Come in here and tell me what it was like when NWA first hit the scene


Neva missin a beat
May 11, 2012
Between the movie Colors and NWA sh1t was crazy at the school. I remember the principal literally coming on the intercom to make the announcement....

"Anyone who hits or jump on any student for wearing certain colors will be suspended and arrested." This is elementary school I'm talkin :wtf:

We all played kickball and smear the queer. You kick that sh1t over the benches or knock a nikka into next week all you would hear was two things....

"I'M THE TYPE OF nikka THAT'S BUILT TO LAST!!!!!!!!!!"



When you look back on was all bad for kids to be listening to that type of sh1t at an early age. I mean, we talkin elmentary school kids literally screamin the lyrics to Gangsta, Gangsta, in the class and on the school yard, EVERYBODY knew those lyrics. Sh1t was ingrained through our older brothers, uncles, cousins, everybody had that damn tape on the west coast.


imma hitta by myself
May 6, 2012
I don't remember but I remember years later how all the white kids were feeling this shyt hard. hahahaha.

exactly..the people this rap shyt influenced the most was the kids thats wasn't living that life & wasn't around that life.


May 20, 2012
if you out there hustling, 9 times out of 10 you will get involved in some type of violent shyt..its damn near mandatory..on top of that, during the 90's,you couldn't be a neutron and just post up on a block, you HAD to be in a gang/gang related..and never did we use music as a means to get amped to do anything..and if anybody ever said that music helped them commit a crime is str8 up lame..your neighborhood and the people that live in it is more of an influence then any song you can listen to..

and here in chicago, the gang mentality been present since the 1920's(seriously)..and the most murders we eva had was back in 1974..rap wasn't around but nikkas was still gangbanging to the max...and during the 90's, the gang influence was actually stronger then ever becuz of the money crack generated..but idk about every where else thou so i can't speak on everybody in general thou, maybe rap did influence the people in your area :manny:

Again you help me prove my point but you're not really understanding what I'm trying to say.

Of course you will get into some violent crimes hustling but that is not the same thing as being an aggressive criminal which is called a sociopath. The fact that we have to make this distinction is why I stated the music played apart because before that a real criminal was one who did really violent acts consistently and felt no remorse and you proved this with saying the highest murders was in the 1974 and the reason as I explained earlier was because of vietnam, drugs particularly heroin, and black exploitation films. These people were trained killers and fukked up in the head from Vietnam and the streetlife.

Just because someone is in a gang doesn't make them sociopaths like th esong "gangsta, gangsta"they are just in a crew and most of the time it's only a few of the people in the crew who is giving the gang it's rep and THOSE are the sociopaths the rest are just trying to be down with something and the music INFLUENCES THIS.

When I state get amped, I mean you listen to this music constantly and it desensitizes you to doing these crimes like it's normal again unless you're a sociopath. Of course it's the people around you but they are becoming influenced just like you are in it's a revolving chain.

I think you're confusing shooting and cutting people up and all types of crimes with being "gangsta" like selling drugs, being in a gang, and fighting or maybe busting some shots which to me is just living wild which I feel music HELPED steered a lot of people towards this direction because they weren't sociopaths in the first place and weren't most likely gonna go that route. They just went where their friends went and liek I stated the music was the background BUT a background music still influences you. Ask any producer or DJ who knows what they're doing and they will tell yo they can control you by the music they put on. If they want a rowdy atmosphere they put on crunk, gangsta shyt, if they wat a freaky atmosphere they put on some freaky shyt. I want you to do this, and I'm serious, go to a club and just pay attention how the music is effecting people based on what song is being played and see how real it is. When your drunk or high it is multiplied. There was a study that proved that musicians are good at reading emotions and ai think the reason why NWA was so powerful was because DR. DRE was a good DJ and new how to play with this power. To you it's just a song but to someone in the know it is power and manipulation. It is real and not a joke, trust me.

Read this article:
Musicians Read Emotions Better | LiveScience
Musicians Read Emotions Better
"That soulful singer and expressive guitarist really are more tapped into their feelings than the rest of us. New research shows that people with musical training are better at reading emotion in sound.

