Do you really believe diet is better than exercise?


Time to go!!
May 3, 2012
Type of calories counts. You can be in a calorie deficit but it won’t mean nothing if most of that is unhealthy fats and simple carbs.

I stopped goin to the gym for a month but my diet kept me stabled. I really don’t even need the gym to lose weight.


Jan 1, 2018
The triangle has three points:

Sleep Eat

If any one of these is lacking then you end up with a straight line and not a geometric shape. No amount of training can offset a bad livit and a lack of sleep means you can't grow. Balance all three and it all falls into place easily.

Wise man once told me to stay lean always eat two spoons less than your hunger.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
I wrote a lot here, but if you just want the short version, I put that for y’all.

TLDR: I think exercise is more important for fat loss than dieting. I was in better shape eating fast food and drinking milkshakes while working out everyday than when I ate healthy and worked out less. What do you think?

So I have been struggling with losing weight for a few years; very up and down; made progress and gained some back.

I haven’t been working out a lot because I’ve been busy as shyt, but have tried to focus on my diet and counting calories. Weight loss was not even happening.

So today I realized I only gained weight because I stopped working out hard like I used to.

I ate way worse then compared to how I have in the past few years. I paid no attention to calories at all and had the largest size meals.

Going ham and I barely gained weight.

Only thing different was that I worked out 6 days a week and was extremely active.

I stopped working out and gained so much weight so quickly, even after changing my diet.

So I hear that diet is 80% of weight loss success, but I think exercise is a lot more than 20%. I really believe that it could be half or even more important than diet.

Every time I was in shape it was because of me working out all those days.

Of course I’m not saying that eating unhealthy and working out all the time is good.

I’m just saying that for me I was in the best shape of my life eating what I wanted and exercising 6 days a week compared to eating healthy and working out less.

Of course both are ideal put together, but I really think it’s possible to outwork a bad diet.
Weight loss is all about burning calories. It is more important for you to control your intake of calories than it is to expend more effort to burn more calories.


Aug 22, 2015
You talking about back then or now?

I figured it had to be 3000 because.

For example I would eat McDonald’s for breakfast and that would be 1000.

Their breakfast sandwiches are like 500 a piece and I would eat 2 then a sweet tea.

For lunch I would eat Chinese, McDonald’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, etc.

Taco Bell quesadillas are 500 calories each. I would eat that and a Crunchwrap or some other 500 calorie item, and I would eat tacos as well.

Dinner l, another fast food joint.

I didn’t even add drinks and sweets to the meals either.

I didn’t eat breakfast every single day though, but when I did that’s what I would eat.

Eating fast food and getting up to 3000 calories isn’t hard to guess, each meal is about 1000 cals.

And I was only eating about 2 items off the menu with a large sweet tea.

Now I’m eating around 2000 calories, but there’s days I might slip up and eat a few more, maybe 200-400 more and my weight doesn’t move down much.

I’m just saying that I still feel that I should be losing more weight even if I mess up because I’m still eating a whole 1000 calories less and still working out a little.

With my prior diet I actually was losing weight consistently, but worked out a lot more.

I hope you get what I’m saying.
Without knowing your BMR, I would think that a 2000 calorie diet is excessive because I'm not sure how you can be burning 3000 calories a day if if you aren't really working out like you said. I only burn 3000 calories on days where I've done a 10km run.

I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure you've overestimated how many calories you're burning and that is why you aren't seeing the results you want. You probably will lose weight if you continue like this on it but it's gonna take a very long time of being consistent with it.


G-Zeus Chrystler...the brehsident
May 1, 2012
Brehsident evil
Well my in shape was that people always thought I took roids.

I was trim and had barely any fat on my stomach.

People say I looked like a running back.

Now people give me compliments from time to time, but way less.

Now I look more like a lineman with a gut that kinda sticks out lol.

Like I gotta big gut, but it doesn’t look that bad when I wear a shirt.

But now it’s getting to the point where I can see my gut getting bigger.
when i started traning at 19 i was 125lbs :deadmanny:
i took a 3 months membership...summer specials...
1.5 month in... I was 150lbs... whole gym :picard::jbhmm::dahell::wtf::mindblown:

by the end of the 3 months i was 165 lbs now everyone :damn::damn::damn::damn::damn:

they started asking me if i was taking stuff and if i had the plug... breh.. they wouldnt believe me some of them gave me the :gucci:lol

i dont understand myself why it was this fast but my brothers had the exact same effect, we genetically go beastly between 17-20..
all i did was take extra whey calories to bulk cuz i was a skinny dude all my youth.