Dame Dash on the BreakFast Club this morning, nikka angry for no reason


May 6, 2012
Lmao nikkas never fukked A1 p*ssy....Dame was on top of the world and Aliyah def was the one swallowing cum at that point...its a reason why Leo only fukks no-name models...Leo likes being the boss...Leo could take shyt in these models mouths Dubai style if he wanted and have these hoes sign a non-disclosure for a easy 5K :troll:

In the entertainment industry status is everything..if it were about money then Mark Zuckerberg would be out here fukking Rihanna....but uh :sadcam:
making a hoe sign a non-disclosure contract doesn't work if she goes broke and then gets 10k to tell everything.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
overall i see what Dame was trying to say in a very disrespectful way (lol) and also i feel you overall. i feel like there's no right or wrong and not everyone is built to be independant.

but if we look specifically at the whole "start a independant breakfast club" idea, while it's good to think that way, Dame is making an oversimplification of it. the reason it's not as simple as taking their talents to the internet is that if they go, they have far less reach as far as advertisement is concerned. as many connects Envy may have with famous guests, if their reach to the public is not as big, the guests are better off going to a Ebro in the Morning or Sway in the Moring, or a Big Boy's Neighboorhood to promote whatever they want to promote if it means reaching more people. i understand the internet can theoretically reach anyone with an internet connection but breaking through the clutter is where the value is. the bottom line is figuring out a way to make money out of it. traditionally in broadcast, it's either gonna be advertisement or subscription (or a mix).

funny thing is, even saying all that, i still think it would be cool as fukk if they did it... but if they do it (Pause), they gotta go in well informed of the risks and hurdles ahead. while Dame was dropping solid gems about independence, i just wish he would have touched even slightly (Pause) on the challenges and risks. he made it sound too simple.

also, if we go even deeper on a philosophical level, you're always at the mercy of someone. The only way to be truly independent is if you truly don't give a fukk about anyone else or even your life. As someone else said in the thread, even if you own a radio company, you still depend on advertisers. you might have more room to maneuver as far as choosing which advertisers to do business with but the bottom line is you still need advertisers and as soon as you get used to the money they pay you for allowing them to advertise during your show, they gain leverage on you (or as Dame would say, they become your boss). Even if you cut the middle man and get subscriptions, the customer becomes your boss in a way. Facebook depends both on advertisers and subscribers. if facebook does something controvercial and offends a big enough demo, that could be their ass. No one man is an island. i think Dame never understood that. Still respect to him for sparking a convo...

Thank you! I was typing a similar response. You'll never be 100% the owner, because to reach certain levels, you need investors/advertisers/relationships to take you there. Once that happens, these people have a say in what you do. As another poster put it, even you're CEO of a major corporation, you still have a board (Board of Directors for those that are too young to understand). If something goes awry, your board can oust you. If you're an independent contractor (work-for-hire) for whatever service you provide, you answer to whoever hires you. How you say you were on the block, but had no boss? There are NO poppy fields in the hood. You were moving work for someone else, whether you're paid for it up front or on the back end. How did you not have a boss at Def Jam? They controlled your release dates, okay'd your tours, took over your tours. You can't throw shots at them being under Polygram and Universal...why didn't you go to Polygram/Universal directly? Why not be your OWN Universal?

It seems like Dame was saying that it's better to own 100% of nothing and call yourself a boss than to cultivate relationships, gain investors to help further your brand, assume less risk financially while widening your profit margins?


May 14, 2012
So in other words, u think the only way a parent can teach their kids responsibility/integrity is by having their own business :mjlol:
The top of wat? U kids today value fame and titles over money. The best position to be in is rich and unknown. I know multimillionaires who have "bosses" and could retire tomorrow. If your ego is so frail that having to answer to a chain of command makes your soul burn you deserve to fail. Because it takes that kind of humility to learn from mistakes and successfully interact with people. High key Dame won the lottery when he found Jay. The fact that hes losing his mind and always broke from a string of failed businesses does not indicate some level of success on his part IMO.