The scientists found that the musicians were able to hone in directly to the emotional aspect of the sound, while non-musicians weren't able to compartmentalize the sound as easily. "


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
lol I had to sneak and listen to the tape. It was like Eddie Murphy Raw over dope beats. lol

that's how I remember it. it was like listening to Andrew Dice Clay or some shyt. the sound was undeniable though. shyt was never the same...
May 8, 2012
The Ghetto of Oz
We used to fight. Fist fight. N****s was thumpin every single day it seemed.

then NWA

The punk azz n****s started carrying pistols. We used to say guns were for punks and that word was law around my way, but once a punk azz n**** feels authorized to carry a gun - becuase NWA said it was the way to go and they were hotter that hot - no matter how much of a tough guy you are you kind of have to answer in kind. Soon after the punk azz n****s started packing, everyone started packing..

I feel you there...

The thing that always upset me about that time was how things changed party wise..

like... I grew up in hiphop.. from age 6 I was break 8 I was pop-lockin

by 12yrs old we're doing Big Daddy Kane, Heavy D, Kid n' Play dances
and house parties are always :dj2:

worse thing you had to worry about was getting jumped but you most likely only went to the house party that your people was throwin or if you traveled outside ya hood you went deep.

if the old heads saw you and they knew it was about to go down they told you..go home .

but by 15 - 17yrs old... mayne you was getting jammed by oldheads.. :smh:

house parties were dead and over.. cause nikkas don't know how to act... everybody shootin' at everybody.. straight don't care who's around

in Philly the JBM was ridiculous.. you youngin's prolly think that "Get Down, Lay down" is just for verses.. shiiieeet..

For the longest time I used to think "New Jack City" was about the JBM cause it happened very much like that.

I miss the days when you could just have a nice block party on Labor Day
4-5 streets around yours blocked off.. House speakers out with the turntables
on the porch

catch that young jawn you like in the party later on.. get ya grind on might even pull somethin in the back room..

and/or just jam the whole day through the night til 6am ..nobody saying nothin cause the WHOLE BLOCK is at the party..and they know who's crib it is
they don't want no trouble

I think part of the reason that Puff did so well is because he reminded people of what it was like to have fun .. those "feel so good" , "Been around the world" "Mo, Money" type tracks definitely brought the party back

I miss those days


Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
Lots of :flabbynsick: here lol

No hate though I feel like you guys feel talking about the 90s so I'm right behind you guys

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
I feel you there...

The thing that always upset me about that time was how things changed party wise..

like... I grew up in hiphop.. from age 6 I was break 8 I was pop-lockin

by 12yrs old we're doing Big Daddy Kane, Heavy D, Kid n' Play dances
and house parties are always :dj2:

worse thing you had to worry about was getting jumped but you most likely only went to the house party that your people was throwin or if you traveled outside ya hood you went deep.

if the old heads saw you and they knew it was about to go down they told you..go home .

but by 15 - 17yrs old... mayne you was getting jammed by oldheads.. :smh:

house parties were dead and over.. cause nikkas don't know how to act... everybody shootin' at everybody.. straight don't care who's around

in Philly the JBM was ridiculous.. you youngin's prolly think that "Get Down, Lay down" is just for verses.. shiiieeet..

For the longest time I used to think "New Jack City" was about the JBM cause it happened very much like that.

I miss the days when you could just have a nice block party on Labor Day
4-5 streets around yours blocked off.. House speakers out with the turntables
on the porch

catch that young jawn you like in the party later on.. get ya grind on might even pull somethin in the back room..

and/or just jam the whole day through the night til 6am ..nobody saying nothin cause the WHOLE BLOCK is at the party..and they know who's crib it is
they don't want no trouble

I think part of the reason that Puff did so well is because he reminded people of what it was like to have fun .. those "feel so good" , "Been around the world" "Mo, Money" type tracks definitely brought the party back

I miss those days

This might be the biggest loss for Hip Hop culture. The house party was by far the best thing we had going.


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012
Good thread.

Its great hearing from people who were actually at a key age when all that culture change happened.


imma hitta by myself
May 6, 2012
Again you help me prove my point but you're not really understanding what I'm trying to say.

