BREAKING: Obama administration fights to prevent Clinton deposition in email case *UPDATE*

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
The Obama administration is trying to prevent former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from being deposed in an ongoing open records case connected to her use of a private email server.

Late Thursday evening, the Justice Department filed a court motion opposing the Clinton deposition request from conservative legal watchdog Judicial Watch, claiming that the organization was trying to dramatically expand the scope of the lawsuit.

Judicial Watch is “seeking instead to transform these proceedings into a wide-ranging inquiry into matters beyond the scope of the court’s order and unrelated to the FOIA request at issue in this case,” government lawyers wrote in their filing, referring to the Freedom of Information Act.

The lawyers wrote that the request to interview Clinton “is wholly inappropriate” before depositions are finished in a separate case also concerning the email server.

Judicial Watch’s FOIA case began as a way to seek documents about talking points related to the 2012 terror attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, but has since grown to encompass wider questions about Clinton’s use of a personal server while working as secretary of State.

Last week, Judicial Watch asked the court to interview Clinton and five other current and former State Department officials about the server, after it received a judge's permission to move ahead with the process.

The case is the second in which Judicial Watch has been granted approval to depose witnesses to gather evidence about Clinton’s email setup. In the other case, interviews of current and former Clinton aides have already begun.

Clinton is not scheduled to answer questions as part of that case, through a federal judge has warned that she could be called upon in the future.

In the government’s filing late Thursday, the Justice Department said that Judicial Watch’s request is “overbroad and duplicative.”

Instead, it claimed, the group should complete the depositions in the other case first before demanding an interview of Clinton and the other officials.

However, the department did say that it would not oppose a request to subpoena Jake Sullivan, a former senior State Department official and current top aide in Clinton’s presidential campaign, as long as questions were “on the limited topic” of officials using personal email accounts at the department.

The department also said it would be willing to provide an unnamed witness to provide answers on behalf of the State Department in response to narrow questions about the FOIA request at the heart of the case.

That solution, government lawyers claimed, would “avoid the burden and expense” of going through a deposition process “that replicates activities already underway in another, overlapping case between the parties.”

Feds fight to prevent Clinton deposition in email case


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
Barry working real hard these last few months to beat out W for worst US president of all time...

First this bytchass c00n protects the Saudis against the American people and now he's trying to protect a lying crooked wall street bought c*nt...

he ain't the worst. W got us into a war that's cost us trillions and lasted longer than the vietnam war. I was hoping :obama: would get us out of that clusterfukk entirely during his tenure.
May 3, 2012
St louis
that reptilian bytch is gonna owe the
Big O big for this one.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
he ain't the worst. W got us into a war that's cost us trillions and lasted longer than the vietnam war. I was hoping :obama: would get us out of that clusterfukk entirely during his tenure.
close enough

Obama administration:

-Violate Human Rights/War crimes/Drones attacks countries in Asia and Africa killing innocent people(kids/women/men)
-Obama care is a joke it will be the death of the health care system (600-900$ penalty for not being in the program when you cant even afford it). Insurance companies is the real winners, threaten someone to buy something breh. Premiums skyrocket faster than inflation making it impossible by the very people it covered.
- His Foreign policy is disgusting like a true fukkboy
-chastise blacks but speak highly of illegals by names "hispanics"
-No backbone unless he's talking to black people
-He dodge interview with real tough journalist that center around black issues but sit down with sway, Charles Barkley, rappers, Steve harvey, YT bed-wenches, Al Sharpton etc.
-call out Kenya and Jamaica about they anti-gay ways but tuck his balls when it came to the same issue for china, Israel, PR, Russia, saudi arabia
-made promise he didn't keep(let lobbyists and special interest PACS to run the white house)
-The Bailout
-Obama administration cash out the most for Planned Parenthood
-Allowed the the Bush Tax Cuts for millionaires to be extended
- "Created jobs" narrative = dead end jobs/Part time non-benefit job in retail/call center
-DOJ didn't do shyt for trayvon murder, mike brown or any other back citizen that set off race investigation(no prison time, no charge filed)
- The recent data show 28% percent poverty rate (Poverty rate for AA got worse over the past few years ). With 38% of all AA children lived in poverty in 2013. Overall , there are more people living in poverty in the U.S than at other time in U.S history at 45 million people

- Income inequality between blacks and whites is at its widest point in 25 years, according to study by PEW in 2014. The average white household is worth $141,099, while the average black one is worth $11,000
- Attempting to rewrite Title IX and the Civil Rights of 1964 to include LGBT
-Flint cover ups/ferguson under his watch "there are certain communities that have a unjust dislike for police enforcement""
-Obama administration actively fought to lower the minimum wage in Haiti after the earthquake. They fought to get it under $1 a day
-What he did to Libya was a criminal Act
- He's whole policy toward Africa is similar to a white supremacist
- Pro wall street policy
- said he would go after racial sentencing disparities but he didn't

- His weak no efforts regrading police brutality, school to prison pipeline, mass incarceration
-Also kneeing down to Republican interests
-Still haven't come out the closet with all these homosexual coming out of Chicago connecting him with gay scene back in the day
-Obama Drinks Filtered Tap Water, Downplays Lead Risk
- Celebrity driven Presidency

just some i didn't touch on HBCU and the brother keepers volunteer program yet, i will post later. dikkriding Obama churchgoers need to do they research

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
he ain't the worst. W got us into a war that's cost us trillions and lasted longer than the vietnam war. I was hoping :obama: would get us out of that clusterfukk entirely during his tenure.
That's why he's working hard these last few months...

Cuba deal
Iran deal
Defending the Saudis against the American people
Shillary defense force

All horrendous acts by the POTUS...the third on that list is downright impeachable...

Iraq ain't on him there is no way out of that mess the previous administration with the help of Shillary created...That said the idea Barry hasn't started any wars is false...They didn't put boots on the ground but the US government holds just as much responsibility for the chaos going on in Syria as Assad does...Syria started off with just Assad beefing with small group of his people then the US government decided to get involved funding terrorists ("moderate muslim rebels":stopitslime:) in an attempt to overthrow Asad turning the conflict into a full blown civil war...Putin joined in as a show of force letting Barry know he got them thangs to and ain't scared to use everybody and their mothers dropping them on innocent folk...