Will you get the fukk out of here with this all or nothing thinking? Nobody in this entire thread said 'only' anything. What Ive said from the beginning is that Envy can and should be his own boss being that he is established but some c00ns are like :whoa: :whoa: :whoa: "not everyone is cut out to be a boss, some people can only go so far. having a boss for the rest of your life isnt a bad thing." Theyve been whipped to the point where they only-now im saying only- want mediocrity the find comfort from licking the scraps that the hands feed them.if that helps you sleep at night, hey thats cool. its not my job to make you happy.

now about integrity/responsibility i learned it the good way,from a pops who has something whether it be a talent, a business, smarts. Most fatherless kids, and deadbeat dad having b*stards learn responsibility and integrity from movies, school, their first job like mcdonalds and shyt----:yeshrug: :pachaha: it just is what it is. At the end of the day the same lessons are learned..

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
1) Dame was saying that Envy couldn't pass the radio station on to son (which he can't). Dame never said anything about Envy's stocks/assets... I didn't even take that as Dame going at Envy personally as much as making a point in general, which is true (that's how I took it). If you're a janitor your whole life, you can't pass that job down to your child.

2) Did anybody even ask him how he started Dash Motors? If somebody wanted the knowledge on how that industry works, they could Google it. There's no excuse, in 2015, to have to wait for one person to tell anything.

3) That's not the worst advice to give somebody. If you take something from somebody, you're beholden to that person. That's not even business, that's LIFE rules. You've gotta pay the cost to be the boss. Mark Cuban would tell you the same thing about not taking a loan to start your business; I assume you'd rather hear it from somebody like that. :mjpls:

4) You don't have to save to start a business, it just depends on what business you want to start. As far as the whole "saving is for suckers" I understand what Dame is saying but I personally don't agree. A lot of the responses on here make me think y'all think I'm Dame's promoter something, I don't agree with everything dude says either.

And maybe this is where we differ. You're looking for inspiration or somebody to tell you how to do something, or more or less, looking for a boss... I'M NOT. I have a different mentality. I'm not clicking on a Damon Dash interview thinking I'm about to be in a Harvard business seminar.
1) Yes he did

2) Slapping some stickers on motor oil is hardly getting into the motor oil business, and thats about as far as Dame got into it

3) Smart businessmen use their own money as little as possible, these are facts. The business world is not like the streets where if you dont pay what you owe you get killed.

4) What businesses can u start without saving? Could Dame have started Rocafella w/o seed money? :comeon:

nikkas see a black man with money talking arrogant and get :ohhh::blessed::gladbron::krs::ahh::noah:..... in reality tho Dame is patting himself on the back under the guise of terrible advice. We will NEVER move ahead as a people if we keep valuing people who bring flash over substance. Dame struck the lotto when he found Jay.... he hasnt had a success since Rocafella folded


May 14, 2012
also, if we go even deeper on a philosophical level, you're always at the mercy of someone.

Philosophically is the sun at the mercy of the earth? Being as the earth needs the sun to survive, for plants, weather etc...have the roles reversed and the sun instead of being the ultimate provider become a slave pertaining to the resources it provides. Envy can be a sun.

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
So would you rather own a hot dog stand or be CEO of Apple own 10 billion dollars of their shares?

If you look at lists of the most powerful people it's all workers, except Bill Gates who doesn't work anymore. But even Warren Buffet is "only" co-owner of Birkshare, theoretically they could kick him out but the probablility of that happening is infinitesimal. In 2015 people collaborate, all large companies go public (except some commodity trading firms and other shady businesses). And in doing so, you spread the power among several individuals who all need each other to make decisions.

At the end of the day there's levels to this shyt. Dame is talking about co-owning a little club and throwing parties at 45 years of age. So he can hire his son as a Dj or cleaner or something. Then he's wondering why Envy can't do the same at a multi billion dollar company. Dame also seem to think that everyones joy is to make money regardless of what they do. I don't know if he understands that some people enjoy doing the shyt they do on the level they do it.

And theoretically he wasnt boss at The Roc, he needed Jay, Biggs and Def Jam to cosign. Which allegedly is one of the reasons to why he got left in the bushes cause he thought he was a boss and not a minority partner.

He was a boss. Bosses can and do have partners.

Dame is your go to guy for hip-hop/entertainment, and you can't doubt him. This is where he excels. But a lot his philosophy on other matters is shaky as fukk. But when he sticks to his big idea about being a boss, you can't really dismiss his position.

And Dame can be narrow minded, because 57 million in salary and having a boss is nothing to be ashamed of any day of the weak.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Will you get the fukk out of here with this all or nothing thinking? Nobody in this entire thread said 'only' anything. What Ive said from the beginning is that Envy can and should be his own boss being that he is established but some c00ns are like :whoa: :whoa: :whoa: "not everyone is cut out to be a boss, some people can only go so far. having a boss for the rest of your life isnt a bad thing." Theyve been whipped to the point where they only-now im saying only- want mediocrity the find comfort from licking the scraps that the hands feed them.if that helps you sleep at night, hey thats cool. its not my job to make you happy.
What monetary value is there in Envy being his own boss if hes already a (multi?) millionaire? I'm not impressed by a nikka's self-assigned titles. Freeky Zeeky still refers to himself as the CEO of Dipset records. What material advantages does he have over a "worker" like Lyor Cohen?

You are right, not everyone is cut out to be a boss. Why is that a bad thing? How is that c00ning?

now about integrity/responsibility i learned it the good way,from a pops who has something whether it be a talent, a business, smarts. Most fatherless kids, and deadbeat dad having b*stards learn responsibility and integrity from movies, school, their first job like mcdonalds and shyt----:yeshrug: :pachaha: it just is what it is. At the end of the day the same lessons are learned..
Again, did your pops need to have a business to teach that to you?

MJ Truth

Feb 1, 2015
1) Yes he did

2) Slapping some stickers on motor oil is hardly getting into the motor oil business, and thats about as far as Dame got into it

3) Smart businessmen use their own money as little as possible, these are facts. The business world is not like the streets where if you dont pay what you owe you get killed.

4) What businesses can u start without saving? Could Dame have started Rocafella w/o seed money? :comeon:

nikkas see a black man with money talking arrogant and get :ohhh::blessed::gladbron::krs::ahh::noah:..... in reality tho Dame is patting himself on the back under the guise of terrible advice. We will NEVER move ahead as a people if we keep valuing people who bring flash over substance. Dame struck the lotto when he found Jay.... he hasnt had a success since Rocafella folded
1) Okay, I'll take your word for it.

2) That's Dame's business, not mine, so that's whatever.

3) What do you consider "smart"? And how is that a fact? It's your opinion, a flimsy and highly debatable one at that. Taking out a loan and then not being able to pay it back, going into debt and bankruptcy, losing your business, having your personal finances fukked up because you used your personal assets as collateral... because these are all very real possibilities that often happen to people who borrow to start their business. :yeshrug: But that's on you, do you, I don't care.

4) There are hundreds of businesses you can start without saving, with very little or no money. Just Google it (or I guess my statement doesn't count if I don't detail step-by-step the whole situation for y'all). You could probably start a promotional business right now with the money you've got in your pocket. Nobody is expecting you to start a business that grosses $500 million out of the gate, which is what I think some of you guys assume.


All Star
May 1, 2012
The whole interview was some of the dumbest shyt I've ever heard. He gave horrible advice all around and all that BS about the differences between men and women were cringe worthy.

L. Deezy

May 25, 2012
1) Yes he did

2) Slapping some stickers on motor oil is hardly getting into the motor oil business, and thats about as far as Dame got into it

3) Smart businessmen use their own money as little as possible, these are facts. The business world is not like the streets where if you dont pay what you owe you get killed.

4) What businesses can u start without saving? Could Dame have started Rocafella w/o seed money? :comeon:

nikkas see a black man with money talking arrogant and get :ohhh::blessed::gladbron::krs::ahh::noah:..... in reality tho Dame is patting himself on the back under the guise of terrible advice. We will NEVER move ahead as a people if we keep valuing people who bring flash over substance. Dame struck the lotto when he found Jay.... he hasnt had a success since Rocafella folded