Of course you will get into some violent crimes hustling but that is not the same thing as being an aggressive criminal which is called a sociopath. The fact that we have to make this distinction is why I stated the music played apart because before that a real criminal was one who did really violent acts consistently and felt no remorse and you proved this with saying the highest murders was in the 1974 and the reason as I explained earlier was because of vietnam, drugs particularly heroin, and black exploitation films. These people were trained killers and fukked up in the head from Vietnam and the streetlife.

dog, a criminal is a criminal..its no such thing as a "fake criminal"..nikkas been criminals since the beginning of long as we have people living & being raised in fukked up conditions, then it will always be crime, regardless if music is around or not..blaming music for crime sounds like something that somebody who's not truly intune with the streets would say

Just because someone is in a gang doesn't make them sociopaths like th esong "gangsta, gangsta"they are just in a crew and most of the time it's only a few of the people in the crew who is giving the gang it's rep and THOSE are the sociopaths the rest are just trying to be down with something and the music INFLUENCES THIS.

why do keep mentioning sociopaths? everybody that commits a violent crime doesn't have a psychological problem and/or isn't just a wanna're trying to simplify something thats been going on for decades by claiming its because of music..and thats far from the case..HIPHOP IS THE RESULT OF STREETLIFE, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

When I state get amped, I mean you listen to this music constantly and it desensitizes you to doing these crimes like it's normal again unless you're a sociopath. Of course it's the people around you but they are becoming influenced just like you are in it's a revolving chain.

how would you even know this? unless you committed a crime because music desensitized you then o.k..but how would you know what goes on in the minds of these people?..and white people buy 70% of hiphop albums, but their not out here committing 70% of the violent crime in america. now why is that? are you saying that black kids are the one's thats easily influenced by rap? :beli:

I think you're confusing shooting and cutting people up and all types of crimes with being "gangsta" like selling drugs, being in a gang, and fighting or maybe busting some shots which to me is just living wild which I feel music HELPED steered a lot of people towards this direction because they weren't sociopaths in the first place and weren't most likely gonna go that route. They just went where their friends went and liek I stated the music was the background BUT a background music still influences you. Ask any producer or DJ who knows what they're doing and they will tell yo they can control you by the music they put on. If they want a rowdy atmosphere they put on crunk, gangsta shyt, if they wat a freaky atmosphere they put on some freaky shyt. I want you to do this, and I'm serious, go to a club and just pay attention how the music is effecting people based on what song is being played and see how real it is. When your drunk or high it is multiplied. There was a study that proved that musicians are good at reading emotions and ai think the reason why NWA was so powerful was because DR. DRE was a good DJ and new how to play with this power. To you it's just a song but to someone in the know it is power and manipulation. It is real and not a joke, trust me.

Read this article:
Musicians Read Emotions Better | LiveScience
Musicians Read Emotions Better
"That soulful singer and expressive guitarist really are more tapped into their feelings than the rest of us. New research shows that people with musical training are better at reading emotion in sound.

The scientists found that the musicians were able to hone in directly to the emotional aspect of the sound, while non-musicians weren't able to compartmentalize the sound as easily. "

naa man, i know exactly what im talking about..because i was actually out there & lived & seen the shyt 1st hand..and i know rap wasn't looked at as nothing more then entertainment and a means to get money to real street nikkas..

the only time where music maybe the direct result of violence is at a concert/club..nikkas getting rowdy and start shooting shyt up..thats bout it..



Straight Shooter
Jun 4, 2012
I feel you there...

The thing that always upset me about that time was how things changed party wise..

like... I grew up in hiphop.. from age 6 I was break 8 I was pop-lockin

by 12yrs old we're doing Big Daddy Kane, Heavy D, Kid n' Play dances
and house parties are always :dj2:

worse thing you had to worry about was getting jumped but you most likely only went to the house party that your people was throwin or if you traveled outside ya hood you went deep.

if the old heads saw you and they knew it was about to go down they told you..go home .

but by 15 - 17yrs old... mayne you was getting jammed by oldheads.. :smh:

house parties were dead and over.. cause nikkas don't know how to act... everybody shootin' at everybody.. straight don't care who's around

in Philly the JBM was ridiculous.. you youngin's prolly think that "Get Down, Lay down" is just for verses.. shiiieeet..

For the longest time I used to think "New Jack City" was about the JBM cause it happened very much like that.

I miss the days when you could just have a nice block party on Labor Day
4-5 streets around yours blocked off.. House speakers out with the turntables
on the porch

catch that young jawn you like in the party later on.. get ya grind on might even pull somethin in the back room..

and/or just jam the whole day through the night til 6am ..nobody saying nothin cause the WHOLE BLOCK is at the party..and they know who's crib it is
they don't want no trouble

I think part of the reason that Puff did so well is because he reminded people of what it was like to have fun .. those "feel so good" , "Been around the world" "Mo, Money" type tracks definitely brought the party back

I miss those days
You're not kidding.

