Dear Jill Stein Voters


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Dear Jill Stein Voters,

Dear Jill Stein Voters,
I want to take a moment to thank you for being exemplary representatives of the progressive values that should define our nation’s politics.

Actually, I take that back. I want to thank you for the downright mess our country is currently is in. And yes, it is your fault.

As I’m sure you’re aware, the United States recently held a presidential election. The major candidates were Hillary Clinton (a perfectly qualified presidential contender who would have advanced some of your values) and Donald Trump (someone who can best be described as an idiot who runs his mouth off at every opportunity).

What’s that, you say? There’s no way Trump could win the election? Well, guess who’s been sitting in the Oval Office the last ten days? Yes, that’s right—Donald Trump. If you didn’t think this was a possibility, didn’t you notice Trump steamroll over 17 other candidates?

You didn’t see that? OK, then. I guess I have the responsibility of informing you of some of the things Trump said and did during the primary and, for that matter, the general election. Trump began his campaign by promising to build a large, impractical wall on the Southern border, and then proceeded to mock a disabled reporter, propose a ban on Muslims entering the United States, claim a federal judge was unqualified due to his racial background, insult a Gold Star family, and get caught on tape bragging about committing sexual assault.

I’m not sure which is more surprising: The fact that the last thing I listed would normally be enough to send a man to jail or the fact that all the things I just listed are probably a mere smattering of Trump-related stories from the campaign.

Oh, what’s that you say? Hillary supports fracking, and you can’t support someone without any regard for the environment? All right. I suppose you’re happy about the fact that the incoming head of the Environmental Protection Agency was suing the EPA at the time he was appointed.

I’m not sure about you, but that doesn’t seem like someone I want running the agency charged with protecting the environment.

I’m sorry. I seem to have misunderstood you. You didn’t vote for Hillary because she’s a Wall Street shill who accepted $225,000 for a speech delivered before Goldman Sachs? Very well, but I have the obligation of pointing out that the incoming Treasury Secretary was the head of Goldman Sachs.

But…but…Hillary’s dishonest? If that’s the case, why is it that the fact-checking website Politifact finds that 75%of her statements are either “True,” “Mostly True,” or “Half True?” By comparison, Politifact finds that 69%% of Trump’s statements are either, “Mostly false,” “False,” or “Pants on Fire.”

For the record: The website in question is called “Politifact,” not “Politialternativefact.” Contrary to what you might hear from Kellyanne Conway, there is no such thing as an alternative fact. Facts don’t lie, and neither does Hillary Clinton.

I should also state that most of us here at Daily Kos are sympathetic to your party’s platform—especially given that Daily Kos identifies itself as “the largest progressive community blog in the United States.” I myself would have considered voting for your candidate if I felt she could have won, mainly because I agree with your platform planks about fair elections and stopping the privatization of public education.

However, given the choice between one candidate who is likely to win an election but will only advance some policies I want and another who has no chance of winning but would advance everything I want, I for one would choose the former.

Here’s why: In the first-past-the-post elections used in the United States, voting for a third party candidate siphons off votes from the major party which most agrees with the third party. For example, Stein received more votes than Donald Trump’s margin of victory in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania (also known as the three states which swung the election).

In simple English, that last sentence means that Hillary Clinton would be President right now had Stein not been in the race.

Just imagine not having to wake up each morning wondering what insane thing the President has posted on Twitter that could have the impact of jeopardizing global security.

I don’t know about you, but that seems like a pretty good deal to me.

We almost had it, but we don’t. And you, Stein voter, are partly at fault for this state of affairs.

Thank you for the mess we are in.


All Star
Nov 17, 2016
Not really.

There are a lot of factors here. Most of it, imo, revolves around the GOP politically lynching Hillary, and Hillary's campaign not thinking they had to reach out to a lot of the "forgotten" Americans that Trump hustled away. The DNC mess didn't help at all of course.

Those were the biggest variables. Jill Stein was just a symptom of those problems. I get upset at those Jill voters too sometimes, but it really comes down to what I said above. You lashing out at this point doesn't help - guilt isn't going to really help convert the disenfranchised.


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012

fukk OP, the article writer and anybody else who are looking to blame this (as if that helps anyway) on anybody besides the democratic party.


May 8, 2012
"Progressive neo-liberal" is an oxymoron.

Not its not.

Progressivism is the other side of the coin

If progressivism is "the other side of the coin" from neoliberalism, then "progressive neo-liberal" is an oxymoron.

A coin can't fall on both sides at once breh. :dahell: