CNN: why blacks believe the American Dream more than whites

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
Well my self personally, white do not believe in the "American Dream," because they know they will become the minority in America pretty soon. Plus back in the days they can pratice open racism without any backlash, well there is not that much backlass today, they might get outed on facebook and loose their job, but they will get back on their feet faster.

Plus what dream do white people have to push for, American is made for them. There is no such thing as a poor white person.

I really don't like how they keep comparing hispanics and blacks, when you look at Sanchez in the photo, he looks white and plus there are plenty of hispanic/latinos that identify themselves as white.

Blacks believe this "American Dream," because we have been brainwashed in believing that racism is over and is in the past, and hard work pays off.

CNN is bullshyt, in the article they described Breionne Carter mother as a darker skinned black woman. Basically calling her a dark skinned black woman who could not control her p*ssy and was uneducated.

The article still has a white supremacy undertone in it.


Jun 20, 2013
:francis: I usually don't do this the amount of vomit inducing bullsh*t coming out of your mouth :scust:

Caucasian "undeserved privledge" does not entail everyone of you coming out the womb with keys to a new jag ownership of a company and millions in your bank account:mjlol:

Just as when comparing two job offers one may net more/ but the other may have perks and or benifits that far outweigh the other/ 10 weeks of paid vaca/better healthcare plan/paid lunches etc. once added up the "privledges" are abundant :blessed:

Caucasians have a perpetual blank check.

When a Caucasian ex con has better chance of getting a job over college educated "black person" with no priors.

When you can move freely through out the United States without being profiled and every minor traffic stop or violation can be life or death:mjcry:

Access to credit/ home loans/ you'd have to be living under a rock to not be privy to the unscrupulous tactics of Bank of America and many other cooperations charging more and often denying home loans simply because of skin color. And these are the major companies not even touching your local branches.

When "black" mothers and mothers to be consider not having children especially young sons because of the racial climate in this country. When Caucasians are just concerned with is getting some cucumbers to place in their water to make it less "spicy":merchant:

But honestly you have a group of people so grotesquely spoiled they haven't earned sh*t! I can't in good conscience refer to their males as men because a man "Works" and Earns what he has. He doesn't behave like a pwssy and need everything handed to him. You are a malcontent. After being given everything still not satisfied.

You want to be carried to the water and have some one drink it for you:what:

Because that's too much work:beli:

All I have to say is just don't b*tch and moan on the day it's "TAKEN" back:umad:

You went on a rant and addressed nothing I said:mjlol:

And I doubt that will ever happen :francis:


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
if the american dream wasn't real, why do we have an immigration problem? why do immigrants do so well in this country?

the difference is that most white americans have already reached the dream, so their new dream is much more unrealistic

hispanics and black people are still trying to get to just the regular old american dream of a house in the suburbs, a car and a pension

tldr; white americans are spoiled little bytches who forgot what the american dream actually is
we have a cushy social safety net. They're not coming here to work or do anything great. We're too geeked on exceptions and this false narrative being perpetuated.

As far as black people, being at the bottom means the only way is up.


All Star
Sep 30, 2015
You went on a rant and addressed nothing I said:mjlol:

And I doubt that will ever happen :francis:
You went on a rant and addressed nothing I said:mjlol:

And I doubt that will ever happen :francis:

This is why I don't generally engage in these things it's pointless it's describing color to someone who's color blind no pun intended.

I'll give it one more go.:yeshrug:


They say this is land of opportunity everything is available to all, you just have to want it :ld:

That is a "lie" and not the case for us originally "black people" truly native to this land.

I have highlighted many examples of systematic oppression, and things put inplace to hold melanin individuals back.:whoa:

I've seen comments on here of Caucasians complaining about treatment or names they're called on this site. But everything you do on here is voluntary :heh:

Try living in the real world with banks employers cops all doing a h*ll of a lot more than name calling. To treat you unkind or make your brief stay in this world just a wee bit miserable. And you can fake your appearance on here all day but we are unable nor do we wish to.

You have a true and genuine blank check in this country. So any lack you have financially is based solely on your lack of effort.

And the little bit fortune and opportunity you do enjoy now that you spit upon is because of the hard work and years of "FREE" labor of a misguided people who choose not to slit the throat of every two legged animal that approached our shores and instead of embracing humanity choose to rape and pillage :scust:

And from your comments this still isn't enough. Because you don't own a fortune five hundred company, or have enough wealth to retire early.

You would simply not comprehend:mindblown:

I try to calibrate my words.
And avoid race bait threads
But sometimes these grand soirée pity parties you articulate in your comments


That is all.


Jun 20, 2013
This is why I don't generally engage in these things it's pointless it's describing color to someone who's color blind no pun intended.

I'll give it one more go.:yeshrug:


They say this is land of opportunity everything is available to all, you just have to want it :ld:

That is a "lie" and not the case for us originally "black people" truly native to this land.