The house parties and the block parties were on hit back in the days and you're right about the oldheads. They didn't take no crap.


May 20, 2012
dog, a criminal is a criminal..its no such thing as a "fake criminal"..nikkas been criminals since the beginning of long as we have people living & being raised in fukked up conditions, then it will always be crime, regardless if music is around or not..blaming music for crime sounds like something that somebody who's not truly intune with the streets would say

why do keep mentioning sociopaths? everybody that commits a violent crime doesn't have a psychological problem and/or isn't just a wanna're trying to simplify something thats been going on for decades by claiming its because of music..and thats far from the case..HIPHOP IS THE RESULT OF STREETLIFE, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

how would you even know this? unless you committed a crime because music desensitized you then o.k..but how would you know what goes on in the minds of these people?..and white people buy 70% of hiphop albums, but their not out here committing 70% of the violent crime in america. now why is that? are you saying that black kids are the one's thats easily influenced by rap? :beli:

naa man, i know exactly what im talking about..because i was actually out there & lived & seen the shyt 1st hand..and i know rap wasn't looked at as nothing more then entertainment and a means to get money to real street nikkas..

the only time where music maybe the direct result of violence is at a concert/club..nikkas getting rowdy and start shooting shyt up..thats bout it..


You are looking at things on a smaller level then what I'm trying to explain to you because you keep saying a song isn't going to make you kill someone but if you read what I wrote I didn't state that it will just by listening to it.

BTW, there is a difference between a hardened violent criminal and someone who breaks non-violent laws. A criminal is only a criminal in most peoples eyes because they are squares and follow every inch of the law but to people DEEPLY entrenched in the streetlife and LOVE IT, there is a difference between a drug dealer, gangbanger, and a headbuster. Why do you think certain criminals don't want to sell drugs and rather rob the dealers?. It's a mind state which is why I call them sociopaths because they think different then someone who just may be a little wild. I know this because I have these crazy motherfukkers in my family as I explained already. They are the people who made up prison populations in the 70's when prison didn't incarcerate people like they do now. Now you can be a criminal just for having weed in your pocket but that isn't a real hardened violent criminal. So a criminal isn't just a criminal in real life, being truthful terms. If you want to live by the way the system tells it then yeah you will always have criminals if people are poor BUT real, crazy motherfukkers don't need to come from poor backgrounds. That is the lie you was told because them mob nikkas cutting bodies didn't come from poor backgrounds and they ARE sociopaths. More so than raheem slinging crack on the block with his blood buddies.

I just think people downplay the power of music because it's so subtle. I know a lot of people on here laugh at religion and the spiritual text but if you read it and know the history of it, it lets you know lucifer(satan) was the Angel of music before he fell from heaven and the rest of the fallen angels came down to earth and taught men the art of fighting, how to make weapons, women how to wear makeup, and how to use plants to get high and much more which makes up the world we see. How you use this knowledge is up to you BUT most of it is done for negativity. The dangerous thing is most people don't know this and are unaware of how they are effected by it and think they have so much control over themselves but the only way to have control is to know you are being played with for someones gain and protect yourself(physically and your mind).

You don't understand what I'm trying to state so we can agree to disagree.
Do your thing though, ain't no hate given because of a disagreement.:dj2:


May 1, 2012
the music? comedy

the shyt ice cube used to say and the way he said it was new...and fukking hilarious

"they know whats up. so we started looking for the bytches with the big butts

like her, but she kept crying - i got a boyfriend bytch STOP LYING! DUMB ASS HOOKER AINT NOTHIN BUT A DIKE! "

there was some gangsta shyt out at the time but NWA was really the first i heard go hard like that. me and my cousin giggled our asses off listening to NWA


