tent possibly because it only accepted dark-skinned blacks who appealed to the stereotype of what was considered African.

The fate of the "Rhineland b*stards"

Afro-German Hans J. Massaquoi tried to join the Nazi youth

Most of the light-skinned blacks living in Germany during the Third Reich were of mixed blood, and a good number of them were the children of French-African occupation soldiers and German women in the Rhineland. The existence of these children is and remains common knowledge because they were mentioned in Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle"). In Nazi Germany, the derogatory term, Rheinlandb*stard (Rhineland b*stard), was used to describe them.

Deutsche Welle spoke to leading German historian Prof. Reiner Pommerin to find out what happened to these children. "I published a book in the 70s, which told the reader about the sterilization of mixed blood children. These were children who had been fathered by occupation forces - mostly French occupation forces," he said. His book, "Sterilisierung der Rheinlandb*starde. Das Schicksal einer farbigen deutschen Minderheit 1918 - 1937" ("Sterilization of the Rhineland b*stards: the fate of a colored German minority 1918 - 1937") publicized the sterilization of the Black minority in Nazi Germany.

Prior to the publication of the book in 1979, this information was unknown to the public. The sterilization of biracial children was carried out secretly because it went against 1938 Nazi laws and procedures. The exact numbers remain unknown, but it is estimated that 400 children of mixed blood were sterilized - most without their knowledge, Pommerin said.

Today, the fate of the "Rhineland b*stards" still remains largely unknown. The lack of public knowledge regarding their fate may have to do with the "lack of public interest in minorities," said Pommerin. Campt attributes it to the secrecy behind the sterilization program and the nature of the Afrika Schau. "It has to do with the status of the Afrika Schau as a spectacle. So that was set up as a visual spectacle that was supposed to get people to notice something as a display. In that way, it was really publicized in order to get people to think about," she said.

Recognition of the black experience in Nazi Germany

Afro-Germans were excluded from aspects of daily life in the Nazi era
According to Campt, the major difference between the experience of blacks and that of other groups in the Third Reich is the lack of a systematic Nazi extermination plan. Moreover, because of the small number of blacks living in Germany, few people are ready to recognize that there was even a population whose experience can be discussed.

Furthermore, there is little or no support in Germany for researchers working in this area. Unlike in the United States where research on minorities is well-funded due to the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement, "black German scholars who have been doing this work for years don't necessarily get the recognition on the basis of qualifications, on the basis of whether or not they are working within a certain kind of academic scholarly structure for the study of minority cultures," Campt said.

All the same, it should be noted that even though the publication of Pommerin's book on the sterilization of the "Rhineland b*stards" did not generate much public interest at the time, it received some attention from a German politician. The member of the Social Democratic Party asked if he could obtain the names of the victims, so that they could be compensated.

Pommerin told Deutsche Welle that "(the politician) wanted to hand over 3,000 German marks ($2,190). I knew where they were living, but I didn't want to bother these people because I could tell that this was more a political interest. And I could see the TV cameras standing in front of the house in the village and money is handed over. And all of a sudden the sensation is great in the village - here is someone who had been sterilized."

Author: Chiponda Chimbelu
Editor: Rob Mudge


May 3, 2012
also, did you actually read Destined to Witness?


Massaquoi, of mixed African-German parentage, came of age in Nazi Germany; he depicts the trauma of his childhood, and his improbable survival of it, in a nuanced, startling memoir. As a small boy, Massaquoi was “fascinated and moved” by Hitler and seduced by Nazi busywork and organized pageantry. Thus he felt exceptionally betrayed upon realizing that there was no place for a “non-Aryan” such as himself in the Reich. Although his devoted mutti protected him fiercely (his father had returned to Liberia), he encountered virulent abuse at school and was dehumanized by the Nuremburg Laws, which essentially barred him from public life, whether from a playground or from the Hitlerjugend, which all his chums joined. Things became much worse during the war years, when, perversely, he repeatedly escaped the worst fate by a hairbreadth. This included nearly being discovered “race mixing” by the SS and surviving the protracted fire bombing that leveled his beloved Hamburg. Massaquoi’s unique, pathos-filled childhood in extremis is rendered superlatively, as is his portrait of a prewar Germany giddily embarked on its own destruction; he keenly perceives both the nefarious ambiguity and the human tragedy inherent in this civic embrace of evil. Also, his depiction of postwar anguish, and his own emergence as a hipster black-marketer befriended by cynical, reefer-smoking black GIs among whom he was thrilled to “pass,” is highly engaging. Less so, however, are the instances when his narrative turns ’soft” or vaguely contemplative; the interesting tale of his eventual repatriation to Liberia to meet his volatile, powerful father is necessarily less profound than earlier chapters. Massaquoi later immigrated to the US; a journalist, he was managing editor of Ebony magazine. Although the bizarre singularity of the child Massaquoi’s plight is central to the work, it is the journalist Massaquoi’s close eye for the subtleties of personal and social behavior, as well as a rather daring digressive structural and prose style, that makes this unusual tale both substantiative and memorable.