I have highlighted many examples of systematic oppression, and things put inplace to hold melanin individuals back.:whoa:

I've seen comments on here of Caucasians complaining about treatment or names they're called on this site. But everything you do on here is voluntary :heh:

Try living in the real world with banks employers cops all doing a h*ll of a lot more than name calling. To treat you unkind or make your brief stay in this world just a wee bit miserable. And you can fake your appearance on here all day but we are unable nor do we wish to.

You have a true and genuine blank check in this country. So any lack you have financially is based solely on your lack of effort.

And the little bit fortune and opportunity you do enjoy now that you spit upon is because of the hard work and years of "FREE" labor of a misguided people who choose not to slit the throat of every two legged animal that approached our shores and instead of embracing humanity choose to rape and pillage :scust:

And from your comments this still isn't enough. Because you don't own a fortune five hundred company, or have enough wealth to retire early.

You would simply not comprehend:mindblown:

I try to calibrate my words.
And avoid race bait threads
But sometimes these grand soirée pity parties you articulate in your comments


That is all.

But I'm not color blind. I understand white privilege and how is has benefited us sooooo you really just went on a rant telling me things I already knew. You're preaching to the core.

I was simply saying, because of white privilege.. Our "American Dream" is different. The other poster basically said that the black American Dream is just to get by, while whites have already had that foundation and privileges in place to "pull your self up by the bootstraps" to make it easier for us due to white supremacy. So what are you even arguing against exactly?


All Star
Sep 30, 2015
But I'm not color blind. I understand white privilege and how is has benefited us sooooo you really just went on a rant telling me things I already knew. You're preaching to the core.

I was simply saying, because of white privilege.. Our "American Dream" is different. The other poster basically said that the black American Dream is just to get by, while whites have already had that foundation and privileges in place to "pull your self up by the bootstraps" to make it easier for us due to white supremacy. So what are you even arguing against exactly?

:umad: First and foremost there is no such thing as white "supremacy":scust:

That would denote superiority over another and you aren't that stupid to believe such for if you did you wouldn't be spending your time on a predominantly "black" site

As well if you ever had a healthy serving of BBC you know where you and your folks fall on that totem pole:manny:

My argument or point. You come off as if hey we're really not that different we're all the same I've got struggles to blah blah blah. I don't eat caviar everyday and take champion bubble baths:martin:

And oh I understand the struggle:comeon:

You oscillate back in forth from white guilt to the repugnant arrogance :dame: that seems to never have been checked.

I don't hit women but would have slapped the sh*t out of you long time ago:mjlol:

Your people never had to pick themselves up by the boot straps

Do you know how many grants they gave your people freely after the war and great depression:francis:

You're aware of the people who benefit most from welfare in this country:francis:

Something I don't understand with you "enlightened" I guess progressive "Caucasians" is why don't you preach your gospels to your own:ohhh:

You literally could close your eyes hit the key board and guaranteed a white owned website would pop up. It's difficult to find a predominantly "black" site let a lone a halfway decent one. So why not expend energy educating them on said privledges and woes and burdens of the "white" man:russ:

Please tell me what hinders you in this country? What? What laws what regulations? What systematic oppression? Please enlightened snow bunny tell me:stopitslime:


All Star
Sep 30, 2015
But I'm not color blind. I understand white privilege and how is has benefited us sooooo you really just went on a rant telling me things I already knew. You're preaching to the core.

I was simply saying, because of white privilege.. Our "American Dream" is different. The other poster basically said that the black American Dream is just to get by, while whites have already had that foundation and privileges in place to "pull your self up by the bootstraps" to make it easier for us due to white supremacy. So what are you even arguing against exactly?[/QUOTE


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013

Black people want to live the American dream our whole lives and that's it. White people on the other hand expect to live the American dream in their lifetime.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God

Black people want to live the American dream our whole lives and that's it. White people on the other hand expect to live the American dream in their lifetime.
True is, we are individuals. We see Beyonce and Jay-Z and say, he did it, I can too. That's how we think. It's how the white supremacist taught us.


All Star
Sep 30, 2015


People listen to hiphop watch a lil BET now they think they the second coming of El-hajj Malik el-Shabbazz :deadrose::mjlol:

Truth is no one person/group of people have a monopoly on struggle
To a person with OCD their day to day is very different from ours
And to them their struggle is real:yeshrug:

Some in this country have to dream because the reality is harsh and many obstacles placed before them not impossible but dam near impossible

And for others for them to accomplish their dreams means a nightmare for someone else

But not everyone in an advantaged position can be assumed to have capitalized and or abused said position.


Jul 30, 2015
Yep, we do, but other races generally have caught onto that and realized that you can get more done as a group, than chasing an individualistic "american dream" of slaving for a shytty 9 to 5 until retirement

"B-b-but not all!!!" Yeah i know, not "all"....but there's a reason why the gas stations, corner stores, restaurants, shoe stores, take outs, banks, delis etc in your area are mostly owned and dominated by other races, they've caught on to how you're supposed to play the game. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND GROUP ECONOMICS

Businesses, real estate, stock market....just working some 9 to 5 until you die isn't cutting it anymore if you want to live well...not just "get by" but live well