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
dog, a criminal is a criminal..its no such thing as a "fake criminal"..nikkas been criminals since the beginning of long as we have people living & being raised in fukked up conditions, then it will always be crime, regardless if music is around or not..blaming music for crime sounds like something that somebody who's not truly intune with the streets would say

why do keep mentioning sociopaths? everybody that commits a violent crime doesn't have a psychological problem and/or isn't just a wanna're trying to simplify something thats been going on for decades by claiming its because of music..and thats far from the case..HIPHOP IS THE RESULT OF STREETLIFE, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

how would you even know this? unless you committed a crime because music desensitized you then o.k..but how would you know what goes on in the minds of these people?..and white people buy 70% of hiphop albums, but their not out here committing 70% of the violent crime in america. now why is that? are you saying that black kids are the one's thats easily influenced by rap? :beli:

naa man, i know exactly what im talking about..because i was actually out there & lived & seen the shyt 1st hand..and i know rap wasn't looked at as nothing more then entertainment and a means to get money to real street nikkas..

the only time where music maybe the direct result of violence is at a concert/club..nikkas getting rowdy and start shooting shyt up..thats bout it..



All that gangsta rap was a reflection of the times, not a call to action. Actually if anything NWA's original message and Public Enemy's message were not all that far apart. They were trying to shed light on the condition of the young black male at that point while apporaching it from a serious and comedic standpoint. They weren't getting anybody who wasn't already about that life to go out of pocket.


imma hitta by myself
May 6, 2012
You are looking at things on a smaller level then what I'm trying to explain to you because you keep saying a song isn't going to make you kill someone but if you read what I wrote I didn't state that it will just by listening to it.

you said it's an influence, and im saying that its just not the case,at taking care of my 20 year nephew, he got shot in his back and in his arm about a week ago..this is his 8th & 9th time getting shot..and he loves rap,is actually part of a local rap group that just might take off too, but if you listen to what he talks about, and hang out in the area he's from, you won't see or hear hiphop influences, you'd see & hear about gangbangin, retaliation, and dope dealers..while rap is something that they do as a means to get money and rep where they from..thats ross said, this shyt deeper then rap

BTW, there is a difference between a hardened violent criminal and someone who breaks non-violent laws.A criminal is only a criminal in most peoples eyes because they are squares and follow every inch of the law but to people DEEPLY entrenched in the streetlife and LOVE IT, there is a difference between a drug dealer, gangbanger, and a headbuster. Why do you think certain criminals don't want to sell drugs and rather rob the dealers?. It's a mind state which is why I call them sociopaths because they think different then someone who just may be a little wild. I know this because I have these crazy motherfukkers in my family as I explained already. They are the people who made up prison populations in the 70's when prison didn't incarcerate people like they do now. Now you can be a criminal just for having weed in your pocket but that isn't a real hardened violent criminal. So a criminal isn't just a criminal in real life, being truthful terms. If you want to live by the way the system tells it then yeah you will always have criminals if people are poor BUT real, crazy motherfukkers don't need to come from poor backgrounds. That is the lie you was told because them mob nikkas cutting bodies didn't come from poor backgrounds and they ARE sociopaths. More so than raheem slinging crack on the block with his blood buddies.

the people who don't come from fukked up backgrounds and still choose to kill & rob are indeed retarded..being psychotic isn't the definition of being a're just crazy..i know real nikkas with good sense who will also wack yo ass..but that comes from them being raised in a certain could you respect a person who actually had a great life & wasn't raised around certain conditions but still choose to be a murderer?..that shyt ain't real to me...the white gangs in the chi formed during the great depression, and during that time they were heavy into bootlegging and grand larceny..but since then, the white man's situation has greatly improved, and so have their living condition, but the black situation hasn't improved no where near that level, which is one of the reasons why you still see gangs,drug dealing,etc

I just think people downplay the power of music because it's so subtle. I know a lot of people on here laugh at religion and the spiritual text but if you read it and know the history of it, it lets you know lucifer(satan) was the Angel of music before he fell from heaven and the rest of the fallen angels came down to earth and taught men the art of fighting, how to make weapons, women how to wear makeup, and how to use plants to get high and much more which makes up the world we see. How you use this knowledge is up to you BUT most of it is done for negativity. The dangerous thing is most people don't know this and are unaware of how they are effected by it and think they have so much control over themselves but the only way to have control is to know you are being played with for someones gain and protect yourself(physically and your mind).

You don't understand what I'm trying to state so we can agree to disagree.
Do your thing though, ain't no hate given because of a disagreement.:dj2:

im not saying music doesn't affect a person at all, i just don't think it would affect a person who lives and sees fukked up shyt everyday in the same way it would a person who never been apart of that life.